Zeer deet

Zeer deet

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The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.The platinum-coated metal cap, etched with the drawing of the desert and aeroplane, reveals a sentence from the Le Petit Prince book and is crowned with the iconic emblem.


В се­мио­ти­ке под Т. по­ни­ма­ет­ся ос­мыс­лен­ная по­сле­до­ва­тель­ность лю­бых зна­ков, лю­бая фор­ма ком­му­ни­ка­ции, в т. ч. об­ряд, та­нец, ри­ту­ал и т. п.; в язы­козна­нии Т. – это по­сле­до­ва­тель­ность вер­баль­ных (сло­вес­ных) зна­ков (см. Знак язы­ко­вой). Пра­виль­ность по­строе­ния вер­баль­но­го Т., ко­то­рый мо­жет быть уст­ным и пись­мен­ным, свя­за­на с со­от­вет­ст­ви­ем тре­бо­ва­нию «тек­сту­аль­но­сти» – внеш­ней связ­но­сти, внутр. ос­мыс­лен­но­сти, воз­мож­но­сти свое­вре­мен­но­го вос­при­ятия, осу­ще­ст­в­ле­ния не­об­хо­ди­мых ус­ло­вий ком­му­ни­ка­ции и т. д. Для обо­их ви­дов Т. (пись­мен­но­го и уст­но­го) су­ще­ст­вен­ным яв­ля­ет­ся во­прос о его иден­тич­но­сти, о т. н. ка­но­нич. фор­ме, ис­сле­дуе­мый осо­бой от­рас­лью фи­ло­ло­гии – тек­сто­ло­ги­ей. Язы­ко­зна­ние опи­сы­ва­ет спе­ци­фич. сред­ст­ва, обес­пе­чи­ваю­щие смы­сло­вые ус­та­нов­ки, пе­ре­да­вае­мые в Т.: лек­сич. сред­ст­ва ти­па час­тиц, ввод­ных слов и т. п., тек­то­нич. cредства (из­ме­не­ние по­ряд­ка слов в за­ви­си­мо­сти от тек­сто­вой ус­та­нов­ки), ин­то­нац. сред­ст­ва (для зву­ко­вых Т.), осо­бые гра­фич. сред­ст­ва [под­чёр­ки­ва­ния, шриф­то­вые вы­де­ле­ния, пунк­туа­ция (для письм. Т.)]. Пра­виль­ность вос­при­ятия Т. обес­пе­чи­ва­ет­ся не толь­ко язы­ко­вы­ми еди­ни­ца­ми и их со­еди­не­ния­ми, но и не­об­хо­ди­мым об­щим фон­дом зна­ний, ком­му­ни­ка­тив­ным фо­ном, по­это­му вос­при­ятие Т. свя­зы­ва­ет­ся с пре­суп­по­зи­ция­ми. Дис­кус­си­он­ным яв­ля­ет­ся во­прос о ми­ним. про­тя­жён­но­сти Т. (напр., мо­жет ли счи­тать­ся Т. од­на ком­му­ни­ка­тив­ная ре­п­ли­ка). Воз­мож­ность де­таль­но­го ана­ли­за Т. (в осо­бен­но­сти ху­дож. Т.) обес­пе­чи­ва­ет­ся зна­чит. до­сти­же­ния­ми в об­лас­ти соб­ст­вен­но язы­ко­вой сис­те­мы (ко­да) для Т.; т. о., он изу­ча­ет­ся как «язык в дей­ст­вии».
