The Rats In The Walls

The Rats In The Walls

Classic ghost and gothic horror stories read by Matthew Ogden, The Bearded Wit.


They're hanging off the rim of the world, but what will become of Rincewind and Twoflower?


Hrun's got it made, which is more than we can say for Rincewind...


Dragons... bloody dragons...


Out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Rincewind, Twoflower and Hrun have defeated Bel-Shamharoth, but have now been ambushed by the dragons of the Wyrmberg. Hrun and Twoflower have disappeared (again) and Kring, Hrun's magical sword, is doing its very best to turn Rincewind into a questing, rescuing hero-type to save them.

Sounds a bit of a tall order to me...

31 oktober Halloween Scary Stories 11/10/2022

An evening of Halloween Horrors, a live and in person reading of classic ghost stories, gothic horror and weird tales.

The walk home afterwards might be a little nervy…

Book you ticket now, if you dare!

31 oktober Halloween Scary Stories Denne aften får vi besøg af vores allesammens højtlæser: Matthew Ogden Han vil læse uhyggelige halloween historier højt og vi skruer helt op for uhyggen. Historierne vil være på engelsk så det er forbeholdt voksne. Her er hvad han selv siger om aftenen: Halloween Horrors – scary stories t...


We're back! Hurrah!

After the very unexpected hiatus caused by illness in the family, things have settled down and I'm back in DK ready to continue the adventures of Rincewind and Twoflower.

Thank you to EVERYONE for your kind words of support. My father is well on the way to recovery, and we're all very grateful for your very kind words over the last few weeks


Rincewind and Twoflower have survived the carnage in Ankh-Morpork, making their escape into the picturesque and quaint countryside, only to be attacked by (and by turns highly improbably saved) by various creatures and events.

It's almost as if the Gods were toying with them...

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DEATH, on his way to the new carnage at The Broken Drum, has bumped into Rincewind as the "wizzard" struggles with doing the right thing about the missing Twoflower.

What should he do, and most importantly, how the flip is he going to do it? Whatever it is.

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Rincewind has been "persuaded" by the Patrician to ensure no harm befalls Twoflower during his visit. And Twoflower has been deliriously happy to see the carnage of the aftermath of a genuine Morporkian tavern brawl.

I really can't see anything going wrong with this at all...


We return to the Discworld, in the entirely unsavoury environs of the Broken Drum. Rincewind the wizard thinks something's afoot, and Twoflower, the stranger he's trying to save from himself, is just being painfully naive. And... what is going on with the luggage?

Tune in and find out...


The Facebook live readings are back! And by popular demand, we are starting with Terry Pratchett's fabulous "The Colour of Magic".

So set aside some time to grab your favourite tipple, put your feet up and join The Bearded Wit as he takes you down onto the Discworld.

What wonders await? 😲

9 Meaningful Ways You Can Help Ukraine 27/02/2022

It’s impossible not to feel impotent at times as awful as these, but there is something you might be able to do to help.

There are already many local Danish and UK efforts to collect and send useful and essential items to Ukraine to help those displaced by Putin’s unwarranted aggression.

But this is a collection of potentially useful links for those that are interested to help in some way.

Having not checked the every link I cannot vouch for them all and would encourage you to double-check before doing anything. But it’s as good a place to start, and will allow us to do something as citizens of the world.

And whilst we’re in the subject, remember that the world of which we are citizens also extends beyond the borders of Europe, and there are also those elsewhere in need of our help and empathy.

9 Meaningful Ways You Can Help Ukraine Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict began eight years ago, 1.5 million people have fled their homes and a further 3.4 million people are in need of aid.


So Long, And Thanks for All The Clicks...

We bring it all to a close with what looks like being the last live reading of the six-book-trilogy that is "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", this evening...


Thor (following sound advice from his manager Zaphod, and the threat of unending hatred from Trillian) has NOT killed Wowbagger, even though he is now no longer mortal. Trillian and Wowbagger have, figuratively speaking, now ridden off into a beautiful romantic sunset.

Zaphod and Thor in the meantime are on Nano, living it up at a banquet in Thor's honour, totally oblivious to the fact that the Vogons are in orbit, and preparing the obliterate the planetoid with an experimental weapon, a SECRET experimental weapon.

Onboard the Vogon ship, The Business End, Prostetnic Jeltz is eager to see what this weapon is capable of doing, whilst his grovelling son, Constant Mown, is doing what he can to stop his father. Because, unlike most Vogons, he is not into the whole bureaucratic shindig, and would really like to discuss Country music with somebody...

Whatever will happen next... watch and find out!

The Bearded Wit is creating Podcasts, Audiobooks, Voice-overs, Comedy & Humour | Patreon 03/02/2022

Show your love and support for the creative process. And help keep the hairy loon cranking out the podcasts...

(You KNOW you want to, he's such a lovely chap after all).

Become a patron today! AND get your hands on some unique stuff that people that aren't patrons just can't touch!

The Bearded Wit is creating Podcasts, Audiobooks, Voice-overs, Comedy & Humour | Patreon Become a patron of The Bearded Wit today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.


Thor and Wowbagger have had their epic showdown, which has left Wowbagger soaring up into the stratosphere of Nano after a spectacular uppercut from Mjölnir.

However, it rather seems that Bowerick Wowbagger was having serious second thoughts about ending his immortality, as he and Trillian have very deeply fallen in love. It would seem.

Arthur meanwhile is trying his very best to not be quite so damnably gauche and, well, English about everything.

Things DO seem to be a bit of a pickle, eh?


A long period in dark space has massively amplified feelings amongst the passengers of the Tanngrísnir, love seems to be in the air, and hate, or are they?

Wowbagger and Thor look set for a bit of a smack-down, but does Wowbagger still want to die? We know all the cows do, daft buggers.

But most importantly, will Arthur ever get his wine, and will Ford get some sauce for all the recently lightning-fried steak lying around?


Things have gone... fruit-shaped of some variety... on Nano.
The Nanites and Tyromancers have been failing to have a proper war despite their best endeavours, and Hillman Hunter's diddly-dee charm is struggling to do deal with the reality of the improbable arrival of The Heart of Gold (at first in the form of a giant wheel of cheese, that's improbability for you), and with it, Thor, spoiling for a real fight.

It seems Zaphod is behind all of this, but to what end?

Listen in, and find out. Probably.


Holy Zarquon! The readings are BACK!

And we pick up where we left off, with Zaphod doing what only Zaphod can by achieving the apparently impossible (or at least the massively improbable) by getting a SERIOUSLY naffed-off Thor back onside with the promise of improving his standings amongst the mortals of the galaxy.

It seems he is in the process of brokering a fairly impressive knock-down-drag-out fight between the god and Wowbagger the infinitely prolonged.

But what will happen next?


Zaphod, having learned Heimdall's real name (and the ability to compel the god into doing what he wants), has now FINALLY managed to get into Asgard.

Onboard the Tanngrísnir, Ford, Arthur, and Fenchurch are busy ignoring the "boom-chicka-wow-wow" going on between Trillian and Wowbagger.

But will Zaphod be able to persuade Thor to kill Wowbagger? And perhaps slightly more important than this, will he be able to persuade Thor NOT to kill HIM before he gets to ask about killing Wowbagger?


The dragons in Asgard chasing Zaphod are all getting a bit... well... dragony... will they unleash their... umm... *ahems* dragonyness upon him with suitable fury?

And, hey, what's up with the whole Trillian/Wowbagger thang... who saw THAT particular "let's get it ooooon" coming?

Not Random for sure...

I say, this is all getting rather complicated. Why not tune in as we try and work it all out?


What will happen to Zaphod in Asgard? What’s happened to Arthur? Will he ever see Fenchurch again? Can fish whistle?

All these and many more questions will probably not be answered in this evening’s reading of “And Another Thing…”, but why not tune in anyway?

Oh, whistle, and I'll come to you, my lad... | The Bearded Wit on Patreon 21/10/2021

And so... it begins...

Oh, whistle, and I'll come to you, my lad... | The Bearded Wit on Patreon Join The Bearded Wit on Patreon to get access to this post and more benefits.

Videos (show all)

The Colour of Magic - Part Ten
The Colour of Magic - Part Nine
Halloween Spooky Stories! 31st October at 27B
The Colour of Magic - Part Seven (second attempt)
The Colour of Magic - Part Seven
The Colour of Magic - Part Six
The Colour of Magic - Part Five
The Colour of Magic - Part Four
The Colour of Magic - Part Three
The Colour of Magic - Part Two
The Colour of Magic - the Live Readings
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Part Forty Eight