Dynamic Fitness

Dynamic Fitness

Whole body optimization achieved through physical fitness training and optional mental health check-


You’ll never have the time, unless you make it. Happy 4th y’all 🇺🇸


Who’s ready for in person group training?


It’s NOVEMBER! I don’t know about you but I’m not up for the no shave November challenge!
But if you are up for a challenge join us this month to win some money! Participate in my zooms for the entire month and get 10 entries for each additional work out that’s completed you get an additional ticket. Are you ready to move more, do you need some motivation? Here’s your chance to join us and have some fun!

Timeline photos 06/05/2021

Special announcement!
In honor of Mother’s Day I would love to gift a discount on my monthly zoom programming.
I have seen some amazing transformations from so many moms who have participated in my training.
Transformations both physically and mentally.
Trainings are offered 3xs per week (t/th/sat at 8am) and can be taken through live classes, or done at your own convenience through a recordings.
Take the leap to love yourself. Make the time, to take care of yourself. Do it for you, so you can be a there for them!
For new members only, Normally $100 per month, but for 4 days only you can purchase your first month for just $50. ! Sale valid for anyone and everyone. Not just mommas.
Please reach out to me, to jumpstart the healthy life you desire !

Timeline photos 29/03/2021

When you support my small business, you support my family! This weekend that looked like me funding a moto-race weekend for my boys! 🏁 Something that I we can now do because of you!!
It is with my deepest gratitude I say

Timeline photos 13/03/2021

Upper body blast, and TABATA for the endorphins today 💦
What are you waiting for?!


Timeline photos 02/03/2021

What are you waiting for?!
A sign?! A hype buddy? A program?
With me you get it all!!!!
Post lower body day 🍑

Timeline photos 30/01/2021

Them rainy day blues, had me searching for some warmth 💦I didn’t jump on the bike for a calorie burn 🔥 or muscle pump. I knew I needed a mood boost, and exercise always does that for me. If your feeling down, stuck, anxious (any of the heavy feels), I urge you to flip the script and start by moving. . Find your happy movement and start there.
ALWAYS speaks to me, and reminds me that I am enough ❤️

Timeline photos 15/01/2021

Remember this....
Summer bodies aren’t “made in the winter.” They’re the same body you have right now, that body you had 5 years ago and the SAME EXACT ONE you’ll have when you 80.
What you do everyday adds up, and will continue to compound. That means it can get worse, or better. You get to CHOOSE, your path. accepting
People always say that something gets “better with time,” and I think that’s so true.
Your body and mind will thank you for all the love you give it.
Keep going if your in the trenches, start if your scared, Your body and mind will thank you❤️


Excuses grow on trees! I could easily give up because my kids make an exercise routine difficult sometimes. When the times get tough, I just have to adjust and accept what is. Slow down be present.
Don’t let an altered reality from your expectations prevent you from succeeding at becoming the person your meant to be.
Acknowledge the change, accept it, and adjust. Keep on Anyways!
Progress over perfection💪💪
Drop sets always get the job done ✔️


Excuses grow on trees! I could easily give up because my kids make an exercise routine difficult sometimes. When the times get tough, I just have to adjust and accept what is. Slow down be present.
Don’t let an altered reality from your expectations prevent you from succeeding at becoming the person your meant to be.
Acknowledge the change, accept it, and adjust. Keep on Anyways!
Progress over perfection💪💪
Drop sets always get the job done ✔️


Start the year off right
Love what your body can do
Create new habits
Gain accountability
Peer support

Timeline photos 24/12/2020

Workout done ✔️
Making the time for you. No excuses. Holidays come and go, but your health is with you now tomorrow and the next day. Today I gave myself an hour out of 24. You can too!!


Progressive overload

What Is Progressive Overload? This principle involves continually increasing the demands on the musculoskeletal system to continually make gains in muscle size, strength, and endurance. Simply put, in order to get bigger and stronger, you must continually make your muscles work harder than they're used to.
Add more weight, higher reps, or longer time under tension to see more results!


What are you waiting for?
Mask free, no gym closures!


What are you waiting for?
No gym closures, no masks required.


Check this girl out! Dm me for details about how to join 💪💪❤️

Timeline photos 06/10/2020

“Girl I wish I was in shape like you!”
I responded, “wishing isn’t going to get you anywhere, but working your ass off will!”
Moral of the story is most of us aren’t “born with it.” We have to chip away, day by day, little by little, until those little pieces combine to create a intricate beautiful whole.

Timeline photos 01/09/2020

Zoom! Live class & Recordings available! FULL BODY STRENGTH, CARDIO 💪

Timeline photos 21/07/2020

Im so thrilled to share this news with you guys!!!
This girl is on fire 🔥
She is proof that there are no fast tricks, or cheats.
It’s chipping away day after day, small diet changes, setting new goals, over and over again.
She has created a healthy lifestyle full of MORE!
More exercise, MORE water, MORE nutritious food, MORE energy, MORE confidence !!!


Full body strength and Cardio!


Dm me for more info! No mask 😷 or gloves required!


You can be here too!


I’m feeling extra blessed with this life. So here’s another post about me.
Meet my family! My husband Brad, and my boys Owen and Wade. We love adventures and anything that gets us outside. I try to place value on experiences instead of things. Guess what for us these experiences usually involve being active. It’s easy to place an emphasis on a healthy lifestyle when even your hobbies get you moving. . What’s better than fresh air, sunshine and moving your miraculous body!?
So today I encourage you to find a hobby that keeps you active and gets your blood flowing. .


Partner work today 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️


“Being still won’t won’t stop the world from
Chaos, but it will stop the chaos from
Ruining our lives !”


Rise and grind!


You’ve got to do the work!


30 min TABATA circuit
——no weights required!

4 Rounds!!
6 mins per round, with 2 min rest in between circuits.

Intervals of 20/10.
******20 secs work and 10secs rest.

Perform each exercise 2xs, before moving in the the next, for a total of one minute per move, and 6 mins per circuit.
High knees 2x Plank butt kickers Burpees Star Jacks Skaters Squat quick twists
