


Photos from 香港退役鐵路車輛關注組's post 28/03/2022





In the early hours of 28/3, GM locomotive no. 60 Peter Quick was hauled from Sha Tin Freight Terminal to the locomotive running shed at Lo Wu.

Previously, there were rumours that no. 60 would be preserved and restored. A film crew was present during this transfer operation, which may be related.

As there is no official confirmation of such preservation plans, the future of no. 60 remains unclear.

We will continue to provide updates on no. 60 and 4 other remaining GM locos. Please stay tuned.





Earlier this month, several MTR senior staff members stated in interviews that parts from retired 12-car trains will be revitalized, as well as the possible initiation of a pilot scheme to preserve entire carriages from these retired trains. MTR has also donated parts such as seats and handrails to schools and elderly citizens to be installed by volunteers.

We are happy to see such steps being taken to ensure the preservation and inheritance of these historic pieces of rolling stock.

Currently, MTR is undergoing asset renewal which involves replacing end-of-life rolling stock (including but not limited to Modernization Train on urban lines, phase II LRV, GM diesel locomotives etc.) with brand new ones. We hope that these retired trains can also be covered by such preservation and revitalization initiatives such that future generations may be able to appreciate these witnesses to Hong Kong's railway heritage.



MTR has arranged for select railfan representatives to visit the unrefurbished EMU set at Ho Tung Lau depot. This EMU set is undergoing restoration using parts from previously decomissioned MLR trains.

【港鐵首次邀請鐵路迷團體 參觀黃頭列車】
感謝 MTR 邀請包括「火車未到站」在內幾個鐵路迷專頁/團體,於今早前往何東樓車廠參觀「黃頭」(九廣鐵路第一代電氣化列車)同「烏蠅頭」(中期翻新列車)。隨著行走於東鐵嘅中期翻新列車陸續退役,鐵路公司於呢批退役列車拆除合適零件,為黃頭火車進行修復工程。至於黃頭最終去向,以及會否開放予公眾參觀,現階段暫未有定案。至於中期翻新列車,雖難以完全保留整個車體,但正將部份合適零件捐贈予社區團體。

運輸及房屋局運輸科舊年曾回覆 香港鐵路發展研究組 HKRDG 與火車未到站,指出港鐵公司會研究「包括保育等其他用途的可行性」;九廣鐵路公司當時則表示九鐵、港鐵及鐵路博物館三方「研究各個保留黃頭列車方案的可行性」。

九鐵有意保育舊列車 尚需克服大量技術問題(2021年2月9日):

#火車未到站 #鐵路迷 #香港鐵路發展研究組 #鐵流 #花生検車区
#文物保育 #鐵路保育 #黃頭 #第一代電氣化列車 #烏蠅頭 #中期翻新列車
#九鐵 #九廣鐵路 #九廣東鐵 #港鐵 #東鐵綫




MTR has just announced recent contract award notices on its website. However, the tender for the sale of the historic GM locomotives has been stated as cancelled. In addition, the HK Railway Museum has refused to carry out further feasibility studies on the addition of these locomotives into their collection. This means that these historic artifacts may face the fate of being sold as scrap.

We urge MTR to reconsider the plans for disposing these historic artifacts, and we hope that members of the public can share this message in order to raise awareness of the lack of conservation of railway history in HK.






Earlier this year, the MTR corporation invited tenders for the sale of 5 vintage EMD diesel locomotives for preservation or export.

We are delighted to see MTR offer an alternate method of disposal for these historical artifacts which have served HK for more than half a century, instead of directly selling them for scrapping. However, it is unfortunate that the high selling price as well as MTR's terms made it difficult to attract suitable buyers, as it was not only required to demonstrate the ability to transport and but also the land for long term storage must be secured and full management plan is required in a highly challenging timeframe.

In a recent online Q&A session, manangement officials from the Hong Kong Railway Museum once again emphasized that the museum was unable to accomodate large-sized exhibits due to lack of space and the difficulty of transporting these exhibits to the museum site, since the track connection to the East Rail Line has been removed. This has hinted that these historical relics might not have the chance to be added to the museum's collection.

If these historical artifacts are not conserved and instead sold as scrap, not only would a testimony to HK's development be destroyed, but future generations will be deprived of the opportunity to see for themselves the history of HK's transport network.

If MTR is truly willing to conserve these pieces of historical artifacts, it would be especially helpful to ease some of the more challenging terms and allow a more flexible and less intense plan; including but not limited to allowing temporary storage off MTR-property while having a longer timeframe to secure recreational land for permanent preservation.


The Hong Kong Railway Museum’s recent air-conditioner installation on Steam-era train carriage No. 313 has attracted much criticism from the community, being accused of altering and disrespecting history.
In retrospect, the Railway Museum has pointed out that the museum might be unable to accommodate more pieces of historical vehicles when the currently-in-service vehicles are decommissioned, and thus discussions surrounding the aforementioned vehicles are rather limited on the grounds of "lacking of space for further development". In comparison with other countries around the world, the Hong Kong government has adopted a more passive stance towards railway conservation; and since the Railway Museum has its own challenges with the future demand for railway conservation, could conservational efforts by private efforts open new doors to saving our current generation of rail equipment?





One might notice an unusual sight in Shatin Station the past month: 5 red diesel locomotives have been parked by the station easily visible from Platform 1.
These diesel locomotives are retired after half-century of service for Hong Kong; having pulled tens of thousands of passengers as well as goods, livestocks and construction materials. Be it rural scenery along the railway flying by the window, faded lights when entering a tunnel, or the stinking smells of livestock trains, are all precious memories of many Hongkongers. But what kind of fate awaits for our valuable witnesses of history?

We are a group of individuals keen to preserve HK's railway heritage, as well as express concern over withdrawn rolling stock, and we would like to ask you for your kind support.

#舊柴 #鐵路保育
