Sina Birkholz - Transformation Work

Sina Birkholz - Transformation Work

With a holistic approach, integrating mind & body, I support you on your journey to personal freedom. I offer 1-on-1 sessions online in English and German.

You can choose between breathwork, shamanic healing sessions and guided journeys, and more comprehensive transformation coaching packages. If you would like to learn more, please book a 20-minute discovery call with me. I am currently also offering group breathwork sessions online. Please send me a message for details.

Photos from Sina Birkholz - Transformation Work's post 17/07/2023


Es ist tricky mit den Emotionen: sie unterdrücken ist nicht besonders gesund. Wenn sie einen überwältigen, fressen sie auch total viel Energie. Manchmal kommen sie wie aus dem Nichts und beeinflussen unser Erleben und unser Verhalten, ohne dass wir wirklich wissen, warum wir uns so fühlen. Nicht selten schaffen sie Probleme im zwischenmenschlichen Bereich und auch in unserem Verhältnis zu uns selbst. Kennst du etwas davon?

Ich habe mich viel mit Emotionen beschäftigt in den letzten Jahren - mit meinen eigenen und denen anderer Menschen; konkret und praktisch genauso wie abstrakt und theoretisch. In Breathwork und Compassionate Inquiry spielt das fühlen und frei lassen von Emotionen eine große Rolle, ebenso in IFS. Zugleich hat der mexikanische Nagualismus eine recht spezielle - und sehr differenzierte - Sicht auf Emotionen, Gefühle und den Umgang damit.

Insgesamt bin ich mittlerweile der Überzeugung, dass einen neuen Umgang mit Emotionen zu lernen ein zentraler Punkt für Heilung und Wachstum ist. Dabei scheint mir ein Mittelweg - weder Emotionen verdrängen oder ablehnen, noch sie dominieren lassen oder zu ernst nehmen - zielführend.

Wenn du mehr darüber erfahren und dazu erleben magst, schließ dich mir, , und den vielen tollen Menschen, die bereits angemeldet sind, an für unseren Workshop „Embracing Emotions“ am 22.7. in Köln. Alle Infos und den Link zur Anmeldung findest du auf meiner Website.

Photos from Sina Birkholz - Transformation Work's post 21/03/2023


This morning I had the chance to walk down to the shore and watch the spring sunrise. For the past days, the first signs of spring have been everywhere. Be it the seed pods of eucalyptus trees popping open, the flowering bushes or the baby goats huddling next to the walking path.

What is it like in your surroundings? Have you already been noticing any changes in nature, the atmosphere or people’s mood?

When I sat on a wall overlooking the sea and feeling the sound of the waves and the tender rays of the morning sun, I noticed how busy my mind already was. Bringing up the week’s to-dos, going over last night’s conversations, wondering why the guy exercising on the rig below was wearing sunglasses … So I practised bringing my attention back to my breath and my energy back to my belly and womb. While focusing on the breath, I could notice how my body felt, still being somewhere between sleeping and waking up, I noticed a lot of tingly-ness and pleasant vibration, unsure whether it was just there or related to the waves and the sun around me. And from that place, my intention for this new season, for the spring arose.

How about you? Do you have an intention for this spring season? What would you like to experience now and in these coming months?

Photos from Sina Birkholz - Transformation Work's post 21/03/2023


This morning I had the chance to walk down to the shore and watch the spring sunrise. For the past days, the first signs of spring have been everywhere. Be it the seed pods of eucalyptus trees popping open, the flowering bushes or the baby goats huddling next to the walking path.

What is it like in your surroundings? Have you already been noticing any changes in nature, the atmosphere or people’s mood?

When I sat on a wall overlooking the sea and feeling the sound of the waves and the tender rays of the morning sun, I noticed how busy my mind already was. Bringing up the week’s to-dos, going over last night’s conversations, wondering why the guy exercising on the rig below was wearing sunglasses … So I practised bringing my attention back to my breath and my energy back to my belly and womb. While focusing on the breath, I could notice how my body felt, still being somewhere between sleeping and waking up, I noticed a lot of tingly-ness and pleasant vibration, unsure whether it was just there or related to the waves and the sun around me. And from that place, my intention for this new season, for the spring arose.

How about you? Do you have an intention for this spring season? What would you like to experience now and in these coming months?


Hey dear, you can find all the upcoming events, info on my work and myself on my beautiful* and very rich website.

No matter if you are interested in trying out breathwork, going deep in 1:1 sessions, joining one of my groups, seeing where Shamanism meets science, or learning about yourself, you are in the right place.

*Its design happened thanks to the wonderful Madeline Mack. If you need any help with logos, branding and graphic design, she is your person:

Photos from Sina Birkholz - Transformation Work's post 20/09/2022

🌬Was passiert im Circle?
Wir tauschen uns aus, teilen uns mit, lassen andere Teil haben an unserem Erleben und lernen voneinander. So ist der Circle ein Raum, in dem jede*r Teilnehmer*in immer wieder merkt: “ich bin gar nicht allein! Weder mit meinen Hoffnungen noch meinen Ängsten oder Sorgen.” Egal ob du dich deines Körpers manchmal schämst, Unsicherheit in deiner Paar-Beziehung erlebst, dir mehr sexuelle Befriedigung wünschst, dich fragst, was du mit deinem Leben eigentlich anfangen willst, Angst vor der Zukunft hast, wütend auf deine Eltern bist, dein Verhalten teils für kindisch hältst, nicht weisst, was du mit deiner Erschöpfung machen sollst, dich nach Verbundenheit sehnst oder manchmal einfach nur in Ruhe gelassen werden willst - nichts davon ist uns unbekannt und mit allem bist du willkommen.
Jeden Monat erkunden wir ein mit unserer Sprache, unserem Körper und unserem Atem. Zusätzlich zum in-Gemeinschaft-sein unterstützen uns Körperübungen, Journaling Prompts, geführte Visualisierungen und Meditationen sowie der verbundene bewusste Atem dabei das Thema und das Erlebte zu verarbeiten und zu integrieren. Wir öffnen uns dafür, uns mit uns selbst wohl zu fühlen.

🌬Was kostet meine Teilnahme am Circle? 
Für den ganzen Zyklus 2022/23 zahlst du einmalig 300 €. Du kannst nach der Anmeldung entweder per Überweisung oder Paypal bezahlen.

Was bekomme ich alles dafür? 
✨9 Circle Sessions à 3 Stunden, online auf Zoom
✨Jedes Circle Meeting beinhaltet 50-60 Minuten verbundenes Atmen, eine thematisch passende geführte Meditation und/oder thematisch passende Bewegungsübung, begleiteten Austausch sowie theoretische Anregungen zum Thema
✨Denkanstöße und Journaling-Fragen zu den einzelnen Sitzungen, eine Woche im Voraus
✨Unterstützung per Email falls zwischen den Sitzungen Fragen auftauchen
✨Eine Gemeinschaft Gleichgesinnter
✨Die Einladung zum in-person Circle Treffen im Sommer 2023 (Die Kosten für die Teilnahme am in-person Circle Treffen sind nicht im Circle Jahres-Beitrag eingeschlossen.) 

🌬Wie kann ich mich anmelden?
Schick eine Email an [email protected] und lass mich wissen, warum du gerne in diesem Jahr im Circle dabei sein möchtest.

Photos from Sina Birkholz - Transformation Work's post 19/09/2022

Just two days ago, I received a 1:1 breathwork session that did amazing things for me (Thank you again, .sti.na_ ❤️❤️❤️). Prior to it, I had been talking with my colleague about our work with people. We both noted that we find it somewhat difficult to advertise for breathwork because it can do SO MANY different things for you.

And indeed: I don’t find it easy to describe to you, how Breathwork can support you, because almost no matter what you need, you will get it.

What might that be? Breathwork can energise or calm you. It can bring clarity and understanding. It can foster forgiveness as much as clear boundary setting. It connects you with your body and your desires. It shows you that you got what it takes and it gives you courage. It brings peace and relaxation. It can bring you visions and new ideas. … and the list goes on.

Can’t be true? How about you check it out for yourself?

Your next chance to breathe with me in a group is on Thursday September 22, at 8 pm CET (Berlin time). You find the registration link in the bio.

1:1 sessions can be booked any time, just send me an email or a pm here.

I can’t wait for you to experience this transformative tool for yourself.

PS: This was f***ing amazing!” is what a participant of my group sessions in Machico, Madeira said right after. A spontaneous testimonial that speaks for itself. 😄🌬💥


Whoop whoop. There it is. My website is finally officially online. 💫💫💫

I proudly present:

It’s my first own website, and I am pretty excited. It took me more than 9 months to finish it – which might give you a sense of how dear this baby is to me.

The website provides lots of info and inspiration.
You can read about my different methods, such as compassionate inquiry or core transformation, how Breathwork changed my life, what Shamanism is, or get reading recommendations on various topics such as trauma, sexuality and lucid dreaming.

Of course, you can also find the dates for the next breathwork sessions in the event section.

The full website is available both in English and German.

There is lots to discover, and I sincerely hope that you all find the info useful and enjoy the texts and pictures.

I did not do this website on my own – far from it! In particular, I’d like to thank who made the beautiful logo and helped me design the website. If you have any soulful project that needs logo design, branding or a website, is your person. I highly recommend her – I actually enjoyed working with her very much, every step of the process. It was fun.

A big thank you also to , and everyone else who has given me feedback in the process.

If you have any comments or requests for the website please let me know! Your feedback helps me improve it.


Wie geht's dir mit der gegenwärtigen Lage?

Thema der Breathwork Voyage am Sonntag ist "Zur Ruhe kommen".

Falls dich ein Moment der Pause und des Atemholens unterstützen kann, schließe dich uns an! Wie jeden 1.Sonntag des Monats gibt es um 16 Uhr die Atemreise auf Deutsch.

Du findest den Link zur Anmeldung in meinem Linktree.


Would you like to join our (LUCID) DREAMING GROUP, starting on March 10?

Then find all the details here:

⭐️ The group is an experimental space for all of us to learn and try new things around dreaming. It’s open to anyone who is interested to become more acquainted with their potential to dream awake and who is committed to practicing. (Sorry, but talking alone won’t do much.)
⭐️You can join no matter what your current skill level is, we’ll do our best to chose exercises that accommodate different levels.
⭐️We meet every three weeks for 1.5 hours online. In the meetings, we learn about the theory and practice of (lucid) dreaming as it has been developed and employed by the ancient Mexicans and is increasingly becoming of interest to modern (wo)man and science.
⭐️Between sessions, we engage in practices to experiment with and enhance our own dreaming abilities.

💫Upcoming Dates💫

March 10
March 31
April 21
May 12

at 7:00 pm CET on Zoom

🌟Registration: you find the link in the bio🌟

⭐️The Lucid Dreaming Group is facilitated by Luis de la Cruz and me. ⭐️If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]

⭐️Participation is for free. If you would like to support our work with a donation, please let us know and we will send you the account details.

🌜Topics we will look into🌛

Dreaming 101

Becoming Lucid/Waking up

Awareness and Memory


Windows into other worlds

💫What does a session look like?💫

At the beginning, Luis de la Cruz will provide an input of about 15 minutes. We’ll then share about our experiences with the previous practice, discuss, ask questions. And introduce the practice for the next few weeks.


How was your night? Do you remember any of your dreams?

…. “Wait. Why is she asking about my night and my dreams. … “

I’m asking because dreaming (awake) is a central element of the Toltec tradition.

Toltecism is Mexico’s wisdom tradition, much less well known than the Vedic teachings or Daoism, but equally profound and interesting. For me, encountering Toltec teachings had a life-altering effect. For the past three years, I have been following Toltec principles in my everyday life, and it indeed has helped set me free. At least much more free than I used to be.

The part of Toltec practices that I’d ike to focus on more in this year is “dreaming awake”. Dreaming awake has similarity with Lucid Dreaming: it is about waking up in your dreams, while your body is asleep, and gaining more and more command over your awareness in this state. So in essence it is about bringing mindfulness to your dreams. Once you’ve cultivated this ability, you’re able to do all sorts of crazy and interesting and helpful things in your dreams – at least that is the promise.

There’s also a big overlap here with other Shamanic traditions, from different continents, who use dreamwork to gain insights and to heal. But irrespective of its ultimate goal, Lucid Dreaming, dreaming Awake or Mindful Dreaming can simply be fun and a way of playfully exploring yourself and your awareness.

So my partner Luis de la Cruz, who’s been introduced to these practices when he was a kid, and I decided to gather a like-minded group of explorers to venture out into the dream world. Unless you’re particularly gifted, the only way to lucid dreaming is to engage in regular practice. And as with anything that needs repetition and steady practice, it’s so much easier once you have the support and accountability of a group!

So join us for the
(Lucid) Dreaming Group
Thursday, March 10
7 pm CET
on Zoom

You find the link for registration in my Linktree. More details on how the group works are in the next post.


[Lucid Dreaming Group for practice]

Are you interested in Lucid Dreaming?

Have you ever tried to bring about this state consciously, and somehow it doesn't really work out? Or have you already read so many things on the subject and do not know exactly where to start with the practice? Or do you actually know exactly how to start practicing lucid dreaming - but you lack the motivation to implement it all. on your own?

Then the Lucid Dreaming Group is here to support you:

We meet every three weeks for 1.5 hours online. In the meetings, we learn about the theory and practice of (lucid) dreaming as it has been developed and employed by the ancient Mexicans and is increasingly becoming of interest to modern (wo)man and science. Between sessions, we engage in practices to experiment with and enhance our own dreaming abilities.

The group is an experimental space for all of us to learn and try new things around dreaming. It’s open to anyone who is interested to become more acquainted with their potential to dream awake and who is committed to practicing. (Sorry, but talking alone won’t do much.) You can join no matter what your current skill level is, we’ll do our best to chose exercises that accommodate different levels.

Upcoming Dates:
March 10
March 31
April 21
May 12

at 7:00 pm CET on Zoom


The (Lucid) Dreaming Group is facilitated by Luis de la Cruz and Dr. Sina Birkholz. If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]

If you would like to support our work with a donation, please let us know and we will send you our account details.

The main language is English. If every now and then you need something to be translated to German, we’re happy to provide partial translation.

Topics we will look into:
Dreaming 101
Becoming Lucid/Waking up
Awareness and Memory
Windows into other worlds

What does a session look like?
At the beginning, Luis de la Cruz will provide an input of about 15 minutes. We’ll then share about our experiences with the previous practice, discuss, and ask questions. Afterwards, Luis or Sina will introduce the practice for the next few weeks.

Photos from Sina Birkholz - Transformation Work's post 02/12/2021

Diesen Sonntag gibt es zum ersten Mal seit langer Zeit wieder eine Atemreise auf Deutsch. Ich freue mich zum Jahresende noch einmal eine bunte Gruppe aus erfahrenen Breathern und NeueinsteigerInnen anzuleiten.

Erst heute Morgen habe ich selbst eine Einzelsitzung empfangen dürfen, und war wieder einmal fasziniert davon wie viel Klarheit, Sanftheit und innerer Friede mit so einer Session Einzug hält. Immer wieder abgefahren. I am in awe - and would love to introduce you to this amazing, powerful technique.

Wenn du Lust hast, die Atemtechnik in der Gruppe kennen zu lernen, schau bei einer der Voyages vorbei. Diesen Sonntag, 5.12. 16-18 Uhr (auf Deutsch) oder am 19.12. 16-18 Uhr (auf Englisch). Die Kraft deines Atems wird dich begeistern.

Falls du dieses Werkzeug für deine persönliche Entwicklung nutzen magst und dich in einer Einzelsitzung wohler fühlst, schreib mir eine pm. Wenn du bis zum 1. Dezember buchst, gibt es 25% Rabatt auf deine erste Einzelsession.


Hi beautiful being!

How have you experienced the year 2021? What was tough on you? What worked well? What did you learn? How have you grown? What was your personal highlight? Is there any unfinished business that you would like to wrap up before ending this year? Would you like to let go of any unnecessary ballast before heading into the new year?

Join me for the December Breathwork Voyages and let your breath do the work.

With the days (in some parts of the Northern Hemisphere at least) getting shorter and the end of the year approaching, the month of December invites us to pause and reflect. We'll pick up on this reflective mood in this month's breathwork sessions and combine it with a good amount of curiosity, gratitude and transformative power. If you'd like to do some emotional and mental housecleaning before heading into the new year, join me on the following dates:

Sonntag, 5.Dezember 2021
Breathwork Voyage
“Transformation” (auf Deutsch)
16 – 18 Uhr Berlin time (CET)

auf Zoom
Registriere dich für Transformation am 5.12.21

Sunday December 19
Breathwork Voyage (in English)
“Closing the year 2021 and letting go”
16 – 18 Uhr Berlin time (CET)
9 am – 11 am Oaxacan time (CST)
10 am – 12 pm New York time (EST)

on Zoom
Register for Closing the Year 2021 on Dec 19

On both occasions, you'll get a chance to more fully arrive in your body. The gentle movement and a guided meditation will allow you to connect with your roots and be reminded that you have a place in this universe. I can't wait to breathe with you again!

Lots of love, as always,



Es ist wieder so weit! 🥳🤓

Morgen, Dienstag 28.9.21 treffen wir uns zum nächsten Mal um die Community der BreathworkerInnen im deutschsprachigen Raum zu stärken, gemeinsam zu lernen, und zu erfahren, was es Neues gibt. Dieses Mal widmen wir uns im besonderen dem Thema Trauma.

Unten erfährst du mehr über das Treffen und seine Intention!

Den Link zur Anmeldung findest du im Linktree. Bei Fragen, schreib mir gerne.

Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Netzwerktreffen Atemarbeit
Wir treffen uns einmal im Monat um uns rund um das Thema Breathwork auszutauschen. Das Netzwerktreffen Atemarbeit ist offen für alle, die im Bereich Atemarbeit beruflich tätig sind, ganz gleich ob du AtemtherapeutIn, -coach oder -trainerIn bist. Wenn du Lust hast dich mit anderen professionell auszutauschen, bist du herzlich willkommen! Neben offenem Gespräch wenden wir uns jeweils auch einem Thema zu, wie z.B. Trauma und Breathwork, Breathwork in verschiedenen Weisheits-Traditionen, Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Breathwork, Breathwork und Gesang/Stimmarbeit, Praxisgründung und organisatorische Fragen ...
Das Treffen gibt dir auch Gelegenheit KooperationspartnerInnen für deine Projekte zu finden, zu erfahren, welche Veranstaltungen andere planen, und dich mit BreathworkerInnen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum zu vernetzen.
Das nächste Treffen findet am Dienstag, 28.September um 20:30 Uhr statt, und wir befassen uns mit dem Thema 'Trauma und Breathwork‘. Sandra Heuschmann, die Körperpsychotherapeutin ist und in ihrer Praxis mit Elementen aus Körper - Atem und Klang arbeitet, wird uns einen kurzen Impuls zum Thema geben, bevor wir in die offene Diskussion einsteigen. 
Netzwerktreffen Atemarbeit im September – Thema ‚Trauma und Breathwork‘, mit Sandra Heuschmann
Datum: Dienstag 28.9.2021
Uhrzeit: 20:30 – 21:45 Uhr
Link für die Anmeldung im Linktree
Organisation: Sina Birkholz .birkholz & Hanna Dittmer

Photos from Sina Birkholz - Transformation Work's post 05/08/2021

If you’re curious to discover a new meaning of coming home, join me on Sunday for a Breathwork Voyage!!

✨Why ‚Coming Home‘?
As some of you already know, Luis and I came to Germany in mid-June. So for me it’s been a time of coming home – of meeting friends and family I hadn’t seen in a long time and also of revisiting places and experiences.

And I know that for many of you, too, the summer months were a time of returning to places and people you call home. What was this experience like for you? And if you haven’t gone back home recently, maybe you still recall past times you went? For many people, coming home is a mixed bag. What is it like for you?

I myself don’t always find it easy – often, I find myself slipping back into old patterns.

In Berlin, where I had spent several years working at different universities and writing my PhD, I instantly fell back into a pattern of being very structured, if not rigid with my schedule, making (too) many appointments, expecting (too) much from myself (and my day), ultimately also getting rushed and stressed. When interacting with my family, I noticed myself getting triggered easily by any behaviour that resonates with unmet childhood needs or inner conflicts I had when growing up. In group situations with friends, I found myself quickly torn by the varying needs and preferences expressed by different people – and I felt overwhelmed by my inability to meet all these needs to my (!) satisfaction.

Does any of that resonate with you? Do you know similar feelings?

If yes, let me tell you about another form of coming home that I have learned to appreciate very much. Today, for me coming home has a second meaning: returning to my center, checking in with my body and myself, and allowing myself to really be in my body with my full awareness. ….
➡️ Continue reading in the comments

Photos from Sina Birkholz - Transformation Work's post 27/07/2021

My new Breathwork offer is here! summer has arrived and in some countries Corona is taking a break. So I wanted to make sure that between travelling, going to the lakes and mountains, enjoying the regained freedom with your friends and family, working and facing your everyday challenges, you also get a chance to pause and breathe.

When lots of exciting things are going on, it's even more important that every now and then we step back for a moment, and allow ourselves to take it all in, feel our emotions and digest our experiences. These moments of grounding ourselves and reconnecting with our body and heart are priceless and crucial for replenishing our energy.

The summer breathwork series will be exactly that: a space for you to reconnect with yourself.

Every second Thursday, we'll meet for 75 minutes from 8–9:15 pm German time (20-21:15 Uhr) to harness the power of our breath for connecting – with ourselves, our bodies, the elements, and the people we love.

The dates and themes are:

29.7. Flow/Water
12.8. Transformation/Fire
26.8. Clarity/Wind
9.9. Grounding/Earth

You can do the whole four-sessions series or show up for single sessions. You find the link to the sessions in my bio.

I can’t wait to breathe with you again! If you have any questions, let me know 🤗 🌬 💚


There is some common frames and motivations around mistakes that make it harder for us to deal with them. The ones I found to be most salient for our struggle with mistakes are:
�1. I don’t want to feel pain! - Avoiding pain
2. It’s me! If I make a mistake, it’s because I am ….. [fill in: dumb, small, clumsy, naive etc.] - self-attribution
3. Someone has to be at fault! – the idea that if something goes wrong, someone must have fu**ed up (either you, or the other).

Do you recognise any of these patterns in yourself? Or do you know them from your family of origin? Or any other context that shaped you and how you view and feel things? Let me know in the comments, which of these three reactions you are most likely to take.

This is part three of the mini series on mistakes. In part IV we’ll look at alternative ways of seeing our own actions and dealing with mistakes.

If you’d like to journal on the topic of mistakes of mistakes, how about you start with this question?

♥ What is my earliest memory of making a mistake? What happened? Who was there or involved? How did they react? How did I feel? Do I know this feeling from my current life as an adult?

And if you’d like to share, please let me know in the comments, what your memory is and what conclusions you drew from it. Would be thrilled to hear about your reflections on the topic!


There is some common frames and motivations around mistakes that make it harder for us to deal with them. The ones I found to be most salient for our struggle with mistakes are:
�1. I don’t want to feel pain! - Avoiding pain
2. It’s me! If I make a mistake, it’s because I am ….. [fill in: dumb, small, clumsy, naive etc.] - self-attribution
3. Someone has to be at fault! – the idea that if something goes wrong, someone must have fu**ed up (either you, or the other).

Do you recognise any of these patterns in yourself? Or do you know them from your family of origin? Or any other context that shaped you and how you view and feel things? Let me know in the comments, which of these three reactions you are most likely to take.

This is part three of the mini series on mistakes. In part IV we’ll look at alternative ways of seeing our own actions and dealing with mistakes.

If you’d like to journal on the topic of mistakes of mistakes, how about you start with this question?

♥ What is my earliest memory of making a mistake? What happened? Who was there or involved? How was I made to feel about making mistakes?

And if you’d like to share, please let me know in the comments, what your memory is and what conclusions you drew from it. Would be thrilled to hear about your reflections on the topic!

Videos (show all)

There is some common frames and motivations around mistakes that make it harder for us to deal with them.  The ones I fo...
There is some common frames and motivations around mistakes that make it harder for us to deal with them.  The ones I fo...
What actually is a mistake? What does the word “failure” mean to you? What feelings does it illicit? What’s success? Wha...
There seems to be a difference between theory and reality when it comes to mistakes. Cognitively, we might already have ...
