Rhodes Genealogy

Rhodes Genealogy

Please message me or email me on [email protected] for a inquiry or any questions.


At Rhodes Genealogy, at CHEAP prices. We can help you find out your family history, i can help you find out your proud past with your ancestor; for a example, your ancestors that fought in the war and to find out what happened in their life and what they did.

At Rhodes Genealogy, we can help you find anything out. I helped my aunt find out who her adopted father’s biological parents, they sent help over to Salvation Army and still could not find out who his biological parents were. Within a few weeks, i found out the biological parents and traced back to many century’s back.
I also helped my grandparents to find out whatever happened to their aunt who emigrated to another country, she investigated for over 18 years and still nothing. Luckily, i found out what happened to her, her children, grandchildren and helped her get into touch with them. I also helped my great aunt family tree, and she found a 2nd cousin whom she never knew about, and now talk about their relatives who they both knew.

This is why this i believe in my business Rhodes Genealogy, thatwe can help you trace back to where your ancestors are from, where they lived, and their occupations, residences, their life.
If you would like to start a family tree at Rhodes Genealogy please message me via facebook,
you will not regret it.

Many thanks to everyone who has supported my new business .


Welcome to Rhodes Genealogy, we will be starting soon, a post will be made in the following days of price lists. If anyone is looking to research there family tree, please comment down below, message me, or use the email in my bio, if you could please share this page i would really appreciate it.
