Joseph Lee X KT Yau

Joseph Lee X KT Yau

兩位本地年輕藝術家全新合作,李偉能(Joseph Lee)及邱加希(KT Yau)繼2016年的獨?

Photos from Unlock Dancing Plaza's post 15/12/2020

《 #編舞的溝通功課》的功課點止一課,但宜家先落堂,《編舞的溝通功課2.0》敬請期待!

香港舞蹈年獎2019 21st Hong Kong Dance Awards 19/04/2019

TaiKwun's Dance Season production last year featuring Joseph, KT and Rebecca was awarded the Outstanding Small Venue Production in Hong Kong Dance Award 2019!

More to come next year, stay tuned!

Outstanding Small Venue Production
大館/李偉能、黃碧琪、邱加希 大館舞蹈季︰《198491牆後的赤祼信息》
Tai Kwun and Joseph Lee, Rebecca Wong, KT Yau Ka-hei for Tai Kwun Dance Season: The Message Behind the Wall by 198491

Photo: Worldwide Dancer Project


KT's next collaboration with Yonglock Ong





所以我非常好奇,如果有機會跟她合作,自己會在她的要求下會挖掘出甚麼呢? 如果真有甚麼新的東西產出,我相信那一定對彼此都很有啟發性。


不加鎖舞踊館《跳著舞去火星》Unlock Dancing Plaza "Jump to Mars, Dance with Me"




KT Heikayau

#跳著舞去火星 #舞蹈身視野 #邱加希凌厲詞鋒 #不造作 #強大 #紮實 #有力

New Work in Macau-THE WORLD WAS ONCE FLAT | Contemporary Dance | Hong Kong | 李偉能 Joseph Lee 14/07/2018

New work by Joseph Lee premier in Macau in 10&11 August presented by 詩篇舞集 Stella & Artists with the other bill by 二高表演Ergao Dance Production Group in 舞蹈劇場演出 -《他們說 … 我城》To Each His Own City !


New Work in Macau-THE WORLD WAS ONCE FLAT | Contemporary Dance | Hong Kong | 李偉能 Joseph Lee 【New Work Premier in Macau】 It's been almost one year working on this new work, which is commissioned by 詩篇舞集 Stella & Artists and gonna premier in August this ...

【星期日人物】登陸愛丁堡藝穗節 獨舞者李偉能帶着疑問跳下去 - 明周文化 24/06/2018

【!!Joseph is going to Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2018!!】

Thank you Godric Leung for having me in this interview and condensed an hour interview into this story, I'd say it's pretty me. And this story tried to reveal the thoughts behind my solo work Folding Echoes which will be presented by Dance Base in the upcoming Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Feeling honored and thrilled to bring my work back to UK since I graduated from The Place, London Contemporary Dance School. And it's gonna be a dance-marathon for me for performing consecutively 13 shows. But I'm up for the challenge and can't wait to bring some Hong Kong flavor to Edinburgh.

感謝 Godric Leung把個多小時訪談的整理出這篇報導,帶來了新的視點,把重點放回作品之上。從談論創作開始,為舞蹈或劇場的高深抽象平反。縱然獨舞作品《回聲摺疊》不會在本地再演,在下次創作時(應該是十月)仍是希望大家能夠走進劇場去感受和經歷一些生活中歧義的時刻,打開對想像力的維度和深度。



【星期日人物】登陸愛丁堡藝穗節 獨舞者李偉能帶着疑問跳下去 - 明周文化 李偉能是本地現代舞舞者。兩年前,為自己創作獨舞作品《回聲摺疊》反思劇場的可能性。



【香港舞蹈年獎2018 得獎名單 20th Hong Kong Dance Awards - List of Recipients】

Emerging Choreographer
KT Yau Ka-hei
Outstanding Choreography
黎德威 康樂及文化事務署 「續.舞」系列 《So Low》
Lai Tak-wai for So Low
(Leisure and Cultural Services Department, ‘Dance On’ Series)
Outstanding Large Venue Production
香港芭蕾舞團 《海盜》
Hong Kong Ballet for Le Corsaire
Outstanding Medium Venue Production
城市當代舞蹈團 《恐.集》
City Contemporary Dance Company for Why Not Kill Us All…
Outstanding Small Venue Production
康樂及文化事務署/程偉彬、邱加希 「舞蹈新鮮人」系列:《獨.蝸》、《純生》
Leisure and Cultural Services Department (‘New Force in Motion’ Series),
Rex Cheng and KT Yau Ka-hei for Solitary and Unmixed
Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer
夏俊 飾 蘭根丹 香港芭蕾舞團 《海盜》
Xia Jun as Lankendem in Le Corsaire (Hong Kong Ballet)
Outstanding Performance by a Female Dancer
華琪鈺 飾 白蛇 香港舞蹈團《白蛇》
Hua Chi-yu as Lady White in Lady White of West Lake (Hong Kong Dance Company)
Outstanding Ensemble Performance
香港芭蕾舞團 《海盜》
Hong Kong Ballet for Le Corsaire
Outstanding Visual Design
蘇.希利及黎宇文 西九文化區管理局「觀.影——香港舞者」
Sue Healey and Maurice Lai for ON VIEW: HONG KONG (West Kowloon Cultural District Authority)
Outstanding Set and Costume Design
曉高.米蘭 香港芭蕾舞團 《海盜》
Hugo Millán for Le Corsaire (Hong Kong Ballet)
Outstanding Sound Design
梁寶榮 城市當代舞蹈團 《恐.集》
Leung Po-wing for Why Not Kill Us All… (City Contemporary Dance Company)
Outstanding Dance Education
康樂及文化事務署( 大專生藝術通識計劃)及新約舞流《真假距離》
Leisure and Cultural Services Department (General Education in Arts Programme for Tertiary Students) and Passoverdance for Grey Area
Outstanding Services to Dance
城市當代舞蹈團 城市當代舞蹈節
City Contemporary Dance Company for City Contemporary Dance Festival
Distinguished Achievement Award
Anna CY Chan

攝 Photo: 張志偉 Cheung Chi-wai

Photos from Hong Kong Dance Alliance 香港舞蹈聯盟's post 09/03/2018


Photos from Hong Kong Dance Alliance 香港舞蹈聯盟's post 07/03/2018

About Joseph. 關於李偉能。

Timeline photos 02/03/2018

李偉能同邱加希同樣被提名新晉編舞!而邱加希的編舞作品 #純生 更入選傑出編舞!
Joseph and KT both got nominated for Emerging Choreographer! While KT's choreography is nominated for Outstanding Choreography as well!

20th Hong Kong Dance Awards Shortlist
(in alphabetical order 依英文字母序)

▼Emerging Choreographer 新晉編舞▼
• Lai Tak-wai 黎德威
• Joseph Lee 李偉能
• KT Yau 邱加希

▼Outstanding Choreography 傑出編舞▼
• Lai Tak-wai for So Low from ‘Dance On’ Series (Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
黎德威 康樂及文化事務署 「續.舞」系列 之《So Low》
• Leila McMillan for Three Fingers At Arm’s Length from School of Dance Fall Performances (The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)
Leila McMillan 香港演藝學院 《舞蹈學院秋季演出》 之 〈Three Fingers At Arm’s Length〉
• Bruce Wong for Why Not Kill Us All… (City Contemporary Dance Company)
黃振邦 城市當代舞蹈團 《恐‧集》
• KT Yau for Unmixed from ‘New Force in Motion’ Series (Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
邱加希 康樂及文化事務署 「舞蹈新鮮人」系列 之《純生》


李偉能Joseph的最新作品將會於八月在澳門 詩篇舞集 Stella & Artists的平台中首演,在香港演出的日子未定。

After the spring tour, I have spent a week in Macau working on my latest commission by 詩篇舞集 Stella & Artists with the creative team from Hong Kong and Macau. And it has been an amazing process with so much inspirations and challenges. Very glad and excited to work with such a team. Looking forward to the next residency in July and the premiere in August!

Stay tuned!

photo: Phoebe Tong


Hong Kong Dance Exchange 香港比舞

My favourite KT Yau want to invite you for a hot date, you up for that?

【KT Yau騎著鹿車經過★☆】「香港比舞」嘅編舞除左精通日韓文,《睇我唔到》(節目一)及《純生》(節目三)編舞邱加希以高八度可愛聲線演活台妹神韻,最後一句「等你喔!」聽到人心頭一暖,即刻想買飛包場啦!1月5至7日香港大會堂,等你喔!


And Joseph's Folding Echoes will be in program 2 of Hong Kong Dance Exchange 香港比舞 as well!

【贏盡本地海外口碑 — 《回聲摺疊》回到舞蹈初衷】

由首演起不斷於海外、本地舞蹈節重演嘅《回聲摺疊》,對舞界衝擊從未減弱 - 對當代舞嘅詰問、劇場語言嘅轉換與思考都深刻到位。歷經多次重演、重塑之作,可謂更千錘百煉!

Has been re-runed in various local and overseas festivals since its premiere, the impacts of "Folding Echoes" on the dance community still strong. The critical thinking and the use of symbols in theatre are impressive. It is undoubtedly a more mature work after countless re-runs!

//李偉能的《回聲摺疊》關於藝術的創造和認知,以理性思維作為框架,再將這個框架化成藝術表達的媒介 ——「以舞論舞」,內容就是形式,從私密的個人經驗拉開當代深層的意識和關注,年輕的編舞難得具有這樣成熟的思慮,活潑的身體語言駕馭層層推入議題的舞蹈結構,並且織出一種屬於「當代」(Contemporary) 的意境格調,情感與智性飽滿充盈,潛力無限,讓人眼前燃亮期待!//
- 洛楓,本地資深藝評人

===節目二: 見天地 Programme Two: Traversing the World===

|日期時間 Date & Time|
6.1.2018 (六 Sat) 8pm
7.1.2018 (日 Sun) 5pm

|地點 Venue|
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall

|演出 Performances|
-《回聲摺疊》Folding Echoes — 李偉能 Joseph LEE Wai-nang
-《地圖》Mapping — 毛維 MAO Wei, 黃翠絲 Tracy WONG Choi-si
-《連·結》Connecting Link — 楊皓植 YANG Ho-sik, 楊盛植 YANG Sung-sik@Libre Joven Dance Company
-《Yard》Yard — 田村興一郎 Koichiro TAMURA

Joseph Lee Mao Wei and Choi si wong Tracy Mao Wei Wong Choi Si 田村興一郎 Libre Joven 리브레호벤 New Dance for Asia - NDA International Festival Japan Contemporary Dance Network - JCDN

城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available at URBTIX
票價 Ticket price: $180

🚸 購買3場節目可獲免費工作坊一堂 Ticket holder for three programmes can enjoy any of the workshops FREE OF CHARGE
--> 工作坊 Workshop:
--> 其他演出 Performances:
►Instagram: hkdanceexchange
►Twitter: HK Dance Exchange

"Hong Kong Dance Exchange" is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

The content of these programmes does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region & the presenter


KT is performing Remain Invisible again in the first weekend of January 2018!!! Get your ticket soon, 30%off till 20 Dec, inbox me for more details.

【睇你唔到,所以睇到 — 打開對身體想像之《睇我唔到》"Remain Invisible" - Explore Your Imagination Towards Body】

曾於眾籌計劃《re:do/ Joseph Lee/ KT Yau 舞蹈劇場重演計劃》獲重演嘅作品《睇我唔到》由邱加希(KT Yau)自編自跳,擅於以不同物件呈現對自身、舞蹈、劇場、甚至社會嘅佢,喺作品中專登比你睇啲唔睇啲,比觀眾「睇到」更多不被呈現既想像。

"Remain Invisible", choreographed by KT YAU Ka-hei, had been re-run in the project "re: do/ Joseph Lee/ KT Yau" earlier before. Her talent in using different objects to express her thoughts towards dance, theatre, and society, deliberately reveal only some part of her body in this piece, will lead us to "see" more of those cannot be seen through our eyes.

▽▽▽舞評節錄 Review▽▽▽
- 李海燕 (Joanna Lee)

KT Heikayau Joseph Lee X KT Yau
【節目一 : 見自己 Programme One: Encountering Oneself】

|日期時間 Date & Time|
5.1.2018 (五 Fri) 8pm
6.1.2018 (六 Sat) 3pm

|地點 Venue|
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall

城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available at URBTIX
票價 Ticket price: $180

🚸 購買3場節目可獲免費工作坊一堂 Ticket holder for three programmes can enjoy any of the workshops FREE OF CHARGE
--> 工作坊傳送門 Workshop details:
--> 其他演出詳情 Other Performances:
►Instagram: hkdanceexchange
►Twitter: HK Dance Exchange

"Hong Kong Dance Exchange" is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The content of these programmes does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region & the presenter.


Hong Kong Dance Exchange 香港比舞




「香港比舞」搜羅2015-17最不容錯過既當代舞蹈精品 - 8個最搶眼本地薑作品,並聯同南韓NDA 國際舞蹈節、日本福岡舞蹈藝穗節、日本當代舞蹈網絡及臺灣「圓桌舞蹈計劃」等共6個海外舞作一齊舞到盡!除左舞作自由搏擊,仲有工作坊以及座談會推動新一浪舞壇波瀾!

Keep your eyes on local emerging talents!

Hong Kong Dance Exchange (HDX) selects the most unbeatable contemporary dance productions in 2015 to 2017 - 8 of Hong Kong best choreographic works, while collaborating with NDA International Festival, Fukuoka Dance Fringe Festival, Japan Contemporary Dance Network and Round-table Dance Project from Taiwan, total 6 selected overseas works to showcase their gravity-defying energy on stage. Don’t miss the inspiring workshops and forums too!

▽▽▽ 演出節目巡禮 Programmes Introduction ▽▽▽

【節目一 : 見自己 Programme 1: Encountering Oneself】
A move towards thyself - opening up the Pandora’s box of life.

5.1.2018 (五 Fri) 8pm | 6.1.2018 (六 Sat) 3pm
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall

《輕飄飄》Très léger(香港 Hong Kong)
編舞 Choreographer: 黃俊達 Ata WONG Chun-tat

《睇我唔到》Remain Invisible(香港 Hong Kong)
編舞及演出 Choreographer & Performer: 邱加希 KT YAU Ka-hei

《順》Along(香港 Hong Kong)
編舞及演出 Choreographer & Performer: 曹德寶 Hugh CHO Tak-po

《身體語言》Body Language(福岡舞蹈藝穗節代表節目 Programme from Fukuoka Dance Fringe Festival)
編舞及演出 Choreographers & Performers: 木原浩太、四戶由香@木原由香舞蹈團 Kota Kihara, Yoshika Shinohe@ Kota & Yoshika

《不回家》No Turning Back(圓桌舞蹈計劃代表節目 Programme from Round-table Dance Project)
編舞 Choreographer: 陳逸恩 CHEN Yi-en

= = = = = = = = =
>《輕飄飄》由香港藝術節委約及製作,於2017香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台首演 "Très léger" was commissioned and produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and was premiered at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 2017

>《睇我唔到》由多空間委約及製作,於《港韓舞匯 — 獨舞展》首演 "Remain Invisible" was commissioned and produced by Y-Space Dance Company at HK X KR Dance Junctions: Solo Dance

>《順》由香港藝術節委約及製作,於2017香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台首演 “Along” was commissioned and produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and was premiered at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 2017

【節目二 : 見天地 Programme 2: Traversing the World】
A leap for truth – transgressing boundaries of the mind.

6.1.2018 (六 Sat) 8pm | 7.1.2018 (日 Sun) 5pm
香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall

《回聲摺疊》Folding Echoes(香港 Hong Kong)
編舞及演出 Choreographer & Performer: 李偉能 Joseph LEE Wai-nang

《地圖》Mapping(香港 Hong Kong)
編舞及演出 Choreographers & Performers: 毛維 MAO Wei, 黃翠絲 Tracy WONG Choi-si

《連·結》Connecting Link(NDA 國際舞蹈節代表節目 Programme from New Dance for Asia International Festival)
編舞及演出 Choreographers & Performers: 楊皓植 YANG Ho-sik, 楊盛植 YANG Sung-sik@ Libre Joven Dance Company

《Yard》(日本當代舞蹈網絡代表節目 Programme from Japan Contemporary Dance Network)
導演、編舞及演出 Director, Choreographer & Performer: 田村興一郎 Koichiro TAMURA
= = = = = = = = =
>《地圖》由香港藝術節委約及製作,於2016香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台首演 “Mapping” was commissioned and produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and was premiered at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 2016

【節目三 : 見眾生 Programme 3: Seeing All Beings】
A turn for change – connecting to self and others.

6.1.2018 (六 Sat) 5pm | 7.1.2018 (日 Sun) 3pm
香港大會堂展覽廳 Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong City Hall

《A major Clown in G-Flat》(香港 Hong Kong)
編舞及演出 Choreographer & Performer: 莫嫣 Jennifer MOK

《900"》(香港 Hong Kong)
編舞 Choreographer: 白濰銘 Ming PAK Wei-ming

《純生》 Unmixed(香港 Hong Kong)
編舞 Choreographer: 邱加希 KT YAU Ka-hei

《沉泡泡》The Bubble that Won't Rise(福岡舞蹈藝穗節代表節目 Programme from Fukuoka Dance Fringe Festival)
編舞及演出 Choreographer & Performer: 乗松 薫@肥多美演出 Kaoru NORIMATSU@ FUTOME performance

《倆》Two-gather(NDA國際舞蹈節代表節目 Programme from New Dance for Asia International Festival)
編舞及演出 Choreographers & Performers: 金惠潤 KIM Hyea-yoon, 柳振旭 RYU Jin-yook@ Ghost Dance Group
= = = = = = = = =
“ 900" ” was commissioned and produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and was premiered at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 2017

The premiere of Unmixed was presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Tickets available at all URBTIX outlets, on Internet, by Mobile Ticketing App & Credit Card Telephone Booking NOW.
票價 Ticket Price: $180
: 黃漢樑 Wilfred Wong

T.T.C Dance [張婷婷獨立製作] New Dance for Asia - NDA International Festival​ 福岡ダンスフリンジフェスティバル/ Fukuoka Dance Fringe Festival (FDFF)​ Japan Contemporary Dance Network - JCDN
►Instagram: hkdanceexchange
►Twitter: HK Dance Exchange

"Hong Kong Dance Exchange" is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The content of these programmes does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region & the presenter.

KT Heikayau Ata Wong Chun Hugh Cho Joseph Lee Ming Pak Mao Wei and Choi si wong Tracy Carman LI Kingsan Lo Kayi Cheung

#8個編舞來頭不少 #重演即係質素保證之作 #11月21


演完On View Hong Kong 後立即和Yoshi san 接軌,開展了他在香港一星期不到的小駐場計劃。如其說這個是我和他之間的舞蹈探索,在這兩天過來更覺得這是兩地的藝術家累積了一些想法後在反芻後得來的一些試驗,從僅有而共同的經驗追索到媒體之間的共同性,到各自在自身的媒體消化呈現的平衡線。感謝Unlock Dancing Plaza的unlock body lab計劃讓我們能夠盡情地探索,在亦步亦趨的過程中了解更多關於創作的一點點。

【Unlock Body Lab: Work-in-progress Sharing - The Act of Believing】


Seeing is believing. How do we build a belief between us? Using the language only we understand. And the time and presence of ourselves with the other.

The Act of Believing by Akiyoshi Nita and Joseph Lee

攝影:Alan Chan
時間:8 pm



中大百寶箱 CUHK Trove

something about Joseph


若你曾看見黑衣人於中大校園忘我地跳舞,他很可能就是正在攝製「中大秘舞」的校友李偉能 (Joseph Lee)。




Freespace 自由空間

Joseph 下一個演出!


【 #觀影香港舞者 】「李偉能的特色在於其身體可塑性極高,散發著青春的動態能量。」── 蘇・希利 “Joseph Lee’s signature brings an incredible malleable physicality, full of a young person’s kinetic energy.” – Sue Healey (For English please scroll down)




Joseph Lee had his first encounters with dance as a high school student and continued his training in the UK after leaving university. A late starter compared to many dancers, he’s a firm believer that it’s never too early or too late to learn something new, and that what you’ve done in the past doesn’t limit what you do in the future. “A teacher once told me that differences are not just about ability, but also about time, experience, and history. Nothing is absolute."

After beginning his dance career in earnest, Joseph put himself out to try different things, one of which was screendance. “There are things that you can’t do in live performances. I’m interested in using cameras to open up more room for creativity.” Filmmaker and choreographer Sue Healey, Director of “ON VIEW: HONG KONG” also pointed out that we see the details of a dance more clearly through a camera’s lens than with our eyes, making screendance is a kind of micro-choreography. From dance, to film, to installation art, the process is full of imaginative potential. “If you add projected images to interact with live human bodies, there is potential for an intimate conversation between dance and installation art, a merging of multiple dimensions.”

The “ON VIEW: HONG KONG” installation exhibition and live performances take place as part of “Freespace at Taikoo Place” between 1 and 3 November. For programme and ticket information, please visit:

#舞蹈 #自由空間
Sue Healey Maurice Lai Joseph Lee



24.11.2017 (五 Fri) 2PM
Multi-media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
購票 Ticketing:

[城市當代舞蹈節 City Contemporary Dance Festival 2017]
節目推介 Programme Highlight

「聚焦香港 Hong Kong Focus II」
《回聲摺疊》Folding Echoes
編舞/演出: 李偉能 Choreography/Performance: Joseph Lee


24.11.2017 (五 Fri) 2PM
Multi-media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
購票 Ticketing:

編舞介紹 About Choreographer

#城市當代舞蹈節 #東亞舞蹈平台 #聚焦香港


Ryuichi Sakamoto 坂本龍一

Seamless combination of music, film, plot and movements. The never ending goodbye.

Feeling honoured to be part of the team as a movement director. So proud.

坂本龍一 | async


《紅樓夢:白訣》-《A Dream of Red Mansions:The Long Goodbye》-Ryuichi Sakamoto-async
by Wong Fei Pang 黃飛鵬





感謝今日來分享的所有朋友, 隻舞好唔好睇真的不重要!!

若能在短短半小時內讓你有共鳴/ 感受, 已是那一份分享創作的價值~

如果覺得這晚時間是值得, 可以介紹你的朋友看嗎?
還有3場, 剩下少量門票, 可與我聯絡~
**我有少量免費學生飛, 有學生有需要隨時開聲**

【首場爆滿!Premiere SOLD OUT】多謝支持《獨.蝸》同《純生》,星期五晚上8點首演經已滿座!😎 仲有朋友想黎睇就快D買飛喇,星期六、日場次尚餘少量門票咋!

Thank you for your support, tickets on Friday 8pm already sold out! Just few tickets left for the rest of the performances, buy tickets now and don't miss the show!

#手快有手慢冇 #仲有星期六3點 #星期六8點 #星期日3點 #舞蹈新鮮人 #獨蝸 #純生

8 - 9*.9.2017 ( 五 Fri - 六Sat) 8pm
9 - 10.9.2017 (六Sat - 日Sun) 3pm
* 設演後藝人談 With Meet-the-artist Session
葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre
門票現於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets NOW available at all URBTIX outlets
► 活動專頁傳送門 Event page: 「舞蹈新鮮人」系列:程偉彬《獨.蝸》、邱加希《純生》
► 門票現於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets are now available at URBTIX


IATC | 【藝評筆陣】眾籌是出路?——由兩個舞蹈眾籌演出說起




我們仍在思考。感謝各方討論,為意念帶來更多養份。 早前,去了不加鎖舞踊館的排練室,看一個名為「比賽前夕」的展演活動。這次演出特別之處,是兩個表演單位——獨立編舞藍嘉穎和陳偉洛,以眾籌方式籌募到韓國首爾比賽的旅費。他們獲選於今年進入第二屆的韓國NDA(New Dance For Asia)國際舞蹈節獨舞及雙人舞決賽,該比賽是特別為區內編舞而設,勝出的可獲到西班牙比賽及交流的機會。


Hong Kong Dance Alliance 香港舞蹈聯盟

純生 - 9月新作品


創作過程永遠都不能在成果中完全呈現, 未必每個嘗試都適合走進劇場。所以每一次的排練都要狠心取捨, 再繼續創作下一步

我雖然不認識製作這動畫的人, 但他竟能把我過程中最脆弱無力,不知怎樣繼續而捨棄了的片段, 將他的感受花時間畫下幾百張畫, 最後組織了一串動畫

你可能是在看一個宣傳片, 亦可能是你從來無法誠實面對的生活狀態

【舞蹈新鮮人 x 香港漫畫家 NFIM x Local Comics Artist】舞蹈動畫實驗系列 第二部曲 2nd Episode - Experimental dance comics

| 舞蹈與畫筆的詩篇 |

「舞蹈新鮮人」系列與 曾參展法國「安古蘭國際漫畫節」的本地漫畫藝術家柳廣成先生合作,為《獨.蝸》及《純生》製作獨一無二的舞蹈動畫,呈現舞蹈的另一種可能性。

【New Force in Motion X Local Comics Artist】2nd Episode - experimental dance comics

| The poetry of comics strips and dance rhythms |

The Second Episode: 'Unmixed' by KT Yau
"In the life of confinement and rebellion, you will..."
'New Force in Motion' Series explore new possibilities of dance by joining hands with Angoulême International Comics Festival exhibitor -- local comics artist Lau Kwong Shing to produce intriguing teasers for 'Solitary' and 'Unmixed'!

動畫設計 Animation: 柳廣成 Lau Kwong Shing
音樂 Music: Joachim Heinrich - Wolf
→延伸閱讀 《舞蹈手札》訪談 Interview on dance journal/hk:
《追尋生存的價值 — 專訪「舞蹈新鮮人」邱加希與程偉彬》

《舞蹈漫畫—發掘賞舞新視點 Choreographic Comics – A New Way to Appreciate Dance》
「舞蹈新鮮人」系列: 程偉彬《獨.蝸》、邱加希《純生》
'New Force in Motion’ Series: Solitary by Rex Cheng and Unmixed by KT Yau

8 - 9*.9.2017 ( 五 Fri - 六Sat) 8pm
9 - 10.9.2017 (六Sat - 日Sun) 3pm
* 設演後藝人談 With Meet-the-artist Session

葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre

最後衝刺 早鳥優惠 Last call for early bird! (Deadline: 9.8.2017)
👉 👉 👉


Joseph Lee performed in Jes Fan's work Disposed To Add with Kingsan Lo at Spring Workshop as part of the Fans of Miss Ruthless 無情小姐粉絲頁!

Disposed To Add

Directed by Jes Fan
Performed by Joseph Lee, Kingsan Lo
2017.8.12@Spring Workshop

Photo by Cherry Leung


KT is presenting two works in Sep!
and the rehearsal assistant of KT's solo, Carman LI is dancing in KT's work as well as her latest duo in 2nd Stage!

Full of exciting programs in Sep! Go get the tic!

支持本地新秀優惠計劃 —— 睇盡九月份3齣舞作,8個新晉編舞!

$330 1套套票:3個節目門票各 一張(場次不限)
👉🏻送東邊舞蹈團 限量版精美T-Shirt 一件!👕

訂購 2套 套票:3個節目門票各 兩張(場次不限)
👉🏻除左精美T-shirt,再加送CCDC舞蹈課程單堂靈活套票 一張(價值$150,限額30個)!💃🏻

👕 東邊T-Shirt👉🏻東邊舞蹈團《燃脈》
💃🏻 CCDC舞蹈課程套票👉🏻CCDC舞蹈中心《二延體》


套票截止日期: 25-8-2017 (五)

《舞蹈新鮮人》– 香港舞蹈聯盟:
《燃脈》- 東邊舞蹈團:
《二延體》- CCDC舞蹈中心:


CCDC Dance Centre E-Side Dance Company E-Side Dance Rex Cheng KT Heikayau Carman LI Alice Ma James Yau Cola Olimachatsenia Ho

【BUY NOW - New Force in Motion x 2nd Stage x Seething On Group Purchase Discount!】
Discount Scheme to support local emerging artists – Enjoy 3 dance programs by 8 young choreographers in ONE DISCOUNT PACKAGE!

$330 Discount Package: 1 ticket for each program
👉🏻GIVE AWAY Limited Edition of one E-Side T-Shirt 👕

Purchase 2 Discount Packages: 2 tickets for each program
👉🏻GIVE AWAY one T-Shirt + one more CCDC Dance Centre FLEXICOUPON ($150, quota: 30) 💃🏻

Enjoy the show with your dear friends by purchasing the packages! 👫👬👫👭

Tickets and gift collection:
Please present the ticket booking code and phone number for authentication and collection of your pre-paid tickets and gift. You should collect the gift at the reception of the following programs:
👕 E-side T-Shirt👉🏻 “Seething On” by E-Side Dance Company
💃🏻 CCDC Dance Centre FLEXICOUPON 👉🏻 “2nd Stage” by CCDC Dance Centre

Online booking form:

Deadline: 25 Aug 2017 (Fri)

New Force in Motion – HK Dance Alliance:
Seething On –E-Side Dance Company:
2nd Stage – CCDC Dance Centre:

CCDC Dance Centre is the ticketing coordinator for the discount scheme, program details shall refer to the own organizing parties.


KT as the director!


《純生》既編舞同三位創作舞者琴日夜麻麻走左去天橋底探險🔦,仲拍埋《純生》既宣傳片🎥 ! 大家不惜係呢個不見天日但好有feel既地方喂蚊喂左四個鐘,真係訓哂身,值得嘉許呀 !

Videos (show all)

Remain invisible
【re: do 第三個舞作排練片段及訪問】
Re: do/ Joseph Lee/ KT Yau 舞蹈劇場重演計劃概念大片
Re: do/ Joseph Lee/ KT Yau 舞蹈劇場重演計劃絕密片段公開
Re:do/ Joseph Lee/ KT Yau 舞蹈劇場重演計劃預告片 Re: do Trailer
