Stories Narrated by Vee

Stories Narrated by Vee


Heyya ,it's been hella long ❤️🥺🤣

I hope y'all have been good and winning thru out the year .

It's story time!!🥺


Her obsession

Insert 1

I received a call earlier in morning.i answered it ."hello "I answered with my sleepy voice ."Anika right?I'm harleen I'm calling you regarding that job interview and you are hired we need to work immediately and shivaay apologizes for not being able to call"ohh God not her !I felt like screaming with a her annoying voice which was deep like a tractor was sure to wake me up ."thank you I'll be there tomorrow". she was about to say something I disconnected the call .I wonder why shivaay likes her ?her voice is so deep I swear when they talk they be talking man to man .

Atleast I got the job .I went out of my room and went to the kitchen my roommates were already awake .I think I forgot to inform you that I live in a hostel .From Chirauli to Mumbai the city of hope ,city of gold and dreams and I'm here to conquer it all .I received a call from my mother and answered "Anika I been worried about you,you never called to inform you have arrived "I sighed "mom I was about to call you and you won't believe I already have a job mom "I could hear her sniffing from the other side ."anika one thing,never forget the reason I sent you there .study my child so you can become that businesswoman you always dreamt of ".

"Mom I promise imma fulfil my goals "I said .we talked and the call got disconnected .Now back to mission SSO .I need to be representable I want to be envied .I took my savings money and went to the salon and did my hair .I was looking like a snack and also bought some short skirts and dresses to match .

The day finally arrived and it was my first day at work .I woke up early and I must admit I bathed in perfume when I walked out ,my roommates sinuses just woke up and couldn't stop sneezing .I was ready for everything.i walked to the office since it wasn't that far from my place maybe like 30mins walk ,I couldn't afford a rickshaw nor Uber .when I got there I was sweating like a pig and I was frustrated when I saw shivaay and harleen walk hand in hand.i walked inside after them ,when I got there I even changed my walk .it was not even visible that I had a flat ass by the way I was lifting it .


Her obsession


As I walked steadily heading inside the office .I saw him standing near the window enjoying the view .he looked even more handsome in person ."mmm "I cleared my throat .he turned around and looked at me ."ohh I'm sorry you must be here for the interview ,Anika Gul right "I nodded my head .he instructed me to sit and I did so.

The interview went pretty well as I was admiring him through out the entire interview, his eyes caught my attention .thou he's shorter than I expected but I don't mind .a lady walked in and his face just lit up ,he stood up and hugged her and gave a peak on the cheek. I could feel my self fuming ."I'm sorry for disturbing you ,I didn't know you were busy "she smiled .

"No it's okay we are done isn't it right Anika ?he asked raising his eyebrows.i nodded my head and stood up .I felt like crying just like a baby whose candy has been taken .""by the way she's my girlfriend harleen khurana ". I faked a big smile,she looked friendly and harmless but was the hell she's doing with my shivaay .

I went out and took a rickshaw home .when I got home,i ran to my room and drank my pills ."Anika it's okay they are not married right ,he's yours .i been dreaming about him for years now"i took few heavy breaths after I took my razor and started cutting my wrist as always my blood does the trick just to calm my nerves down .about shivaay I loved him since he came to my school 5years ago . he's the youngest billionaire around ,I'm following him everywhere .I even have the handkerchief he dropped.i smiled as I jumped on top of my bed and kissed my pillow which had his face on .

My devotion to him lead to obsession,now my obsession leads to madness . Love is war and dying in this one in name of love is worth it .

Are you ready?pls comment




Insert 17

Shivaay opened his eyes slowly .he looked around"am I dead .I imagined people surrounding me but not like this ".I pinched his arm "stop it man".the Dr patted my shoulder letting me know it's time for him to go."I love you shivaay " .I turned around and faced the other side as the ward boys pushed him out ."Anika where are they taking me?he shouted.its for your own good shivaay I thought.

Eventually after a week shivaay escaped from the quarantine.we both eloped from the country .im with the serial killer beside me.

>I know the ending is weak .I just wanted to get this over and done with 🤷


Insert 16

He couldn't stop uttering pure rubbish bout dying. Blood was everywhere .the officers left us there ."so this is how my blood looks .Anika it's easy to kill but not to save ".he let out a small laugh.i pinched his arm. I cried I couldn't bear seeing him like that ."just stop it shivaay you gonna be okay ".I wiped my tears .he smiled at me for the first time he smiled . I just cried louder "I don't wanna go shawty ".he uttered . the bullet was making him weak .he slowly losing his consciousness .I took my phone and made a phone call after he fell unconscious.Om arrived with the ambulance.we got inside as they were tryna take the bullets out. From there we went to the airport then on the plane.

we arrived at our destination China. He got admitted here. The doctor did tests on him .I sat beside his bed "doctor will he be okay I'm worried about him ".the doctor took his spectacles off n wiped them he put them on again"Anika u should be worried about yourself.the bullets didn't do that damage to shivaay.Have he been taking his pills regularly ".I looked at the doctor confused "pills doctor? shivaay doesn't take pills "my heart was pounding"actually Mr shivaay has OCD at last stage .he should had taken his prescribed medicine while he was at the first stage .judging by his latest record n everything.he can't go a day without killing someone to ease his conscious".I held shivaay's hand tightly."what does OCD mean and what's the way forward from here ".I asked " it's mean Obsessive Compulsive Disease .this is the most dangerous stage.we have to get him at a quarantine for a long time .he shouldn't be in contact with outside people he might kill ".wards boys walked in ."but doctor how will he recover without us. How do I trust you for that matter ? shivaay told me no one could find what's wrong with him ". He looked at me "is that what he told you ?this disease can be diagnosed or maybe someone didn't want him to know ".I hugged shivaay tightly


Insert 15

He walk closer to me and pinned me against the wall "i can explain ".he pushed me ."you want evidence against me don't you imma give you it my self ".he opened his jacket n took out a fork .he handed it to me "go with this to the Police it's has all my fingerprints and all that".I swallowed my saliva and looked at him "I thought you were different Anika".he uttered.i lost my cool "you killed many innocent people shivaay? you destroyed people lives ".I shouted with a broken voice"you don't deserve love ?do you even have a heart ".he punched the wall angrily"yes Anika yes ?I broke many families.i felt lonely I didn't want anyone to have a perfect family or the courage to even smile and love ?no one ever showed me how to love!and a heart I don't have one .my father made me live without one .I find joy in seeing people miserable.its make me forget about where I come from " .he shouted in agony. He was so angry. ."you know what just leave go to the Police station if you want I don't care ".he stormed out of the bedroom .

I collected all the papers and the fork he gave me .I went out of the house and headed to the Police station.Shivaay words Kept echoing in my head ."anika don't do this to yourself that animal deserve to rot in jail .you can get the best journalist of the year award".I thought .I walked inside the station .my mouth went mute and it's felt like words just floated right out of My mouth and I tried to pull them back .I took a step back and stormed out .The commissioner's car packed Infront of me. He got out and walked to me "Anika you are here ".I nodded my head .he patted my shoulder.He took the files from my hand and looked at me "good job "he said scanning through them. I qu**ky snatched them from his hands "I can't do this !I can't do this to shivaay" .I ran with them and he followed me barking like a dog .I got inside a rickshaw and it's lead me straight to shivaay's house.i got inside and ran to his room . He wasn't there .I went out army of officers was outside.shivaay walked to us .he was super high"so you got your friends over here ". I teared those files n ran to him .I jumped on him and kissed him.bullets started flying.we ran we were about to ran up the stairs baaaa!baa!two bullets on shivaay's stomach .he fell Infront of me I ran to him


Insert 14

Shivaay's pov
I couldn't get a grip on reality .I gasped as I felt weak .I dragged my legs upstairs and went to my apartment.i got inside and banged the door right behind me ."some habits die hard".I turned my face and saw Anika looking at me .I looked at my self,my clothes were covered in blood "ohh this isn't what you are thinking.. I'll go change".I looked at her I was so lost in her eyes .I walked close to her and held her by her waist,she gasped a little and looked at me"shivaay".I hugged her and smelt her hair"Anika what if I told you I missed you ".she was bit shaken by the way I was holding her "shi..shi .. vaaay don't say something you don't really mean". She looked down . I lifted her her chin "idk but you make me feel somehow idk what to call this feeling but im sure it's must be love.i.. I.. I. . love you ".she looked at me and tears rolled down her cheeks .she pushed me"shivaay don't say something you don't even know what it's mean ".she wiped her tears and stormed out.i punched the wall angrily .

Anika's pov
Why does he do this to me ?why does he drive me this crazy.he's not even that special . I clicked my tounge and took out a book and pen .I took the phone and sent a text to the commissioner saying" Sir I got enough evidence against him u will have him ".I took a deep breath out of exhaustion .he got inside and went straight to the bathroom.he came out with a towel on his waist.he doesn't have a six pack but his body be giving me goosebumps like nobody's business.i stood up and went to him "are you from pune ".he looked at me and raised his eyebrows "are you high on something". he passed me ."nvm ".I went out . I can't stop to think about him .his face keep displaying in my face.i went back to the room and he was sitting on top of the bed with the phone Im using.he looked so serious"Anika come here".he talked softly. "I can explain".he looked at me as if he was about to devour me alive.i took a few steps back. He stood up and threw the phone on the floor .he was so angry ?I never seen him like this


Insert 13

Anika's Pov
I was so deep in sleep .I got disturbed by a phone that was ringing.i woke up and went thru my stuff. I answered it. it's was the commissioner"hello commissioner" .I whispered"Anika I hope you are in position it's took a lot to get there .don't forget I even sacrificed my officers".he yelled.he was hell bent on bursting my ear drums "I know my job you want him and I'm gonna give you him and I'm gonna get my story". I heard footsteps approaching I qu**ky disconnected the call and hid it. He got inside and looked at me "are you okay?I know it's a silly question rn".he walked inside.i was sweating a little .he looked at me as if he was analysing me .he walked closer to me"what happened?I felt like he could tell I'm planning something.i never been this scared my whole life. "Anika I know I might have been a little tough on you".I folded my hands and looked at him "a little "I let out a small laugh"ouk I was vv harsh on you .this is shivaay Singh Oberoi I can't change my self .this is what I call life to me " .he sat at bed "then why are you explaining yourself to me I never asked for a reason".,I said fixing the bed ."I was just saying?just incase" .he walked out.

I don't know why I did that?I drank water and calmed my nerves .I got a call from the security saying a lady is downstairs.i went out and bumped into Mouni on the stairs.i held her hand tightly"what are you doing here?I pinned her against the wall"shivaay I'm your fiance FYI".she's starting to get on my nerves "leave from here be4 I do something I might regret ".I faced the other way"go you coward .if I find that slt of urs imma kill her ".I turned around with no control of my body .the urge to kill her ?I could already smell her blood .the yearn to hear plead ?scream was getting the better of me .I pulled her to the Broom closet I took my fork and stabbed her on her neck repeatedly . Blood sprayed out and white foam was coming out of her mouth .she tried to open her mouth but her mouth &words disappointed her .the pleasure I had upon seeing her helpless body make me yearn for more blood .I opened the window . I looked outside the busy road of Elmore.i smirked as I took her body and threw it on the road .all the way from the 30th floor.


Insert 12


It's been two days .Anika is at her worst in jail .she's yet to be sentenced.shivaay is getting to Mouni for security and residency at Japan .it's a white wedding.he was standing at the wedding altar pacing around "shivaay just stand still this is gonna be over soon ".om said . Mouni arrived at the venue and walked to the altar. Shivaay kinda looked lost "shivaay are you sure you wanna do this ".He thought."sh¡t remember the f*cking reason we are doing this ". Mouni looked at him all glamorous. He took his gun out and rubbed his head with it "ohh no ? shivaay what are you doing ?this isn't you ? marriage is for the weak".he was about to walk away mouji held both his hands "shivaay you can't do this to me I love you?I left my country for you. Marry me shivaay or else I won't spare you".he looked at her as she kept shedding tears.the thought of anika being punished kept disturbing him .he let go of her hands slowly as he ran to the one who his heart really belong to . He got inside his car and drove off . He went to the Police station .it's was quite crowded . securities were placed outside.he took out a AK-47 and started shooting at the guards they were all dying like flies .he got inside and started shooting .an officer shot his left hand he shot them all and went to anika's cell . He shot the lock and it's opened"surprise".he shouted"what do you want shivaay ".he held her hand tightly and took her with him forcibly ."you know I cancelled my wedding for you ".she rolled her eyes "I hate you ". they both got inside the car and he drove off . He took her to his crib"firstly you took me to jail . Then you killed officers then to your house what's your plan actually ".he poured himself a glass of wine n looked at her "im not in mood for this go and freshness up you reek of prison ".

After she left and went to take a bath. I can't stop thinking about her the way she's so innocent and sweet .I went to the room. She was lying on the wearing my t-shirt. I covered her with a blanket .


Tjoo the reactions are dropping harshly 💔🦋🥺 but it's okay it's wasn't all about the reactions imma keep posting 🖤💀today I may be free .sorry btw happy new year 🥰🎉


Insert 11

Around late midnight.i woke and wore my jean and black hoodie.i took my camera and went out .I'm so excited.i made my self a sandwich first n went out . I walked to Bluemoon .the breezy wind was so fresh .I tried to call shivaay but his phone went straight to voicemail."maybe he's phone is off"I thought .I walked near the road. I could hear someone urge for a story wanted me to go out .I ran there and saw a person manhandling another man .blood was everywhere"I got you now the Death" .I stammered."are you sure ?he jumped the person and ran without turning towards my direction.i went to the person lying on floor and held him . blood was spraying out .I covered his neck with my left eye was surrounded us and all lights were on us. "it's the police raise your hand".I raised my hand slowly they were shivering "sir she's the death .look at her hand" I looked at my hand and realized I was actually holding the fork . they were so scared to come Infront .I got arrested .I was taken to the Police station. I couldn't sleep the inmates were making so much noise .my parents are gonna be disappointed if they find out about this ....... Next morning
I felt cold water on my face. I qu**ky opened my eyes .I could hear people shouting outside an angry mob I guess. "this isn't your home. You ruined many people houses and you got the nerve to sleep".I felt like punching that fatso of a warden "stand up you got a visitor" .she dragged me out and took me to the visiting hall. Shivaay was there. I ran and hugged him"shivaay you got no idea how bad it's is here and trust me I didn't kill anyone".he held me tight in his arms"shhh I know you didn't do anything Anika".I looked at him n he smirked"Anika how can you be so foolish you are not the death but I am ".his words made me feel so weak ."what!!" .i slapped him so hard "why didn't you kill me instead of ruining my life like this " .I punched his chest and he looked at me annoyed"wait a min lioness .I may not kill you but there's a angry mob out there ready to burn you alive".he kissed my cheek. I angry choked his neck .the officers had to hold me "I loved you dammit ".


Insert 10

The was complete silence on the car .he was so focused on the road.i took a little sneaky peak at him.i just hope he isn't pulling my leg .I looked at him "Anika just stop looking at me like that if you want a short cut to heaven then just say so ".I laughed so hard .he wasn't even smiling"you can be crazy sometimes .I know you weren't gonna crash this car ".he clicked his tounge n looked at me .his eyes were kinda blurry .he was holding his under hand tightly. He stopped at the car"get your ass over here and drive ".it's like something was happening.i went out n got in the driver's seat and drove .he looked like he was hurting. "Are u okay ?,I asked out of concern"Anika just focus on the road from what I heard the Death will strike near Bluemoon restaurant".I looked at him ."how do you know what ?he sat up straight"the elderly couple you were looking for are not my parents. The death killed both my parents I been looking for him .I swore if I find that bastard imma kill him but what a better thing to do then let u do the job " .he looked so heart just melted. Maybe this why he was so arrogant.he dropped me off at home and I got out. He drove off .

(Elmore hideout)
He walked inside with bold n his chest filled with pride"shivaay where were you?he rolled his eyes n looked at om "mom I'm sorry I didn't report to you about my whereabouts.i'll do better next time ".om out of anger slammed the table"I was worried about you dammit ".he patted his back"well don't be .. did you get what I asked you to get me " .om nodded his head ."yes a Japanese girl as you wished .. but how will u leave for Japan if they are still looking for the death over here ".he sat down n om gave him a glass of wine "om watch n learn .I can't wait to enjoy my life in Japan " .he shouted"as a married man .to a Japanese they eat frogs shivaay " .he showed him his middle finger"as if you are any less ". Om went out

Anika .
I been trying to sleep but ain't sleepy . shivaay is all I can think of .his arrogance and pride.he is so unique .I'm inlove


The serial killer beside me

Insert 9️⃣

"Hold him tight he's too dangerous"a voice shouted as I tried to open my eyes were kinda blurry.i tried to lift my hands but they were cuffed including my legs.i opened my eyes widely n looked around me. Doctors were around my bed"shivaay can you hear me we are gonna get you treated". I couldn't free my hands from the handcuffs ."let's me go Doctor or else it's won't end well for you ". he laughed at me"I dealt with far more dangerous guys than you n moreover we been told about you ".his testing my patience for sure.i closed my eyes n took a deep breath . "Doctor let me go im saying for the last time". I snuck my hand into my pocket n took a pen. I used it to open the cuffs on my hands.they all stood there waiting for me to attack.i opened the cuffs on my legs . "Well let's go have some back".I stretched my neck. I searched my pockets n my fork wasn't there. "Ohh gosh shivaay what did you do? how do to u lose your bestfriend "I said with my hand on my head"you know I'll get back to u after finding my friend". They nodded as i went out

The train has stopped at the cafe. Apparently the was an accident not far away from us. A girl jumped Infront of the train over a boy who dumped her ?how stupid .it's getting late n I'm impatient. I took my bags out n rolled them n sat outside the cafe at the bench. The wind breeze blew right on my ears. "Anika you need to head home rn or else you gonna die".my legs are shaky bc of the cold. I received a call from gauri ."Gauri no need to panick I'm coming home rn"I murmured "Anika leave all that shivaay is here he's looking for you . N he said he isn't leaving without seeing you ".n who is this shivaay guy "who is he gauri?I said anxiously" Mrs Fatima's child". Ohh him Mr arrogant. Mrs fatima is the elderly woman"where are you rn Anika?she asked"near to the train station cafe ".I heard her breath in relieve" Anika he just went out rn ". The signal was starting to get bad. I disconnected the call n walked along the road. A car stopped Infront of me n shivaay got out "get inside the car Anika"he said with his sexxy voice "what if I don't want to". said teasingly"ouk then I was about to take you to The death" my heart started beating fast . He was about to drive off . I stopped him n got inside .


I still can't believe this 😭❤I started writing at the age of 12🔥it's started as just a thing I loved. I then started writing on fcbk at age of 13 .. 15 reactors n readers used to make my day. It's became a part of me .now I looked back on the page one of the stories i wrote had 500 reactors. I met people across the world reading my stories 🔥❤I went awol for some time n lost loyal reactors but for sure I know a lot of people still read 🙂thank yuuh for those who never left . It's true when they say When God already wrote your destiny no one can erase it 😊I'm still me .Just better n much better. God gave me this talent to make you happy,n all kinda mixed emotions. It's became my nature. I love you all


The serial killer beside me

Insert 8

Shivaay pov continues
My wrists was bleeding. I don't even know my self anymore just because of him .the fire in me was getting unleashed. The chains broke loose .my body was covered in scars. I walked to him . I held him against the wall .n pushed him against wall. I held choked his neck tightly "you made me this bastard ".his eyes were teary "shivaay I'm your father ".he said with a light voice .I couldn't stop choking him .I took out a fork n stabbed him straight on his neck .blood sprayed out. My nerves started calming down. I played with it ... I painted my self with the blood .I laughed as my heart was in peace. I felt weak. I felt unconscious next to his body.

Anika pov
It's been hella a long time I been here. I promised my boss a story n I couldn't find anything. 5 hours left until they shut down the company. I was packing my bags in my room. I was kinda teary. Gauri got inside "you know anika you don't have to do this "I took a deep breath n looked at her "I have do it .I failed at my mission. I'm returning back home I just don't know how I'm gonna break the news to My boss. He trusted me .im not worthy of being called a journalist. I failed I'm a failure gauri ".she hugged me n I buried my head on her shoulder . Tears couldn't stop flowing "So where to from here ?I broke the hug n looked at her "idk really. I had enough of Elmore. I couldn't solve this case . I'll find something else to do maybe ".she rubbed my shoulder. I wiped my tears. She helped me carry my bags to the train station. I hugged her for one last time before I got inside the train. I'm no longer a journalist. I came here with my chest filled with pride but here I return with shame .my head bowed down. I failed the team n my boss. My father in business . The train stopped at the near by cafe for quick food .I wasn't in the mood seriously. I dozed off in the train

Comment tuu


The serial killer beside me

Insert 7

I couldn't bear to see her in that state .I got inside my car n drove off leaving her there bleeding. Regrets?regrets ?you came to soon before I could reach my destination. I arrived at my crib n all I could think of was drowning my sorrows .I drowned my self in alcohol . I tried to drown my demons but these b!tches can swim .I couldn't think !I couldn't concentrate.

Days went by.... still no news on my mother's well being. Who knows maybe she's six feet got inside looking all serious " shivaay are you okay you look like you been hit by a train ".i looked at him annoyed "om just go to work n stop annoying me so early in morning don't you have better things to do ".he just clicked his tounge n went upstairs,he took his bag n went out leaving me .I heard the door bell ring I went out to check n my father was standing there in person . "Wow I never thought I see the day you come to my house father ". I smiled wickedly. "Shivaay you are just as disgusting as always . I thought maybe things would be different ". Two well built guys got inside holding chains ."and this ".he slapped me so hard. I swear my cheek turned pink .I felt like killing him on the stop "I could hand you over to the police but no?this I had to deal with personally. Amongst thousand sperms you had to be the one!you are a waste of sperms ".i got so angry to an urge has no limitations. The two guys tried to come close to me. I tried to fight them off . My inner demon was taking over. Six more guys walked inside all wearing white clothes. Are they angels. They tried to hold me. They tied my with the chains on my both hands n dragged me out of the house. They injected me with a sedative n everything went blank .... I regained consciousness in an empty room. My legs n hands were tied up with chains. My dad got inside holding a steel ."you are useless shivaay. You were never worth anything in your life !you don't deserve to be loved . Your mom should have aborted you. I knew that this rascal in you was gonna come out one day ". I was getting fired up. I was sweating. He started beating me with the steel .He electrocuted me .my body felt weak . All those childhood memories came back haunting me "after all it's was him who started all of this. I'm not that child he used to lock in a trunk for days. I'm not that he used to beat every day ".i thought. I roared as loud as I could.


The serial killer beside me

Insert 6

Shivaay pov
I got inside my car n drove off to the elderly couple home . I got inside n she walked close to me.i pushed her against the wall in anger n punched the wall "you old hag what were you thinking I told you to stay out of her sight ". She lowered her eyes "but son " i let her out of the corner "Son my foot you aren't my mother. You are just my pretend parents for heaven sake. Don't make me show you my wrath . Don't forget what I can do ".she shedded few tears "I'm sorry it's will never happen again ". She walked away. I went behind the house n lit up my ci******es n smoked . I threw it on the floor n stepped on it. My nerves were getting the better of me.

I took out an injection on my trouser pocket n injected it on my wrist. I went out n got inside my car n drove off. Temptations to kill n the demon in me had the urge to come. "Shivaay why are you fighting it ?I can resist it !I can resist it. "We are one.. you are me!Why deny one of your own "my hand was aching. Why does killing bring me so much peace?blood make me feel in peace. I pushed the accelerator as I speed up on dry road. The road was so dry it's like people just vanished. I hit something. I stopped the car n got out to see who did I hit !I took out my fork. My feast is ready. I got infront of the car I looked at her. She turned around.i dropped my fork on the road "mom ". She couldn't believe her eyes. I tried to come close to her "no don't come close to me you can't be my billu ".She cried so much. "Let's me take you to the doctor "I tried to touch her. She looked at the fork down there "so you are the one who have been killing everyone just kill me too Billu. I didn't raise this animal ". My head was aching. I took out the fork on the floor n looked at her . The urge of blood was hovering my mind


The killer beside me

Insert 5 continues

It's started raining heavily . Moguy just got inside his car n drove off leaving me there. He's so grumpy n short. My hair was wet like it's been licked by a cat . I had to work almost a long distance. I found a rickshaw when I was near Elmore . I arrived at the apartment n went to my room. Thank God aren't returning there anymore. I dozed off.

I woke up next morning feeling better. I took a long relaxing bath n wore my dress n slippers . I went out to play with the neighbourhood children . We were chasing each other in a way we ended up in the temple . A car was packed outside the temple. A 3 years old child accidentally wrote on it using a rock . I tried to rub it off using my saliva .oh no the devil appeared. He was so angry "what are you doing near my car?he quickly pushed me off. I tell on my butts n looked at him as i rubbed them. "Are you crazy?can't you just leave me alone you are a nuisance stay away from my path otherwise it's won't end well for you ".his voice is so deep its made my knees feel weak. As you know anika is the boss "you don't know who i am. Do u know the DEATh he's my brother ". I said raising my eyebrows. He looked at me annoyed "try to smile a little it's won't reduce your height. N moreover I'm sorry for your car I was trying to fix it."I smeared saliva all over my hand n tried to rub it . He bent down n took a cow poo n threw it on my face "You talk a lot ". He was so serious I'm sure he came out of his mother's V first with his legs. "N my mouth was open "argh the kids laughed at me . They teased me. I chased them to the nearby pipe n washed my face. We poured each other with water. He was still standing there watching us. He got inside his car n drove off. Arrogant man
