Wellness With Alix

Wellness With Alix

Wellness Coach. Health Coach. Yoga Teacher Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Wellness Coach, and Yoga Instructor.

Helping women embrace holistic healing and start living with increased happiness through a mindful lifestyle. I empower my clients to confidently overcome health concerns and reach their personal and wellness goals.


Motivational posts we like & pictures that inspire us. Our favorite time of year is summer.

Using Fear to Tap into Your Superpowers - Mindful 03/06/2021

Yes!! That emotion of fear can lead us to uncover and learn so much about our own self. Once we are able to tap into being aware of the emotion that is trying to consume us, we are able to dive deeper into the WHY of its existence. When you feel emotions rising up inside of you, ask yourself:

- What is the emotion coming to the surface at this time? Give it a name and identity...this will help you become more fully aware of what is going on in the present moment

- Why is this coming to the surface now? Have similar situations caused similar outcomes?... You can take this as a time to reflect to see what served you and what you can release

- How did I navigate moving past this emotion before? ... Are these experiences something that you can use or hold in your "toolbox" to help you to recognize and navigate through life with more ease?

- Am I standing in my own power or am I giving my power to this emotion right now? ... Know and believe that you are already perfect!! You are stronger than you realize and always remember what you have overcome. Your power is already fully inside of you, just decide to stand strong and live in it every day.

Fear can give us a chance to take a pause, breathe, and reflect on what is truly happening at the time. Sometimes we feel so rushed through life that we can forget that "triggers" and "setbacks" can be used as a guide to keeping us directed on the right path towards being the best version of ourselves. Send love and compassion to your fears, they will lessen the more you become friends with them and will allow you to really be focused on what you truly do want.

Using Fear to Tap into Your Superpowers - Mindful Big wave surfer Chris Bertish shares the secret to performing at your peak.


Its all about how you decide to live your life...

What do you want to come from the choices you make?

How do they help to serve you the best and to heal your body and soul?

Are you willing to go the down the road that may be different from your past pain and patterns?

Yes, it may be uncomfortable at first but how much do you want to heal and not repeat the pattern? To finally start living in freedom?

You are stronger than you think, you can start at any moment to live differently from what you are struggling from, all it takes it a choice to go down a different path.

I believe in you, you can do this! 💜❤️✨


Who else is a tea drinker? Do you like to enjoy your tea in the morning, night, or sip during the day?

Do you have a favorite or preferred brand of tea that you like to drink? I love the quotes on the Traditional Medicinal teas


I totally get it... meditation can be easy to overthink. Is there a right or wrong way to do it? What is meditation and how can you invite more stillness into your life? How can you use your emotions and mental thoughts as a guide for what will best to move through what is happening at that moment?

I hope this video is helpful, maybe you learn something new that invites answers to something you questioned have before.
Comment below or message me a question if you would like to chat more


Hey Beautiful Souls! I hope your week is off to a fantastic start :)

Since we are still in Spring and I am such a personal fan of taking this season and time of year to declutter and see what I no longer need or what isn't really working for me any more I wanted to offer a Free 3-pack of sessions to 5 different amazing women! Let's see how we can make more space in your life to welcome in the positive energy to create your happiest life.

This is a great for taking a deeper look at your goals and work on ways for you to best navigate going forward and to overall bring awareness to you life which leads to connection and healing. All I ask is at the end of the 3rd session, you provide a testimonial for our time together


Hey everyone


Movement can add so many positive things to our life for more self-exploration and healing


Hi all! How is your Saturday starting? Post below and tell me something you have as a goal this weekend :) Is it to try something new, relax and recoup, or maybe a fun get away?...or 1 of my fav things to set as a goal is to have a spontaneous and fun day. Yes, sometimes I need even to plan to be spontaneous so I don't let anxiety creep up on me during that planned day, can anyone else relate to that??🤪 Would love to hear from you all


Hi Everyone! I wanted to post about topic that has been coming up often in conversations with the amazing women I talk to. It has been about the “reasons” on why they are delaying or holding back on moving forward towards their goals (whatever that awesome goal may be) and I hear the similar replies...“I don't have the time or it’s not the right time,” “I won’t be able to do “X” until “X” is finished,” “I’m too tired but it's on my to-do list,” etc.

Have you ever found yourself saying or thinking these types of “reasons”? Maybe you avoided the thought of why your goal has not been accomplished? How do these thoughts make you feel? Do you wish that you can move past those “excuses” and just hit the green light on small achievable steps towards finally reaching your goals?

I totally used to be the queen of excuses and delaying tactics, as well as trying to reason with myself for why my goals were not getting accomplished. But then I thought, What is really holding me back that I am not realizing right now inside of me?

Once I was able to get to the root reason of WHY I was holding myself back and in a stuck place, it was like a light turned on and I found a way to move past it and conquer that goal. I felt more free.

So, I totally get it! We all go through this hurdle in life and it can cause a lot of confusion, negative, and sometimes painful thoughts in the moment or thinking back on the situation later. So my question to you is...can you relate? Do you want to move out of a stagnant place and move towards your goals that will have such a positive effect on your life? What is #1 your excuse right now? What is stopping you?

Comment and share below or if you would rather just message me, and let's connect!! I would love to hear from you and talk about ways I can support you to push past those limiting beliefs and finally move in the direction of the best version of YOU! Remember, you are magical and you got this!!

Videos (show all)

I totally get it... meditation can be easy to overthink.  Is there a right or wrong way to do it?  What is meditation an...
The joys of morning Yoga :)
All About Wellness With Alix

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday 10:00 - 16:00
Friday 10:00 - 16:00