Franchesca Rowe Wellbeing and Healing Online Community Classes

Franchesca Rowe Wellbeing and Healing Online Community Classes

Yoga (in person & online), Trauma Healing, Nutrition, Emotional Recovery, Mental Health & Wellbeing.


Would anyone be interested in a holiday to Northumberland ?

I booked it for my honeymoon and am no longer able to go, it’s truly beautiful.

We were supposed to pay £2000 for two weeks and got a discount bringing it down to £1600

I’m happy to offer someone a huge bargain, just don’t want to lose such a big amount of money and the beautiful holiday get wasted.

Please pass the message on if you can.






All your tutoring needs right here!

Online & In person.

Beds & Bucks.

Message to book.


Hey all,

If you would like weekly access to our community classes ONLINE.

Please reach out to find out how to join our private group.
You will only be able to access videos if you have made a donation or it has been agreed that you can access the group for free.

Love & Light

Franchesca Rowe Wellbeing and Healing Online Community Classes

WHAT IS THE EGO? 26/06/2023

WHAT IS THE EGO? WHAT IS THE EGO? We all have different opinions on what the “ego” really is. Perhaps you think of that time someone pointed out a girl strutting across the dance floor, and said that she “has a hug…


Water element Yoga flow Yin Yang Class

Photos from Franchesca Rowe Wellbeing and Healing Online Community Classes's post 14/10/2022

In this day and age it's increasingly difficult for me to meet someone who hasn't experienced trauma.

Stress, anxiety and trauma can leave us disconnected from our bodies, emotions and each other. We can hold unhelpful postural conditions in our body which may keep us stuck in an unhelpful place physically and mentally.

Let me show you some ways to let go.

Basement Martial Arts Tuesday 8.15pm

The Courtyard Centre Biggleswade
Sundays 9.45 am



This week.

Fire element 🔥 yoga 🧘‍♀️

Fire has been used in rituals for centuries, it has the power to unleash total transformation.

We warm our homes and food with fire and we need it to survive.

We get our very life from the beautiful sun each and every day and without it we would cease to exist

Settle your digestive fire, find your inner power and confidence by utilising the fire element within your own body.

Find the flame in your heart.

Sundays 9.45am

Tuesday 8.15pm Thursdays 10am


Here is me.

Living my absolute no make up scruff bag best life in wild water.

Water has the ability to nourish and fuel your entire body.

To lubricate joints, aid digestion and cool internal physical or emotional fires.

When we become more like water, we are flexible, adaptive and allow things to dissolve within us.

We can learn alot from water.

Join me for water element yin yang yoga

Fluid, flowy, free movement.

Tuesday 8.15pm

Thursday 10am

Basement Martial Arts

Or Sunday 9.45 am


What's on this week?

It's a new moon on Sunday!

Sometimes this can leave us low energy or either full of ideas or lacking completely.

It is also an excellent time to think about how you want to spend your energy and what intentions and goals you want to set.

Let me guide you into a deeply restorative and balancing yoga practice that can help you discover your goals and harness the power of the new moon to plant and harvest them.

Tuesday 8.15pm Thursday 10.00am

Sunday 9.45am



Now available Sunday morning 9.45 am

Had the best start to a Sunday I could have hoped for, maybe next time you'll join me 💞☺️🌿



I have many altars placed around my home.

Some are to goddesses.
Some to ancestors.
Some a place just for me.

Why surrender to a higher power?

Often I hear "worship is for the weak"

"Some people NEED something to believe in"

But actually, when you learn about divinity you come to understand that we are all divine and we all have the entire universe inside of us.

Worshipping a higher power teaches you more about yourself than you might realise.

Timeline photos 05/09/2022

Not everyone is going to like us, and that is a hard lesson most of us have to learn. But much easier if it is taught when we are young.

Often we sacrifice who we are at the expense of pleasing others. This toxic cycle we get into can etch away at our integrity over time and we lose sight of who we really are.


Who needs a detox after the bank holiday?

Learn how to use the power of breath and bandha to speed up your metabolism and detox your digestive tract.

All levels, all ages, all abilities.

Free for members

Tuesday eve 8.15pm

Thursday morn 10 am



There's no such thing as a "summer body"

You can nourish and strengthen your body every day, all year round.

Pilates is a safe, stength and core based series of movements which can enhance your strength and improve your posture.

Tomorrow I will be weaving elements of both pilates and yoga into our session for an accessible, toning session. No weights required, discover the power hidden within your own bodh.

Join us tomorrow 10am



it's been so wonderful having lovely full classes and I can't wait to see you all again 💗

Mixed classes available

Thursdays 10 am

Tuesdays 8.15pm

All levels

Free for members

6 pounds for non members

Yin / YANG class

Let's carry on where we started and keep that self love momentum going 🌙🌿💛

How do people feel about Thursday mornings 🌄?

Do we want more strength? I can incorporate some pilates into this session if people are missing the more active session.

Let me know

Lots of love ✌️

'sback strength


Due to the weather we have moved our class time

Tonight's practice will be done in the dark, ventilated and with emphasis on creating more yin in the body (coolness, calmness)

In this heat we have an absolute excess of yang (heat, fire) and itncan leave us feeling burnt out and exhausted, yet wired at the same time.

Come keep your cool with us at 8pm.

No experience needed


Good morning 🙏 🌄 ☺️ 

~ make sure you read to the end ~ 

With regards to our coming event I would just like to remind you to bring a yoga mat, wear lose comfortable clothing and bring a mat/cushion if you like to sit on these.

I would also advise you bring a bottle of water with some ice in it as we are facing the heat in the dead of summer.

Summer represents all things Yang ☯️ 

Heat, activity,  growing, harvesting....doing, doing, doing more....

Many of us are facing a huge YIN deficiency which can affect your health in a number of detrimental ways if it isn't balanced out.

Yin deficiency can look like:

- fatigue,  exhaustion & burnout

- headaches and digestive issues

- frustration, anger, irritability 

- unbalanced hormones (irregular periods for women)

- muscle pain and cramping 

- disorders of the liver and detoxification 

- adrenal fatigue (feeling exhausted and wired...not sleeping at night and struggling in the morning)

How do we increase yin ...?

- wholesome restful activities like art 🎨 

- meditation (slowing down the 

- yoga or body work (tai chi, chi gong etc)

- gentle swimming or mindful walking

- humming, singing, chanting softly 

- periods of silence and reflection

All of our moon group activities are specifically curated with emphasis on increasing the yin in your body,  so you leave feeling nurtured, cared for and rejuvenated.

Thank you for sharing your energy with us.

We will be placing an altar at our circle 🔵 

If you wish to bring something to place on the altar that would be wonderful (it will be given back at the end) 

Suggestions include:

- flowers, crystals, incense

- a statue or object of meaning (to you)

- food offerings

- oil offerings

- tarot cards, angel cards

- mead or wine offerings 

- personal or inherited items that are special to you

- photos

- consecrated jewellery 

- trinkets, talismans etc.

But it could be ANYTHING you like, good energy encouraged 🌿🌙🧡

Any further questions or if you've booked and not paid please reach out.

We except donations and exchanges too 🥰

Lots of love,

Jess, Franchesca, Felicity and Oriole.


Classes much busier now and format feeling correctly aligned with the group 🧡🌙🌿

Big thanks to all who answered the surveys & attended class this week

Tuesdays @ 8.15pm until 9pm

Thursdays 10am - 11am

Mixed group, beginner friendly, yin and yang ☯️


Photos from Franchesca Rowe Wellbeing and Healing Online Community Classes's post 02/07/2022

Good afternoon sweet souls, 

I think you should stop, breath,  check in with your body...and read this extract. 

"It doesn't interest me what you do for a living....

I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing...

It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!I want to know if you can sit with pain...

mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments."

- Oriah Mountain Dreamer ⛰️ ✨️ ♥️


Hey guys,

I've been teaching now for some time and I would love more clients...

I wondered if you don't make it to class....what perhaps gets in the way of your practice?

1. I'm not flexible, I would feel embarrassed
2. I've never done yoga before
3. I hate meditation/ I can't stop thinking
4. I can't make the times
5. It's too far away
6. I can't sit still
7. I want to burn calories / get stronger...not stretch!

Please see my story for the poll.

Classes are 10.30 am 45 minutes Thursdays
9.30am 1 hour with meditation Fridays

I'd love to see more of you there and reach more people in the community

health -care


When we select a path that is not best for us, there can be a deep-rooted element of us that does not wish to fully heal.

In virtually every situation, we intuitively know which decisions and actions are the best choice, this can be from the partners we select to the food we put in our bodies. However, rather oddly, it is seemingly overwhelming to know which decision to make...

To read more follow our moon celebrations page on Facebook



What is the ego?

You might look up a definition on Google.
You might think of that time someone pointed out that the girl strutting across the dance floor, “has a huge ego”.

You might (like me) have read about it in psychology, when Freud used it to identify the conscious part of us that is aware of our individual sense of self. The “I” the “Me”.

Or maybe you’ve read spiritual texts that talk about ego as part of what keeps us suffering, what drives the belief that we are “separate” in some way and that we are having an experience of human life that only concerns us.

Personally, I like to describe it as “anything that helps you form your identity”. This could be your career, your relationships, your upbringing, your material possessions, your “quirks” or “personality”.

Ego is vital. Ego is necessary. You are a soul, you are a spirit, but you are contained within a human body…in the throws of a human existence. You need ego to drive yourself around the planet and to function on many levels.

Suffering occurs when we get too attached to our ego.

On my blog I've included some useful tips for separating from ego.



!!!Yoga is back!!!

Fridays 9.30am

YIN and meditation

Start your self care weekend with the best possible self love treatment ❤

Only 5 pounds

Members free

Videos (show all)

Water element Yoga flow Yin Yang Class
I've been teaching this format for a while now and I can guarantee that some of may read my posts and think, what on ear...
What is the ego? You might look up a definition on Google.You might think of that time someone pointed out that the girl...