Dental Tourism - Egypt

Dental Tourism - Egypt

Dental Tourism promotion, facilitating and networking in Egypt. Customer service
Quality Assurance


أكتر من 12 موضوعات متنوعة في طب الأسنان مع مجموعة من أفضل الأطباء والمتخصصين،
فقط في:
الدورة الثالثة من برنامج تجميل الأسنان المعتمد "ADA - THIRD WAVE"
1. د. محمد شمس: Aesthetics
2. د. محمود رمضان: Removable Prosthodontics
3. د. سارة الطوخي: Botox & Filler Injection
4. د. توفيق رمضان: Fixed Prosthodontics
5. د. مينا سعد: Periodontics
6. د. أحمد خيري: Posterior Composite
7. د. أيمن الأمين: Dental Laser
8. د. عمرو القماح: Occlusion
9. د. عمر كمال: Dental Photography

هتناقش وتدرب على كل جوانب طب الأسنان التجميلي بكل تفاصيلها في (3 شهور من تدريب كلينيكال مكثف)!
ماتفوتش تجربة عملية مميزة، وانضم لينا انضم لينا (من أغسطس إلى نوفمبر، 2022) في مركز أندلسية لطب الأسنان.

إلحق مكانك حالًا!

Timeline photos 15/02/2022

Look for & on the website when planning your dental tourism, health tourism, or medical tourism treatments.


Wir wünschen ein frohes neues Jahr 2022 // We wish you a happy new year 2022



الدهار اول البازارات بجوار معمل المختبر أمام برغوث للحلويات


Breeze Clinics creat your new smile with the professional dentist


مرضانا مِن كل أنحاء العالم، مِن أمريكا، ألمانيا، بريطانيا، روسيا، أوكرانيا، أسبانيا، الكويت، السعودية، وطبعًا مِن مصر أم الدنيا ..

وكلهم اختاروا عيادتنا لأننا العيادة رقم 1 في الجودة الطبية.

الجودة الطبية مش معناها بس إننا نعمل حشوة أو تركيبة على أعلى مستوى، لكن كمان إن الخدمة الطبية تتقدم في جو كامل ومتكامل مِن العناية والرعاية الطبية (Medical Care).

فيا ترى كام مرة رحت لعيادة أسنان لقيت الفريق الطبي هناك مش بس مهتم بحالة أسنانك، وكمان مهتم بحالتك النفسية، بخوفك وقلقك مِن الاجراءات الطبية، فتلاقيهم بيشرحولك كل خطوة ودايمًا يطمنوك ويوفرولك الرعاية الطبية الكاملة اللي أنت محتاجها.

مستنى ايه تعالى علشان تعرف الاختلاف .. وتعرف يعني ايه جودة طبية ..

عيادة أيكون لطب الأسنان
العيادة الأولى في الجودة الطبية


😁شكل اسنانك مضايقك
😄مش مبسوط من الصبغات اللي علي اسنانك مكان الشاي والقهوه والسجاير
🥰بقالك كتير معملتش تنضيف
😁دلوقتي عندنا احسن جهاز لازاله الصبغات من علي الاسنان من غير اي وجع وفي اقل وقت ممكن
👍جهاز EMS الجهاز دا made in Switzerland عشان يديك احسن نتيجه
معانا هنخلي اسنانك تنور

للحجز والاستعلام كلمنا

جزء ٢ - دور الدولة فى دعم السياحة العلاجية PART-2 Role of government in supporting health tourism 08/05/2021

جزء ٢ - دور الدولة فى دعم السياحة العلاجية PART-2 Role of government in supporting health tourism هل يمكننى ان ابدأ بشكل منفرد كطبيب او مستشفى فى مجال السياحة العلاجية ؟ماهو دور الدولة فى دعم صناعة السياحة العلاجية ؟الجزء الاول ونتناول به دور الدولة فى نط...


Hesire ((((first dentist in history))))

was a high official who lived during the reign of Netjerikhet (Dosjer)
2686 BC to 2613 BC His tutelary informs us of the many offices he had held during his life. Thus he was the 'overseer of the royal scribes', at the head of the royal administration of Djoser.
His most spectacular title, however, was that of the 'greatest (or chief ?)of physicians and dentists'. It is not entirely clear whether this title infers that Hesire himself was honored as the greatest of physicians and dentists, or rather that he was merely responsible for the administration of physicians and dentists. But whatever the case, the distinction between 'physicians' and 'dentists' in his tutelary does show a high degree of medical specialization at this early stage of the history of Ancient Egypt..

Role of government in supporting health tourism PART 1 دور الدولة فى دعم صناعة السياحة العلاجية جزء1 22/04/2021

Role of government in supporting health tourism PART 1 دور الدولة فى دعم صناعة السياحة العلاجية جزء1 هل يمكننى ان ابدأ بشكل منفرد كطبيب او مستشفى فى مجال السياحة العلاجية ؟ماهو دور الدولة فى دعم صناعة السياحة العلاجية ؟الجزء الاول ونتناول به دور الدولة فى نط...

Dentists seeing ‘mask mouth’ and stress-related issues during COVID-19 pandemic 31/03/2021

Dentists seeing ‘mask mouth’ and stress-related issues during COVID-19 pandemic Dentists are noticing an increase in some dental health issues during the pandemic, from "mask mouth" to stress-related teeth grinding.

Teledentistry: Enhancing Patient Care During COVID and Beyond web-seminar - 23rd March 2021. 25/03/2021

Teledentistry: Enhancing Patient Care During COVID and Beyond web-seminar - 23rd March 2021. Teledentistry: Enhancing Patient Care During COVID and Beyond web-seminar - 23rd March 2021. Speakers: Jamie Collins, RDH-EA,BS, MouthwatchHost: Elizabeth Zi...


Dental Care Egypt - Dr.Tamer Badr دينتال كير ايجيبت هو مركز الأسنان الوحيد في مصر الحاصل على الشهادة العالمية للسياحة العلاجية (TEMOS)

عشر خرافات حول السياحة العلاجية - 10 Myths about Medical Tourism 17/02/2021

عشر خرافات حول السياحة العلاجية - 10 Myths about Medical Tourism سلسلة من الحلقات التعليمية حول كافة المواضيح المتعلقة بصناعة السياحة الصحية بشقيها العلاجية والاستشفائية وكيفية اعدادها من الألف الى الياء. نستهدف فى هذه الح...

Timeline photos 02/02/2021

is more important today than ever to professionals. Spend an hour with experts Irving Stackpole & Dr. Parker Hodges for this free web-seminar, "Grow your dental practice: Social media & -19". Click the link to register now!


Word of mouth ( or mouse) is very important in your

DentaLore - Cloud Dental Software | Demo 15/01/2021

DentaLore - Cloud Dental Software | Demo Dentalore is the best dental clinic management software that manage and improve quality, reputation, and profit of your dental clinic.


dr.waelfekry A professional dental care clinic. We offer special and professional dental treatments by using high




Taj Elite Clinics

10 Best Clinics for Dental Implant in Egypt [2020 Prices] 07/12/2020

10 Best Clinics for Dental Implant in Egypt [2020 Prices] Dental Implant clinics in Egypt at the best price. Find doctors, specialized in Dentistry and compare prices, costs and reviews.


Asnan Dental Center – A World-Class Dental Center Dental Tourism Changing Lives One Smile At A Time! When you are travelling overseas for dental care (dental tourism) you definitely want everything to go smoothly. Therefore, Asnan would be your destination- one of the most popular destination for dental tourism in Cairo, Egypt. Most of our patients...


Advice and Considerations for Dentists and Their Patients

Dentists may encounter patients who are interested in dental tourism. While they should not immediately discourage the idea, all dentists should insist on one central point: Do your research.

The CDC advises anyone seeking healthcare outside of the United States to do thorough research about medications, infection control and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They should also investigate the standards by which facilities are measured in order to be accredited by organizations such as Joint Commission International, DNV GL International Accreditation for Hospitals and the International Society for Quality in Healthcare.1 If something goes wrong, patients must also be aware of the options they have to obtain retreatment, manage posttreatment complications or pursue refunds and restitution. Some countries have ministries of health. Others have different forums for complaints.

Patients should stick to the facts and not be enticed by marketing. Mexican dentists, Barrows says, can advertise on their websites that they are U.S.–trained but may have taken only a two-day course in the United States, giving unknowing patients the false impression that these dentists received their dental degrees from U.S. dental schools. Patients may want to request providers’ résumés beforehand so they can evaluate educational backgrounds and experience. Because patients may be unfamiliar with the educational institutions in other countries, they may need to identify the organizations in each country that accredit dental schools in order to ensure they will receive the same level of care abroad.

Dentists also may want to advise patients to work with consultants like Patients Beyond Borders that do some of the legwork of screening providers. Websites such as provide client reviews of dentists in other countries. Patients may also want to investigate whether a dentist is a member of an international organized dental body. If patients are interested in esthetic procedures, for example, they may want to look at dentist listings in the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry or, if visiting a European country, the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Many U.S. organizations like the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry also accept international members.
by Elizabeth Newman (4)


Dental Tourism in Europe

Dental tourism is broader than just North America; people in other countries are also traveling for dental care. The practice is also common in Europe. Britons often travel to Hungary, Slovakia and Poland for lower prices.10 Irish people go to India, the United Arab Emirates, Malta and Turkey.11 Like Los Algodones, many European countries are publicizing their desire for patients from countries with higher costs of living. Both Poland and Croatia have spent millions developing public relations campaigns promoting their medical tourism.12 It appears to be working — medical tourism in Europe has been growing 12%–15% annually.13

U.S. citizens can also take advantage of these European markets. With a valid U.S. passport, patients can visit any country in Europe’s Schengen Area for a duration of up to 90 days without requiring a visa.14 The Schengen Area includes three of the top 10 global dental tourism countries (Hungary, Spain and the Czech Republic).15 While in Europe for dental treatment, U.S. dental tourists can also travel to other countries in the Schengen Area as part of a European vacation.

Within the European Union, a number of organizations are working to standardize the quality of dental education and care within the member countries in order to facilitate freedom of movement for healthcare professionals.16 Currently, the Association for Dental Education in Europe promotes this mission in the education sector, and the Federation of European Dental Competent Authorities and Regulators promotes standardization within the clinical sector.17,18 These efforts benefit all patients as the consistency of care increases, although U.S. patients should still anticipate regional and national differences in care.
by Elizabeth Newman (3)


A Growing Trend

With the increasing popularity of dental tourism over the past 10 years, companies have been created to research and plan trips for medical tourists. Companies like Patients Beyond Borders and Dental Departures connect patients to international healthcare providers through marketing services.

According to its website, Patients Beyond Borders is a resource for patients and healthcare professionals. Founder and CEO Josef Woodman states that he has spent more than a decade “researching and vetting international options for quality, affordable medical care,” which also includes dental care.2

Potential medical tourists can consult with companies like Patients Beyond Borders to select reputable clinics. Some of the criteria the company uses to vet healthcare sites include:

Being accredited by a reliable, globally recognized accreditation organization.
Being in good legal standing.
Having a website in English.
Listing key physicians on its website.
Having identifiable services offered to patients.2
Another factor to consider is insurance. Some insurance companies, including GeoBlue (which is affiliated with Blue Cross Blue Shield), Aetna and Cigna, offer specific medical and dental coverage for people who are traveling outside of the United States.6–8 Doing so saves insurance companies money because they’re paying out much less than they would for these procedures in the United States. Some employers have even gone a step further and will cover entire medical tourism trips for employees.9

Barrows’ wife is a public school teacher. He says that Yuma city government workers and other public employees are made aware that their insurance covers medical and dental treatment in Los Algodones — his newest insurance card under his wife’s family policy specifically states that the policy is accepted in Mexico. Barrows says there are cons to this as well, and cites a new patient who presented to his office with pain after having amalgam fillings on almost all of her molars replaced with composite in Mexico. Upon the patient’s request, Barrows replaced all of the fillings to relieve her pain. However, problems arose later because the patient’s insurance had already covered the less expensive fillings placed in Mexico, so the claim for the fillings Barrows replaced was rejected, leaving the patient to pay cash.
by Elizabeth Newman (2)
