Ciise Masiix Twin Cities

Ciise Masiix Twin Cities

We are a followers of Ciise Masiix who seek to follow His example and teachings. Our aim is to connec

Timeline photos 14/05/2022

Worship involves our whole selves. Just like a sacrifice involves the whole animal, our worship needs to involve all of us. It is not simply a matter of doing the right things for people to see. Worship means presenting ourselves--body, mind, soul, and heart--to God to be used as He wants to. So let your obedience be the most important form of worship.

What obedience is God desiring from you?

Timeline photos 13/05/2022

Is there a formula for worship?

What does it mean to worship something?
-Does it always look the same?
-Who or what is worthy of the praise of everything?
-What are some attributes that deserve praise?
Comment below what you think!

Timeline photos 12/05/2022

What kind of worship does God really want from you?

Every religion has their way of worshiping God, but what is the correct way God desires to be worshiped? Does God have a preference for worship? Comment below what you think the "essence" of true worship is, what does it practically look like?

Timeline photos 07/05/2022
Timeline photos 06/05/2022

You can have freedom from sin

You don't have to feel alone anymore! God desires for you to be near Him and hear from Him. He desires our obedience over our sacrifices.

What in your life would you like to be freed from? Message us to share!

Timeline photos 05/05/2022

One day Jesus was sitting in the temple and the religious leaders brought a woman to Him that had been caught in the middle of an act of adultery. They said to Jesus "According to the Law we must stone her. What do you say?" Jesus said "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." One by one, from oldest to the youngest, all of the leaders walked away, so that only the woman was left. Jesus said to her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" She said, "No one, Lord." Jesus responded and said, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more."

Do you believe Jesus can really forgive sins, even for a woman like this? Message us to answer!

Timeline photos 05/05/2022

The word "forgive" means to wipe the slate clean. This means that the record of wrongs will not be held against us any longer. We get a "do-over" and we get to start fresh again.

The only one that can forgive completely is God. For God to forgive, we must repent. Repenting means that we need to turn to Him, ask for forgiveness, and turn away from the act that brings Him dishonor. God wants to forgive us if we want to come to Him.

What does true forgiveness mean to you?

Timeline photos 29/04/2022

This Ramadan, we challenge you to also pick up the Injiil and read the story of the life of the Messiah. Find out for yourself who He is and why he displays so much love, peace, and truth. Let God show you whether the Injiil is true or not.

If you want to talk more about it, send a private message to us!

Timeline photos 28/04/2022

Have you seen the man in white?
Jesus Christ appeared to many after his death and resurrection. He still appears to people in dreams and visions today.
If you have a dream or vision for Jesus Christ and would like to know more about what that might mean, or if we can help you discover it, please click "Send Message" below to speak with us.

Timeline photos 27/04/2022

If we have suffering in our lives, can we bring glory to God?
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Hardness, or distress, or distress, Or hunger, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written: "For your sake we sleep every day." We are like a sheep for the slaughter. And we, in all of them, have we gained victory over those we love. "
Rome 5: 4-4
Is this a hard idea to comprehend? Can you understand God's love for you, even if you are suffering in your life?
Send us a message today and let us know if you would like to study more teachings like this from the Bible.

Timeline photos 23/04/2022

We all have special and unique nights that we wish we could return to.
If you had a special night with God, what would you ask him?
The prophets met God and asked Him different things, but David had one special request!

“The one thing I ask of the Lord—
the thing I seek most—
is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
delighting in the Lord’s perfections
and meditating in his Temple."
-Psalm 27: 4

Do you ask God for useless things or eternal things? Message us what you think!

Timeline photos 20/04/2022

Why the cross? It's the only way you can live forever in Heaven.
The sin of Adam and Eve had awful and eternal consequences. When they ate the fruit they were commanded not to, they were kicked out of paradise and suffered the punishment of death. Even though God forgave their sin, they still couldn't enter back into paradise and they still died--in other words, they still had to be punished. And like a disease that spreads, they passed sin and death to all of humanity... What's the proof of this you say? Everyone in history has sinned and everyone dies--thus everyone is unrighteous. We are all like our family members and ancient parents--Adam and Eve. We have inherited and practice what they did. the Lord says, "no one is righteous, not even one...all have turned away" (Rom. 3:10-11).. and because of this we will never enter paradise, for only those who are righteous will enter paradise.

But there was someone from our race, a powerful and perfect man (and who was more than a man), the Messiah, who is the only righteous and sin-free person in history. Because of His act of obedience to God, by dying on the cross, He has paid for the punishment of our sins. Because of this, if we believe in Him (His work on the cross and how He was resurrected to life), we will live forever with God in paradise. The Messiah willing took the punishment and shame we all have on Himself, then as a gift gave us His righteousness so we can live forever with God in paradise. This is what God promises. Hear what the Lord says,

"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23)...."everyone who believes may have eternal life in him." (John 3:15)

Do you want to know more about the Messiah and why He had to die? Comment below or message us privately, we would love to talk and pray for you.

Timeline photos 19/04/2022

Why the Cross? It's the only way your sins can be forgiven.
Christians do not worship the cross. They worship the Eternal Man who died on that cross. They worship what the Messiah did for them on the cross. To Christians, there is power in the cross and resurrection of Jesus. Join us in this series on “Why did Jesus have to die”

Part 1: To put it simply the cross of the Messiah is where the debt for sin we owed to God was paid. God is just, and in order for Him to forgive sin there must be just punishment on that sin.

If you think of this from a humanly perspective: no judge would let a person go if they committed many horrible crimes, just because they asked for forgiveness or did many good things. In order for the judge to be a good and just judge, he must punish the criminal or have the criminal pay for what he has done.

In the same way, we do many horrible crimes each day, they are horrible because we sin against a completely holy and great God. An act of disobedience is dishonoring the One True God. But God is filled with mercy and love for His creation. So he makes a way for his justice to be met and his mercy to be poured out. The cross of the Messiah. The Eternal Messiah took the punishment we are under and paid the debt to God we owed on the cross by dying. He took our place! And because of this, our sins are washed away clean. God proved all of this by raising Jesus from the dead. In other words, by Jesus coming back to life 3 days later, this verified that His death was sufficient to pay the cost for our eternal debt to God. This is why those who follow the Messiah can confidently walk through life forgiven from sin and at peace with the One True God.

Are you confident your sins are forgiven? How is God being just with your sin and merciful at the same time? Comment below. If you would like to talk more about the Messiah comment or message us.

Timeline photos 18/04/2022

Are you afraid of the Corona Virus? Are you afraid of dying? What is your hope right now in this season?

Hear the word of Jesus Himself, "“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” -John 11:25

The Messiah lived a perfect and sinless life, so that we can live forever with God Almighty! Not only this, but death had no victory over Him, He conquered death, and anyone who trust in His name, will have their sins forgiven, life changed, heart filled with purpose and joy, and live for ever in paradise with God. No person in History is like the Messiah!

Do you want to read more about the Messiah's life and the power and hope you can have in His name? Message us right now.. May God's peace be with us all in this time.

Timeline photos 17/04/2022

Jesus Himself said He would suffer and die, and be resurrected, and HE confidently walked into His death!

Jesus told his disciples that He would die and be resurrected:
John 2:19
Mark 9:31
Mark 10:45
Luke 9:22
Luke 24:44

Not only do the Prophets declare the Messiah would die, not only did many witnesses see Him be killed, and not only do outside historical accounts say He died, but Jesus Himself said that He would suffer and die. Here the very words of the Messiah:

"Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” (John 2:19)

“He was teaching his disciples, saying to them, ‘The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise. (Mark 9:31)

Jesus says, “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

"The Son of Man must suffer many things," He said. "He must be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and He must be killed and on the third day be raised to life." (Luke 9:22)

"Jesus said to them, "These are the words I spoke to you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms." (Luke 24:44)

Comment below on what you think about from the Messiah's statements about Himself... Why was He so confident in declaring His death? It is often accused that the Injeel was changed or corrupted by Christians. This is simply not true. God forbid He would allow His Words to be changed are altered for so long! But if this is something people still want to believe, here is a question... Why do you think then Jesus' closest disciples and all the followers of Jesus after this proclaim HE DIED and ROSE and this is how humanity is saved? Why would someone ever make up such a claim for their faith?

If you want to talk more about WHY the Messiah had to die message us.

Timeline photos 15/04/2022

Death was killed by the death of the Messiah!

One of the most important things that happened on the cross when the Messiah died, was that the power of Satan and spiritual evil was defeated and crushed. Christians believe Jesus was Victorious on the cross! Here is what God declared to Satan thousands and thousands of years before the Messiah ever came,

"So the LORD God said to the serpent: “... I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”

Jesus the Messiah (the Seed of Eve) fulfilled this prophecy, Satan struck his heel on the cross, but through the cross, Satan's head was crushed. Satan no longer has the power to accuse the Messiah’s people before God, because the debt we owed God has been paid from the Messiah, and sin is forgiven. Furthermore, Satan's power over us with death has been defeated because the Man Jesus Christ has died and RESURRECTED to life... He DEFEATED death. Praise God! All of this means, that if you are a believer in the Messiah and the work He did on the cross, you do not have to fear death any longer. Because just like He died and resurrected to life in paradise, so will we!

Do you want to defeat death? Do you want to live forever with God? Does Satan or evil Spirits torment you in your dreams or during the day? We challenge you to cry out to the Messiah, who has power over all evil and who has defeated Satan by His life-giving death on the cross. Message us right now if you want to start following the Messiah, and become free of death!

Timeline photos 12/04/2022

What is your Heart during fasting?
Jesus says, “And when you fast, don’t make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get”

Do you ever have the urge to want to “show off” your fasting to others? Do you want others to see that you are fasting? Why? How come Jesus says this is not something we should do? This Ramadan think about the true reason you are fasting? If it is to feel the closeness of God, how have you felt Him draw close to you, explain?

Timeline photos 12/04/2022

Ramadan Challenge #2. We challenge you to pray from your heart this Ramadan, tell God what troubles you, ask Him to reveal truth to you, ask Him to show you if you are REALLY searching for the truth and walking in it.

Be bold and have faith, and ask God to even give you a dream or a vision of the truth of who He is.

Many Muslims have encountered the Messiah in a dream, vision, or God's Word and have then became His followers. If you have before write your story below in the comments. If you want to know more about stories of Muslims seeing dreams and becoming Christians, private message us.

Timeline photos 08/04/2022

Ramadan Challenge #1: This Ramadan we challenge you to think about "why" you do the things you do. Like fasting, reading the Quran more, and praying more. Why?

Is your relationship with God dependable on the good deeds you do, and does the more you do, the more God loves you? Why? Message us your answer.

Timeline photos 07/04/2022

Jesus said,
"Love your enemies!" Pray for those who persecute you! In this way, you will act as true sons of your Father in heaven. "
To be a true follower of Jesus is to love everyone and show them the love of God. Is that hard to understand ? How can you share the truth of Jesus with those around you? HOW DO YOU LOVE YOUR ENEMIES?
Share with us below!


Jesus said,
"Love your enemies!" Pray for those who persecute you! In this way, you will act as true sons of your Father in heaven. "
To be a true follower of Jesus is to love everyone and show them the love of God. Is that hard to understand ? How can you share the truth of Jesus with those around you? HOW DO YOU LOVE YOUR ENEMIES? Share with us below!


Do you want to get closer to God?
We’ve all asked the same question, can we help you find out how?

Message us on Whatsapp.