
Amen! 🙏

Photos from GOD is MY LIFE's post 20/12/2021

In Illinois, there was a boy born into a poor family. From childhood to school, he only wore a pair of torn shoes. The boy heard that at Christmas, when going to any store, just tell God what he wants and the shop owner will satisfy his request.
On Christmas day, the boy saw a shoe store selling very beautiful shoes, so he entered the store and said to the owner: "Today is Christmas, I love these shoes, uncle! Can you help me tell God so He can give me these shoes?"
The owner looked down at the boy's feet and immediately understood the problem, he took the shoes and said: "Okay baby, now I will tell God". Then he took the shoes and went inside.
After a while, the master came out, but had only one shoe in his hand, and gave it to the boy and said: "Kid, God said He only gave you one shoe, you have to think of a way to earn it yourself. money to buy the other one.”
The boy asked, "So how much money do you have to make to buy the other shoe?"
The boss said: “2 dollars.”
The boy said again, "Okay, I will think of a way to make money, but you must keep the other shoe for me."
The owner smiled and said, "You can rest assured."
After going home and saving $2 by picking up the bottle, the boy happily ran to the store to pay. The owner praised the boy and gave him the other shoe. Since then, the boy has had a very nice new pair of shoes.
When growing up, the boy used to work many jobs such as lifeguard, commentator, broadcaster, then entered the art world and became a famous star. In 1980, that boy became the 40th President of the United States, also President Ronald Reagan.
During his presidency, Ronald Reagan was once asked by a reporter what had the greatest influence on his growth, and he told the story "God only gave one shoe." when he was young.
Mr. Reagan said: "I later learned that the original price of the shoes was $38, half the price was also $19, but the store owner only took me $2 to teach me one thing that :
"God won't give you everything you want, He only gives you part of it, you have to work for it yourself to get the rest."

-From internet-

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How do you think God felt toward you before you began following Him? Did He only begin loving and caring about you because you chose Him? No, not at all! He loved you from the beginning of your life, and even before you were formed (Psalm 139:16) He loved you before you believed in Him, and when you were angry at Him. He loved you when you suspected He was real but weren't ready to surrender your life. He loved you even when you were in the middle of your darkest sin. And He chased after you to save and repair you with His wonderful love.
"As Jesus was having a meal in Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with Jesus and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” When Jesus heard this he said, “Those who are healthy don’t need a physician, but those who are sick do.'" Matthew 9:10–12
Who are the people in your life who most need to experience the love of God? They might not be the healthiest and holiest of your family and friends. Let's choose to remember today that we were also sinners until Christ's love found us. Can we follow Christ's example of outreaching love? Jesus goes to those whose hearts need healing. Is there a small way you can do the same today?


Can you imagine what it would be like to journey through the wilderness in the dark? Maybe you'd get scared, lost, or trip and fall into danger. But God's Word is the light of truth, which shines in the dark. It is full of wisdom to direct your choices, so you can always look to the bible to illuminate the right path. You don't have to stumble and wander - God will lead you through His Word!


With so many opinions in the world, how can we possibly know what's right? The world's ideas about how a person should act, think, and believe are always changing. God's word will bring understanding of His will, renewing your mind, helping you to understand what is right and wrong. The Bible is pure truth that never changes, so it separates truth from lies and can save you from the confusion of trying to earn the approval of the world.


Do you ever wonder what God is really like? You can find out for yourself in the pages of scripture. Jesus is sometimes called The Word of God. When He walked the earth, Jesus was truth with skin on. You have access to that same truth through God's Word, the Bible. His love, goodness, and grace toward you will become clearer and clearer as you read about the life of Jesus.


Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the troubles of life? You don't have to face them alone. When you accepted Jesus, the Holy Spirit set up camp right inside you. The Bible sometimes calls the Holy Spirit, "the Advocate." This means He is with you always, directing you to the truth. He clears a path in front of you and always has your back. He will never abandon you. He is the one who is able to help. You can call on Him for support!
