Find Your MBC Voice Videos

Videos by Find Your MBC Voice. Promoting informative discussions between doctors & patients with metastatic breast cancer (mBC).

Screening for mBC

For women under 40, it can be confusing to know when to begin screening for metastatic breast cancer.

Dr. Comen walks through some steps to determine what conversations to have with a doctor when it comes to breast cancer.

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Other Find Your MBC Voice videos

Screening for mBC
For women under 40, it can be confusing to know when to begin screening for metastatic breast cancer. Dr. Comen walks through some steps to determine what conversations to have with a doctor when it comes to breast cancer. Learn more at:

Understanding mBC
What is metastatic breast cancer? Dr. Comen breaks down some of the basics. To learn more about this complex disease visit:

More info on mBC
Sexual health may still be a priority for those going through a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. Dr. Comen explains how destigmatizing conversations around intimacy with healthcare teams can help ensure patient needs are being prioritized:

Science of mBC
A treatment plan may consider more than just what's in the medical record, but also a person's lifestyle and goals. Open communication with the health care team helps them provide care for the person as a whole:

Science of mBC
When newly diagnosed, consider personal goals, such as quality of life, when developing a treatment plan. Science of MBC explores the big questions and big answers that come after diagnosis:

More mBC terms
It can be hard to know how to discuss your metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. Learning the right words can be a helpful tool to help you gain confidence in navigating mBC. Learn more mBC terms and definitions at

More mBC terms
Knowing the words that are commonly used to talk about metastatic breast cancer (mBC) can make it easier for people with mBC, their care team, and loved ones to communicate with each other - and make decisions together. Learn more mBC terms and definitions:

Explore mBC subtypes
Making decisions about your metastatic breast cancer treatment can be daunting. Understanding subtypes and mutation status is important to help make more informed choices. Learn more about mBC: