Kate Wood Videos

Videos by Kate Wood. Kate Wood - author. Here you'll be able to find publishing updates and insights.

Today I hit send.

I sent my first of what will probably be many literary agent query emails to try to find someone who can help represent me and my project and connect me with traditional publishers. Before I did, I said a little prayer that this may lead me and this project in the right direction. Querying is known to be a season of rejection. Am I ready for that? I don't know, but I have to be. I've put myself out there and said, "Here I am, take this piece of my heart and soul. Please love it and cherish it as I do." It's a scary thing.

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Today I hit send. I sent my first of what will probably be many literary agent query emails to try to find someone who can help represent me and my project and connect me with traditional publishers. Before I did, I said a little prayer that this may lead me and this project in the right direction. Querying is known to be a season of rejection. Am I ready for that? I don't know, but I have to be. I've put myself out there and said, "Here I am, take this piece of my heart and soul. Please love it and cherish it as I do." It's a scary thing.