Goal Grabbing Momma

Goal Grabbing Momma

✨Mom Boss working on crushing goals and raising littles. ✨ Paid off over $34,000 in 12 months ?


Don’t stress, plan your goals. 😎 Do you have a plan if you lose your job tomorrow? What if your car needs repairs or the upstairs bathroom floods? For some, paying off their debt helps create a buffer by knocking out accounts with hefty monthly fees. For others, a few months savings gives them the security to hustle harder towards debt. Either way you go, be intentional and stick to it. Staying focused is more than half the battle. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️


🚨 If 2020 taught us anything it’s that we don’t know what life will throw at us. Take a huge burden off your shoulders by having a Murphy buffer. 🚨This might look like $1,000 for your family, or it might look like a month+ of expenses. Either way, have a backup plan so you can rest easy. 😴 📝 Make this a priority and add it to your visual goal list. Don’t wait! ⏰


Most of the journey is intentionality. Write down those goals! ✨One way to stay on track, schedule a monthly reminder on your phone. This helps you have an honest check in with yourself. Don’t forget to invest in yourself FIRST. 💡What are y’all’s top 2021 goals? 💪🏻


⚠️Warning!⚠️ Don’t those those dollars and bills slip away! 💸 Get that fine tooth comb out and double check your account for subscriptions, false charges, and increased service fees. 🌀A few days ago I checked on a checking account we normally only use for gas. Y’all... I had a LinkedIn subscription charging us $32/month for 3 months. 🤯 While I certainly plan on asking for a reimbursement, it was a good reminder to not be complacent.


Commission those fiscal warriors! Invest, save, pay down debt, go to the zoo, pay the mortgage... Whatever you do, do it with purpose.


Seize this opportunity! 💰 Even if these funds go to necessary expenses, you are getting ahead. 💪🏻👏🏻


As Dave Ramsey says, sell so much your kids think they are next! For me, part of my goals to live more minimally align with my quest to save/invest more. Don’t let something that could make you quick money end up in the trash out of convenience. I am definitely guilty of this in the past. Doh! 🤦🏼‍♀️ What are some of y’all’s favorite used items to sell?


I’ve noticed if I can’t do these 3 items, it all goes to 💩. ✨I need my home vacuumed with clean dishes and clothes to give me that mental health boost. ✨Meal planning helps me stay vigilant in sticking to my food budget. ✨Goal setting is a biggie, I write out what I want to reap out of this week. Goals rarely attain themselves! 💪🏻👏🏻 Happy Sunday friends! ➡️What are your top to do’s to keep your week running smoothly?


Well hello there! My name is Jen. I am a wife and momma of 3, including one angel baby. While my husband and I dabbled with Financial Peace University when we got married 7 years ago, we like many others, did not stick to it.

December 2019 I sat rocking my newborn daughter, my rainbow girl. I was overwhelmed with anxiety and fear. My husband had just graduated from a second bachelor's degree and I honestly didn't even know how much debt we had, I just knew it was a lot.

I decided that in that moment, I was going to have a plan. Something my type A personality needed. I opened up each debt account and starting adding. And adding. And adding. $55,617.83 was the total, the damage, the number of my newly sworn enemy. It came alive by student loans, a car loan, credit cards, and medical bills from my 3 kids, including the daughter I lost at 14 weeks gestation. We had been feeding this number for years, telling ourselves we would pay it off. *SPOILER ALERT* we didn't.

So here I am, with a baby in my arms, a BIG dollar deficit to conquer, and a hope. Proverbs 13:12 says "Hope deferred makes the heart sick", and boy was I so ever sick! 2020 brought a new number $33,650.78, the amount of that debt we were blessed to pay off, in a pandemic that brought a whole new level of unknown to billions of people's lives. We did it, and we are still after it. Though we have made some tweaks to our investment and debt free strategy, we are fiercely holding onto the power of prayer and perseverance to reach our financial goal, independence.
