Narcolepsy Optimized

Narcolepsy Optimized

Helping individuals with Narcolepsy gain more energy naturally through specialized nutrition, enhanced sleeps strategies and much more.

More Motivation, Better Focus & Dopamine | Episode 7 by Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast 13/12/2022

This weeks podcast episode we focus on the science and tools behind increasing our motivation and improving focus!

More Motivation, Better Focus & Dopamine | Episode 7 by Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast One of the biggest questions in the Narcoelspy community is how can you get more motivation and improve your ability to focus. Todays episode will discuss the reasons why individuals with Narcolepsy may experience a decrease in motivation after their diagnosis and specific action steps to improve it...

Beating Emotional Fatigue Triggers | Episode 6 by Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast 05/12/2022

Beating Emotional Triggers w/ Narcolepsy

A recent study showed that individuals with narcolepsy may have an altered emotional neural pathway. This could be a small piece to better understanding our sleep triggers. I discuss details in Episode 6 of the Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast as well as some action steps!

Beating Emotional Fatigue Triggers | Episode 6 by Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast Understanding the effect that emotions have on individuals with Narcolepsy is one of the most critical aspects for improving our focus and energy levels. In this episode I discuss why emotions could effect us differently and specific strategies to improve on them. Follow me on social Instagram - htt...

Sleep Supplements | Episode 5 by Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast 28/11/2022

New Episode of the Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast - Sleep Supplements is now live!

Sleep Supplements | Episode 5 by Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast One of the most common question I get is what supplements should someone take to improve their sleep with Narcolepsy. In this episode I go over some supplements that have been shown to improve total sleep and promote a deeper rest. Know that this research is not based off individuals that do not hav...

Others Don't Understand Narcolepsy - Improve Relationships & Work Environments | Episode 4 by Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast 24/11/2022

One of the most difficult things that individuals face with Narcolepsy is that no one really can really understand our condition. This can make relationships, friendships and work environments a constant challenge. In this episode of the Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast I talk about ways that I work to overcome these obstacles and specific strategies to get what you want in your personal and professional life.

Others Don't Understand Narcolepsy - Improve Relationships & Work Environments | Episode 4 by Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast One of the most difficult things that individuals face with Narcolepsy is that no one really can really understand our condition. This can make relationships, friendships and work environments a constant challenge. In this episode I talk about ways that I work to overcome these obstacles and specifi...


Master Your Sleep For More Daytime Energy - Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast | Ep 2 is now live!

Check it out here


Introducing The Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast! Episode 1 - 5 Pillars to more energy is now available

Over the past few years I have been working hard to understand the science behind living a better life with narcolepsy. I spent months constantly testing new strategies to find what would give me results.

Over the past year I have been working with other individuals in a one to one setting to find how to translate these methods for others to use.

Now, I am ready to show you some of the amazing things that I have discovered to help you along your journey through this podcast!

If you find the first episode exciting, you can easily support by Leaving a Review and Sharing with Others

You can find the episode on most podcast platforms as well as our YouTube channel

Please comment any topics you would like to see discussed on the Podcast!


Have you ever felt like this?


Big WINS for Candi at her 6 week checkin. See her comments below!

"Hello everyone!
My name is Candi Hammer and I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy in December 2020. For almost two years I have been under care by a professional medical sleep doctor for my narcolepsy, and honestly have really learned nothing. It seemed every time, which was every three months I would go and all the doctor did was up my stimulants. I learned nothing about the importance of nutrition, gut health, exercise, how stimulants can have a negative effect on some, that would be me, and just how important sleep was in general.

It was by the Grace of God that I come across a program called Narcolepsy Optimized, which was started by Jerry Moore. I have been working with Jerry for the past 6 weeks in the Narcolepsy Health & Energy Program, and I have learned more in these 6 weeks than I did in the almost two years with my sleep doctor. I have more energy than I have had in two years, and I don't feel as though life is passing me by. During these 6 weeks I have learned the importance of nutrition, gut health, and exercise. Also, I have been able to quit my daily stimulants use, and that is a huge accomplishment considering I was on a very high dose. I can hardly wait to see what the next 6 six has in store for me. For so long narcolepsy has been in the driver seat, but with this program, I have been put back into the driver seat of my life. Jerry Moore, and this group, and the structure of this group has been so beneficial and means so very much to me, and has helped me in so many ways that no doctor has been able to."
If you are ready to make changes in your life with narcolepsy, we have a few coaching spaces available for our next program!
You can get all the details here


Does working out with Narcolepsy make you feel fatigued? Watch this👇


Have you ever wonder what you should be eating and what you should avoid eating to improve your energy with narcolepsy?
With the help from a Medical Dietician we came up with a science based strategy for what to eat with narcolepsy.
It includes;
1 - What surprising foods can make your symptoms worse
2 - What foods will improve the performance of your brain - AKA focus, memory and learning
3 - A strategy that could increase the production of your orexin (AKA hypocretin)
We put all this info in a simple training video. You can access it here -

Photos from Narcolepsy Optimized's post 03/10/2022

3 Steps To Improve Your Narcolepsy Symptoms
Step 1 - Increase your sunlight exposure (particularly in the morning). Getting sunlight directly into your eyes each day is crucial for energy levels, mood and motivation. One primary chemical that it will improve is dopamine.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that individuals with narcolepsy are typically low in. It is responsible for motivation, drive, overall mood and ability to learn/ focus. This is why most narcolepsy medications drastically increase dopamine levels. Get a natural boost using sunlight!!
Step 2 - Understand your emotional triggers. Most of us with narcolepsy experience fatigue and severe symptoms around stress and/ or confrontation. This causes us to avoid these triggers throughout our lives.

If you want to improve these negative effects you need to try and understand these triggers as opposed to avoiding them. Constant avoidance will only make the severity of the trigger worse as time goes on.
Step 3 - Decrease your body's inflammation because high inflammation = brain fog! Chronic inflammation typically comes from the things that we are eating. Fast foods, processed foods and high sugar items will drastically increase the inflammation in our brain and body. Also, foods that we are unknowingly allergic to will cause an inflammatory response.

To decrease your inflation with nutrition follow these 3 steps.
1- Decrease high inflammation food
2 - Increase anti inflammatory foods
3 - Get a food allergy test to see what items you are sensitive to.
Share your tips down below!


Exciting announcement for individuals with Narcolepsy! Skeptics should read this Whole Post….
The next 12 Week Narcolepsy Health & Energy Program is beginning August 29th and has 4 spaces still available.
I am sure that many of you are skeptical about this program. Asking…”does it really work and can it work for me?”
Here is the secret to the program and why it works..
The secret lies in the commitment you make when you sign up for the program. It is a commitment to yourself that you are going to learn how to live your best life with narcolepsy and you are no longer going to let it control you.
The secret is in the commitment that I make to each member that signs up for this program. To always be there for them through thick and thin, to be their rock over this challenging 12 weeks. The commitment I make to push them in our One on One coaching sessions to keep going through all the challenges that this disease presents.
The secret lies in the commitment that the group makes to each other. To face their narcolepsy problem head on, together each and every single week. To be there to keep each other accountable but also to always be there for support through the struggles.
That is why this program is works…
That is how individuals have been able to decrease their stimulant use, to improve their sleep, to eat better and exercise more. How they are able to work on their anxiety issues, mend their family relationships and start living their lives again.
Over time we have learned to stop trusting ourselves. There are countless examples of us not following through with our actions, cancelling plans last minute and constantly letting everyone around us down (including ourselves).
This program gives you the power to trust yourself again. To trust that you will follow through on your actions and to learn how to stop letting other down around you…
If you want to win this battle, stop trying to do it all alone.
In order to make a real change, you need to prove to yourself that you are committed.
The first commitment you need to make is to schedule a call and complete the program application. During our call I will make sure you are a good fit for the program, give you a virtual tour of the members areas and give you all the program details.
If it’s a good fit on both side we can move forward. If it’s not a good fit, you have lost nothing.
Program spaces are reserved on first come first serve basis
You can book your call here
These members took the first step, see how their lives have change now

Photos from Narcolepsy Optimized's post 16/08/2022

The narcolepy group stats are in AND I put together a Full Training of the 3 most important strategies used for you to check out!

You can access it here
Here are the major areas of improvement for the individuals that completed the program.
1 - Average decrease in stimulant use by 59%
2 - Significant increase in ability to sleep during the night
3 - Nearly 2x increase in activity (walking/ working out ect.)
4 - Significant increase in subjective feelings of motivation, focus and overall life happiness 🙂
After compiling all the data that was collected during the 12 weeks, I found 3 strategies that were crucial to this change.
1 - Resetting your stress response system
2 - Increasing natural production of brain chemcials that narcoleptics are low in (more than hypocretin)
3 - Improving our bodies internal energy systems
I put together a full training on these 3 steps and how you can improve them. You can access the training here


Orexin is responsible for promoting wakefulness during the day, controlling sleep cycles at night, maintaining energy homeostasis and a host of other vital responsibilities.

If you want to improve your orexin production it’s vital to avoid these 2 things.

1- Avoid things that cause a dramatic increase in blood sugar

2- Avoid consuming things that cause inflammation.

Both inflammation and blood sugar spikes have been shown to significant decrease the production of Orexin.

Stay tuned tomorrow for part 2 to see strategies that will help increase production of Orexin and improve your energy levels.


Join us tomorrow for an in depth Nutrition discussion full of tips and trick to improve your energy, motivation and focus!
The interview will be held live in the Positively Narcolepsy group, be sure to join below to tune in!


đź”´ Live Interview With Dawn Super

Using positivity to help with symptom management!


Live Interview tomorrow with Dawn Super from Positively Narcolepsy!
Event will be going live on the Narcolepsy Optimized page and shared into the Narcolepsy Optimized Facebook group at 10:10am EST.
We are going to be discussing how important mindset is in the Narcolepsy journey, handling all the different responsibilities in our lives and tactics to help put it all together.
All that are join will be able to ask questions live. You can also post questions below and view the video in the replay on the Narcolepsy Optimized page


New science and tools to improve your narcolepsy symptoms.

Science Behind Narcolepsy & Anti Social Characteristics 22/06/2022

New studies have found there is a strong connection between poor sleep and anti social behavior. See the full read below 👇

Science Behind Narcolepsy & Anti Social Characteristics A recent study proves that individuals who do not sleep well will most likely experience anti-social tendencies. Whats interesting is these characteristics aren't necessarily personality traits, but more a product of an activation of alternative brain regions that display these characteristics. The....


Strong connection found between anti social characteristics and sleep disorders and sleep deprivation.
A recent study showed that there is a strong correlation between poor quality of sleep and socialization issues.
It revealed these 3 major characteristics
1 - It showed that after a poor nights sleep an individuals has a lower desire for social interaction and social proximity.
2 - After a poor nights sleep the “alarm center” of the brain became hyperactive when coming into contact with other individuals
3 - The “pro social” part of the brain that is responsible for helping us understand others intentions was completely shut off!
All of these factors lead to anti social characteristics and repelled others from engaging with them in activities as well. When given the choice, test subjects consistently chose not to interact with individuals after a poor nights rest.
Loneliness is a major health concern, ranking twice as high as obesity, coming in at 45% increase in mortality rate.
Research is continuing to uncover that sleep is even more important than we think. It’s not easy to improve with a sleep disorder but it is possible, you just have to start making the effort towards change.


Fall asleep faster at night…
Everyone hates to be laying in bad all night trying to fall asleep.
The interesting thing about sleep is that it is most affected by things we do during our day, primarily right before bedtime.
Here are a few simple tips to help you fall asleep faster and sleep more restfully.


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3 Quicks Tips to improve your narcolepsy symptoms.

1- Try and avoid meals that are high in simple carbohydrates and sugar throughout the day.

These things may make us feel good in the short term but will also cause a blood sugar crash, usually causing us to crash with it.

2- Track your sleep! Specifically see how many sleep disturbances you have and your total amount of sleep.

Work on decreasing sleep disturbances and increasing total sleep. If you are under 7 hours of sleep, most likely it will be difficult to feel energized during the day!

3- Everyone responds to caffeine differently, but as a good rule of thumb relying on high amounts to get through the day will not provide you with energy in the long term.

Again, everyones tolerance is difference but shooting for less than 300mg of caffeine is a good start.

Checkout my page for more tips & tricks

Jazz Pharmaceuticals and Sumitomo Pharma Announce Exclusive License Agreement to Develop and Commercialize DSP-0187, a Potent, Highly Selective Oral Orexin-2 Receptor Agonist 06/05/2022

NARCOLEPSY BREAKTHROUGH. Jazz Pharmaceuticals has just announced they have acquired a Orexin agonist. Initial safety trails began in November of last year and clinical trials are expected to rapidly advance in the US and Europe. While there is still a lot to figure out, this is incredibly exciting news considering this treatment directly impacts the problematic issue as opposed to “masking” symptoms. This is a big step towards finding a cure.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals and Sumitomo Pharma Announce Exclusive License Agreement to Develop and Commercialize DSP-0187, a Potent, Highly Selective Oral Orexin-2 Receptor Agonist /PRNewswire/ -- Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc (Nasdaq: JAZZ) and Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Osaka, Japan; Representative Director, President, and CEO:...

Narcolepsy & Supplements - Get A Restful Nights Sleep | Part 1 26/04/2022

If you want to achieve more energy during the day, you have to sleep better at night. Here are a few sleep supplements that you may find useful.

Narcolepsy & Supplements - Get A Restful Nights Sleep | Part 1 Supplements that may help individuals with Chronic Fatigue or Narcolepsy get a more restful nights sleep. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to see more content and suppor...

Emotions Causing Fatigue 18/04/2022

If you experience an increase in fatigue when you are feeling stressed out, you are not alone. The good news is there are a few steps that you can take to improve your response to these triggers.

Emotions Causing Fatigue Individuals that have Narcolepsy & cataplexy experience the most sever symptoms around stress and confrontation. In this video we discuss why this occurs and...

3 Steps To Better Sleep W/ Narcolepsy 18/04/2022

The best way to have more energy during the day is to get better sleep at night. Here are 3 steps you can take today for a more restful nights sleep.

3 Steps To Better Sleep W/ Narcolepsy Getting quality sleep with Narcolepsy can be very difficult. When we aren't able to get a restful nights sleep, we can't expect to have energy during our day...

Videos (show all)

Narcolepsy Optimized Podcast | Ep 2
Have you ever felt like this?
Does working out with Narcolepsy make you feel fatigued? Watch this👇
12 Week Narcolepsy Transformation
Improving Orexin Levels Part 1
đź”´ Live Interview With Dawn Super
New science and tools to improve your narcolepsy symptoms.
Strong connection found between anti social characteristics and sleep disorders and sleep deprivation.-A recent study sh...
Fall Asleep Faster At Night
3 Quicks Tips to improve your narcolepsy symptoms.1- Try and avoid meals that are high in simple carbohydrates and sugar...