Addiction Free Life

Addiction Free Life

An Addiction-free life is what we all want. It is achievable. We are creating a programme for every addict who wants a new life.

We want to offer everyone a Support Programme to build deep roots into recovery. To Empower, Encourage and Support others in the Wonderment of Living an Addiction-free life.

The Crucible:Conversations for the Curious 17/06/2024

I just realised that on the 15th of May, I posted a shout-out on various social media channels and communities about guests for my podcast.
It went live at 10pm on the 14th June.
In four weeks, I recorded nine podcasts, made all the artwork, created a channel, and got it live on Apple Podcasts—which took only nine hours, not eight days, as I was advised.
So far, I've published 4 incredible guest stories, each one unique and engaging. Altair De Almeida, Vincent Cubitt, Grant Webb & Rikke Ludvigsen
Thank you, guys, and so many more who've stepped forward to share stories of embracing life changes and trauma and making sense of when life demands change.

The podcast is available on my website
and Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon and many more.

The Crucible:Conversations for the Curious Awakenings often force us to confront our deepest fears and beliefs. The Crucible: Conversations for The Curious explores the transformative journeys of ordinary people who've navigated life-altering events. Join us as we dive into their remarkable stories of hope, resilience, and self-discovery.

Photos from Addiction Free Life's post 07/05/2024

What do you say that makes you feel unsafe?


My Triggers Assessment is finally life.
It's been so much fun to create.
How do you react to people, situations and events?
This is revised to be far less intrusive. It has 18 questions that encourage you to examine how you react to various situations.
There's a free download that goes into detail about how you've responded and some tips to help manage your triggers.


There is one addiction process

Whether it is manifested in the lethal substance dependencies; the frantic self-soothing of overeaters or shopaholics; the obsessions of gamblers, s*xaholics, and compulsive Internet users; or the socially acceptable and even admired behaviours of the workaholic.
▪️Gabor Maté ▪️


Nothing beats going to bed sober and grateful




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is an incredible documentary about trauma and addiction and overcoming and hope and illness and needing to be loved and not feeling good enough and all that s**t that made us want to hide and isolate and numb and disconnect.
It is a beautiful uplifting documentary and reveals the insight, compassion and love Gabor Maté has for healing.

Photos from Addiction Free Life's post 25/07/2021

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

This is not an actual poem by Rumi, rather a paragraph of writings from a much longer book by the 13th century Persian writer Rumi

It serves to remind us that life is full of moments that come and go, the joys will not last and the sorrow will not last.
Learn to embrace everything with humility and joy, we can learn from the tough times - if we wish to grow - and we can be joyful in the beautiful times.

If we choose to learn from the hardships and the sorrow, we will become more resilient and more able manage and cope.
It is our choice to shine or to hide.


We’ve both been moving this week. Both into new places on other sides of the world.
Packing and unpacking, you know what it’s like.
But back again and reaching out to say hi everyone and hope your weekend is full of peace and joy.

Photos from Addiction Free Life's post 20/07/2021

The 1st time I met the specifics of boundaries was in rehab. Growing up these were concepts I guess - a part of growing up, but I had little concept of them.
What a difference it made to my life when I knew about these and how to use them and be allowed to put myself 1st.
It is strange to understand that beliefs passed down by my family do not serve me and did not serve them as best they could have done.
I am choosing what ancestral beliefs serve me and which do not. It means I can either live with resentment over the beliefs passed on to me or I choose to thank my parents and grandparents and their parents and grandparents for passing down the knowledge they knew to be the best for them.
The world has changed, my world as changed and I thank my amazing family for doing the best they knew, and I’m learning to chose what works best for me.
We all have been giving beliefs and habits from our family; some of these serve us, some are damaging and if we do not change, we allow them ourselves to be walked over, to be taken advantage of or to be used and manipulated.
Growing and nurturing healthy boundaries sets us up to be more resilient, more self aware and able to grow.
I still love my family, I no longer live to put others 1st to the detriment of me.
How do you manage boundaries with your family and loved ones?


How does this make you feel?
Does it resonate?
Are you wondering how to resolve it?

This was me last week. I was becoming aware of being judgemental. At everyone and everything.
I stopped and wondered why. Through various conversations I realised I was judging past Hamish with current Hamish eyes.
This is not fair. I did not know then what I know now.
The result of being judgemental on past Hamish was effecting my relationships and stopping me from getting anything done.

I realised I must forgive myself - all of them ❤️
So Past Hamish forgave Current Hamish, Current Hamish forgave Past Hamish and Current Hamish forgave Current Hamish.
It was an incredible experience, and I’m so much more peaceful and noticeably less judgemental at me and others.
Forgiveness is a powerful way to heal, and I’d forgotten to forgive myself.


I can’t wait to get this audiobook. This guy is a (anti) hero. He’s been to the darkest places with drugs and prison abd starred along some of Hollywood’s greats.
This is his story of redemption and living clean. He narrates the Audiobook, so you get even more of the raw emotion and energy of this remarkable man.


I’m thinking about running a Virtual Workshop to share how Gratitude has
massively improved my approach and outlook to life.
You got 90min? You in?


The regret of drinking will last far longer than the temporary craving you have.

Cravings suck - whether craving for a drink or a high or a low or to get away, forget, a sugar rush, s*x, validation.
Any craving for a short term release will never ever be enough and then the self loathing, the regret, the shame, the beating ourself up begins.
Hold these thoughts as reasons to ride the craving and come out the other side stronger. Rather than fall victim to the using and then all of the regret.


To the amazing 260 people who are enjoying our content, engaging, chatting behind the scenes and helping make the world a better place for each other.
You are all awesome, thank you for motivating us to create and share stuff most days. You inspire us to give and share how we are doing and what we are thinking. 🧐

Remember that good days come and go, as do the bad ones, the sad ones, the sick ones and the lonely days.
Remember that feelings, thoughts and emotions come and go, they do not define us, they just float in and out again.

Photos from Addiction Free Life's post 06/07/2021

Tell us how awesome you are !
Awesome ❤️


This is my nephew, and he’s now 5. 
He does not like consequences.
He’s learnt that his inappropriate
actions have consequences he does not like.
So why do we, as adults, choose to accept dire consequences that can ruin our lives or destroy relationships when we chose to act inappropriately?


🦋🦋❤️Beyond Common❤️🦋🦋
Inspiration and value, respect yourself , turn up, be present, be authentic and live with love and integrity
This book by is a manual for living your best life in recovery.
It is not a 12 Step Program, but it empowers us to be accountable for our actions, to take ownership of our actions and responses and encourages us to live our best lives.

Tracey is someone I met earlier this year and is a firebomb or energy, joy and embraces the values she’s written about in this book.
Get a copy, keep it by your computer or bed.
Living by these values will empower you to achieve and be the best version of yourself.


Don’t get rid of your butterflies

Get them to fly in formation
Overwhelm can be a source of fear and shame.
A fear of having to or wanting to or needing to get something done that may be daunting or out of comfort zone.
Break it into smaller parts, you can’t eat an elephant in one sitting.
I’m talking to myself here guys, I’m frozen with overwhelm this weekend - to the point I’m taking the weekend off to be kind to me and start it all on Monday with a pieces of paper and coloured pens to break the next few weeks down into tiny bite-sized chunks of less daunting to achieve.


I would rather be happy, than be right.
One of the most valuable sentences I learnt, while being in a treatment facility, and starting my fresh journey to recovery.


What you feel
Is the difference between


The universe reaches out and reminds me that when I feel I’ve achieved nothing, I’ve actually been a friend, a brother, a son, a creator.
I’ve made people laugh, I’ve seen some beautiful things today.
I’ve also been receptive to what is out there and received this reminder that it’s ok not to have busy days because I’ve been value to others.

So this is for the high achievers out there. Those who cannot sit still and those who struggle with the washing machines in their heads, spilling out nonsense of self worth.
You’ve been clean and sober for another day
You’ve made the effort not to react to a situation.
You’ve made a stranger smile.
Think with kindness about your day today and you’ll remember something that made this day special.

Me - I shared this with a friend who I know is struggling.
I’ve also let myself off for not having achieved much today - because I’ve just checked in and acknowledged that I’ve made someone smile, I’ve reminded a friend how awesome she is, I’ve walked my brothers dog whilst he was at work.
I’ve achieved little things today and that is 💪🏻❤️
Share with us what you’ve done today that was for those around you who wanted a little kindness?


As you move towards your goals, dreams and aspirations, the universe moves them towards you.


Life finds away.
I’d gone out with the intention to photograph funguses and mushrooms and was almost home when I saw this tiny fungus with a piece of grass growing through it.
I could pontificate about life finding a way through hardships or there is beauty in the small things.
But it’s just a beautiful photograph of the magic that is nature and life getting on with its stuff ignoring all the noise and issues we fill our lives with.
- dammit I did find a metaphor to share 🙈

Choices – Addiction Free Life 26/06/2021

We were talking about choices today

You chose to get clean – that is a brilliant choice. Pat yourself on your back. You’ve made one of the most profound decisions of your life – to change your life around.

Your life will never ever be the same again.

You have chosen to start a new life, a life that will be filled with choices every moment of every day.

Choices – Addiction Free Life You chose to get clean – that is a brilliant choice. Pat yourself on your back. You’ve made one of the most profound decisions of your life – to change your life around.


Awareness gives you choice. Choice gives you freedom. Freedom costs you responsibility, accountability and ownership and a commitment to be awesome.
Are you ready to be awesome?


Don’t settle for second best. You are worthwhile, incredible and beautiful. Self love is order of the day; everyday and it’s not negotiable ❤️💕💓.


Choose growth
It is not as painful as
Staying in your comfort zone


The universe rewards action

Videos (show all)

We’ve both been moving this week. Both into new places on other sides of the world. Packing and unpacking, you know what...
To the amazing 260 people who are enjoying our content, engaging, chatting behind the scenes and helping make the world ...
Levelling up in recovery Get yourself a business coach?Get yourself a life coach?Investing in your self is such a beauti...
I acknowledge everyone who is struggling with sick loved ones, family or dear friends who are in pain and suffering. So ...