James Gunsalus, Elmbrook Parent

James Gunsalus, Elmbrook Parent

I’m a parent of two children in the Elmbrook School District who wants to be a voice for other par

Timeline photos 25/01/2022

Want to learn what is Critical Race Theory and how to stop it? Come meet Dr. Duke Pesta.

Elmbrook Community Need to Know 24/01/2022

Great article revealing the truth about the continuing decline of education in Elmbrook school district.

When will Hansen and the School Board actually focus on education and not non-educational things like DEI aka CRT.

MAP scores have been on the decline since Hansen has been the superintendent.


Elmbrook Community Need to Know Elmbrook Community Need to Know As of January 22nd, 2022

Home | My Site 16/01/2022

Kathy Lim is running for school board. She’s a great candidate! She’s determined to focus on our kids most important topic, education.
Find out more about Kathy: https://www.kathylim.org/

Home | My Site My family and I moved to Brookfield three years ago after researching which school districts would be best for our children. Elmbrook’s reputation was stellar. We had left the Chicago area after experiencing the change in curriculum which precipitated a drop in educational scores and abilities for...

We must fight against socialism for our kids and their kids 🇺🇸 11/06/2021

CRT indoctrination hidden under words like EQUITY is happening everywhere. Keep pressuring our Board this summer to open their eyes to what the "Equity Principles" really mean and tell them not to pass this Marxism ideology.


We must fight against socialism for our kids and their kids 🇺🇸


Jr. Lancers Girls Basketball Event

Waukesha School Board decides masks are no longer mandatory, effective immediately 13/05/2021

Tell the Board the time is NOW for masks optional:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Waukesha School Board decides masks are no longer mandatory, effective immediately The School District of Waukesha's Board of Education voted in favor of no longer having face masks mandatory on all school district property, effective immediately.


Board of Education meeting TONIGHT @ 6pm at the District Office. 🇺🇸


Great group to follow - ESD Awake - Not Woke 👇



🚩 Elmbrook’s Unrealistic Goalposts: 🚩

On the 5/11 agenda, Superintendent Hansen lets us know that if cases get to


Parents and Community Members: Dr. Fishbein of No Left Turn will be joining READ (Restoring Excellent Education and Direction) on a zoom call at O’Donoghue's (13225 Watertown Plank Rd, Elm Grove) on 5/10 @ 6pm.

All are welcome.

No Left Turn

READ Elmbrook


If the people that say our kids need to wear masks don't feel the need to wear them, masks can be optional now.

Tell the board they must take action immediately.

Next Board of Education meeting - Tuesday, May 11th @ 6pm.

Sign the Petition 30/04/2021

Attention Elmbrook Parents & Tax Payers: Sign this petition to stop Critical Race Theory in our schools! ✍🏻


Dates to Note:

May 11th - CRT Curriculum Discussion
June 8th - CRT Curriculum Vote

Sign the Petition Elmbrook - Education Over Activism


Parents, Grandparents and community members -- speak out to get these masks optional at the next Board of Education meeting - Tuesday, May 11th @ 6pm.


Take a look at this assignment from a 5th grade class in BrookEl. As it states, "you could think of this as a 'protest' poster"...

Elmbrook COVID Dashboard - Elmbrook Schools 16/04/2021

Note the update released today from the Elmbrook Medical Advisory Board on masks...

"A robust discussion was had regarding any type of relaxation of mitigation measures, specifically mask-wearing, with no conclusions reached. ...For now, the Advisory Board reconfirmed its commitment to requiring masks of all students and staff until more research is available and community spread retreats."

More research and community spread retreats? Elmbrook's own COVID Dashboard shows all our data looks great - most rates are as good as fall, if not better!

Take note - the next Medical Advisory Board meeting is Tuesday, April 20th at 5:30pm at the District office (3555 North Calhoun Road, Brookfield, WI 53005) in the Lancer/Spartan Board room.

And keep emailing the entire board!


Elmbrook COVID Dashboard - Elmbrook Schools Elmbrook COVID Dashboard - Elmbrook Schools

Brookfield woman files lawsuit against Elmbrook Schools’ mask policy 16/04/2021

I have consistently said that masks should be optional. With yesterday's news (below), the Elmbrook Board will now be forced to discuss their mask policy, so please email them (again) with your support for masks optional!

[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]


Brookfield woman files lawsuit against Elmbrook Schools’ mask policy BROOKFIELD — A resident of the Elmbrook School District has filed a lawsuit against the district over its mask policy.

Strategy & Accountability - Elmbrook Schools 14/04/2021

📌 Updated! 📌

Tomorrow's work session agenda shows information on the new Superintendent Evaluation tool the Board is being trained on. We were originally informed this work session was to finalize CRT in a sub-committee to send to the Board for the next meeting.

I certainly hope any CRT under the guise of Equity Non-Negotiables isn't part of the Superintendent Evaluation. We will have to keep our eyes open, as the Elmbrook Strategy link below shows the 2021 Social Studies curriculum review as well as "attention to diversity and equity." 👀

THANK YOU for those that have emailed so far! We must show the District we will not let CRT slip into our children's education.



💥 Action time! 💥

Tomorrow - Thursday, April 15th @ 2pm there is a Board of Education meeting where Critical Race Theory coursework is set to be approved.

#1. Email the full board TODAY that you do NOT approve! 📥

[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]

#2. If possible, ATTEND the meeting tomorrow and voice your opposition! 📢

Lancer/Spartan Board Room
District Office
3555 North Calhoun Road

(Per the District: masks and social distancing are required; if you do not have a mask, one will be provided to you.)

Strategy & Accountability - Elmbrook Schools Strategy & Accountability - Elmbrook Schools


Thank you to everyone who voted for me and to all the volunteers for Team Gunsalus! Our work is not done - we must continue to be vocal with the Board to get their priorities back on track! Email, attend meetings and stay informed. 🇺🇸


TODAY IS THE DAY! Vote Gunsalus! Polls close at 8pm.


TODAY is the last day for in person absentee voting!

Location: City Hall Clerk’s Office, 2000 N Calhoun Road, Brookfield, WI 53005
Hours: 8am - 5pm



If interested, RSVP at https://we-the-parents.eventbrite.com 🇺🇸

WOW: Elementary School Parents Stand Up To 'Anti-Racism' Initiatives At School Board Meeting 31/03/2021

This video is a perfect example of the direction Elmbrook is going and so many other school districts if our voice isn’t heard. CRT is prevalent and is a distraction from tackling the real problem - making education great again.


WOW: Elementary School Parents Stand Up To 'Anti-Racism' Initiatives At School Board Meeting Enough is enough. Parents at Litchfield Elementary School District's school board meeting were fed up with a new proposal to implement key elements of critic...


I will be a voice for YOU, Elmbrook residents.

✔️ I value the academic success of our students and will focus District time & resources to that as my top priority

✔️ I value true transparency and will keep a mindful eye on how our tax dollars are being used

✔️ I value that children are taught to respect one another versus focusing on racial differences.

✔️ I value listening to fellow parents and raising issues from the community that need to be addressed

Cast your vote for Gunsalus on or before April 6th!

Waukesha County GOP political ads in the Elmbrook School Board race say students learn 'all white people are racist' 26/03/2021

For those seeing the article below, I encourage you to see the evidence yourself of what is being taught. Look at my posts on 3/21 and 3/9. Look at the reading lists. Look at the money and time put into this initiative. Look at the companies Elmbrook has consulted (with our tax dollars). Also, look at the application of these policies in North Carolina from my 3/18 post.

"My view is that the Elmbrook school district is no longer a non-partisan institution. The Democratic National Committee's objectives of Critical Race Theory and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion mandates are infused into Elmbrook's curricula, staff training, and parent programming."

The ENN/DEI is a "form of DNC partisan dogma and ideological indoctrination disguised as social justice, disguised as a new normalcy for our school district's operations and curricula."

"I believe that education must serve all students and transcend identity politics."

My top priority is academic performance for ALL students. I wonder if we spent more time focusing on that if our MAP scores wouldn't be on the decline since 2014. Let's get our focus back on track.

Vote for Gunsalus on or before April 6th!


Waukesha County GOP political ads in the Elmbrook School Board race say students learn 'all white people are racist' The Republican Party of Waukesha County is funding political ads in the nonpartisan Elmbrook School Board race.


Elmbrook residents - make your voices heard.

- Are you concerned about the decline in academic performance that has been going on since 2014?

- Are you concerned about monthly ledgers with 20% of payments not listing what it is being spent on?

- Are you concerned about the time and spending going to a brick and mortar healthcare clinic that does not impact student learning?

- Are you concerned about the direction the District is taking in terms of addressing social issues?

- Are you concerned about teachers presenting politicized or inappropriate content to their classes?

Here’s what to do:

Cast your vote for Gunsalus on or before April 6th!


Less than 24 hours before the start of spring break - if you’re traveling, don’t forget to vote for Gunsalus before you leave!

Otherwise, vote Tuesday, April 6th!


Elmbrook Superintendent Evaluation ACTION MEETING TODAY 2pm (3555 North Calhoun Road, Brookfield, WI 53005)

Some of you have asked whether the Elmbrook School Board evaluates and oversees the performance of the Superintendent.

Below are excerpts from the actual policy and there is a special School Board work session TODAY at 2pm to discuss and potentially take action on this policy. It is a meeting that is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Most of these meetings have been CLOSED DOOR so far (there have been several this year). I suggest attending TODAY if you care about this!

"The Board of Education shall be responsible for annually evaluating the job performance of the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s evaluation may include student achievement outcomes, stakeholder satisfaction and School Board evaluation. The Superintendent’s evaluation will consist of two separate compensation determinations:

(1) Effectiveness in implementing continuous improvement processes in the District, resulting in an Annual Compensation Adjustment

- and -

(2) Achieving specific student achievement outcomes, resulting in a one time Performance Recognition Compensation."


Thoughts from one of my eagle-eyed supporters after noticing comments about Venmo payments going to my opponent for yard signs.


This should show you the character and priorities my opponent has... he is asking his supporters for $ for a yard sign.

Photos from James Gunsalus, Elmbrook Parent's post 22/03/2021

If you still don’t believe Critical Race Theory is being pushed by our Superintendent and his administration, think again.

Pictures below are taken from presentations in the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (formerly Equity Non-Negotiables) Workgroup's meetings in Fall 2020. As a reminder, you can view the entire attachments by going to https://www.elmbrookschools.org/board/board-meetings and click on "Agendas and Minutes" and then go to the ENN meeting on October 19th, 2020 under supporting materials. Even then you have to toggle within Google docs. I know this is hard to find, and it makes you wonder why.

The Assistant Superintendent Tanya Frederich leads this selected workgroup. You can read who the members of the DEI group are by going to the "Community" tab on the District's website.

The group was facilitated by Dr. Elise Frattura, a professor emeritus at UWM (who founded the consultancy ICS with a partner) in alliance with Tanya Fredrich. Frattura is also the architect of our district's Full Inclusion policies, the first phase of DEI/CRT incorporation as district policy back in 2013.

This is all part of the CRT playbook led and funded by Soros and the Gates Foundation.

It's time for us community members to get critical about CRT. Vote starting Tuesday, 3/23 or on 4/6 to right this ship!


In person absentee voting begins this Tuesday, March 23rd!

Location: City Hall Clerk’s Office, 2000 N Calhoun Road, Brookfield, WI 53005

Hours: 8am - 5pm weekdays below

Dates: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 to Friday, March 26, 2021
Monday, March 29, 2021 to Friday, April 2, 2021

WOW county senator: Report on failing grades is a five-alarm wake-up call 19/03/2021


WOW county senator: Report on failing grades is a five-alarm wake-up call (The Center Square) – One suburban Milwaukee lawmaker says a new report concluding more kids are failing than ever before should be a wake-up call for parents.


I've had parents from both high school and elementary school students approach me about the social studies survey.

"Elmbrook School District claims that the survey was circulated only by alumni and activists, though it was posted on Facebook to a school parent group by Liz Beaudoin, the Director of Communications for the Parent Network Leadership Council. The Parent Network Leadership Council acts like a Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) for the district."


Critical Race Theory in Wake County, NC Schools | City Journal 18/03/2021

The survey that was distributed in online channels to Elmbrook parents regarding social studies topics such as ”The Truth About the Black Panthers, “Waves of Feminism and Its Failures” and, “Stonewall/LGBTQ Liberations/AIDS Epidemic” align with this national scale of indoctrination of CRT. For parents with kids in the school district we must continue to keep a watchful eye and as tax payers we need to know how much money is going into the DEI committee for these sorts of programs.

More info on CRT in North Carolina schools in the link below:

Critical Race Theory in Wake County, NC Schools | City Journal North Carolina’s largest school district launches a campaign against “whiteness in educational spaces.”

DeSantis Takes On Critical Race Theory: ‘Teaching Kids To Hate Their Country’ Not Worth ‘One Red Cent Of Taxpayer Money’ 18/03/2021

It’s encouraging to see there are people who still care about providing our kids a good education without implementing CRT. Please be cognizant of what your children are reading/learning in class from their teacher.


DeSantis Takes On Critical Race Theory: ‘Teaching Kids To Hate Their Country’ Not Worth ‘One Red Cent Of Taxpayer Money’ Florida is banning the teaching of “critical race theory and other unsubstantiated theories” from its public schools.

Two candidates vie for at-large seat - The Freeman 18/03/2021

THE FREEMAN: What makes you the right candidate for the job?

GUNSALUS: People like me — parents invested in the district who aren’t part of the system — offer another perspective on the goals of education. Since at least 2014, the school district has accepted Common Core standards (which) presents a worldview to our students that fails to acknowledge American principles of freedom, equality, personal responsibility, and American exceptionalism. I will represent our community and do my best to invoke the best academic practices that better serve the values of our community.

THE FREEMAN: As a school board member, what would be your policy priorities?

GUNSALUS: COVID, masks should be optional, the same way in-person/virtual was thought out... We need to get our kids back into school full-time. (Also) I will be a candidate that opposes indoctrinating the children with racism, mistruths about our nation and world history.

I want to hold the superintendent and his administration accountable for lax policies. Just recently a teacher this past fall provided a s*x survey to the BCHS 10th graders, which hit national news. In order to keep fresh perspectives and to remove cronyism, we must have a method of limiting the number of years a superintendent and school board members serve. I believe a flow of new and fresh involvement from the community will help keep the district strong.

THE FREEMAN: What do you believe is the most important issue facing the Elmbrook School District?

GUNSALUS: I believe the most important issue is the overall education my kids and other parents’ children are receiving, at all grade levels. (MAP) scores have been on the decline since 2014-15. Actual data supporting this is on the Board of Education’s website.


Two candidates vie for at-large seat - The Freeman BROOKFIELD — Two candidates are competing for one seat on the Elmbrook School Board. Mushir Hassan and James Thomas Gunsalus spoke with The Freeman and offered their views on what the direction of the district should be going forward.

Wisconsin High School Apologizes For Issuing Graphic S*x Survey To Students 12/03/2021

This type of teaching and lack of oversight falls on the Superintendent and his administration. This teacher should be dismissed immediately. What are they waiting for?


Wisconsin High School Apologizes For Issuing Graphic S*x Survey To Students A Wisconsin high school was forced to apologize after a tenth-grade health teacher issued a graphic s*x survey to students.

Photos from James Gunsalus, Elmbrook Parent's post 09/03/2021

Here’s a list of books that Brookfield Elementary teachers are reading during March. Another concerned parent helped identify the synopsis and CRT/Identity Politics.


• Children are being indoctrinated to political ideology under the guise of diversity and equity.

• Children are being taught victimization instead of resiliency.

• The district is not spending resources on academic matters that will allow children to compete on a global level.

• Children are being taught racism under the guise of “identity identification”. It is odd that we teach children to identify other children by an identity first. That is a form of racism by itself. So, teaching racism in a different form to address perceived systemic racism is not a valid argument or approach. Children should be taught to see everyone as human beings first.

This is March madness indeed.


The online survey below was given in a 10th grade health class at BCHS this past December - without asking parents' permission.

I’m completely flabbergasted how the Superintendent and his administration allows such radical behavior. This is another example of national agendas trickling down to the local level.