Nucleic Acidum XLVI

Nucleic Acidum XLVI

I'm a cancer patient with extreme aggressive chromosome mutations who shares science about cancer.

Read the science I share that scientist wrote and decide for yourself about debated information.


A Texas icon and contributor to much in Texas has gone home. He actually is responsible for a lot of the advanced medical care at UTSW and will be missed dearly. God speed sir to a better body in a better place.
Prayers and condolences to his large family and many friends. May God and time ease the sting of their loss.

LETS GO BRANDON - Theme Song - Loza Alexander - (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) 19/10/2021

Not the usual science or medicine, but maybe medicinal.
Let's Go Brandon
#1 song in America!🇺🇸



Will Keeton for Johnson County Clerk Will Keeton, Republican, for Johnson County Clerk in the 2022 Primary elections.
Political Advertising Paid for by Will Keeton. Will Keeton Campaign in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.


Different than my normal post maybe because I have multiple myeloma and Plasma cell Leukemia but while opening a wallet for a Corvette you could help a kid with cancer.

Photos from Nucleic Acidum XLVI's post 05/06/2021

Hope for Alzheimer's and possibly certain blood cancers.

Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for up to 8 months after infection 22/04/2021

"This is the largest antigen-specific study to date of the four major types of immune memory for any viral infection."
And it says great things about long term immunity from natural SarsCoV2 infection. With the read since yesterday an inferior incomplete study posted a piece with a lot of opinionated suggestions with terms like "likely, may and could". Stick to science, avoid suggestive opinions and enjoy your long hating immunity if you have been infected with SarsCoV2!

Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for up to 8 months after infection Immune memory against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) helps to determine protection against reinfection, disease risk, and vaccine efficacy. Using 188 human cases across the range of severity of COVID-19, Dan et al. analyzed cross-sectional data describing the dynamics o...

Immunology Basics 19/01/2021

Had SarsCoV2? Thinking about an rna vaccine? I had the virus and made my antibodies from real viral antigens. What's the difference? Read the dot mil article.

Immunology Basics Immunology Basics

(PDF) SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: is interleukin-6 (IL-6) the 'culprit lesion' of ARDS onset? What is there besides Tocilizumab? SGP130Fc 02/01/2021

Damage can occur to any organ with reduced oxygen from poor pulmonary and vascular efficiency from inflammation. I've read numerous researchers papers on the subject. Here are a few. Why is this important? An interleukin-6 inhibitor can reduce inflammation and prevent intubation. I am a terminal patient of incurable multiple myeloma and plasma cell leukemia considered severe at risk and immune compromised. I also just recovered from SarsCoV2 at home on a handful medications and vitamins, some from my cancer and a few more.

Cancer meds
Dexamethasone an IL6 inhibitor
Acyclovir an antiviral
Loritadine for allergies
Famotadine for stomache acid

Added meds
Diphenhydramine nightly for airway restrictions
Levofloxacin in case it was bacterial
I would have added hydroxychloroquin and Azithromyacin instead of the other antibiotic had I known it wasn't just my wife's FluA and was SarsCoV2. But the rapid test confirming the virus for me came days after the worst was over. Three days of severe sickness with fever's as high as 105F. If Oxygenation and airway inflammation could be kept at bay in a patient like myself, would not most people want to inhibit IL6 and prevent intubation that has such poor historical outlook's for SarsCoV2 patients? My view from my experience and a very few of the many papers I have read on IL6 as it also heavily pertains to my cancers.'culprit_lesion'_of_ARDS_onset_What_is_there_besides_Tocilizumab_SGP130Fc

(PDF) SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: is interleukin-6 (IL-6) the 'culprit lesion' of ARDS onset? What is there besides Tocilizumab? SGP130Fc PDF | Since the outbreak of COVID-19 many studies have been published showing possible therapies, here the author discusses the end of stage disease... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate


One of my cancer blood out of ranges was Immunoglobulin-G which at my levels caused my drawn blood to coagulate. COVID-19 causes dangerously high IgG levels as well. So this anti coagulant article does have precedence from my personal experience. The following weekend after this lab my blood production dropped so far I began bleeding from lack of platelets went to the ER and was offered hospice with enough morphine to comfort me until I expired. I refused and sought alternate treatment.

Photos from Nucleic Acidum XLVI's post 25/04/2020

UV light kills viruses, it's used in water filtration, and air filtration among other uses.

Features, Evaluation and Treatment Coronavirus (COVID-19) 12/04/2020

I was just reading an article on pub med and happened across some additional information about COVID-19. Interleukin-6 is over produced as in my cancer, Multiple myeloma, causing inhibition of apoptosis of the cancer cells. So it's a familiar subject that caught my attention. The cytokine response is why I wasn't allowed in the CarT-cell clinical trials with my high percent bone marrow cancer. In a COVID-19 patient the IL-6 is causing a "cytokine storm" and adding to inflammation something cancer patients are familiar with and the effects of which are potentially terminal. IL-6 levels can be inhibited much more quickly with medication than with natural inhibitors like zinc, magnesium, quercetin, EGCG, curcumin and more.

Features, Evaluation and Treatment Coronavirus (COVID-19) According to the World Health Organization (WHO), viral diseases continue to emerge and represent a serious issue to public health. In the last twenty years, several viral epidemics such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002 to 2003, and H1N1 influenza in 2009, have...

Photos from Nucleic Acidum XLVI's post 02/04/2020

Updated COVID-19 stats to current (not pic)
Google your own current CDC statistics US.
People keep telling me COVID-19 isn't the same as the flu right now, I agree.

CDC statistics for US
COVID-19/H1N1 pdm09


*conflicting /400,000


Watch for symptoms of other infections during this time and stay vigilant about your hygiene and germs.

Update, flu statistics haven't risen because the CDC has now included flu deaths in COVID-19 cases with an explanation commensurate with common core math. Go to CDC dot Gov for information on that and updated death certificate instructions that refer to states and trends in disease.


WBAP 820 had a doctor on the radio last night affirming what I've suspected about healthy age groups and COVID-19. But more importantly he explained why and how to offset some of that difference. So I tried to find information supporting his opinion. He said COVID-19 doesn't do well with moisture in the sinuses, but that's the primary access point. Healthy wet sinuses resist the virus and as we age sinus can become more dry. I actually found specific research explaining why, as we age the nasal volume increases so you have more surface area for evaporation for one, and two to have the same surface moisture you would have to produce more not less fluids. After prompting from the on air personality he said simply staying hydrated helps and using a humidifier will reduce COVID-19s ability to attack your hydrated sinuses. Great time to break out those aromatic additives for those humidifiers. I shared some of the supportive links below but couldn't find a link for the WBAP transcript. I've had so many people argue science I'll leave it as take it how you will, just my opinion that it supports what I personally already thought.

"The nose is actually much larger than it seems from the outside. It is a passageway that leads from the nostrils to the back of the throat, and is more like a large cave than a simple tunnel- wide and tall in the middle. The purpose of the nose is to clean, warm and moisten the air we inhale in order to keep the lungs healthy. To do this, the lining of the nose must constantly be kept covered with a thin layer of a fluid called mucus."

"With an aging population, it is important to understand age-related anatomic changes in the nasal cavity and cribriform plate (CP) that may have clinical implications. Methodology: Computed tomography (CT) scans obtained for non-rhinologic conditions were divided into a young cohort (N=35, 18-34 years old) and an older adult cohort (N=32, 80-99 years old). Intranasal airspace volumes and bony anatomy of the CP were manually segmented using OsiriX software. The CP was assessed for mean Hounsfield Units (HU) and percentage of olfactory foramina. Deformation based morphometry (DBM) was then performed on the same cohort and correlated with manual measurements. Results: Individual nasal cavity volumes increased 17-75% with age."

"Not only was viral load similar in an asymptomatic patient versus those with symptoms, but it was higher in the nose than in the throat, reported Jie Wu, PhD, of Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Guangzhou, China, and colleagues."

Mark A. Zacharek, MD, residency program director for the department of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. “The nose is supposed to provide humidity and warmth and and clean the air that passes through it. Forced heating systems in homes and workplaces often over-dry the nasal passages, aggravating allergies and sinusitis.”


What's on everyone's minds should be the facts COVID-19 facts and statistics.
Yesterday's John Hopkins study showing healthy (undiagnosed underlying problems) far under 1% death in under 50yo infected.
0.4 (40-49yo)
0.2 (10-39yo
0.0 (under 10yo)

COVID-19 statistics (citing 2 deaths per 1 million US)

H1N1 statistics

Common flu statistics (citing child deaths)


More on the Klotho protein and it's versatile uses ... I did see the typo from the article quote but long as the science is good their typing skills don't concern me.
Tere are many well documented evidences indicating the antioxidative and antiapoptotic activity of Klotho protein. It is also well established that Klotho plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, particularly in the maintaining of appropriate cardiac and vascular function. Klotho is involved in mechanisms of defense against the development of heart hypertrophy and remodeling, as well as the vascular calcifcation and atherogenesis. Many studies showed that Klotho defciency or KLOTHO gene polymorphism can be the risk factors for the most prevalent cardiovascular diseases. Tus, the regulation of serum Klotho and FGFs level and their expression in cardiomyocytes could be essential for the cell metabolism, proper heart function, and protection in some disorders. Given the apparent importance of Klotho, it may be considered as a novel vital factor in the ischemic heart injury, such as myocardial infarction. Conclusively, it appears plausible that an activity of Klotho could be protective in a damaged myocardial tissue and open new path for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases."


Klotho gene and Klotho proteins


I had tandem, back to back, autologous stem cell transplants at UTSW in Dallas but this is the science that has reduced approximately 12 chromosome mutations down to 8 in my aggressive cancer. The science is improving daily ... advocate for yourself and do all you can and have a little faith for the rest. The link is from Mayo Clinics program.


Compromised immune systems require cancer patients to pay exceptional care to avoiding pathogens and makes most of us aware of trends in communicable infections. Hopefully most cancer patients know COVID-19 is killed by simple alcohol gels and sanitizers with at least a 60% alcohol content and the following link is a current clinical trial to treat COVID-19.


Early Biological Responses and Gene Mutations
Quote from the link...
"The next category of biologic markers in the multistep sequence of carcinogenesis comprises markers of very early cellular responses to carcinogen-DNA damage, especially responses thought to play a role in carcinogenesis. These effects can be measured in target tissues or more convenient surrogates, such as peripheral white blood cells. These biologic markers include DNA single- or double-strand breaks, mutations in various genes, and various cytogenetic effects, including sister chromatid exchange, micronuclei, and chromosomal aberrations."

Photos from Nucleic Acidum XLVI's post 19/02/2020
A lengthy paper with a small but interesting and damning study reference from Monsanto.
"Monsanto researchers conducted a remarkable study in 1989 which provides strong evidence that glyphosate is getting incorporated into proteins by mistake in place of glycine [68]. In this study, bluegill sunfish were exposed to radiolabelled glyphosate and various tissue samples were examined for the presence of radiolabel, as an indicator of glyphosate accumulation in the tissues. They then used an assay to measure glyphosate levels in the same tissue samples and discovered that only up to 20% of the radiolabel could be accounted for as glyphosate. However, they found that, by subjecting the tissue samples to proteolysis by proteinase K, they could increase the yield of glyphosate up to 70%. They even used the words “incorporated into the protein” to explain the observed increase in yield, because proteolysis would be needed to break up the peptide sequence into individual amino acids, freeing up glyphosate so that it could be detected by standard assays"

Photos from Nucleic Acidum XLVI's post 12/02/2020

Assessment of Glyphosate in passing genetic mutations that are less obvious but existant in direct exposure.
Kubsad D, Nilsson EE, King SE, Sadler-Riggleman I, Beck D, Skinner MK. Assessment of Glyphosate Induced Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance of Pathologies and S***m Epimutations: Generational Toxicology. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):6372. Published 2019 Apr 23. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-42860-0


Carcinogen, mutagen, clastogenic, cytotoxic genotoxic ... what does it all mean?
*CARCINOGEN is defined as a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.
*MUTAGEN is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level.
*CLASTOGENIC A clastogen is a mutagenic agent giving rise to or inducing disruption or breakages of chromosomes, leading to sections of the chromosome being deleted, added, or rearranged. This process is a form of mutagenesis, and can lead to carcinogenesis, as cells that are not killed by the clastogenic effect may become cancerous.
*CYTOTOXIC Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.
*GENOTOXIC describes the property of chemical agents that damages the genetic information within a cell causing mutations, which may lead to cancer. While genotoxicity is often confused with mutagenicity, all mutagens are genotoxic, whereas not all genotoxic substances are mutagenic.
ResearchGate on Genotoxicity and Mutagens
"In genetics, a mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level. As many mutations cause cancer, mutagens are therefore also likely to be carcinogens. Not all mutations are caused by mutagens: so-called "spontaneous mutations" occur due to spontaneous hydrolysis, errors in DNA replication, repair and recombination.

In genetics, genotoxicity describes the property of chemical agents that damages the genetic information within a cell causing mutations, which may lead to cancer. While genotoxicity is often confused with mutagenicity, it is important to note that all mutagens are genotoxic, however, not all genotoxic substances are mutagenic. The alteration can have direct or indirect effects on the DNA: the induction of mutations, mistimed event activation, and direct DNA damage leading to mutations. The permanent, hereditary changes can affect either somatic cells of the organism or germ cells to be passed on to future generations.[1] Cells prevent expression of the genotoxic mutation by either DNA repair or apoptosis; however, the damage may not always be fixed leading to mutagenesis.

To assay for genotoxic molecules, researchers assay for DNA damage in cells exposed to the toxic substrates. This DNA damage can be in the form of single and double strand breaks, loss of excision repair, cross-linking, alkali-labile sites, point mutations, and structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations.[2] The compromised integrity of the genetic material has been known to cause cancer. Consequently, many sophisticated techniques including Ames Assay, in vitro and in vivo Toxicology Tests, and Comet Assay have been developed to assess the chemicals' potential to cause DNA damage that may lead to cancer."
Class dismissed, have a nice day!

Photos from Nucleic Acidum XLVI's post 12/02/2020

Why use Swiss Albino Mice?
The short answer, the propensity to reproduce genetic errors is decreased in toxicology by using an out bred animal with greater genetic variance. So in identifying the cause of a genetic error from a toxin you would use Swiss albino mice. But in research and development, for example developing a medicine, you would want consistent results that would be better duplicated in in**ed mice with less variation in their genes. Class dismissed, have a nice day!

Photos from Nucleic Acidum XLVI's post 12/02/2020

Intraperitoneal (IP) Injection 101
For experimental purposes IP and Oral are very similar. The primary difference for laboratory experiments is that IP primarily goes to the mesenteric vessels which go to the portal vein and on to the liver. This causes a more rapid hepatic action on the agent being IP injected than oral administering an agent which must go though the gastrointestinal tract then circulate through the cardiovascular system before reaching the liver. The liver can inactivate and dilute an agent so it does not deliver as much of an agent to the desired site. IP injections are however are much more consistent for laboratory experiments than oral administered agents. Class dismissed, have a nice day!😷


Academic papers vindicating its Roundup herbicide were written with the help of its employees.

Videos (show all)

Carcinogen, mutagen, clastogenic, cytotoxic genotoxic ... what does it all mean?*CARCINOGEN is defined  as a substance c...
Academic papers vindicating its Roundup herbicide were written with the help of its employees.
