Harvey Dale

Harvey Dale

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Good news good news good news that’s all they wanna hear
They don’t like me when I’m down

Photos from Harvey Dale's post 29/06/2020

Oldie but Goldie. I’m still on my mission. Though my understanding of my life’s mission changes day by day. And that’s just the beautiful process of life.
Grateful to be living.

Timeline photos 28/06/2020

Sometimes there are no answer for why we have to experience unwanted and painful things in our lives.
We do have the power to give it any meaning we wish to give it. That meaning can be negative or positive. We can choose the meaning we would want to live with. That meaning has the power to alter completely your experience as a human being for the rest of our lives.
Choose love. Choose compassion. Choose kindness. Choose forgiveness. Choose strength. Choose growth. Choose to be free.

Timeline photos 27/06/2020


Timeline photos 27/06/2020

I been thinking
About my vision
Pour out my feelings
Revealing the layers to my soul

Timeline photos 25/06/2020

We all deserve love and a peace of mind ❤️🌈🌞

Timeline photos 24/06/2020

It’s been wanting to express myself again. I’ve spent so much time healing and untangling my brain you don’t even know. The last 5 years been a long rollercoaster ride for me. It shook my soul, rock me back and first, left and right, up and down. I lost people dear to me, were in the relationships that were sucking my soul dry, and gave birth to a human right after I moved to a brand new country. Yeh, it’s been hell. But because of that I have learned how to be strong and resilient. I’ve learned to forgive and forget. I’ve learned to see more beauty in life than ever. My heart broke so it can expand more than it ever could at it current size at the time. I’m pretty much being reborn. I should make a video called the rebirth. Yeh, that’s a sick idea. Ok bye 👋

Timeline photos 20/05/2020

I’m insecure about my growth. I’m always lose sleep over it. I stress myself out over how fast and how slow I’m growing. I put unrealistic expectations on myself and try to prove myself something. But man, I’m so sensitive about my s**t.
I think my need to want to grow and progress so much in life actually stems from the fear I have that I might never be significant in life. That I’ll just be another member of society, another number, another cog in the machine, another person with unrealized and un-manifested potentials. I have a hard time accepting that. I think it also comes from a lack of feeling significant from own personal life. I think I don’t receive enough feedback from the people in my lives telling me I’m important so I try to make myself needed in the world. I try to go give a lot instead of hoping to get anything. At least when I’m giving and contributing, there’s no doubt that I’m significant to whoever I’m helping and putting my energy and time into. I think that’s why I feel so much anxiety when I’m not growing at the pace I expect myself to grow at because if I don’t then it would mean that I won’t be able to go out there and contribute and be significant. It’s a little sad I know.
But this is the inner workings of our minds. Every mental health issue, every anxiety, every depression will have a deeper root problem to it. It’s so crucial for us to be looking at the inner workings of our minds rather than the symptoms of the problem which are anxiety and depression.
Anyways, my relationship with significance is to be continued and I will resolve it. For now, I know I am significant to myself. I am the sole decider of whether I will vanish or I will prevail. I am the decision maker of whether I’m gonna be the victim of the cards life dealt me with or whether I will create my own fate and rise to manifest my own dreams and potentials. The decision lies in my insecurity’s greatest savior, my courage to live on despite having answers and solutions.
Your insecurities and mental health don’t have to stop you from anything. Find the light inside your heart. It can breakthrough all things. Love will overcome anything.

Photos from Harvey Dale's post 19/05/2020

I’m insecure about feeling so much all the time. And no, I’m not unstable. I just feel a lot.
I have been through depression after depression. Abuse after abuse. Loss after loss. Betrayal after betrayal. There’s so much for me to feel and let go. I no longer stuff my feelings down. I consciously dig them up everyday to process through them and let them go. I transform them into a new empowered feeling. It gives me strength. It gives me a better perspective of life, of myself and of people. It teaches me to have compassion for everyone’s secret pain and wounds that they try to hide so well.
The reason why I feel insecure for feeling so much is because I feel like as a man, I’m supposed to have it all together. I’m supposed to be able to handle my feelings with ease and always have myself collected together, firm, strong and calm. I feel like I would be judged if I was to need someone to be there to help me with emotions. Trust me, I have made it through just fine without anyone there but the idea that “I’m weak if I need someone because I’m overwhelmed emotionally” just makes me feel so confined, restricted and isolated emotionally.
But you know what, I’m stronger than ever as a man because I know my emotions. I know them well. I’m friends with them. I welcome them when they appear suddenly on a random day. I get to know them intimately. I take care of them. I show my courtesy. Let them do their job. We work together then I say my goodbye to them. They would leave and I would feel refresh because of they were able to teach me. Sometimes they would come back for a visit and teach me some more things. I’m okay with it.
My emotions and feelings have made me a better man. So after all, my insecurity is irrational. Ultimately, what I thought was my weakness ends up being my strength. Thanks for tuning in. Much love to you ❤️

Photos from Harvey Dale's post 16/05/2020

I’m insecure about my looks. Damn I said it. It’s one thing I feel like I can’t talk about cause men are supposed to not care about it. Traditionally men are supposed to be insensitive. We are called weak if we have softer emotions and feelings. We’re weak if we are insecure about our looks. I don’t believe that.
We all have insecurities. No one escapes it. It’s just whether it’s this thing or that thing that you’re insecure about.
I’ve learned that as human, we are strong yet fragile beings. We have our strengths and weaknesses. Men are taught to only embrace our strengths but not our weaknesses. It’s okay to embrace both. Being okay with your feeing of weakness make you strong. Then it’s no longer a weakness. It becomes something that makes you stronger. 💪
So here it is. That’s one out of many of my insecurities. And I think voicing it no longer makes it an insecurity anymore. I hope you can voice yours. ✌🏻
Peace, love and unity ❤️

Timeline photos 14/05/2020

I’m so hard on myself. It’s a conflicting relationship. Parts of me love it. Parts of me doesn’t enjoy it.
Feeling called to fulfill a mission/ live your purpose isn’t always happy and joyful. It’s pressure. It’s work. It’s exploiting your energy for maximum growth.
This sense that there’s a mission to fulfill, a purpose to live out has felt like the only reason why my life is worth living and also a huge burden. I can’t turn it off. This feeling that calls me to live bigger and better is also the feeling that causes me discomfort and suffering.
Having a sense of purpose feels amazing till you can’t sleep well at night cause your hyper active brain is telling you you need to get this ocean of ideas out on paper. Some nights it’s hard to sleep unless everything is out. The moment they’re out on paper then I can sleep soundly.
Having a sense of purpose feels amazing till you keep burning yourself out because you feel like you’re not doing enough to fulfill your mission. Exerting all your power in hope of accomplishing 1/10 of the possibilities you see in your dreams and the visions you receive.
Feeling called to do something more with your life is a blessing and a curse. Once you are called, you want to live life like never before. Once you are called, you will never be as comfortable as you were before. It only gets more uncomfortable from here. But the rewards only get better and better.
I don’t mean to sound pessimistic in this post. This is just to express the potential dark side of realizing your purpose. Not everyone will have a purpose that will call them to get on the fast lane of life. I know mine does. Mine calls me to apply a lot of pressure on myself to become who I truly can be in order to deliver the most value to life and help out the most amount of people I can. Mine calls me to be hard on myself and not waste my potential. Mine calls me to squeeze every bit of creative juices out of me in order to serve people at the highest level possible. Mines call me to give my all, to give more than I think I can give.
My purpose is give endlessly, love infinitely and serve tirelessly with all my might.

Timeline photos 09/05/2020

I’ve been extremely proud of myself lately. Feeling super in tuned with my mind, heart and soul. I always know if something doesn’t feel right.
I used to not be able to trust my own intuition. Now my intuition is guiding me every damn day. There’s still so much more awareness to cultivate around my own sixth sense but it’s a working progress. It’s almost like I have an invisible buddy always watching out for things I’m not focusing on that could potentially be bad or good for me. I just trust that voice, that feeling I get throughout the day then I act according to what I’m sensing.
Intuitively I know I’m doing the right thing, going the right path for me. I can sense glowing lights in the future and darkness fading behind me. I’m walking towards sunrise and I’m about to be blasted with infinite sun rays of love and abundance. Oh wait, I already am. ❤️🌞
If you’re feeling negative, don’t give up. Just keep going. No matter what, don’t let go of your dreams. Don’t be the last person to give up on your own potentials. You’re your own best friend. Be there for yourself and encourage yourself. Pick that mo********er back up and push his/her/ their chin up! Give your own heart a hug. Be like a child again but March on at life like a motherf**kin warrior marching to war. Be full of light, love and of courage 🌞❤️🔥
I hope this helps brighten up your day one way or another. Peace on the streets yo ✌🏻


How Purpose Coach James Malins help his clients find their purpose in life

Timeline photos 06/05/2020

Authentically expressing yourself is important even if you’re going to be judge and hated for it.
Throughout my life, I struggled with being me and expressing me. I had always contained myself, stuffed down my voice and compromise my vibe.
All that is now history. During this quarantine, I sure as hell spent a lot of time soul-digging to understand myself more. And I found that I love this mo********er deeply. And these middle fingers are for the ones thinking that it’s wrong and inappropriate for me to put my middle fingers up in the air. Man, f**k your political correctness.
Don’t use that to suppress my soul’s authentic expression. I can’t be contained. I can’t conform to societal expectations. I’m here to be me, not who you want me to be. Go expect it from someone else. This mo********er is gonna be himself. I’d tried to please everyone all my life for way too long.
I’m saying these things cause I want everyone to be able to express themselves authentically cause I know the deep pain of not being able to for your whole life.
Artists don’t just have to do artists things. People who want to educate others and serve humanity don’t have to be perfect and politically correct. I don’t have to be perfect to speak about meditation, healing, growth mindset and higher dimensions. I can curse. I can say f**k. I can put my f**kin middle fingers up and not give a f**k. I can be an artist and not be toxic. I can be an artist while wanting to teach about healthy feelings and good mental health habits. I’m both. I don’t have to split myself in two or more just to do what I want to do. I can be an entrepreneur without caring about a f**king suit. I don’t need a suit to be a gentleman. I don’t need to take off my loop earrings to be a masculine male. I don’t need to ignore my emotions to be manly. I don’t need to submit to what society expects of me to be a good member of society. F**k all that.
My inappropriate ass isn’t going to fit in no boxes, no catergories, no labels. I’m me and I’m forever expanding beyond identities and labels. My soul is vast and infinite. F**k your labels.
Thanks for listening to my speech. I hope it inspires you 🖤


It's been a necessary process for me to healing and return back to who I was way before all the pain and all the traumatization of life

Timeline photos 26/04/2020

Meditation has been one of the most powerful healing tool for me. Now every time I feel depression, I know meditating for an hour would instantly give me the clarity to why this is happening and the healing to reboot my energy and mood. Never been more blessed 🌝🌚

Photos from Harvey Dale's post 24/04/2020

Me During This Quarantine [self-portrait]


COVID-19: Quarantine Is Best Time To Transform Yourself 22/04/2020

I truly believe that this is the best time to transform your life. No, it's not a productivity competition. It's a time for healing and empowering.

Who's with me?


COVID-19: Quarantine Is Best Time To Transform Yourself Facebook: Harvey Dale Personal IG: Photography IG:


I truly believe that this time is an opportunity in a lifetime for us to reflect, to connect, to heal, to make changes in our lives, to empower ourselves. There has never been a better time. It's time to reinvent ourself and redesign our lives.

Who's with me?

Videos (show all)

NEW EARTH - The World We Want To Live In
Nourish, Connect, Heal Yourself During COVID-19
COVID-19 Is An Opportunity Of A Lifetime
Quarantine Is Best Time To Transform Yourself
Let Go Of Things Holding You Down To Elevate To Higher Levels
Is It Right To Indulge In Escapism During Quarantine?
Grief and Process Your Feelings to Transform Yourself
Channeling Stress and Fear Of COVID-19 into Preparation
Combating Fears During Lockdown
