

fine art photography by
Tracy Ferrero


the history of discovery is full of creative serendipity ~Tom Kelley~

this was taken towards the end of a paint swimming session, when the colors were mostly mixed, and blocked much of the light, which created that gorgeous inner glow... there wasn't too much digital skullduggery involved with this tulip


a dragonfly to remind me that even though we are apart, your spirit is always with me ~Robyn Nola~

I bought solar lit glass table that never worked, but I was too lazy to return... it does after all, still work as a table, and also as a perfect backdrop for flower portraits 😍


live life as if everything is rigged in your favor ~Rumi~

exploring my dark side with this beautiful bouquet to start your week ~ happy Sunday everyone ~


what is planted in each persons soul will sprout ~Rumi~

I just want to swim in all these scrumptious shades of purple and blue... irises really know how to strut their stuff❣️


Happy Valentine's ❀️


sit, be still, and listen ~Rumi~

just a whisper of a mini chrysanthemum taking a bath in the fish bowl... this was taken at the end of the session, when all the colors had blended together. I then added just a hint of extra texture in the background to add some depth.


work in the invisible world at least as hard as you do in the visible ~Rumi~
.. and that is what I've accomplished here... who'd have thought a carnation can look like this? I poked my lens right in the middle of the petals, using a macro filter, and kept it wide open for selective focus. I'm loving the soft, dreamy vibe, getting ready for Valentine's Day 😍


the absolute unknowable appears as spring ~Rumi~

It's been dull and grey outside recently, so I decided to add a little sunshine, in the hopes that spring might spring sooner. I'm loving the combination of pastel and sunshine, photographed in the comfort of my living room, while it was raining outside 😍


let yourself become living poetry ~Rumi~

so Miss Iris took another dive into the fishbowl, and I fed her a little half & half... I think she liked it, judging by the little heart shape that formed on the left side 😍


do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you ~Rumi~

and so Miss Iris begins her adventures in a fantasy land ~ while I really enjoy enhancing my photos and creating artistic impressions in photo editing software, I am happiest when I can achieve my desired effect in camera... there is very little digital skullduggery in this pic


the source of now is here ~Rumi~

so there I was in the supermarket, minding my own business, when this little diva decided to plop herself in my cart... what could I do? Stay tuned for further adventures of Iris 😁


We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on ~Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban~

another submersion into magic realms using milk and mica powders


Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them ~ that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. ~Lao Tzu~

my amaryllis sent up another flower stalk, so I took advantage with some more submersion games... I'm really liking how this one turned out, it almost reminds me of a cup of steaming tea in a fine china teacup
~ happy Sunday ~


this is what I want in heaven... words to become notes and conversations to become symphonies ~Tina Turner~

I'm not sure why I decided to concentrate my efforts on flower photography this year, as flowers are the most photographed subject since the dawn of photography... followed closely by selfies 😁 It is definitely a challenge trying to come up with new creative ideas for an overworked subject, but it's a fun challenge. I have been experimenting with combining past hobbies into one... fish tanks, paints and plants. After several pitiful attempts, things are finally starting to sink into place. These effects were all done in camera, with just basic post processing ~Happy Friday~


apricity ~ a now obsolete word, used during the 1600s, meaning 'the warmth of the sun in winter' ... that's just how this bouquet felt in my living room while it was -13c and blizzarding outside last week


hello, I am a Diva, and I refuse to be confined to a square crop like all the other images on this page. I do however, make an amazing desktop wallpaper, for those of you using a big screen ... feel free to download me and give fresh life to your desktop ~happy Monday~


wherever you go, go with your heart ~Confuscius~

I intentionally shot this out of focus, in order to bring out the spiral highlights, and now it reminds me of a kokopelli dancing like there's no tomorrow


the short way to happiness is through kindness and sensitivity ~Frederick Lenz~

all pretty in pink, happy Saturday


beauty surrounds us, but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it ~Rumi~

this amaryllis almost made it's own garden, with 7 blooms finally emerging from the first stalk, stalk #2 is now about to burst


You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.

I can waste hours getting lost amongst petals with a macro lens... this one reminds me of an undersea garden, and I can almost see little fish swimming around


you should put your scent where you like to be kissed
~Catherine Deneuve~

Just one stalk of this beautiful stock was enough to make my kitchen smell like a bottle of perfume... much more pleasant than stinky dog smell and burnt cooking 😁


in order to have a friend, you need to be a friend ~Maya Angelou~

this is the final image from this bouquet... I really had fun with all the vibrant colors, and love how the new funky lens lets me blur away unwanted details


when in doubt, wear red ~Bill Blass~

one of my flower photography groups is currently running a monochromatic theme, and this is what I came up with - I love the vibrant simplicity in this one


if you're always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be ~Maya Angelou~

bold and beautiful ~happy Sunday everyone ~


try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud ~Maya Angelou~

no matter how much I strive for a light, pastel, dreamy photo, I always end up with something bright and bold and trippy 😁


to love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance
~Oscar Wilde~

I love the colours in this miniature rose, and can't believe it's still blooming in the middle of a Canadian winter... hopefully that's a sign of a good year ahead 😊


what lies behind you, and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

with 2023 now almost behind us, I'm looking forward to the year ahead ~ wishing everyone a happy Sunday, and a very Happy New Year


I can resist anything but temptation ~Oscar Wilde~

I decided to try my hand at some frozen flowers, and was pleasantly surprised, but note to self... don't try this around Christmas time when I need the freezer space for food 😁

in the meantime, and little bit of icy hot to start your day
~happy Friday~


you have to find what sparks a light in you, so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world ~Oprah Winfrey~

I love the play of light and shadows in this tulip
~ happy Wednesday ~


reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many, not on past misfortunes, of which all men have some
~Charles Dickens~

wishing everyone the best over the holiday season
~happy Sunday everyone~

Videos (show all)

Hello everyone - there has been a wee bit of a flood in my condo and I have had to move out temporarily. Therefore,  I w...
Watching the paint dry on my latest creations, is as exciting as .... well, watching the paint dry. So in the meantime, ...
a little moonshine to kickstart your day
Rune Bug
