Mutarakwa Community BASED Organization

Mutarakwa Community BASED Organization

Mutarakwa community based organization is a non- profitable organization in Bomet County, Bomet cent


I wonder if our Mp, Mca and those other Leaders are with Us? We vote for them to assist us in infrastructure! But our roads are impassable? From Oldabach sign post at tarmark road to Oldabach school impassable? From Kanusin (Tangururwet) through Kinyase to Kapsangaru impassable? From Tangururwet through Chebeiyan school to Tabook impassable? From Arap mwei to Kinyase Samshine School impassable? Kinyase Dam no progress? From Chebeiyan School to Oldabach School impassable!? Why? Why? Tell our Community? We are locked in!


MCBO was started on may/june 2015.
The main pioneer is Paul Kibet Tesot. The organization is situated at Mutarakwa word of Bomet county.
The organization is aimed at improving /strengthening the well being of the dwellers of the ward by taping any potential opportunity, using any available resource for the good of the said residence and enhancing any new and up coming talented youths for the innovative ideas.
Accessing clean/affordable water for local consumption.
Participating in environment/wildlife conservation by encouraging planting of indigenous trees as a means of attracting tourism.
Construction of rehabilitation / concelling centres for those with vices in society.
Looking for ways and means of accessing arable land both in loam/clay soil.
Encouraging expansion of new infrastructure to create room for more innovative ideas to be build.
Encouraging youths to participate in community activities to create more bonds among community members.
Participation in social activities which relates to the disable, aging, vulnerable and widows/widowers in the society.
Active participation in campaigns eg of HIV/AIDS awareness/counceling .
assisting the less fortunate in society eg orphans by visiting orphanage centres.
Empowering middle age group to be more active in social activities.
Encouraging active participation of residence with administration/elected/religious leaders in an open dialoque or forum for exchanging of development agendas.
Sensiticing the community on the need to maintain sanitation in all quarters including collection of garbage and other waste disposal/waste management with sole aim of eliminating diseases relating to it.
Educating youth /elder members of society on the need to uphold good and positive moral behaviors.


Agriculture is what is needed in our land! Let's practice horticultural farming! And we use the modern farming! "Together we grow!" Be blessed our land!




Empowering the community towards self-sustenance.


Mutarakwa Community BASED Organization


Welcome to Mutarakwa Community Based Organisation within Mutarakwa ward!