Nicholas DeWayne

Nicholas DeWayne

I am The Nicholas DeWayne Grant!


John 3:18
He that believeth on him is not condemned
Whether Jew or Gentile, because a believer is openly in Christ; and there is no condemnation to those that are in him: and though the sentence of death passed upon all in Adam, and judgment came upon all men to condemnation in him; yet this sentence being executed on Christ, the surety of his people, who has been condemned to death, and has suffered it in their stead, his death is a security to them from all condemnation: and they are delivered by him from the curse and condemnation of the law: and having in conversion openly passed from death to life, they shall never enter into condemnation; and this is the happy case of every one that believes in Christ:

but he that believeth not is condemned already.
The Persic version renders it, "from the beginning"; he remains under the sentence of condemnation passed in Adam upon him; the law accuses him, and pronounces him guilty before God; he is under the curse of it, and it is a ministration of condemnation and death to him; nor has he any thing to secure him from its charge, curse, and condemnation: this must be understood of one that is a final unbeliever, or that lives, and dies, in a state of impenitence, and unbelief:

because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of
whom God has sent to be the Saviour of lost sinners, and to deliver them from wrath to come; and there is no other name but his, whereby men can be saved; so that such that do not believe in him, must be damned.


Romans 8:31
What shall we then say to these things? &c,
Either to these afflictions, shall we murmur and repine at them? no, since they work together for our good, and are not to be compared with our future glory, which is certain; for if we suffer with, and for Christ, we shall be glorified together: or to these blessings just now mentioned, as the foreknowledge of God, divine predestination, effectual calling, free justification, and eternal glorification, what can be said to these? nothing can be added to them, they are a complete set of blessings, wanting nothing; nor can the greatness of them be fully expressed, or the freeness of God's grace displayed in them, sufficiently declared: what remains for us to do, but to be thankful for them, and glory in them? or what can be said "against" them? nothing at all, they cannot be contradicted or gainsaid; they are true and faithful sayings; they can never be made void, and of no effect, by hell or earth; nor ought our unbelieving hearts to have anything to say against interest in them: or what is to be said, or inferred "from" them? why, the free, sovereign, unchangeable, and everlasting love of God, in providing and bestowing such benefits; and the certainty of salvation, which is infallibly secured hereby:

if God be for us;
or, "seeing he is for us", has an affection for us, which appears from the gift of himself, Son, and Spirit, and all the blessings of grace and glory; and is on our side: as that he is on the side of his people, is evident from his preservation of them from the evils of the world and their own corruptions; from the supports he gives them under afflictions and temptations; from his carrying on the work of grace upon them, notwithstanding all the opposition made unto it; and from their safety and security they enjoy by him, notwithstanding the power of their enemies; he is so for them, and on their side, as that he will certainly save them. This he has determined to do, he has sent his Son to obtain salvation for them, his Spirit to apply it to them, and keeps them by his power to the full enjoyment of it: and since this is the case,

who can be against us?
none can be against them. There are some that cannot possibly be against them; if Jehovah the Father is not against them, the Son cannot be against them, nor the Spirit; good angels cannot be against them, so far from it, that they rejoice at their good, minister to them, and are a guard about them; the law cannot be against them, because it is fulfilled in them; nor justice, because it is satisfied, and all its demands answered: and though there may be some who may be against them, and oppose themselves to them, yet their opposition is to no purpose; they will never prevail over them to their ruin and destruction; as neither sin, nor Satan, nor the world, nor death itself.

Photos from Bella Wayne Couture Boutique's post 25/02/2024

Tonight, Join Life Community Church of Houston Marriage Ministry Your Marriage Matters Live with our Pastors!!!! Let’s learn and laugh together!!!!!!!β™₯οΈπŸ’•
Your Marriage Matters!!!πŸ’
β€œLove Is What Love Does!”


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The fool has said in his heart that there is no God, and the scoffer has mocked the promise of His return, but the day is coming when the Lord Jesus Christ will return as King of kings and Lord of lords. In that day, and the earth will be filled with His glory, as the waters cover the sea, and He will reign over all the earth.

The absolute sovereign lordship of Israel's Messiah-King will one day reach its fulfilment, for He will return to a world that rejected Him and to a people that cried, "We will not have this man to reign over us." Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

The Lord Jesus Christ will set up His world-wide kingdom on earth, when Israel will be the head of the nations and not the tail. In that day, the wolf will lie down with the lamb, the young child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and God will live among His people. For the Lord Himself will be king over all the earth, and in that day Christ Jesus alone will be worshiped. His name alone will be magnified.

We read in Deuteronomy that the Lord our God is ONE - one God in three Persons - for He is the one sovereign Creator, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the one, eternal, unique, infinite, almighty, incomparable, omniscient, all-powerful, triune God and in that day, the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever.

In that day, the eternal, incarnate Son of God will be the universal King over all the earth. In that day, Christ Himself will be recognised as the one and only true God. In that day, His Name will be the only name worshipped and glorified - for He alone is worthy.


Peter states that it is the church's purpose to openly declare that nature and character of God. We are to sing forth His attributes. We are to proclaim His perfections. We are to preach His virtues. The collective β€œyou” points to each and every individual within these churches.


Join Overseer, Dr. Richard H. Grant for 15 Minutes of Prayer at Life Community Church Of Houston tomorrow !


β€œA new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” John 13: 34-35 NIV
