Trust the Journey

Trust the Journey

I love writing, so I've made a page to be able to share my thoughts. It's never too late to follow your dreams.




Enlightenment of the Day.🤍

Myth: You have to be your child's parent, not their friend.

Truth: The big goal in parenting is being their friend while also knowing how to be a good leader. Guide them in friendship and total acceptance.

Added Note: As they soar through the realms of opportunity, in both career and personal development, be willing to let them lead you. Let them show you the skills you helped them learn. As they make their own decisions and gather new ideas, you will begin to see them blossom into the beautiful souls they're meant to be. 🤍


Lead people. Stop waiting for them to follow you, you stop moving when you really want someone in your tribe. Stop that. You lead, whether they choose to follow or not is no loss for you- after all, they've not followed you to this point. You are capable of greatness. You ARE, now BE.


Self-love is so much more than looking in the mirror and accepting yourself. Self-love is waking up everyday and telling yourself that you're going to be okay.

Self-love is shown in the moments where you're weak, the moments where you feel so incomplete, the moments that you feel like a total failure.

Self-love sweeps in and tells you you're enough.

Self-love tells you that you are great. Self-love tells you to keep pushing. Self-love tells you to reject the things that aren't good for you. Self-love tells you that it's not your fault. Self-love tells you that you're going to go far and to never give up.

And yes, self-love will also tell you you're beautiful. self-love will tell you your smile glows in the darkness. Self-love tells you that your helping hand is valuable.

Self-love is not just self acceptance because you can accept yourself in any form even when you're not trying to move forward in life. Self acceptance is an awareness to ones strengths and weaknesses.

It's an awareness that keeps us always striving for improvement. Self Love is an expression of your devotion to yourself. Self love is the kind of love that gently whispers encouragement in your ear when you're sad.

It's the kind of love that motivates you for self care. The kind that helps you engage with other people rather than isolate. And the kind of love that keeps you feeling fulfilled. 🌍


I just watched a movie and it inspired me on a very deep level to write something a little bit edgy. No need for alarm. I'm not in any type of mental implosion. All is well. But there's too much truth to this piece to not divulge it.

So here goes...🖤

Maybe there is more to it than I'm willing to accept. Maybe these thoughts inside my head actually want me dead. Maybe the inner war that rages is fueled by failure and fear. Maybe the measure of each ray of light is another shedded tear. Maybe the paranoia is just a shadow of reality. Maybe the disassociation is a result of the agony. Maybe the silence gets filled with screams because there's more to my essence, more to my presence. One life, one body, inhabited by more than just one me. Somedays I'm stable and full of life. Other days I'm manic, with shakey hands from all the strife. But one thing is for certain, I fight each day. I suit up for the battle because there's no way to escape. I wear my armor like a soldier because I have an important role. The life I've been given demands me to find control. Little hands reaching for the promise that I gave. The devotion to always love and cherish the beauty that I made. So here I am now, pouring out my heart, simply to tell you that your words can leave a spark. Your light can brighten the darkness right out of someone's soul. Your presence can be the inspiration someone needs to feel whole. Your smile can defeat the pressure of rejection. And your arms can can guard someone from their negative reflection. Listen when people speak. Speak when words are craved. Reach out a helping hand, you never know who you might save.


"1 : the act of setting free or letting go release of a prisoner.
2 : the act of allowing something to escape the release of smoke.
3 : a discharge from an obligation or responsibility.
4 : relief or rescue from sorrow, suffering, or trouble release from pain."

Lately I've had to swallow the painful truth that lies behind the curtain of release. One of the hardest things to do in life is to let go. From birth, we were designed to cling to the things that soothe us. As we mature in discernment, we gather more awareness in what we truly need in our life- what waters us and what withers us.

It's heartbreaking because we pour ourselves into people and hope, of course, that they will do the same. But when they begin to, they flood us with their first approach. The content of our roots begin to alter with their toxins. If you associate yourself with the title "healer" then you may try to convince yourself that if you pour yourself even more influencially into this person, you will be able to wash them clean and plant new seeds in their identity that will later prosper.

Darlings, we must stop believing this deception. The value of guarding our heart and mind is so immense. Evaluate your heart condition, determine who edifies you and who exhausts your energy. I promise you that for every person you have to disassociate with, there will be someone better to take their place. Choose your tribe carefully and learn to love people from a distance. Not only is it a remedy for your peace but just the same, it's a remedy for your fullness.
