Corinne Lewandowski - Author

Corinne Lewandowski - Author

I love writing. Radio ads and plays, short fiction or flash, novels and poetry, Science fiction and


Woooo hoooo!

Look at that! My short story Family Business is in Dystopia From The Rock.

And that anthology I'm in . . . well it's a TOP Seller Kindle Unlimited for January! Yeahhhhh! So exciting!

So happy for all the authors in the anthologies and in all the other books!

Sooo cool as I have a special publication coming up myself in the Fall with that story in it! More news as things come together! :)

The numbers are in! The Top Sellers from Engen Books for January 2024 are A Q***R HISTORY OF NEWFOUNDLAND by Rhea Rollmann, THE STARVING Jon Dobbin - Author, AS LOVED OUR FATHERS by Matthew LeDrew, DYSTOPIA FROM THE ROCK, BY RESERVATION ONLY by Bronwynn Erskine - Author, ACCEPTANCE produced in partnership with Quadrangle NL, VIRAL by Creatures of the Rock author Andrew Peacock, SLIPSTREAMERS, ROXY BUCKLES AND THE FLIGHT OF THE SPARROW by Nicole Little - Author, and TOMBSTORIES by Kelley Power!


Dartmouth Book Exchange’s Top Selling Dartmouth Authors 21/01/2024

Sue and the Dartmouth Book exchange have been very supportive of my author journey! Sue goes above and beyond to support the local author scene for all genres of writing! And they have loads of amazing books for sale there.

Dartmouth Book Exchange’s Top Selling Dartmouth Authors The perfect gift for the avid reader and Dartmouth lover in your family, 10 of the bestselling Dartmouth based authors you can find at the Dartmouth Book Exchange.


Ohhhhhh Loookie!

My short story The Beat of a Different Drone is in this anthology collection Fairy Tales From the Rock.

The book made Engen's Number 5 TOP SELLER for all of 2023!

How sweet is that for me and all the other cool authors with stories sin the anthology!

Yeahhhhhh! So Happy!

And finally, the from Engen Books in 2023, across all markets and when adjusted for price equality, are:
#1: THE LAST OF THE DRAGONS by Paul Carberry
#2: CARCHARODON by Paul Carberry
#3: A Q***R HISTORY OF NEWFOUNDLAND by Rhea Rollmann
#4: OFF-PANEL: A HISTORY OF NL COMIX by Elizabeth Whitten
#6: THE FAIRIES OF FOGGY ISLAND by Bishop/Russell/Callahan
#7: Terror Nova
#8: ALL THINGS BROKEN by David James Lynch
#9: THE BIRDS COME BACK IN THE SPRING by Jenkins - Author and Artist
#10: AS LOVED OUR FATHERS by Matthew LeDrew


What a nice treat to start the year! My short story, The Beat of a Different Drone, is in Fairy Tales From The Rock! (top row, second from left). Schweet! My story is a modern LGBTI twist on Cinderella. Techno music, drones and Le****ns, Oh Myyyy! :)

The 2023 Numbers are in! The from Engen Books Direct in 2023 were: A Q***R HISTORY OF NEWFOUNDLAND by Rhea Rollmann, FAIRY TALES FROM THE ROCK edited by Ellen Curtis - Author and Erin Vance, OFF PANEL by Elizabeth Whitten, THE FAIRIES OF FOGGY ISLAND by Mel Bishop / Nicole Russell / , Terror Nova, THE BIRDS COME BACK IN THE SPRING by Hannah Jenkins - Author and Artist, SEA STORIES FROM THE ROCK, AS LOVED OUR FATHERS by Matthew LeDrew, VIRAL by Creatures of the Rock author Andrew Peacock, and ALL THINGS BROKEN by David James Lynch!


Happy New Year! May 2024 be a gentle one with more joy than not!

As an author, I'm a member of the International Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors (IASFA). It's a great group for authors like me to promote my writing with free offers.

Joining the IASFA email list is free for readers (as well as authors).

For those with Kindles (or reading it on the computer) there is an amazing offer on for today only. While I don't have a book on offer here, my friend Peter Foote does as do many other cool authors!

For Canuks use the second link and pick the books on the A la Carte option! :) Enjoy!

Science Fiction readers UNITE!

Load your Kindle with Science Fiction, FOR FREE! Are you wondering what to read next? Are you waiting for your favorite author’s next book and you have some time? The International Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors (IASFA) can help with that.

How about a no risk way to download over fifty science fiction titles from Amazon US or Amazon UK with just a few effortless clicks? And then read to your heart’s content. Fill the time with the best entertainment available – reading science fiction:). If you aren’t in the US or UK, you can still get the titles by browsing the ala carte selections that you find on this website -

Take a look and see what there is to see. All flavors of science fiction by a wide variety of established and up-and-coming authors. Free to read. Free to enjoy. Subscribe to the IASFA newsletter for five additional free titles AND so you never miss a science fiction promotion again.


Always gives me a smile to see this. Anyone going to the St. John's Farmers market can pick up books from Engen Books.

Right there in the front row are two anthologies in which I have stories. Fairy Tales From the Rock has my story The Beat of a Different Drone - an LGBTI modern twist on Cinderella. Pulp Science Fiction from The Rock has The Final Invasion - a Pulp SF style story with the main character trying to save the Earth from an Alien invasion despite her misogynistic team mates.

Thanks for the smiles today!

Not in Newfoundland and want to pick up personally autographed from me directly? Just PM me for details.

No matter where you are in the city, we got you today! Join us 9-4pm at St. John's Farmers' Market Festive Market, and 11am-6pm at Avalon Expo - Newfoundland Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Comics/Anime/Pop-Culture chat!

The 250-word Microfiction Challenge — nycmidnight 03/11/2023

Join me and writers worldwide in the 250-word Microfiction Challenge on December 9th! Learn more at

I've done this contest for years! It's a fantastic, fun contest. best of all you get really good constructive criticism about what worked well with your flash fiction and what needs improvement (from 3 different judges)

The 250-word Microfiction Challenge — nycmidnight The 250-word Microfiction Challenge is an international creative writing competition that challenges participants to create very short stories based on genre, action, and word assignments in 48 hours.

Polar Borealis & Polar Starlight | Two Free Online Magazines Devoted to Canadian Speculative Fiction 24/10/2023

Exciting News!!!!!!!

My speculative fiction poem The Sorrow of Souls has been published in Polar Borealis issue #27!

I cannot tell you how exciting it is to be in an Aurora Award-winning non-profit semi-professional SF fiction magazine!!!!!

For those that don't know the Aurora Award are *the* top annual writing awards for Canada's annual English-language Science Fiction and Fantasy!

Polar Borealis is a Magazine of Canadian Speculative Fiction, edited by R. Graeme Cameron.

I am so pleased to be in this publication with many other fine authors.

Polar Borealis is a non-profit magazine that is offered for free download.

Would you like a PDF copy for a read?

Want to check out Polar Borealis and Polar Starlight's website?

The amazing work done by hard working editors and publishers provides opportunities for writers like me. Take a gander at their work

I hope you enjoy it!

Polar Borealis & Polar Starlight | Two Free Online Magazines Devoted to Canadian Speculative Fiction Welcome to Polar Borealis & to Polar Starlight Magazines Featured Posted on May 13, 2016 by polarborealis Reply (Note: Background art by Eric Chu) IMPORTANT NOTE: Both Polar Borealis and Polar Starlight are non-profit publications available for free download. Nevertheless both magazines are paying m...

Photos from Corinne Lewandowski - Author's post 24/10/2023

Howdy Folks!

I'm extending a free shipping offer to any Canucks not already signed up to my author email subscribers Reader Crew

Canada Post has a free shipping within Canada offer on for Tuesdays. Only 2 more Tuesdays in the months.

Of the four anthologies I have a short story in, I have 3 print copies available for purchase. The blurbs of what my story in each book is about is right on the image. I'm lucky to be in so many collections with many other fine authors.

Anyone inclined to purchase a book will have it shipped for free. Within Canada (under 5kg which could ship about 3 or 4 books).

Each book with have my story personally autographed to you and include a free coolio bookmark.

Books are $25 CDN each, two for $45 and three for $60. Shipping to a Canadian address for **this month only**. Fans in other spots will have to pay normal shipping costs as Canada Post is only making the offer for Canadian addresses.

PM me if you'd like to pick up an anthology I'm in or just want to say hey! :)

Photos from Corinne Lewandowski - Author's post 24/10/2023
Photos from Corinne Lewandowski - Author's post 24/10/2023


Tomorrow is the second last Tuesday for the free shipping within Canada offer! :)

Just send me a note tomorrow or by Oct 31st if anyone would like to buy a personally autographed anthology! :)

Photos from Corinne Lewandowski - Author's post 12/10/2023

Hidy Hody Folks!

For those who've subscribed to my email group and become one of my Reader Crew, check your emails!

The Reader Crew are first out the gate being offered ***a special offer*** for anyone wishing to directly buy one of the print anthologies with my story in it (aka Free Shipping offer for Canadian addresses)!

Check your inboxes and spam folders! :)

Any folks not already in the Reader Crew who'd like to get specials offers, early promos and free story content are welcomed to sign up! Just click that Sign Up button in the upper right corner to join the email group!

Even if you join while the offer is still open, I will email it to new subscribers too!

Great weather here! No matter where you are, enjoy the moments in betweens!


Check it out!

I'm this week's author for the Dartmouth Book Exchange's Online Spotlight!

Go on over and take a gander! You can win a copy of the Fairy Tales From the Rock Anthology! My short story "The Beat of a Different Drone" is in this book! (I autographed my story).

It's a modern twist on Cinderella. Le****ns, drones and techno music! Oh Myyyyyy! A fun read (if I do say so myself) in time for Pride coming up in the Halifax area!

***Author Spotlight and Book Give-A-Way***

This week we are spotlighting Corinne Lewandowski and her short story featured in Fairy Tales ~From the Rock~ “The Beat of a Different Drone”. For a chance to win a signed copy of this book like this post and comment on the following, which fairytale would be perfect to be retold and set in Newfoundland and Labrador and why? All answers will receive a ballot. The draw will take place Sunday, July 16th. The winner must be able to pick up their winning book at the store. Good luck. Corinne Lewandowski - Author Engen Books

Events – Dartmouth Book Exchange 07/07/2023

It's time!

Monday, the Dartmouth Book Exchange will be doing an online Facebook spotlight on me July 10th to July 16th. Yeahhh!

It's to showcase my story in Fairy Tales From The Rock - The Beat of A Different Drone.

I will be dropping off a copy of Fairy Tales that will be up for grabs in a contest / raffle the DBE does during the week! (and another copy for sale at the store). Keep an eye on the DBE Online promo on the FB page starting Monday to see how you could win a copy.

I timed this promo to be just before Halifax Pride Week. My story is a modern Cinderella story. The main character is a Le***an and the story is chock-a-block full of diversity.

Be sure to check out the Dartmouth Book Exchange page and visit the store! Fabulous selection of all kinds of genre fiction and fantastic supporters of local authors like myself. :)

Events – Dartmouth Book Exchange Online Facebook Spotlights and In-store Events 2023 July 3rd- July 9th- Morgan Jessome- The Real Me and The Real You July 10-July 16th- Corinne Lewandowski- Fairy Tales from the Rock July 12th- 1pm-3pm- Hosting the Mineville Travelling Book Club  Wednesday, July 12th- 6:30pm-7:30pm- Locally Author...

Artist Creates Replica of Parthenon from 100,000 Banned Books 28/06/2023

Artist Creates Replica of Parthenon from 100,000 Banned Books Includes Fahrenheit 451, The Da Vinci Code, The Catcher in the Rye, and more.


We invite you to submit your short poem on the theme of "Joy" for Poetry in Motion. In the fifth year of our program, we'll put 10 poems by Nova Scotia writers on Halifax Transit buses this fall AND we'll collect the poems in a Poetry in Motion book. Isn't that exciting??

The deadline for submissions is July 21.

Eligible poems are original creations of 10 lines or fewer (including stanza breaks) that are suitable for a general audience of all ages. Each poet can submit a single poem or excerpt for consideration. Entries may be previously published. There is no entry fee.

Authors of the selected poems each receive a $250 honorarium.

Many thanks to our wonderful partners for making Poetry in Motion possible -- Halifax Regional Municipality, Halifax Public Libraries, and Arts Nova Scotia.

For more info and to submit, please see:

Arts Nova Scotia Halifax Public Libraries Halifax Regional Municipality


There's an open position at National Novel Writing Month! We're looking for a full-time, remote Technical Director.

The salary is $115,000 with comprehensive benefits. This is a full-time, remote, exempt position (40 hours per week).

Learn more:

If you're not interested in this position but know someone who would be a good fit, please let them know about this opening! And if you just want to stay in-the-know about openings at National Novel Writing Month, subscribe to the careers email list:


The Daily Drum
Today’s drum features the Petroglyph Woman.
Tasks in the Mi’kmaw family were shared. The women would also fish and hunt to support the family when the men were away. Kejimkujik petroglyphs show women and men fishing together.
Have a Great Day!


Cheeeeeck it out! Are you in that end of Newfoundland? Engen Books has a few of their books there ... including not ONE, but TWO abthologies that I have a story in! (Pulp SF and Fairy Tales). Niffffty!

If you’re in our hometown area of Normans Cove / Long Cove / Chapel Arm, stop down to Harbour Authority Long Cove’s THREE JOLLY FISHERMEN exhibit and cafe!

Currently in stock are:
the high-fantasy ASHES by Lauralana Dunne - Author, the Newfoundland holy-grail hunt AS LOVED OUR FATHERS by Matthew LeDrew, and the short fiction of Matthew Daniels, Dwain Campbell, and many more!


The Daily Drum
The whale spirit animal is the earth’s record keeper for all time. As a totem, the whale teaches you about listening to your inner voice, understanding the impact your emotions have on your everyday life, and following your own truth.
Have a Great Day!


Guess what's today?

Engen Books has a massive launch today. My short story, The Beat of a Different Drone, appears in their new anthology, Fairy Tales From The Rock. It's a modern Cinderella story!

I would have loved to be in Newfoundland for the book's launch and that of so many more books today!

Instead, here's a short video of me reading the first scene of my short story.

If you are in Newfoundland drop by for the in person launch tonight and pick up one or all of the SEVEN different books that are being launched today!

Would like to buy a print copy of the anthology directly from me and support me? Just PM me. for details.


- YouTube Nyd de videoer og den musik, du holder af, upload originalt indhold, og del det hele med venner, familie og verden på YouTube.

The 100-word Microfiction Challenge — nycmidnight 20/03/2023

This great contest is happening April 28th! Aside from it being so fun there is another reason I love this contest. I get six pieces of feedback (three what they liked/three what needs work) for each piece in each round. I've gotten better at writing these small flashes with the inciteful editors comments (there are 3 editors anonymous and randomly assigned). My writing in all formats has improved with this advice. :) And it a fun wild ride in 24 hours!

The 100-word Microfiction Challenge — nycmidnight The 100-word Microfiction Challenge is an international creative writing competition that challenges participants to create very short stories based on genre, action, and word assignments in just 24 hours.


Have a Happy New Year!

My year was a challenge with ups and downs.

The challenges to overcome are the ones where I can carve out writing and editing time partnered with Things Which Try to Rent Space in My Head. Plus you know the whole stress of trying to be creative when your body, mind and soul are exhausted from other fronts.

I learned a few things this year.

Do not judge your self and critique the quality of what you are doing while you are in it. You have skills, when you are stressed and strained your perspective on yourself and what you do is vastly tainted by blinders and the wrong colour shades.

Look up and back and breatheeeeeeee. Look at what you did, not what was not done.

The successes in writing I am celebrating include:

* Completing work to deadlines during the heights of stress and doing better at it than last year. My recent story submission was submitted on the last day of the deadline, but I was doing minor proofing here and there, not major work, and I was happy with my sub. I got there by not judging what I wrote when I had a less than stellar day and readjusted stuff in editing. Or as I call it rewriting.

* Getting not one, not two but THREE pieces of writing accepted, published and winning a big contest (in the prize round so far) because I persisted. This is the first year I have had three publications (or contracts for them signed) and/or contest winnings in one year. I went for different things to sub. I also rewrote and expanded a flash fiction from 100 words to 500 and it won a contest - despite it being rejected by a different publisher in the 100 word form. First time I have had a genre poem and flashes published too!

* Persistence works. So does researching to make sure the route you will try might be more receptive to one technique than another. If it doesn't fit for one publisher, it might for another. I subbed my flash to a contest that had a judge receptive to genre and horror writing. Right place, right time. If I apply the right efforts in the right places, I will succeed eventually.

* Doing something outside my experience or comfort zone helps me grow as a writer for everything. Horror is a new genre for me. As is thrillers. I expanded my craft by learning about writing in those genres. I am learning to be a better writer.

* Lo and behold. Those of us, like me, who write and are non-linear are not incapable of organizing our writing with tools and therefore "don't know how to be organized." I found the right organization tools that work for my mind, memory, and the way I write. I tested out what works for me on poems, flash fiction and short stories. My next challenge is to to do it for the novels I want to finish.

Do what you love. Do not wait. If you want to write, just do it. You don't need anything but pen and paper or 'puter and keyboard/voice to text. I want to hear your stories.

One word at a time, one day at a time.

Have a great new year!

PS The pic is me rockhounding at Scot's Bay, Nova Scotia on a great October day.


Woot Woo!

Wicked good news is coming soon! Am I being cryptic? Yuppers. Will I be clearer now? Noppers.

I am going to reach out for a confirmation of something I just perused about one of my stories.

For now I shall simply leave the phrase here: Winner, winner, Chicken dinner. :)

On the rooftop about ready to shout out the news . . . :)


The 250-word Microfiction Challenge — nycmidnight 19/11/2022

There's still time to have some fun and try your hand at writing a 250-word story in less than 24 hours!

My notebook is laid out with a reference of the Dan Harmon Story Circle and a Triangles of Consciousness note to prep for the story (planning tools for writers).

I prefer to be up at 1am AST time to see what genre, action and word I have to use in the story. Usually I get an idea that night and write it out. I look at it with fresh eyes in the morning and it does not keep me awake all night this way :)

Wish me luck!

The 250-word Microfiction Challenge — nycmidnight The 250-word Microfiction Challenge is an international creative writing competition that challenges participants to create very short stories based on genre, action, and word assignments in just 24 hours.


Looooookie here! Publisher extraordinaire Matthew LeDrew of Engen Books is set up for a show in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. And what anthology is that over his shoulder? Why is it Pulp Science Fiction from the Rock? With my story The Final Invasion in it? It sure is! If you are in Newfoundland you can buy print copies in person from the publisher. Want an autographed one from me and get one from me directly. PM me on how! :) My stories be a travelling! :)

Always forget how big the Civic Centre is! See you tomorrow for great deals from Engen Books!

Photos from Michelle Helliwell, Author's post 27/09/2022

Don’t wait for the stars

My most recent published story is in the collection of stories from Engen Books - “Pulp Science Fiction from The Rock”. It features my short story The Final Invasion.

The theme was to write in the era of the Pulp SF stories from the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. You know. Those times when women fought hard to be heard. To have their skills and abilities recognized as equal. What would a non-traditional woman do when faced with going with a team to speak to aliens to prevent The Final Invasion? :)

Story ideas flow through my head. I have many tales I’ve yet to tell and several I’m working on. It’s really fun for me to bend my creativity in new ways to fit theme or fit them while break things a wee bit. I do like twist ends. Kinda like those Twilight Zone episodes.

Stories through books and creativity has fueled me since I was very young. I love good stories. Whether it was Tintin, Monica Hughes’ books, Encyclopedia Brown or old Godzilla movies in B&W or begging to stay up to watch Battlestar Galactica, it’s about falling into the story.

Videos (show all)

Welcome in New Year - sale on A Trio, free story offer and upcoming stuff!
The unveiling of The Cards!
A Trio of Creepy Flash Fiction - free fiction for Subscribers
Close up of the Pulp Science Fiction from the Rock collection of short stories
The Unboxing of Pulp Science Fiction from the Rock