SHINE Health Project

SHINE Health Project

an up-beat easy way to learn about health


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What’s Your Poo Telling You? Have you noticed how dogs sniff their stool on a walk? They are using their sensitive sense of smell to assess how their insides are doing. We humans can gain some useful insight by looking in the toilet bowl. Our stools can be a helpful assessment tool that doesn’t require any invasive techniques...

Lactose-free or dairy-free? 23/06/2024

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Lactose-free or dairy-free? We’ve noticed that some of our patients and friends aren’t clear on the differences between dairy-free and lactose-free. If you have a friend who has dietary restrictions, it may be helpful to clarify this, so that you can invite them to dinner, or bake them a birthday cake that they can enjoy. ...

Summer First Aid 23/06/2024

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Summer First Aid Summer is a great time for hikes and picnics, or just having fun in the back yard, but it’s a good idea to be prepared for the occasional mishap. Here are some of our favourite tips and tricks for summer first aid.For insect bites and stings: Homeopathic Apis pellets address the pain from bee stin...

Making sense of medicine:Thyroid Blood Tests 23/06/2024

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Making sense of medicine:Thyroid Blood Tests Thyroid blood tests are more confusing than most. We are here to help you make sense of them. The most common thyroid blood test is TSH. This stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, a hormone that is produced in the brain in a gland called the pituitary. It tells us how much your thyroid needs to be...

Thyroid Check: Do It Yourself! 23/06/2024

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Thyroid Check: Do It Yourself! Thermoregulation is how mammals maintain a steady body temperature. Unlike reptiles, which have a body temperature that changes with their environment, mammals need to keep a stable warm temperature all of the time. We’re warm-blooded! In humans, the healthy range is consistently at or very close ...

Time is Valuable: Juggle it wisely. 23/06/2024

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Time is Valuable: Juggle it wisely. Most of us lead very busy lives, dealing with our practical needs, our work responsibilities and the requests of others. We get lots done, but often find that our priorities; the things we need to do for our own life balance and enjoyment, go by the wayside. And if we don’t look after ourselves, i...

Long Covid: Help you can rely on 12/05/2024

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Long Covid: Help you can rely on Here we are, four years since the identification of the Covid virus, and we no longer have the same level of fear of contracting an acute Covid infection. However, we now know that 65 million people worldwide are experiencing a post-viral syndrome: Long Covid. Some people have been coping with it si...

Mitochondria: Power Up! 10/05/2024

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Mitochondria: Power Up! Mitochondria make the energy needed to run every cell in your body. Because that is so important, they make up about a quarter of the volume of your cells. Each cell contains 1000 - 2000 of them, which tells you how tiny they are! All of your fuel, whether from a meal you just ate, or nutrients pull...

Posture Prompts: your mother was right! 10/05/2024

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Posture Prompts: your mother was right! We’ve all been told we should sit up straight, but usually nobody tells you why. It’s not just to be taller and look better. Between each pair of vertebrae of your spine, a nerve exits to the right and left, sending signals to different organs about when and how to function.If a nerve gets squas...

Making Sense of Medicine-Liver Enzymes: anything up? 10/05/2024

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Making Sense of Medicine-Liver Enzymes: anything up? Every cell of your liver can perform over 5000 chemical reactions! The liver has been called the biochemistry lab of the body because it is such a hub of essential metabolic activity. All the nourishment we put into our bodies has to be processed biochemically to meet our needs, and the liver is exp...

HONEY: More Than Just Sweet! 10/05/2024

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HONEY: More Than Just Sweet! Humans have gathered honey for thousands of years. When early people cleared forests into pastures, they created bee-friendly habitats where flowers and bushes grew. As farmers moved into new areas, honeybees followed. Modern agriculture relies on bees to pollinate the vast majority of our food crop...

Oh Sugar! Glycemic index and glycemic load 10/05/2024

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Oh Sugar! Glycemic index and glycemic load We all know that refined sugar is bad for us, but why? Because it’s not just empty calories, it actually steals nutrition from your tissues. Your body needs those nutrients to process the calories in sugar. But that leaves the body feeling undernourished and therefore, you got it! Hungry!! If we t...

Hayfever Season: Diet can help! 01/04/2024

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Hayfever Season: Diet can help! Hayfever symptoms are due to an inflammatory immune reaction to pollen. This involves the production and release of histamine from mast cells, which are part of your immune system. This is the same histamine that your body produces when responding to foods it is reactive to, contributing to leaky gu...

Feeling sluggish? Consider your liver. 26/03/2024

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Feeling sluggish? Consider your liver. Liver Congestion isn’t a western medical term. But it is a concept many practitioners who practise integrative medicine utilize to help their patients. A congested liver is one that has been working hard and has a greater toxic load than it can handle. This results in a back-up of toxins in your t...

Why So Tired? 26/03/2024

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Why So Tired? Ads on television and social media often ask, “Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?”. They usually sound as if there is only one reason for this, and they can sell you the answer to the problem.Your body is a finely-tuned biochemical marvel that is constantly working to maintain homeo...

Healthy Hair: your crowning glory 26/03/2024

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Healthy Hair: your crowning glory A healthy head of hair is much more than an expensive salon-job! When our patients tell us their hair is falling out more than usual, we take it very seriously. It can take a long time to regrow fallen hair, so the sooner that hair loss stops, the better. Beyond that, hair loss is telling us that so...

Fish Oils: good for practically everything! 26/03/2024

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Fish Oils: good for practically everything! You’ve probably heard of essential fatty acids (EFAs). If you’ve listened to our course on Long Covid or the Liver Masterclass, you will have noticed that they are mentioned frequently because they benefit so many different systems. They are called “essential” because they really are essenti...

Sprouts and Microgreens: big nutrition in a small package 26/03/2024

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Sprouts and Microgreens: big nutrition in a small package Winter is the perfect time to try out sprouts and microgreens for an easy burst of fresh greens and nutrients. Both sprouts and microgreens are available to purchase in most grocery stores and are a nutrient-dense addition to any meal. However, they can be expensive to buy, and are rather easy to gr...

Which diet is best? 26/03/2024

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Which diet is best? Over the decades we have seen so many dietary trends come and go. People often ask us which diet is best: Is it ketogenic, with high protein and fat, and almost no carbs? Should it be vegan or plant-based? What about intermittent fasting? We say: “if only it were that simple!” But here are the a...

Is it really healthy? The health food masquerade 26/03/2024

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Is it really healthy? The health food masquerade Have you ever wondered about the health claims you see on packaged foods? Are they good guidance, or marketing hype? Unfortunately, they are likely to be mostly the latter. Claiming to help your health has become big business!And of course you don’t see health claims on the really healthy foods: b...

What makes you sick: the bug or the background? 26/03/2024

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What makes you sick: the bug or the background? It seems that both are important! Over a hundred years ago, Louis Pasteur proposed the germ theory of disease, which said that bacteria caused disease. He was the one who proved that microbes from our environment can affect our food, and by killing those bugs with pasteurisation, milk could be preve...

The Dirt on Ultra Processed Foods 09/02/2024

The Dirt on Ultra Processed Foods
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The Dirt on Ultra Processed Foods Food is medicine: it is chemical information, it’s what your body is made of. Without the right food, our bodies receive the wrong instructions! But these days, the standard North American diet is made up of over 60% ultra-processed foods (UPF). These are edible products that are usually made up o...

Legume for lunch 28/01/2024

Legumes for Lunch
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Legume for lunch Beans, lentils and chickpeas are full of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. They are filling and delicious, but need a little spicing up! We often cook up a batch on the weekend to have them ready to go for easy lunches or quick warm suppers. Dried beans are inexpensive and taste better than can...

YOUR DYNAMIC GENES! The Science of Epigenetics 28/01/2024

YOUR DYNAMIC GENES! The Science of Epigenetics
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YOUR DYNAMIC GENES! The Science of Epigenetics Do you remember when we eagerly awaited knowing the human genome, thinking we’d then understand all about how we were programmed to function? It was a bit embarrassing to learn that we have a similar number of genes to many mammals, and fewer than a lot of plants! Clearly genes don’t tell the wh...

THE VAGUS NERVE: really going places! 10/01/2024

The Vagus Nerve: really going places!

THE VAGUS NERVE: really going places! The vagus nerve is the longest nerve connecting your brain to your other organs. Vagus means “wandering” in Latin, and it is an apt name. This nerve wanders from your brain, along the whole route of your digestive tract, and to your heart and lungs and more! It plays a crucial role in homeostasi...

Attitude of gratitude 27/12/2023

Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of gratitude Gratitude is a mental tool that reminds us of the good in our lives. If you practice it enough, it will become a healthy habit! Gratitude makes us more resilient in the tough times and happier in the good times. The word gratitude is derived from the Latin gratia, meaning grace. And gratitude does b...

Holiday Tummy Overload? Bitters can help! 27/12/2023

Holiday Tummy Overload? Bitters can help!

Holiday Tummy Overload? Bitters can help! The holiday season is here – time for cookies, chocolates, cheese balls and other rich and delicious treats. Do you find yourself more bloated, overfull, bilious and sleepy after such overindulgences? The holidays are a good time to try bitter tonic herbs for some relief! Bitter herbs have been us...


Healthier Holiday Treats!

Healthier Holiday Treats Looking for healthy treats at the holidays? It’s hard to find delicious bites that are not laden with sugar and fat. Here are some healthier options to offer your friends and family. Famous Roasted Bar Nuts (Gluten-Free) 6 cups mixed unsalted nuts of your choice: walnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews ...

Carotenoids Look Good on You! 11/12/2023

Carotenoids Look Good on You!

Carotenoids Look Good on You!