

Online personal training and nutrition coaching. Senior Fitness Specialists.


Have you ever arrived at your local gym after a day at work only to find that there is a line to use the cable machines? Why are they so popular? Find out in this week's blog post.

Tips for Designing Effective Workout Programs — VirtaFitness 12/05/2023

Some Friday Fitness.

Tips for Designing Effective Workout Programs — VirtaFitness Designing an effective workout program involves several key factors that help maximize results and ensure safety. Here are some tips to consider when designing your workout program.


What is Les Mills RPM?
I was recently certified to teach Les Mills RPM classes. RPM stands for Raw Power in Motion and it is a cardio peak cycle workout that uses a great selection of music, simulated climbs, and sprints to burn calories and improve cardio fitness. Learn more…



With nicer weather now hitting most parts of the country, it is time to think about ditching the gym and getting some exercise out of doors. Outdoor training can have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Here are some of them.

Gym Exercises to Avoid — VirtaFitness 19/04/2023

As I work with my clients in the gym each day, I see many regulars who are intent on building their bodies and becoming the best versions of themselves. The problem is many of the exercises I see folks working into their routines are ineffective and potentially harmful.

Gym Exercises to Avoid — VirtaFitness This blog s the first of a series of articles intended to call out some of these less-than-optimal exercises and suggest better ways to get the intended results.


Staying motivated and focused on fitness goals can be a challenge, but there are some tips and advice that can help.


Working with a personal trainer can benefit individuals looking to improve their fitness levels, achieve specific goals, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are six key benefits of working with a personal trainer.


Your metabolism is not a game you can “reset” or cheat (up, down, left right, B, A, Start?). It is made up of several components. While it is not cheatable, per se, some components are modifiable. Find out how…


Rest days are crucial for those who do resistance training for several reasons. Here are a few of the most important…


You work hard for that hour in the gym; make sure it works hard for you—a three-step plan.


Is there a Connection Between Grip Strength and Longevity?

Recently one of my older male clients sent me a link to an article in the Washington Post that claimed that grip strength was an indicator of longevity, or how long a person is expected to live. He asked me if it were true. Here’s what I found.


Like many road and off-road cyclists I know, I used to think that performance improvements only occur while in the saddle. However, the personal trainer side of me has learned that improvements can also take place off the bike and in the gym. Here are three exercises that mountain bikers might consider to improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury:


Mindful eating is not a diet, but an approach to reconnect with your body and improve your relationship with food. It involves respecting and listening to your body’s natural cues. Read Marjie's (MS RDN) article here:


As an older person who participates in resistance training regularly and in high-intensity indoor cycle classes, I have been supplementing my diet with creatine monohydrate for some time now. I find that it has been helpful for me to maintain muscle mass as I age and also has allowed me to pick up my performance on the bike. So what is creatine monohydrate? Read the article.


Last week we listed three exercises that I see folks in the gym working into their routines that are ineffective and potentially harmful. This week, we’ll continue with three more popular gym exercises that could be harmful or could be improved upon.

Gym Exercises to Avoid — VirtaFitness 02/02/2023

Read the latest blog post:

Gym Exercises to Avoid — VirtaFitness This blog s the first of a series of articles intended to call out some of these less-than-optimal exercises and suggest better ways to get the intended results.


Read the blog:


Indoor Cycling Classes Can Produce Dramatic Fitness Results Fast! See the newest Blog Post.

Strength Training Can Help you Lose Weight and More — VirtaFitness 08/01/2023

Strength Training Can Help you Lose Weight and More — VirtaFitness While dieting can have an effect on weight loss, you can even further reduce body fat by combining strength training with reducing calories through dieting.


Looking to get started on a fitness program in 2023? Check out our Custom Online Training Program.

Sticking with New Year Healthy Change Resolutions — VirtaFitness 29/12/2022

A new blog post.

Sticking with New Year Healthy Change Resolutions — VirtaFitness A great way to stay on track with a new exercise program is to make it social. Most gyms and fitness centers offer a variety of free group exercise programs throughout the day and evening hours. New exercisers may feel intimidated at first to try a group session, they shouldn’t. Everyone has been ...

Free Weights Versus Machines — VirtaFitness 21/12/2022

Our latest Blog Post...

Free Weights Versus Machines — VirtaFitness Free weights are versatile and inexpensive. They also simulate real weightlifting situations and promote full body stability. Free weights are generally safe if you use proper technique. But getting used to lifting with free weights can take some practice, and it's important to use the right techniq


Our Personal Training clients enjoyed these holiday treats - homemade vegan chocolate raspberry protein bars.