Love Your Body

Love Your Body

Love Your Body is all about helping people find ways to get fit, lose weight, improve sugar levels and find the products they need to help them.

Hopefully, people will meet and help each other out on this page.


For all parents playing both roles, YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!


My Year so far.... Scary

I was determined 2020 would be my year... I'm happy to say I still think it will be. It's just taking longer than I hoped it would.

I have survived- internal bleeding. I'm still not 100% healed, but I am making great progress. A blood clot in my arm- that has completely dissolved and my arm is getting stronger. Covid 19- that was a tough one. It set back my internal bleeding, my arm strength, my energy, my ability to breath.... It's been rough.

My emotional state went to hell and back. That too is recovering nicely. I'll explain....

I walked away from a man that loves me for me, because I am with a man that I thought I could fix. And probably a little fear because no one had ever shown me such a crazy amount of real affection before. But none the less, I made the wrong choice. It's just taken me a really long time to realize it. Now it's time to change it.

I have been horrible unhappy trying to fix the wrong person. The person that needed to be fixed all along was me. I'm always trying to make people see how special they are. Yet I didn't feel special at all....

I have no one to blame but myself. I allowed myself to be treated poorly. I allowed myself to be put on the back burner so someone else could always come first. I was just an all around idiot.

However, I'm going to fix it! I am scared but I am excited at the same time. And I will post more in the near future... But for now...

To the one I let go of.... I'm an idiot. I fu**ed up. I'm forever going to be sorry for my bad choices.

I love you. I always have and I carry you in my heart every moment of every day!



Isn't that really what life's all about?

Every time you get excited or upset or just plain old angry, doesn't your breathing change? Inhale..Exhale..

Every time you relax, whether it's meditation or sleeping. Doesn't your breathing change? Inhale..Exhale..

Every time you laugh or cry, isn't there a moment when it's hard to catch your breath? Inhale..Exhale..

Seems to me that breathing is what really matters in life. So why are we wasting breath on hate? Inhale..Exhale..

Stop wasting your breath or holding your breath. Racism will never go away. Too many people want to be victims. Inhale..Exhale..

Standing on steps, yelling to crowds about how life is unfair. Sucking the calm air in and breathing out words of hate and violence. Inhale..Exhale..

Creating chaos in a crowd to justify a wrong doing by others. Do you think you're any better? Do you hear what you are doing? Inhale..Exhale..

People pushing, shoving, destroying property attacking innocent people. Subjecting children to unleashed hatred! Exhale..

Notice there was no "Inhale"? While you were breathing out words to victimize a race, your crowd stomped the breath out of an innocent child. They will never inhale again.

As long as you use your breath to preach words of revenge and racism, it will never go away.

As long as the news continues to report only negative stories, racism will never go away.

As long as people continue to make a bad situation worse, that leads to innocent people and children taking their last breath. Peace will never come.

Go ahead..Inhale..Exhale..Inhale..Exhale..

Breath in deep..Exhale slowly..Take an extra breathe for the people dying who had nothing to do with a wrong doing or racism.

Then...Stop acting like idiots! Racism is taught! We are not born to hate. We do not even see color when we're born. Speak of and do acts of kindness. Love in the eyes of our youth and they will breathe easy!

Focus...Inhale calm.... Exhale love...Inhale understanding... Exhale compassion...


Quarantined Emotions

Hello everyone. I know everyone is getting sick of the coronavirus quarantine, but it's for a good cause. I know physical separation from those we love is hard, this too, is for the safety of those we love. The stress and worry about how we're going to make ends meet. How we're going to find enough money for food to feed what family we are with? How long will we have to do this? All I can say is, until we don't have too.

I don't know how other people are handling this. I truly hope people are trying to stay positive. Taking this time to enjoy your children, get some deep cleaning done. Maybe you're taking this time to separate what you need and what you don't for a big yard sale when we can leave our homes freely. Good for you! I'm thinking about doing that myself.

I know some of you are struggling with the isolation. The waves of emotions that wash over you when you can't find, or don't want to do anything else! I have those days. But I had those days before coronavirus. I will have those days after coronavirus.

Maybe this is the time we should use to face our emotions? Stop running from the pain that causes us to feel the way we do. Figure out what it is we want to better about ourselves when this is over. Like a do-over. Wipe our emotional slates clean and plan our first steps to creating the lives we only dream about, but never dare to live.

For those of us sexually abused, mentally and physically abused, abandoned by family when we were born or as children or even as adults. For those of us who feel like we've been wronged in so many different ways. Maybe now, with all of our alone time. We should cry, write our anger down. Say everything we wanted to say, no matter how hateful it seems. Just get it out! Then burn it and forgive ourselves for feeling so weak and letting what others did, control us for so long.

It's time to let go of everything that's held us back. Come out of this thing stronger and better people. This is no church sermon. This is not in God's hands. This is in our hands. We control our lives. Right now we control each other's lives.

Stay home. Stay safe. Keep those around you safe. This is just going to take time. We waste a lot that shopping for things we don't need.

When this is over, prepare to Love Your Life!!


My thoughts on Covid-19

I want people to know first that I am not an over reacting, conspiracy theory type of person. Nor am I a doctor. But I am a concerned human!

With that being said. This is what I think of the worlds current situation. Like it or not. I don't care. But we the people, are being played. And that is my honest feelings on this issue.

There are many types of Coronavirus that the CDC reports on. They are 229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1- these four are common versions. Such as the common cold, the flu, ect..

Then there is MERS-CoV, SARS-Cov, SARS-CoV2 (Covid-19) and a few more. These are the serious respiratory viruses that kill many people every year! Covid-19 just happens to be the new strain that the governments (all governments) haven't learned how to control or cure yet.

The CDC website states that the Coronaviruse's are animal carried viruses that can, have, and do transmit to humans. And it's not one animal specifically that carries the virus, there are many. Bat's are just strong carrier's. So ma*****na growers might want to think twice about using bat dung in their grows.

We lose over 100,000 people a year to influenza. We have lost, I think around 40,000 people to Covid-19, which has already been around for almost 6 months, that we know of.
This new version of Coronavirus seems to be a super charged influenza.

Now none of that sounds good. But this is where I feel like we are being played. And I feel like the President knows it too, that is why he is pushing for the return to work to stabilize the economy. Mr. President, I am on your side! And that is saying a lot because I have not been a big Trump supporter.

CDC is now admitting that animals spread this virus to humans. That as much as 50 percent of us have probably already had Covid-19. They are creating test to determine if you have already built up an immunity to the virus. They will harvest blood from those that have built up an immunity to create a vaccine.

That sounds evil, I know. But it's not. We harvest blood to save lives everyday! We just call it donating to blood banks. It is not a bad thing.

Now for the playing part. We have been shut down and economic growth brought to a halt! People jobless, soon to be homeless and starving if we don't get back to work quick. Which is awesome for government. They become important, valued and needed again. Even tho they are the one's promoting the tanking of economic growth. I bet you the majority of them pulled their money out of the stock market before the mandatory world quarantine caused the market to drop!

Played! The virus is real. It is serious and it is being used as a tool for the rich to get richer. The market is going to bounce back. People! Buy only what you need. You should stock pile in stocks while they have dropped so low. When they bounce back up, they are going to make people very rich!

But with a pandemic creating so much fear and causing all of us to run out and buy up every safety precaution we can get our hands on, we are all going broke! That leaves the rich and the government to buy up all the stocks and get richer.

The government came up with a relief package that will pay our rents and mortgages for one month! They know most people live month to month. Sure we will go back to work. But it will take 2 to 3 weeks for any of us to get a paycheck again. And then we will all be playing catch up with our bills.

Remember this post when the stock market starts climbing, and you have no money to invest because you are so far behind on your bills. Stop buying toilet paper in a store! Buy into the company that makes the toilet paper and the hand sanitizer! I am telling you this because people will not ever want to be short on those items again.

So again, the virus is real. The threat of dying is there, like influenza. It is scary. Like the rest of the Coronaviruses', we will survive. But pay attention to what's being said. It is a play on words with the government. It always has been.

Stay safe and play it smart
Remember to love your body!!


Number 1 healthy living, food pairing, pound dropping product trending right now.

Click below to check it out.

HOME | Cinderella


This dog has it right. Add a couple of steps to your workout.


Need some help planning meals?

Dieting does not come easy for most people. And as I've said before, there is no one diet that works for everyone. You need to find what works for you. Not your neighbor, not your friend, not even your family member.

Your body decides how it wants to store or expel what you put into it. You need to decide how motivated you are in your weightloss journey. You have to show your body that you want it to change.

If you are looking for a little help. Click below. I'm sure this will help some of you reach your weight loss goals. Make a positive move so you can Love Your Body!

HOME | Ketomeals


Funny workout video with Jim Carrey. Laughter releaves stress. Giggle a little here.


Aging Bodies? Read this-

Have you noticed that as you get older, your body seems to get stiffer? Your hips, legs and feet hurt.

Are people (doctor's) telling you that is just a part of getting old? And how much did you or your insurance pay to hear that?

I found some interesting information that might help you feel better. Click the link below and just read it. See if it makes as much sense to you as it did to me. I think you will find it very interesting.

HOME | Hipflexor


A little motivation is always healthy.


Thank you for viewing the Love Your Body page. I appreciate your support. Please like, follow and share everything that you feel will help your loved ones improve their health. And don't forget to share your thoughts, ideas and/or suggestions that could help others here in the Love Your Body community.

Maybe through the power of social media we can help each other live healthier, fuller, longer lives.

We are all different. Different things will work for some and not for others. By sharing, we are expanding knowledge. With new found knowledge, maybe we can help others find what will work for them.

HOME | Diabetesreversal 03/01/2020


A top US Doctor and researcher has revealed the shocking truth…

The REAL cause of your diabetes and uncontrolled weight gain has NOTHING to do with belly fat, diet, exercise, or genetics….

But instead is THIS deadly molecule

Which according to the latest breakthrough study by a team from Washington University School of Medicine and published in the Lancet Planetary Health caused a terrifying 3.2 MILLION new diabetics last year!

HOME | Diabetesreversal


Why Do We Crave Sugary Food?

For many of us the sight of a freshly glazed doughnut can feel like falling in love. And coming home to a pack of unopened cookies can feel like the adult version of Christmas morning. There’s something about sugar that hooks us and keeps reeling us in again and again. Whether we like it or not sugar has a major hold on us.

If you’re reading this, it’s highly likely you understand, and have first-hand experience of this allure. Sugar isn’t just confectionary, it’s compulsion; there is no such thing as stopping after “just one.” I mean, if one is good, more is better. At least that’s what it feels like with the sweet stuff.

We are given many reasons for our sugar cravings: pleasure-seeking brain circuits, intestinal parasites, mineral deficiencies, malnutrition, habitual behavior, unbalanced diets, too much salt, buried emotional issues, lack of sleep, stress.... and my favorite, lack of discipline. We are not at a loss for reasons for our addiction to sugar, yet knowing isn’t enough to change us or our behavior. If knowing was enough we would all be winning gold medals and gold stars in every area of our life. If anything, knowing just makes it feel worse... we know better so why aren’t we doing better? Knowing becomes just another reason for us to feel bad about ourselves.

Stop feeling bad and do something about it. Click here and kick that sugar habit.

HOME | Waterhack


A workout buddy can have four legs!


HAPPY 2020!
Get those New Year Resolutions started!
Love your body, treat it right. It's the only one you get in this lifetime!


A workout that is heart healthy. Try it out

Videos (show all)

This is how we do it!
Hilarious workout video with Jim Carrey
