Irish Republican Resistance Clare/Galway

Irish Republican Resistance Clare/Galway

Irish Republican Resistance believe in a 32 County Socialist Republic. We hold onto the ideals of the Irish Proclamation of 1916.

We remain true to the ideals and objectives of the Irish Republic.


Ladies and gentlemen, Comrades and friends,

We extend greetings of solidarity to the oppressed peoples of the world, to those who fight on, to those in Palestine who continue to resist the apartheid and genocide of the illegal occupational forces of Zionism. From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!

As we remember those who have sacrificed much for Ireland, let us reflect on a momentous chapter in history of Ireland, a chapter that is steeped in sacrifice, resistance, and the relentless pursuit of freedom. Easter Week, a time when brave men and women rose against oppression and occupation, reigniting the flame of rebellion that continues to burn brightly in the hearts of those who yearn for Freedom, Justice and Equality.

Who fears to speak of Easter Week? For some, it may evoke discomfort or unease, as it challenges the status quo and demands a reckoning with the past. But for us, it is a call to action, a reminder of the courage and conviction of those who dared to dream of a better future.

Resistance is woven into the fabric of Irish history, from the days of colonisation to the struggles of today. It is resistance that has sustained us through the darkest of times, which has inspired generations to rise against tyranny and oppression. And it is resistance that will carry us forward on the path to liberation, to a 32 County United Socialist Republic.

But let us not forget the true meaning of resistance. It is not merely defiance for its own sake, but a commitment to justice, to solidarity, to the belief that another world is possible. It is resistance against exploitation, against inequality, against the forces that seek to divide us.

In the face of such resistance, we must stand firm in our resolve. We must refuse to be cowed by intimidation or silenced by fear, the forces of occupation and collaboration will not deter us.

We must be bold in our vision for a united socialist republic, where all are equal, and all are free.

For too long, the people of Ireland have been divided, pitted against each other by those who seek to maintain their power and privilege. But we refuse to be divided any longer. We refuse to allow sectarianism or bigotry or the ever-present greed of a few to cloud our judgment or poison our solidarity.

Instead, let us embrace our common humanity, let us celebrate our diversity, and let us march forward together as brothers and sisters, comrades in struggle for a better Ireland. Let us build bridges where there are walls, let us extend a hand of friendship to all who share our vision of a just and equitable society.

And so, my friends, let us heed the call of Easter Week. Let us honour the memory of those who came before us by continuing the fight for freedom, for justice, for socialism. Let us be fearless in our pursuit of a better tomorrow, for ourselves and for generations yet to come.

Who fears to speak of Easter Week? Not us. For we are the inheritors of a proud tradition of resistance, of struggle, of hope. And together, united in purpose and solidarity, we will carry that tradition forward until the day dawns when Ireland is truly free.

Saoirse do Chach.


Revolutionary solidarity greetings to those who resist around the World, Irish Socialist
Republicanism grows ever more vibrant with time, we as revolutionaries continue to resist.
We send our solidarity to the revolutionary brigades in occupied Palestine whose resistance inspires
those for whom, occupation, oppression and ethnic cleansing are an ongoing brutalisation at the
hands of imperialist regimes.
Irish Republican Resistance sends greetings and solidarity to those incarcerated for their beliefs and
their steadfast opposition to continued occupation and oppression.
We also remember at this time Vol. Seamus McGrane an unbowed undefeated Irish Revolutionary.
As Irish Republicans we are all too aware of the wrongs perpetrated by imperialist regimes, Britian
continues to occupy a part of our Country with the support and collaborationist agendas of the Free
State regime and the former republicans known as Sinn Fein.
To the Irish Republicans held in Various prisoner of war goals and those interned by remand for
speaking out we extend the hand of solidarity and support.
For centuries, Ireland like many Nation's has remained under the yoke of imperialism, like many
Nations the phases of resistance have ebbed and flowed but never ceased, despite the forces
arrayed against it, Ireland will be Free, Ireland will take her rightful place among the Nations of the
World as an entity free from external interference and oppression, her peoples equal, her lands, her
natural resources, her hopes and dreams unsullied by occupation, oppression or division.
Britian's Stormont and the Free State’s Dail are failed entities, they have never and will never bring
about an Ireland of Equals, an Ireland based on the hopes and dreams of the countless generations
who resisted and rebelled against occupation.
“Our people, our Country are in the grip of the occupier, our voices, our rights subjugated to suit the
greed for power and dominance, but there are those who would resist, those for whom the struggle
for freedom will continue until such time as self-determination for the people of Ireland is no longer
a dream or aspiration, but a living, vibrant reality, Beir Bua”.
As we enter another year, we call on those who would resist to continue do so in whatever way and
by whatever means is at your disposal.
Saoirse do Chach


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IRR would like to thank the Eddie Carmody independent commemoration committee for inviting our colour party to take part in the commemoration. We were honoured to do so. Eddie Carmody like so many other fallen volunteers paid the supreme sacrifice. The greatest honour we can bestow on people like Eddie and his comrades is to follow in his footsteps and not stop until we get a United Ireland.
Also we would like to thank The Croppy Boy for the entertainment even though he had a throat infection leading up to it , he still turned up and done his best.
A sincere thanks to the management and staff of Finucanes Bar for the refreshments and indeed the hospitality that they showed us.
We would also like to mention the young girl that recited a decade of the rosary, she was very good.
Hope to see you all again soon. Some videos and pictures to follow.

Tiocfaidh Ar La


Irish Republican Resistance Condems the use of internment in the occupied six counties of Ireland and the whole of our country and our thoughts are with the family and comrades of Christy Kane and those who are held on trumped up charges. For those who don't speak out about these matters shame on yous and you should never call yourself Republicans. Remember today it's them tommorow it could be you if you are a true Republican and will not accept the surrender of our island to an enemy who has no right to be here in the fist place. Victory to the prisoners.


Irish Self Determination and a Free 32 County Socialist Republic are the Political and Social goals for all genuine Republicans today as they have been for the generations of true Republicans before us. The illegitimate and failed division of this Island and her peoples was doomed to fail, has failed and will continue to fail. Those who push for the normalisation of British rule and occupation in the Occupied Six Counties are dishonouring the memories of the men and women who fought for an Ireland United and Free. We owe it to our dead volunteers who died for the cause of Irish Freedom to accept nothing less than the 32 County Republic proclaimed by the leaders of 1916 and to reject the collaborators and their treacherous utterings. We here in Irish Republican Resistance continue to pledge our allegiance to the Republic declared in 1916. We, like others engaged in resistance, continue to oppose the status quo of Occupation and Partition. We believe that as long as the causes of conflict remain, resistance will remain. Until Ireland is free and governed by Self-Determination, there will always be men and women who will rise up and oppose those who oppress us and occupy our land.

As Irish Republican Resistance continues to organise and grow, we will never accept that the struggle for Freedom is over. There can never be peace in Ireland until the foreign oppressive british presence is removed. Irish Self Determination and a Free 32 County Socialist Republic are still our goals and we truly believe that these goals are achievable. There's a lot of work still to be done but here in Irish Republican Resistance we will continue to play our part in the struggle for Irish Freedom. We are currently looking for new members to help us achieve this. If you are Republican-minded and would like to get involved today, then now is the time to do so. Simply contact one of our pages, our Official Instagram page, National email or National website page and we will get back to you. With your help, the vision and the Republic that these great men of 1916 set out in the Proclamation of 1916 can be and will be achieved. ACT NOW! DON'T LET THEIR SACRIFICE BE IN VAIN. MAKE THEIR REPUBLIC A REALTY. JOIN US TODAY.



We owe it to our dead volunteers who died for the cause of Irish Freedom to accept nothing less than the 32 County Republic Proclaimed by the leaders of 1916 and we must continue in our endeavours to achieve this. There's a lot more work still to be done but here in Irish Republican Resistance we will continue to play our part in the struggle for Irish Freedom. Help us achieve the visions that these great men of 1916 had set out in the Proclamation of 1916. JOIN US TODAY.

Photos from Irish Republican Resistance Dublin's post 27/03/2023

Oh they flew out of Belfast with an ambitious plan. Always remember never forget because Irish Republican Resistance won't forget how and why they died, not for shame fein politics but for Irelands Freedom from the Brits not to bow down to them and their lackeys. Join IRR today and honour them.


IRR recruiting nationwide. Anyone wishing to join, contact us via messenger or contact us through our national email.

Photos from Irish Republican Resistance Limerick/Tipperary's post 03/01/2023

New year statement 2023

Irish Republican Resistance extend new year's greetings and extend solidarity to all oppressed peoples around the world and to those in Ireland who remain incarcerated for their political beliefs.

On the 31st March 1999 the then leadership of the Irish Republican Movement issued a statement to coincide with the Remembrance of the 1916.

This statement on behalf of the Provisional Irish Republican Army paid tribute to the Volunteers, and their commitment to the cause of Irish Freedom, volunteers who had fought the might of the British Army to a standstill, volunteers who had endured so much with the support and succour of an Irish Nation suffering through the depravation of partition and economic starvation by the imperialists and their lackies the Free State, decades of sectarian brutality by the death squads of Orangeism and the dirty war tactics of MI5/FRU/RUC/SAS et al.

The underpinning in the statement support for the Treaty signed by the British Imperialist and the Free State and the 5 year long cease fire of the IRA, saying "the guns of the IRA are silent" all while the guns of the occupier and it's death squads remained targeted on the population. The statement went on to say, "The potential of the peace process to deliver real and lasting peace lies in its ability to bring meaningful change, to remove the injustices which created the conflict and to end the conflict itself. If the political will exists the peace process contains the potential to resolve the conflict and deliver a durable peace". "The challenge for everyone, but particularly the British government, remains the removal of the causes of conflict in our country".

24 years on from that statement and much has happened, but nothing has changed, the then IRA capitulated and surrendered its weapons, the Occupier built new more advanced intelligence systems solidifying its presence, the death squads of Orangeism continued to target the population, the RUC changed tactics, now using internment by remand as a political control mechanism, SF administer British Imperialist rule in the 6 of the 9 Counties of Ulster, the causes of conflict remain, over the next number of days large sections of society will be held behind barriers erected by the occupational forces, unable to go about their daily lives due to the triumphalism of a sectarian organisation who continue to have large numbers within the occupational forces as uniformed armed sectarian bigoted paramilitary thugs!

The statement issued in 1999 was a precursor to the next stage of the counter revolution so desperately wanted and needed by the imperialist regime, a precursor to the subsummation of the then Irish Republican Movement through the leadership and treachery of an elite few whose economic status has more than trebled and continues to grow using the sacrifices made by so many and the imagery of those who fell in resistance to the occupation.

The voices of those who fought and died, those who suffered incarceration, torture and murder by the imperialist occupier and their counter revolutionary proxies continue to be heard, Wolfe Tone, Robert Emmett, James Connolly, Liam Mellows, Liam Lynch, Catholic Brugha, Bobby Sands, Ciaran Fleming, Padraig Kearney and Jim Lynagh are not just names from generations of resistance, but beacons to light the flames of resistance to ensure that the connection with Britain is broken and the establishment of a 32 county All Ireland Socialist Republic is a reality for us all.

Irish Republican Resistance continue to pledge allegiance to that Republic declared in 1916, we continue to organise and grow our ability to continue the resistance.

We reject the collaborationist policies and treacherous utterings of those for whom the counter revolution is a source of power and economic growth, we like others engaged in resistance to the occupation of Ireland believe that as long as the causes of conflict remain there will be a resistance.

Beir Bua
Saoirse Do Chach

Photos from Irish Republican Resistance Cork/Kerry's post 26/11/2022

Date for your diary. The croppy boy Saturday 19th of November. Not 2 b missed. Please like&share

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IRR recruiting nationwide. Anyone wishing to join, contact us via messenger or contact us through our national email. #P...