Blissful Life Coaching

Blissful Life Coaching

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Ikigai! Your life’s purpose 🙌

What’s your reason for getting out of bed?
What is your passion?
What do you love?
What are you good at?
What does the world need from you?

These questions and more can help you find your ikigai! 🧿

If you’re ever stuck on what you should be doing in your life then the ikigai diagram can help you to work out your purpose. 🕺💃

Ikigai is Japanese for ‘life’s purpose’ and many people all around the world follow the diagram to help them with their purpose and what they should be doing with their lives.🎌

Ikigai isn’t meant to feel overwhelming or be difficult, it’s more of a what comes up straight away kind of activity. It’s more of an activity based on self reflection and knowing who you are and what you’re good at. 🫶You can if you want to really dig deep, do your ikigai list after a meditation so you are more open to thinking about yourself.🧘‍♀️

Ikigai is another way of helping yourself on your path, especially if you’re stuck at a bit of a cross road don’t know which path to take. 🛣️

DM to find out more help 💗💗

Photos from Blissful Life Coaching 's post 28/06/2023

What to look for in a coach 🧐

Search on Instagram to find a coach and it won’t take you long to find one…the place is saturated & different countries have more than others. Currently in the UK there’s an estimated 370,000 coaches 😮‍💨 So finding one isn’t hard, but finding the right one can be. The good thing about there being so many is that everyone can find the right one for them.😎

I’ve had both a life coach & a business coach. For me working with one person who did both was important, I’ve also done some free online sessions with different people as I didn’t then want to go on and pay to work with them…which is fine, you need to work out who’s your best fit! 🧩 for me working with someone who’s similar to me was important, I didn’t want to work with someone who felt fake or who I felt was talking down to me. You need to find the right person for you. Think about what you think are important qualities in someone and then find a coach who has those! 🙋‍♀️

As a life coach who focuses on transformation and confidence, I make sure you feel at ease with me. I’m chilled and laid back and pretty much you can say anything; nothing is of limit’s especially a good swear word! I will challenge your view point and will sometimes play devils advocate if it’s needed. I’m trustworthy and everything is said in confidence 🤐 I’ll help you to develop your confidence through seeing the good in yourself. 💗💗

If you think I’m the coach for you then send me a DM or book at ‘getting to know you’ session through my website links. If I’m not the coach for you then I hope you find the one who is! 💗


When someone says you can’t do it, do it twice and take pictures! ✌️🤳

I’m sure we’ve all heard ‘you can’t do that’ over lots of different things in our lives from being a kid to being told in work we can’t do something. Sometimes being told it is for our own benefit or safety but it can also be said by someone who is jealous to take the courage and do it themselves!

Jealously can often cause people to say ‘you can’t do that!’ Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t go after your goals…because you can 🤷‍♀️ don’t let their lack of confidence or courage impact you and what you go after.

Take pictures of everything you do….not to rub in peoples faces but for you and your memories of what you’ve done, try not to be bitter towards those who said you couldn’t do it! Enjoy those moments where you achieve different things and celebrate you 🥳🥰

Make sure you’re not the person who is saying ‘you can’t do that’ to others. I can help you with your mindset and your confidence so DM to see how we can work together 💗💗

Photos from Blissful Life Coaching 's post 06/06/2023

Who do I work with? 🤷‍♀️🫶

With Blissful Life Coaching I work with badass females 💃 who want to focus on developing themselves in many different ways.

I want to help as many women as possible with different areas of their lives. All women should feel good in their own skin, have confidence and feel self love yet so many women don’t. I want to help change that 💗

Through my 1-1 program I will make sure that you are working on YOU and that I’m supporting your progress and your journey. A life coach isn’t someone who is going to do the work for you, we are there to support you. Like I’ve said I can teach you the dance but I can’t make you perform. You will only develop yourself if you want to and if YOU put the work in!

Be prepared to be challenged in a fun way that makes you think about your life so far, where you’re at now and how you can get to where you want to be! 🧘‍♀️👯‍♀️🙌

Life should be fun and so should life coaching, yes at times you’ll feel challenged, confused and even overheated but that just means you’re working through those barriers! DM to find out if I can help you through working 1-1 💗💗


Be the best version of yourself, not a second rate version for someone else!

Do you ever think;
‘if I change this then they’ll like me?’
‘I’ll change to fit in?
‘What does everyone else think about that?’
‘What will they think if I do that?’

If you’re someone who think about other peoples opinions of you more than your own opinion of yourself then you need to do some inner work. Affirmation, meditation or visualisation can really help.

You should be the version of yourself you want to be, not the version influenced by someone else for that person.

To change and develop this start with an affirmation like; ‘I am in control of me and only my opinion matters’ or ‘i believe in myself and my opinion of me’

Too many of us care too much what people think and this hinders us from going after what we really want or how we really want to live.

DM to find out more on how I could help you with 1-1 coaching. 💗💗

Photos from Blissful Life Coaching 's post 24/05/2023

Blissful Life Coaching 💗

I thought I’d give you some information on Blissful Life Coaching to let you know what to expect if you wanted to work with me and your life coach 💃

1️⃣ I offer 1-1 coaching programs or group coaching! Each program can be online or in person. Online calls will be on zoom, 1-1 coaching calls last 1 hour each per week. 💻

2️⃣I’ll start the first session with a Q&A, finding out about you, why you’re wanting a life coach and what way I can support you in your decisions! 🙏

3️⃣life coaching is personal. There’s no one size first all, I make that very clear and I’ll give you exercises to do they might be different to your friends as your journey is individual to you 🫶 not everyone will want to work with me and not every coach will be the right one for you and that’s ok! We’re not everyone’s cup of tea and you’ll need to know that that’s ok 👌

4️⃣theres a whole variety of areas we can and will look at to help you on your journey from mindset to manifestation. 🧘‍♀️

5️⃣you’re in control of your life! Change starts from within so if you’re thinking ‘why do bad things always happen’ that’s because you’re expecting them to 🙌

DM to see how we can work together 💗💗


✍️💫Goal setting!! 💫✍️

Goal setting is something I go in-depth over with my clients, as many of them want to achieve something that they’ve thought was impossible before. I’ve helped clients with motivation for weight loss, applying and getting a dream job or feeling more confident in themselves.

Here are some helpful tips when deciding on and working towards your goal!

1️⃣ decide on your goal…be super specific on what it is you want to achieve (E.G want to earn an extra X amount per month) OR (E.G to achieve X in my life/work/business)
Being specific will help you fully focus in on what you want to go after 🫶
2️⃣ CONSISTENTLY write your goal down, at least 5 times in the morning and 5 times in the evening. OR you can use the 3,6,9 method. Which is 3 times in the morning, 6 in the afternoon and 9 times before bed. Writing your goal down makes it more real than just thinking about it, we’re more likely to achieve it if we can see it on paper 📝 writing it more than once for more than one day cements it into our minds. You need the same goal for on average at least 30 days. When writing it down, keep to a sentence like this ‘I am so happy & grateful now that…..’this has been done with ease, joy and flow. Write as if you’ve already achieved your goal, use the present tense and your mind will think it’s achieved it. ✍️
3️⃣ Take action! Think about what steps you can take to make your goal a reality. Even if it’s something small it’ll help you on your journey 💗
4️⃣ Believe that you’ll achieve your dream! Self belief is the hidden ingredient 🙌

Message me to find out more on how I can help you with your goals 💗💗


A year from now you will wish you’d started today!

Why wait?
What is going to change if you wait….absolutely nothing! 🤷‍♀️
If you want to make a change in your life you need to start today, be consistent in going after your goals and what you want will fall into place.

Whether is to lose weight, increase money, change jobs or anything else the longer you wait the longer it’ll be until your reality changes.

DM to see how I can help you with going after what you want. 1-1 zoom client calls available 💗


Failure is the condiment that gives success flavour!

Don’t be afraid to fail, try or experiment and it go wrong. Failing means you’re trying and success will taste sweeter if there’s been failure on way.

Have a mentality that failure doesn’t mean you’re a failure, there’s too many people who don’t want to fail at anything because once they’re knocked down they don’t get back up…always get back up and success will follow! 💗


1 # make good decisions
2 # everything else

Make a decision today that you are good enough! Take action on that decision and everything else will fall into place for you! 💗



Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, she turned into a butterfly!

When you’re going through a change or transformation you’ll think that you’re stuck or even that the end is near…just remember you’re a butterfly, you can change as often as you want to if you’re willing to put the work in. Never stop developing, growing or spreading your wings! 💗


Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears!

What scares you the most?….for a lot of us, we live in that state of fear every day! People live their fears because they’re afraid to go after what they really want.
Are you afraid of doing the same job you’re doing now, forever?
Are you afraid of going after what you truly want?

Being fearful won’t help you get your goals, that job, that house or that relationship you want. You have to ignore the fear and do it anyway, or face the fear hear on!

Your dreams are there for a reason, you’re meant to live them. Don’t stay where you are just because it’s comfortable, too many people stay in their comfort zone because it’s easy. Make life difficult for a bit cause the road on the other side of difficultly is worth it! Or if you want to feel stuck in your life and in your fears then stay where you are. 💗


There is no traffic jam along the extra mile!

Do you want something but don’t want to put the extra time and effort into making it a reality?
Do you want short cuts to make life easier or the journey to your gals easier?

There’s no short cuts to get what you want, hard work, consistency and a little bit of patience will help you go along way.

The extra mile is empty because not everyone is willing to put the extra work, be the person who does….having no traffic jam is worth it! 💗



Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people!

Who you surround yourself with matters because it’s at different tables that different conversations happen!

Be aware of the conversations you’re having, how much of them are about you sharing or discussing ideas for you and your tribe to do and be better and are about going for what you deserve and how much of your conversations are about bitching about others?

Being aware of your conversations and your tribe. This will allow you to see what needs changing and can help you look within to change.

I currently have space for 1-1 clients and still have availability for my group coaching event. DM for more info 💗💗



When you find your why, you find a way to make it happen!

What is your WHY?
What is your PURPOSE?

When you find out your why you find a way to make it possible through taking action. Things will come up in your life that will help you on your path to make your why a priority. If anything stops you or blocks your path then you can use those blocks as challenge to face and walk through. Challenges will be there to make you really think about your why and the reason you want it.

Keep going, make your why become the focus of everything you want and your reason for being! 💗


Never allow a person to tell you no who doesn’t have the power to say yes!

Do you have people who tell you;
NO you can’t do that?
NO you’re not good enough for that!
NO you shouldn’t try new things
And so on?!

You need to block out the noise that these people create…they don’t deserve their opinions to be used. If someone in your life isn’t supporting you then you need to think about why aren’t they supporting you?

If someone is quick to always say no but they never say YES then you definitely don’t need to be listening to them. People are afraid to say yes to new challenges, opportunities or to something that could be out of their comfort zone…but that’s where the most exciting things happen!

Be someone who say YES to trying new things and say NO to the people who don’t fill your cup up! 💗💗

Photos from Blissful Life Coaching 's post 16/04/2023

Invest in yourself!!

Join me on Sunday 7th May as I help you to develop your inner self, your confidence and your goal setting.

The session will be held at Bohemian Stars and crystals which is an incredible shop and I’m so glad I have the opportunity of being in space with some fabulous females.

This is for ladies who want to figure out their WHY, pursue their goals and transform their lives from the inside out!

Included in the session;
Life coaching booklet
A guided life coaching session that will make you reflect on where you are in terms of goals and where you want to be
Safe space to be yourself!

£25 investment for 2 hours where you get to delve in and develop yourself from within.

DM TO BOOK YOUR PLACE. I’d also love it if you could share this with anyone you think would be interested.💗💗


Develop an ‘attitude of gratitude’. Say thank you to everyone you meet for everything they do for you.

Expressing gratitude everyday for the smallest of things brings us inner joy and peace. Being grateful for someone making you a cup of tea, listening to you, giving you a compliment or just being there for you can really make you understand and appreciate what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t have!

Say thank you to the people who serve you in the shop, who let you pass in the car or even hold the door open for you…gratitude is contagious and it’s FREE to pass around!

Take time out of your day, every morning and night to think about the things you have to be grateful for….this isn’t a long exercise but it can definitely change your mindset and will bring more things into your life for you to be grateful for! 💗


Twenty years from not you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the things you did!

Don’t live a life of regret, don’t reflect on what you haven’t done…take action and do the things you really want to do. Whether it’s travel, education, ending a relationship, starting a relationship or doing something for you! You’ll look back with regrets and ‘should’ve, could’ve, would’ve’ and you don’t want or deserve to live your life like that.

Instead of a life full of regret look back appreciating how blissful it is and how amazing those 20 years have been! 💗💗



The number one reason people fail in life is because they listen to their friends, family and neighbours!

Our friends, family and even neighbours can think they’re being helpful by giving us advice but for a lot of people they stop in their tracks and don’t push forward with their dreams or goals because they’ve been put off by others. Listening to others can hinder your progress, give you self doubt and even make you question your abilities.

Make sure you stay focused on what your goals are and have the right tools and mindset to continue with your goals. If you need advice off anyone listen to what they say but remember your intuition is also a fantastic tool in knowing if you should or shouldn’t continue on the path you’re on. 💗

Photos from Blissful Life Coaching 's post 10/04/2023

Blissful life coaching
Live event in Liverpool!!

Join me on Sunday 7th May as I help you to develop your inner self, your confidence and your goal setting.

The session will be held at Bohemian Stars and crystals which is an incredible shop and I’m so glad I have the opportunity of being in space with some fabulous females.

I’ll take you through a booklet and meditation that I’ve created especially for the event that allows you to reflect on where you’ve been and where you want to go in life.

This is definitely for ladies who want to figure out their WHY, pursue their goals and transform their lives from the inside out!

Included in the session;
Life coaching booklet
A guided life coaching session that will make you reflect on where you are in terms of goals and where you want to be
Safe space to be yourself!


Successful people are not gifted, they work hard, then succeed on purpose.

Every wondered why them?
Why is that person always successful?
What do they have that I don’t?

Often the answer to these questions is the same; they succeed on purpose! Whatever their goal is they go after it until they’ve achieved it and then they keep going until they achieve the next goal!

Success becomes a habit.

If you want to know more about being successful in your goals and what your purpose is…and you’re in Liverpool on the 7th May then join me for my group session, I only have 10 places available! I’d love to see you there to help you grow from within. 💗💗

Photos from Blissful Life Coaching 's post 03/04/2023

Blissful life coaching
Live event in Liverpool!!

I am so excited to announce my first live group session!!

Join me on Sunday 7th May as I help you to develop your inner self, your confidence and your goal setting.

The session will be held at Bohemian Stars and crystals which is an incredible shop and I’m so glad I have the opportunity of being in space with some fabulous females.

I’ll take you through a booklet and meditation that I’ve created especially for the event that allows you to reflect on where you’ve been and where you want to go in life.

This is definitely for ladies who want to figure out their WHY, pursue their goals and transform their lives from the inside out!

Included in the session;
Life coaching booklet
A guided life coaching session that will make you reflect on where you are in terms of goals and where you want to be
Safe space to be yourself!

£25 investment for 2 hours where you get to delve in and develop yourself from within.

DM TO BOOK YOUR PLACE. I’d also love it if you could share this with anyone you think would be interested.💗💗


No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

If someone makes you feel worthless or inferior, like you’re not good at something or that you’re not good enough in general then you’re letting them make you feel like that.

No one has power over you unless you give it to them. Don’t allow others to impact your energy, make you question yourself or put you down.

Only one person is in charge of you and that’s you. You’re the only one with consent over how you feel and respond, remember that. Most people who try to make others feel inferior actually have their own issues going on that they’re not facing and instead project it on to others! 💗


Either you run the day or the day runs you!

I’ve had some of these days lately, ridiculously busy and the day just takes you for a ride and you’re keeping hold of the sides just to get through 🥵😰

Most of the time these days happen because of lack of planning or preparation or because something else comes up to take your focus away. If you don’t plan your day your day will plan for you.

We also have those days where we say or think ‘this day is going to be a bad day’ because you’ve had a bad 5 minutes. Don’t let those 5 mins ruin the rest of a perfectly good day. Don’t dwell on the small inconvenience of spilling a drink or dropping something cause it’s not worth your whole days focus! 💗


A goal is a dream with a deadline!

When do you want to achieve your goals by?
Have you given yourself a deadline?

If we don’t have deadlines we’re more likely to procrastinate and if we don’t write our deadlines down we’re less likely to ever meet them!

Sharing your goals with others can also be a good way of making sure you follow through on achieving them and that the goal doesn’t just stay as a dream.

Set deadlines you can achieve, you can even set smaller deadlines and split your big goal into smaller more attainable goals to keep you on the right path. 💗

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✍️💫Goal setting!! 💫✍️Goal setting is something I go in-depth over with my clients, as many of them want to achieve somet...
1# make good decisions2# everything elseMake a decision today that you are good enough! Take action on that decision and...
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