Sarah Nogueras

Sarah Nogueras

Mental Advocate , RPm To share insights to other people.


“Whatever you do, good or bad, people will always have something negative to say.”
— W. H. Auden


“Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiót persists in his error.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero


My self - reflection

At first, in the back end of my mind, I don’t know where to start. I know it’s kind of hard especially if you’re not risky but if you have the courage and motivation nothing is impossible.
I have a lot of sacrifices, sleepless nights and tough days wherein I’m on my journey of reaching those so-called goals in life.

It’s not easy, yes, it’s not, because you have to dealt with a lot of things, people and a lot of factors in life. There are times that you’re almost giving up and if you will, you will not succeed and you will end up hanging wherein you choose to dwell.

To become successful, you need to stay out of your comfort zone and put some pressure on what you're doing or planning ahead.
Choosing the hard route always have a greater gain or reward. With perseverance and determination, you can achieve what you aspire.
I’m not saying that I already achieve everything that I hope for. I’m still striving.

Here are some things I’ve learned so far ...

• Clear up your mind – it's easy for you to make decision if you have a clear mind. You can think ideas that are essential according to what you aim for. It can help you to become more creative and wittier.
• Learn a new skill – learning a new habit it’s just like having a brain exercise. It gives you a fulfilling feeling that you achieve something new or different.
• Meet new people – it’s nice to interact with new individuals sharing ideas and stories. You learned from them, and they can learn from you and exchanging stories is beneficial from both parties.
• Leave a mark – wherever you are be you. I believe in saying that "just be yourself". Be the real you because you don’t know that your action can leave a good mark to other people that they imitate your good action even your own ways. Actually, it’s inspired by a biblical principle that we should imitate God as dearly loved children found in the book of Ephesians 5:1. The real you can give impact to the other people even if they don’t tell you that they actually do.
• Have Fun - don’t keep yourself doing fun things that can lift up your spirit. Even the simple things can make you happy and it’s kind of feeling of ecstasy if you do such things that can make you smile and laugh even for quite some time.

Keep in mind that in life it’s not always an easy route. You will encounter unexpected things out of what you planned for. For me, if my plans did not turn the way it is, I think that God allow it to happen according to His will. He is in control and there no such thing happened without His approval.

So, what's your own self-reflection? Just comment below. I'd be happy to read it.
