Weiss Practice Enhancement

Weiss Practice Enhancement

Helping dentists become confident leaders of a profitable practice. You already know how to be an e You already know how to be an exceptional clinician.

I help you develop the skills and knowledge to be a confident business owner. am devoted to providing a customized program that is laser-focused on achieving your goals. Because we are an intentionally small consulting firm, you receive one-to-one attention with coaching and training designed to meet your needs. You will feel like a partner, not a number.

How to Create an Effective Compensation Plan | Dental Practice Consultant | Weiss Practice Enhancement 26/06/2024

How to Create an Effective Compensation Plan | Dental Practice Consultant | Weiss Practice Enhancement Employee compensation should be another system in the dental practice, but it generates so much angst, it’s as if it was nuclear device.

How to Create an Effective Compensation Plan | Dental Practice Consultant | Weiss Practice Enhancement 26/06/2024

How Dental Employee Compensation is Like an Unexploded Bomb

They both generate stress, dread and fear. And
No one wants to approach either without protective gear.

This sad poem is the result of a BA in Creative Writing.

But if you’re a dentist stressed about salaries, my latest article in Dental Economics describes how to create a compensation system in your dental practice. It's much better than my poem. You can check it out here: https://weisspractice.com/how-to-create-an-effective-compensation-plan

Or get the free Dental Wage Planner so you can easily analyze and plan your payroll. https://weisspractice.com/dental-wage-planner/

How to Create an Effective Compensation Plan | Dental Practice Consultant | Weiss Practice Enhancement Employee compensation should be another system in the dental practice, but it generates so much angst, it’s as if it was nuclear device.

When an Employee Makes You Nuts: Three tips to change behavior | Dental Practice Consultant | Weiss Practice Enhancement 21/03/2024

When an Employee Makes You Nuts: Three tips to change behavior | Dental Practice Consultant | Weiss Practice Enhancement Motivate employees to change because they see the consequences of their current behavior, and the benefits of a new behavior.

When an Employee Makes You Nuts: Three tips to change behavior | Dental Practice Consultant | Weiss Practice Enhancement 21/03/2024

Dental Employee Driving You Nuts?

Are you working with an employee whose behavior is so frustrating that it's triggering you grinding your own teeth while you sleep? Have you threatened to “write them up” if they don’t improve? And did this threat (or actuality) lead to anything but a grudgingly compliant employee who now does just enough to avoid your wrath?

If so, I list 3 techniques to change this dynamic in March Dental Economics issue. You can read the full article here: https://weisspractice.com/tips-to-change-employee-behavior

When an Employee Makes You Nuts: Three tips to change behavior | Dental Practice Consultant | Weiss Practice Enhancement Motivate employees to change because they see the consequences of their current behavior, and the benefits of a new behavior.


What does your dental team’s compensation demands have to do with an unexploded bomb?

They both can blow up your practice.

If you’ve been hiding from your team to avoid talking about compensation, then sooner or later, things will explode.

The good news is that I developed a free Dental Wage Planner tool to show you exactly what each person makes, including their benefits.

Plus, it answers the most pressing question of all: Can you afford to give your team raises?

Stop hiding and initiate salary conversations with more confidence. DM “payroll” and I’ll send you the Dental Wage Planner for free


Is it possible to maintain your sanity when everyone in your dental team wants a raise?

•If your hygienists have told you they could make more money at the clinic down the street…

•And your dental assistants insist they should make more because they’re helping out the hygienists…

•And you don’t know if you can give them all raises and still be profitable…

Then, you need the Dental Wage Planner tool. This FREE tool helps you easily calculate your current payroll costs (including taxes and benefits).

And, it answers the most pressing question of all:
Can you afford to give your team raises?

Interested? DM “payroll” to me and I’ll send it to you.


Want to feel better about calculating your dental team’s salaries even if you…

• Hate spreadsheets
• Have no time
• Would prefer handling a broken ultrasonic than dealing with
employee compensation.

I’ve worked with dentists for over 20 years and I feel your pain.

So, I developed a FREE Dental Wage Planner tool to help you easily calculate your true payroll costs.

Plus, it answers the most pressing question of all: Can you afford to give your team raises?

Interested? DM “payroll” to me and I’ll send it to you.


Being a dental boss can be lonely and frustrating – especially when you have “challenging” employees.

If you're struggling with an employee who does just enough to avoid your continued wrath, then check out my latest article – When an Employee Makes you Nuts. https://weisspractice.com/when-an-employee-drives-you-nuts/

To get more articles and scripts to make your life as a leader easier,
subscribe to the Bite-Sized Practice Management newsletter. https://bit.ly/2QAYDw3


How much time, energy and stress do you expend figuring out your dental practice’s true employee costs? It's a headache because...

• The payroll reports you get are incomprehensible.
• You've never included your team’s dental benefits.
• Each employee gets different vacation, health and 401K benefits.
• Only your accountant understands your payroll taxes.

Want to make your life easier? I developed a FREE Dental Wage Planner tool to help you easily calculate your true payroll costs.

Plus, it answers the most pressing question of all: Can you afford to give your team raises?

Interested? DM “payroll” to me and I’ll send it to you.


Dental team demanding raises?

Dental Economics - November 2023 - page26 13/11/2023

Dental Economics - November 2023 - page26 Dental Economics is the nation's leading business journal for the Dental Profession. Every month the publication is filled with informative stories on

Dental Economics - November 2023 - page26 13/11/2023

Discord in the Dental Office

Why do patients and team members go berserk within a seemingly innocent interaction? The problem starts with the fact that every message has at least two components.

1. What we literally say (the content).
2. The feelings and intentions behind the content.

When we hear a message, we interpret the content, the intentions and feelings against our own biases and expectations. But this may not align with what the person speaking intended. And so, we end up having multiple conversations simultaneously, with each person legitimately saying, “You’re not listening to me!”

If this happens in your dental office, check out my most recent article in Dental Economics, And That’s How the Fight Started. https://digital.dentaleconomics.com/dentaleconomics/202311/MobilePagedReplica.action?pm=2&folio=24

If your dental team spends more time fighting each other than serving patients, write “ ” in the comments and I’ll send you articles and tips on how to help them have courageous conversations instead.

Dental Economics - November 2023 - page26 Dental Economics is the nation's leading business journal for the Dental Profession. Every month the publication is filled with informative stories on

Dental Economics - November 2023 - page26 07/11/2023

And That’s How the Fight Started

The dental assistant asks the hygienist, “Are those your instruments in the lab?” And that’s how the fight started.

If you want to know why ordinary conversations and questions can morph into difficult conversations wrought with drama, hurt feelings and charged words, check out my latest article in Dental Economics, https://digital.dentaleconomics.com/dentaleconomics/202311/MobilePagedReplica.action?pm=2&folio=24

If your dental team spends more time fighting each other than serving patients, write “conflicts” in the comments and I’ll send you articles and strategies on how to help them have courageous conversations instead.

Dental Economics - November 2023 - page26 Dental Economics is the nation's leading business journal for the Dental Profession. Every month the publication is filled with informative stories on

Dental Economics - October 2023 - page46 10/10/2023

Dental Economics - October 2023 - page46 Dental Economics is the nation's leading business journal for the Dental Profession. Every month the publication is filled with informative stories on

Dental Economics - October 2023 - page46 10/10/2023

7 tips to increase participation at dental team meetings

Are you an accountant, bus driver or teeth-gnasher?

I’ve noticed that these are the personas that leaders can adapt when they run staff meetings and each of them can derail productive conversations.

If your dental team meetings are as dreaded as root canals, then check out my latest article in Dental Economics, We Have to Stop Meeting Like This

Dental Economics - October 2023 - page46 Dental Economics is the nation's leading business journal for the Dental Profession. Every month the publication is filled with informative stories on

Dental Economics - October 2023 - page46 04/10/2023

Got the Bad Meeting Blues?

If you're a dentist who not-so-secretly dreads your team meetings because they’re repetitive, unproductive and painful, then you can be pretty confident that your employees feel even worse about them.

Check out my recent article in Dental Economics, 'We’ve Got to Stop Meeting Like This." https://digital.dentaleconomics.com/dentaleconomics/202310/MobilePagedReplica.action?pm=2&folio=44

I describe the 3 most common of personas we take on in meetings and how they can help or hinder. Learn how to transform team meetings from something everyone endures to productive conversations that move your practice forward.

If you want a copy of the article, write “meetings” in the comments and I’ll send it to you.

Dental Economics - October 2023 - page46 Dental Economics is the nation's leading business journal for the Dental Profession. Every month the publication is filled with informative stories on

3 steps to mediate a team conflict 31/08/2023

3 steps to mediate a team conflict Don't let toxic teammates bring you down—there's a fair, objective process to facilitate a conversation between two team members who are at odds that can help everyone go about...

3 steps to mediate a team conflict 31/08/2023

Does your team interact like it's noon at the Ok corral? If you have warring employees, there is a way to mediate conflicts so that you aren't the next target. In this Dental Economics article I describe a step-by-step conflict resolution process that gets employees out of "shoot-out' mode and back to focusing on patient care.

3 steps to mediate a team conflict Don't let toxic teammates bring you down—there's a fair, objective process to facilitate a conversation between two team members who are at odds that can help everyone go about...

Dental Economics - August 2023 - page42 02/08/2023

Is it a scene from a reality show?

Nope – it’s two of your dental team members having a knock down argument that can be heard in every operatory. With a sinking heart, you know what this means: you’ll have to mediate in a conflict. Check out this article, just published by Dental Economics for a step-by step guide on how to get warring employees create peaceful solutions.

Dental Economics - August 2023 - page42 Dental Economics is the nation's leading business journal for the Dental Profession. Every month the publication is filled with informative stories on

Dental Economics - July 2023 - page28 18/07/2023

Dental Economics - July 2023 - page28 Dental Economics is the nation's leading business journal for the Dental Profession. Every month the publication is filled with informative stories on

Dental Economics - July 2023 - page28 18/07/2023

If you're a dentist with an associate who's driving you crazy, you'll enjoy my latest article in Dental Economics, The Trouble with Associates. And if you have an associate horror story, let me know!

Dental Economics - July 2023 - page28 Dental Economics is the nation's leading business journal for the Dental Profession. Every month the publication is filled with informative stories on

Compensation Analysis | Dental Practice Consultant | Weiss Practice Enhancement 07/06/2023

Staff Salaries Got You Down?

Employee compensation is a hot button issue these days and it may be taking central stage at your dental practice too. One reason this topic is so significant is that compensation isn’t only about money – it’s about all the ways employees feel rewarded and recognized.

About 20 years ago, I wrote a 4-module series called Take Pride in What You Pay and ever since then I’ve dived into ways dentists can develop a compensation system that is transparent, fair and motivational.

Your first step is to analyze your current and proposed payroll costs. The Compensation Analysis Worksheet gives you a detailed snapshot of employee and associate compensation so that you can:

• Assess the total costs of employee salaries, benefits and taxes
• Identify any compensation inequities between employees
• Compare employee expenses against production
• Calculate the total costs of proposed raises

You can get the Compensation Analysis worksheet here:

Compensation Analysis | Dental Practice Consultant | Weiss Practice Enhancement Compensation Analysis Worksheet Stop stressing about employeecompensation and get clarity around what employees are really earning and how it affects your bottom line. This spreadsheet will allow you to: View any compensation inequities Compare payroll costs to production Calculate the costs of prop...

Creating a complaint-free dental practice 01/06/2023

Creating a complaint-free dental practice You should not be constantly bombarded with complaining staff members. Here's how to work with them so they become solvers, not victims.

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