Abolish Inequality Task Force

Abolish Inequality Task Force

Media of the People! By the People! For the People! Would you like to help? Send us a message.

Covering Economic, Environmental and Social Justice/Political Power issues toward the Abolition of Inequality of Wealth, Income and Political Power. Independent Media covering Environmental and Social Justice issues in the Great Lakes Bioregion and lifting up voices of marginalized people and communities.

Nouriel Roubini – Ten Deadly Drivers of the Greater Depression of the 2020s – Update 22/12/2021

The tragic thing about the sharp division in all our North-Central Wisco communities is,

We are ALL gonna be living thru this "Greater Depression of the Decade of the 2020s" beginning in about 36 months' time (a wild-ass guess when the kickoff will happen).

Stay tuned. The tragic thing about all this is that we're so freakin' divided in our communities we won't be able to pull together for Community Survivalism.

And no, individualistic survivalism in the economic crash isn't going to be a "thing."

Roubini is usually right in his predictions. He predicted the 2008 sh*t-show in the economy we now call the "Great Recession."


Nouriel Roubini – Ten Deadly Drivers of the Greater Depression of the 2020s – Update “and I pointed out there were ten deadly drivers of this disruption and economic deficiencies. This started after the Global Financial Crisis, but they are being exacerbated by this Coronavir…

Peak Inequality and Unsustainability Crisis for Wisconsin: What do we do? 30/11/2021


Peak Inequality and Unsustainability Crisis for Wisconsin: What do we do? Peak Inequality and Unsustainability Crisis for Wisconsin: What do we do? This blog post is intended to explain the concepts wrapped up in the term “peak inequality”–inequality of…


Thought for today: The youth of Gen. Zero are up against the peak inequality, USA, in many ways.

So, before you go posting some ageist Meme about "what's wrong with these youths today,"

consider their predicament.


How the Task Force should be organized:

De-centralize it! Autonomous, action-focused local groups, bound by Common Message.

Our economy deteriorating pages– a collapsed economy already, for unequal communities 28/11/2021

If we are going to organize local base organizations to put an end to peak inequality, then we're going to need much more than the recycled tropes and memes about our precarious predicament which we see every dayon social media.

We're going to need deep study -- data, analysis and critique, peer-reviewed stuff, you know?

This blog piece gets at how Peak Inequality creates two separate worlds which the people live in -- a middle-income, yet precarious, world, which edges nearer collapse with each passing month; and a world in which a growing portion of our people live in an already-collapsed economy, where people are less-healthy and live shorter lives.


Our economy deteriorating pages– a collapsed economy already, for unequal communities In this series on “Our economy deteriorating,” we’ve been focusing on the factors that can be leading up to “economic collapse” as is being ever-more frequently discus…

Nouriel Roubini – Ten Deadly Drivers of the Greater Depression of the 2020s – Update 26/11/2021

Here is Chapter Six of the ongoing non-fiction novel "Our Economy, Deteriorating."

It's an update of Nouriel Roubini's April, 2020 interview in which he speaks of ten deadly drivers for a "Greater Depression of the Decade of the 2020s," not this year or next but the middle of decade it should set in.

We added two additional deadly drivers not mentioned by Roubini.

Trick Question: Will a greater depression ease the peak inequality of the USA, or will it exacerbate it?

Nouriel Roubini – Ten Deadly Drivers of the Greater Depression of the 2020s – Update “and I pointed out there were ten deadly drivers of this disruption and economic deficiencies. This started after the Global Financial Crisis, but they are being exacerbated by this Coronavir…

UW Divestment Coalition Banner Drop at UWSP 26/11/2021

Working with Generation Zero, Gen Z or "Zoomers" in climate-change focused groups you get a real sense of the absolute inequality of political/economic power this youngest generation in the workforce really has.

Nonetheless, as Cal State University professor Dr. Gayle H. Kimball writes, this generation are driving change-making not only on the climate front, but also on the democracy front, worldwide. They're starting to abolish inequality and older generations should support that.


UW Divestment Coalition Banner Drop at UWSP On September 24 2021, the UW Divestment Coalition had another “banner drop”at a busy crossing point for students on the Univesity of Wisconsin-Stevens Point campus. The first video is a…

Our economy deteriorating–World Oil Shocks rollout in second half of the 2020s decade 26/11/2021

This is Chapter 5 of the non-fiction novel "Our Economy, Deteriorating"


An update to the "World Oil Shocks and the Fate of Wisconsin" posts posted early in the pandemic's life-cycle. All of that material is still solid and in-play in this economy.

Our economy deteriorating–World Oil Shocks rollout in second half of the 2020s decade With the Covid pandemic in the USA going into the 18th month in August 2021, we thought it important to highlight not only the disruptions to the economic system which the pandemic has brought on, …

Our economy deteriorating–Secular wage stagnation as system-collapse risk 23/11/2021

Here's Chapter Four in the ongoing non-fiction novel, "Our economy, deteriorating."

Posted Sept. 18, 2021.


Our economy deteriorating–Secular wage stagnation as system-collapse risk “The term secular stagnation refers to a market economy with a chronic (secular or long-term) lack of demand. Historically, a booming economy with low unemployment and high GDP growth (i.e., …

Our deteriorating economy pages – Permanent loss of forest resources from climate change 20/11/2021

Here's Chapter Three in the ongoing non-fiction novel, "Our Economy Deteriorating..."

remember, in a deteriorating economy, those people at the bottom of the Inequality Pyramid will suffer the hardest.


Our deteriorating economy pages – Permanent loss of forest resources from climate change In this installment of Our Economy, Deteriorating, I thought it important to examine the degradation of the USA’s physical wealth, its natural resources. I am not one of those who use the phr…

Our economy deteriorating pages—Climate change brings natural gas shortages 19/11/2021

Second chapter in the long non-fiction novel "Our Economy Deteriorating." Posted August 25, 2021.

About climate change and the global natural gas shortage of 2021, driving prices to consumers up worldwide.


Our economy deteriorating pages—Climate change brings natural gas shortages Back in April 2020, just as the scope and depth of the Covid-19 pandemic was becoming evident (except in the USA’s White House), Nouriel Roubini wrote his piece “Ten Reasons Why a Great…

Our economy deteriorating pages: Climate change impacts on food supply 18/11/2021

First chapter in the non-fiction novel, "Our Economy Deteriorating." Began in late August, 2021.


Our economy deteriorating pages: Climate change impacts on food supply In his writing and interviews of early 2020, just as the Covid pandemic was developing into a global public health and economic crisis, Nouriel Roubini predicted a “Greater Depression for the Decad…


(where it says "union" or "workplace" substitute "community" for community organizers; substitute "community members" for "co-workers."

•Effective organizers are good at their jobs and respected by the people they work with.

•They have the trust of their co-workers. Their opinions carry weight. When they offer advice, people listen.

•The best organizers are motivated by a strong sense of justice and clear principles.

•They’re responsible, honest, and compassionate.

•They’re confident, even courageous.

•Organizers must be good listeners. They know you don’t have to be the most vocal to have the biggest impact.

•They bring people together, welcoming new co-workers on the job and looking for ways to involve every member.

•Organizers move people to collective action.They don’t just solve problems alone—they equip their co-workers to solve problems together.

•They put the interests of the group first, ahead of their individual concerns.•They don’t operate as lone rangers. They respect group decisions.

•Good organizers are knowledgeable about their contract, but not afraid to admit when they don’t know the answer.

•They can stay cool under pressure and handle stress and conflict.

•They’re willing to stand up to management—and they can inspire others to stand up for themselves as well.

From Labor Notes book:



Looking for the source of housing inequality / homelessness in the USA at this time?

First, examine the Case-Shiller house-price index, which also tends to drive *rents* in a metro area.

Then, go back to Y2k, year 2000. Draw a flat line across to Y2.02 K or 2020. This flat line is the secular-stagnated incomes of the non-elite workers, the base working class, of the USA.

Get the idea, now?


File under "Covid impacts on .


Visual Thinkers may like the graph representation: The massive disconnect between the productivity of non-elite workers and the top 10% of the income-earners and wealth-holders. Peak Inequality of Wealth, Income, Political and Personal Power.


We can track the Secular Stagnation of workers'/poor folks' income to the year 1980, Dawn of the Reagan-Thatcher Neoliberalism Era, 1980-present. Note the income flat-lining (stagnation) vs. productivity rise. Leadup to Peak Inequality


Source Point for the RunUp to Peak Inequality:

1980, the dawn of the Reagan-Thatcher Neoliberal Era, 1980-now.


Nouriel Roubini – Ten Deadly Drivers of a Greater Depression

Important factors determining the activities of the Abolish Inequality Task Force.


greenpeoples.media “and I pointed out there were ten deadly drivers of this disruption and economic deficiencies. This started after the Global Financial Crisis, but they are being exacerbated by this Coronavir…


Principles of Unity for an Abolish Inequality Task Force

Big tip o'the hat to Cheri Honkala and the Poor People's Army...


greenpeoples.media The following Principles of Unity have been worked out democratically by poor people organizing themselves, and are principles by which the Poor People’s Army functions–slight mods have been …


The origins of this page go back to the environmental justice movement spawned out of 350-Stevens Point, one of the 350-org chapters governed entirely by student leaders at UWSP.

The page came about during marches against the Enbridge tar sands pipelines through indigenous country in Minnesota-Wisconsin-Michigan, and the disruptive effort at BP's tar sands refinery in Whiting, Indiana, led by Cailie Kafura, Gordon Cunningham, "Johnny Dangers", Vince Houle and others from the North-Central Wisc. region.

The actions at BP Whiting Refinery featured a speakers' list in which Bill McKibben of 350 was the only white guy speaking. Other speakers were non-white folks from around the Great Lakes Bio-region.

This page just takes environmental justice a step further into the abolition of inequality of wealth, income, and the political power that derives from wealth and income.


Abolish Inequality Task Force's cover photo


Some Principles of Unity,

The Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign

Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign’s Principles of Unity

1. We support and lift up poor people’s leadership. If problems arise, we agree to sit down and find resolution in order to move forward for the best interest of the movement.

2. We identify and address the root causes of our poverty.

3. We support the international poor people’s movement as we work locally.


Danny Dorling, Author, “Peak Inequality” Interview

Danny Dorling lays out some of the key points in his new book "Peak Inequality: Britain's Ticking Time Bomb."

As you quickly find out, Dorling is also describing "America's Ticking Time Bomb."


greenpeoples.media Interview by Project Twist-It. Key Take-Aways: “The US and the UK are remarkably similar when it comes to poverty and inequality. Amongst the richest nations in the world, these are the two l…


If anyone has read Danny Dorling's book "Peak Inequality," please feel free to drop a review in the Comments below.



Homelessness in the USA: A Terminal System Crisis


greenpeoples.media In the previous two pieces about the deflationary character of the current U.S. / global economy we attempted to show that the economy is entering a period that you might think of as perma-recessio…


Green People's Media's cover photo


The warring schemata of the global class war


greenpeoples.media A schema, in definition #2 in the graphic above, can stand alone or be incorporated into a full set of such frames, an ideology. In the century-and-a-half class struggle between big capital and lab…


Scope of Mass Mobilization Anti-coup Movements in South America, Collection of 35 Stories




Scope of Mass Mobilization Anti-coup Movements in South America, Collection of 16 Stories


greenpeoples.media Above Photo: From Socialistorganizer.org (Bolivia Direct pic) By The Organizer, Socialistorganizer.org November 19, 2019 | Resist! Interview with a Political Activist in El Alto [Note: The followin…