Hanna Morgan- Life Coach

Hanna Morgan- Life Coach

I help people go from where they are now and get to where they want to be. Here's the secret, it's a


Hey 👋 I'm Hanna

I'm a Life Coach for moms

Do you feel so exhausted by motherhood you can barely remember the last time you showered let alone what's for dinner tonight??

Do you feel burnt out from constantly managing what everyone else needs and NEVER getting time for yourself??

You are not alone.

I help moms set clear boundaries, ditch the mom guilt and take all the "me time" they need so they can thrive as human beings.

Working with me means you'll get:

-12 one-on-one coaching sessions over zoom

- Weekly support with mom guilt, boundaries, meeting your needs and anything else you might need

- Unlimited text support throughout the week as needed

- Mindset coaching to unlock the possibilities for your life!

Not sure if this is right for you?
Have other questions?

Sign up for a FREE Discovery Call

Link below 💕

Photos from Hanna Morgan- Life Coach's post 18/09/2021

Setting boundaries doesn't have to be hard.

Start by valuing your time energy and space so other people value them too.

Set your boundaries and then PRACTICE! It may feel uncomfortable at first but the more your practice the easier it gets!

Photos from Hanna Morgan- Life Coach's post 15/09/2021

Setting boundaries has been on my mind recently because it’s the underlying problem for a lot of moms. When we get exhausted and overwhelmed it’s usually because we have a lack of boundaries. Setting boundaries is a way to protect ourselves from giving what we don’t have. Setting boundaries is BRAVE.


❌ It is NOT lazy to rest your mind and your body ❌

We often get the message that we have to be doing something all the time. If we're not working hard and being productive then we're considered "lazy."

If we sit down to rest instead of clean our house or work on something then we're "being lazy."

Here's the thing, without rest, our bodies and minds will burnout and then we will be FORCED to take a break. We'll get sick or our brains won't function to the highest capacity or our bodies will do whatever it needs to do to force us to rest.

So instead of hitting rock bottom and burning out
❤️ Take breaks
❤️ Rest
❤️ Relax

You deserve it and your body and mind will thank you 😊


There's so much more to self care than you think! It's not just relaxing our bodies, it's about taking care of our minds and souls. Join me July 19-21 for my FREE Time for Mom challenge. We'll talk about real self care and how just 5 minutes a day can make all the difference! 💕https://mailchi.mp/350a28e5f4ec/more-time-for-mom


I love my clients and I love what I do! ❤️ I recently finished coaching an amazing mom and this is what she had to say,

"Just finished 12 weeks of coaching with Hanna! I have been so grateful for her guidance these last weeks to help me through some big hurdles. She asked the right questions to make me truly slow down and think about why I thought, felt, or acted in certain ways. Then we figured out how to do something different if I didn’t want to think, feel, or act in certain ways anymore. Instead of just teaching me, she asked me questions to help me teach myself. She was so insightful. Thanks Hanna Morgan"

If you're ready to start this journey as well, book a consultation, we'll chat about where you're at in life and what your dream life looks like. The link is in the comments! Chat soon! 😊


My facebook group is a great place to connect with other moms and share our stories. Join us as we rediscover our passions and start dreaming again! Link is in the comments


One of the quotes we will discuss in our workshop 💕
“Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are” - Brene Brown


Make your thoughts benefit you!


Boundaries help us stay sane!

Feeling Thoughts Worksheet.pdf 17/11/2020

I created a worksheet to help people recognize what thoughts serve them and what thoughts don't and I'm super excited to share it! Check it out, I'd love to know what you think! 😊


Feeling Thoughts Worksheet.pdf


Tonight I had a breakthrough moment. We're quarantining right now and it is terrible. I told my husband I feel stuck in quarantine. His response: Don't think that.
Wait what??

How did I forget that I can just change my thoughts???
So I did. (Thanks husband 😘 )

Old thought: I feel stuck in quarantine
This was not serving me! It made me feel anxious and worried!

New thought: I'm home, I'm with my family.
This made me feel happy and safe.

I'm not trying to convince myself that I'm NOT stuck in quarantine, I'm simply changing my thought about it. I love my home and I love my family so this thought serves me!

Changing thoughts to serve you is simple once you know how. If you're interesting in learning how let's chat!


Do you feel enough love and belonging to be imperfect?
Imagine waking up every morning and feeling completely comfortable to just be YOU! What kind of difference would that make in your life?


I had this fear. It was holding me back. I feared, "What if people don't like me." I didn't like this thought so I got coached on it.

Here's what I learned:

So what? So what if someone doesn't like me? What will I do if this happens? I found that I had two options; pretend like this won't happen (which I don't believe so that option's useless) or make a plan for if it does. I chose to make a plan. I can handle not being liked, I know exactly what I'll do.

This fear is no longer holding me back because I know I can handle it. I'm shooting for my dreams and overcoming whatever fear or doubt that gets in my way!

What dreams are you fighting for?


I got another great line from one of my son's tv shows the other day. In the show a bunch of animals along with some people are out bowling. (sounds weird but it's actually a cute show) So they're all bowling but they don't all bowl the same so one of the kids says, "you just do what works for you!"
I love this! We don't all do things the same way and that's okay! I love helping my clients find what works best for them!


My family and I got to do a last minute Halloween costume and it turned out really fun! Remember to make time for the fun things in life 🥰


"When you're believing lies, you'll always feel bad"
I found this quote on my notes in my phone and I wanted to share my thoughts on it. Another coach said this as she was explaining thoughts about ourselves. Thoughts like "I'm not good enough" or "I can't do this." There are so many thoughts like this that we tell ourselves. What this quote is saying and what I believe is that I will never feel good when I believe these lies. The reality is I CAN DO THIS and I AM GOOD ENOUGH. always.


Reminder: It's okay!


Thoughts are not truth. I've been learning more about this recently. My thoughts are just thoughts and I can control them. I keep telling myself that I can do this which makes me feel confident which affects my actions and gets me results!


Goals. The motivation that keeps me going. Tonight I realized I hadn't completed my goal for the day, my goal to post on facebook and connect with people. So with a crying baby in the background (she's fine, just a little sad😂) here I am showing up and getting my goals done! What keeps you going and knocking out those goals??


I struggled with this as a young adult and it's something I'm still working on now. It was hard for me to let myself be seen because I didn't know how people would react. I learned that my opinion of myself matters more than anyone else's. Showing who you really are takes courage and you are worth being seen.


I was watching the movie Cars 3 the other day (with my son of course 😊) and Lightening McQueen said something that really hit me. After wondering how McQueen became a successful racecar Cruz Ramirez asked, "how did you know you could do it?" McQueen replied, "I just never thought I couldn't."
Wow. "I just never thought I couldn't." so good!
So here's a question, what would YOU do if you knew you couldn't fail?


It wasn't until my very LAST semester of college that I decided what I wanted to do after graduation. MY LAST SEMESTER, like days before I was done with school for good! So let me be the first to tell you that you still have time, you do not have to know what you want right away. Be patient, give yourself space and time to figure out what you want. It will come, even if it's your very last semester!


College is overwhelming! I've been there and I learned how to make the most of my experience. Now, I help other students have the same fulfilling experience that I had.
As a College Life Coach, I help students find the confidence and clarity they need to have a fulfilling college experience.
I just finished my website and I am excited to share it! If you know any student that could benefit from a FREE coaching call let me know!

Choice Journey – College Student Life Coaching Home Free Clarity Call HANNA MORGAN College Life Coach College is a big investment, why not invest in yourself as well? You are worth it! FREE Clarity Call What is College Life Coaching? As a College Life Coach, I work with students who are ready to have the best college experience possible. I help....


I started college as an on-campus student and finished as an online student. I liked both options but each came with their own challenges. One of my biggest challenges as an online student was managing my time and staying motivated to finish my work. We're in a unique situation right now where pretty much all students have to switch to online classes. Did you recently convert an online student? What sort of challenges are you facing?


Did your plans recently change? Let's set some goals and make new plans! We can't always control what happens around us but we can control how we respond. Let me help you make the best of these unexpected changes.


My young adults years were filled with many choices. I started college, served a mission, paused my education, worked all kinds of jobs, moved to Spain for a few months and got married all while figuring out who I was and what kind of life I wanted to live. These transitions were not easy but with each new stage I learned new skills to help me succeed. Let me help you develop these skills to find your own success.
Did you recently start a new stage in life? Are you struggling with the current stage you’re in? Let me help! Go to my book now button for a free consultation, you are worth it!


I'm a Harry Potter fan and this was too funny not to share! There is a lot going on in the world right now with COVID-19 , I even got a little worried when I saw empty shelves at the store. I have hope that we'll make it through this, the more we offer help to others the easier it will be for everyone. Stay safe out there!

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A little about me!
