

Master Healer✨Theta✨Multidimensional ✨Access Consciousness ✨Distance Healing✨Life Coach✨Ho’oponopono
By GINA ABBS ~ Holistic Therapist


WellBeing Sanctuary values work life balance , I Gina Abbs will be enjoying the magical of family life holiday from today and won’t be as active as usual. I’ll be joining back shortly, lots of love, Gina Abbs
🇵🇹 O WellBeing Sanctuary valoriza o equilíbrio entre vida profissional e pessoal, eu Gina Abbs aproveitarei as férias mágicas da vida familiar a partir de hoje, participarei brevemente,, com muito amor Gina Abbs


Hi again, Gina Abbs here. I'm a multi-dimensional international Master Healer and Spiritual Coach. My passion is to heal people with lots of Love and Compassion.

Having discovered my spiritual connection and abilities, I've embraced and nurtured them throughout my life. I use a unique blend of modalities that contribute to my innate gifts of healing and guiding people along the path of life of their dreams.

Olá novamente, Gina Abbs aqui. Sou multi-dimensional internacional Master Healer e Coach Espiritual. A minha paixão é curar pessoas com muito Amor e compaixão.

Tendo descoberto minha conexão e habilidades espirituais, eu as abracei e alimentei ao longo da minha vida. Eu uso uma combinação única de modalidades que contribuem para meus dons inatos de curar e guiar as pessoas ao longo do caminho da vida de seus sonhos.


🌱There is hope for the future🌱

We suffer more when we don't deal with our pain. Suppressed emotional pain becomes stuck energy in the body and can manifest as physical symptoms like depression, anxiety, addiction, panic attacks and is also linked to digestive and heart problems.

Let's feel it and heal it, and you'll see that "what is coming is better than what is gone".

Send a DM if you would like support for getting to the root of trauma, and allowing it to be released in a healthy and effective way. 🇵🇹Há esperança para o futuro

Sofremos mais quando não lidamos com a nossa dor. A dor emocional reprimida torna-se energia presa no corpo e pode se manifestar como sintomas físicos como depressão, ansiedade, vícios, ataques de pânico e também está ligada a problemas digestivos e cardíacos.

Vamos senti-lo e curá-lo, e verás que "o que está por vir é melhor do que o que se foi".

Envie um DM se quiser apoio para chegar à raiz do trauma e permitir que ele seja liberado de maneira saudável e eficaz.


🌱Take your energy to Gaia, pe*****te deep into the earth and witness the roots of the trees intertwine and with lots of LOVE they feed each other, one helping the other, this is the law of life. Gina Abbs. 🌱 Leva a tua energia para Gaia, deuxa ela penetrar bem dentro da terra e testemunha as raizes das arvores entrelassarem-se e com muito AMOR uma alimentado a outra, uma ajudando a outra, esta é a lei da vida.


Ho’oponopono, I use this technique together with all my healing modalities . Ho’oponopono was created by Morrnah Simeon’s a Hawaiian Kahuna Priestess.
Very powerful for purifying anyone and spaces from bad memories, it releases blockages and traumas, regenerates cells, gives emotional stability and other advantages in all fields of life.

The healing is through the repetition of a mantra or sentimental words: Repentance, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love:

Repentance: I’m sorry
Forgiveness: Please forgive me
Gratitude: Thank you
Love: I love you

I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you

I would love to hear from you and to teach you more about this technique. Please connect by DM. Gina Abbs


🌱I see clear light flowing through my body and purifying all my cells.

🌱 Every day in every way I am healthier and healthier.

🌱 All is well, and so am I. Everything is working out for my highest good. I am safe.
Making positive affirmations daily can help to turn desire into reality.

These short powerful statements creates calm and peaceful mind. I suggest to say it out loud, it helps to manifest your intentions.

This can be simple yet powerful practice. ....
Connect and I will be happy practice with you you❤️

🌱Vejo uma luz clara fluindo pelo meu corpo e purificando todas as minhas células.

🌱 Todos os dias em todos os sentidos sou mais saudável e saudável.

🌱 Tudo está bem, e eu também. Tudo está funcionando para o meu bem maior. Eu estou seguro/a.....
Fazer afirmações positivas diariamente pode ajudar a transformar o desejo em realidade.

Essas declarações curtas e poderosas criam uma mente calma e pacífica. Sugiro dizer em voz alta, ajuda a manifestar as tuas intenções.

Isso pode ser uma prática simples, mas poderosa.
Conecte-se e terei prazer em praticar com você


Facing problems, dealing with uncomfortable emotions? Nothing sounds good, nothing feels good, it seems as if you are suffocating....

Imagine living your life in full control of the way you feel, completely aligned with who you really are.

It is possible to feel this way. Feel free, feel valued, feel loved, feel powerful, feel good, feel alive.

Send me a DM if you would like support or find out more.


Grounding yourself - Gina Abbs


I invoke upon Divine Light Energy from the Source to fill my entire soul. I allow the Light to be transferred to others to Heal and to activate their Divine Light within. Eu invoco a Energia da Luz Divina diretamente da Fonte para encher toda a minha alma. Eu permito que a Luz seja transferida para os outros para curar e ativar sua Luz Divina interior.


In the morning before I start healing sessions , I let my spirit have this connection with the nature. I live in a rural area surrounded by nature. Every day, every moment, I'm very grateful to live here amd to be able to connect to mother nature and also to be at service to humanity.
De manhã antes de começar as sessões de cura, deixo meu espírito ter essa conexão com a natureza. Eu moro em uma área rural cercada pela natureza. A cada dia, a cada momento, sou muito grata por viver aqui e poder me conectar com a mãe natureza e também estar a serviço da humanidade.


Giving a presencial Healing to boost the immune system bringing balance and Wellbeing on all levels🌱 Dando cura presencial para aumentar o sistema imunológico, trazendo equilíbrio e bem-estar a todos os níveis🌱




being happy makes you healthier - this is Gina Abbs from WellBeing Sanctuary

Timeline photos 30/04/2022

It is difficult to make decisions when you overthink.
If instead, you keep thinking, raising doubts, changing your mind, and letting worries occupy your mind, you will not be able to decide and will not take action. This behavior wastes your time, and makes you lose confidence in your ability to make decisions.

Timeline photos 30/04/2022

If you're able to let go and start accepting things as they are instead of how you'd like them to be, you'll find that you'll suffer less from the problems of stress, emotional ties to the past or future, frustration with others, struggles with loss, and succumbing to fear. By letting go, you'll set yourself free.

Timeline photos 29/04/2022

Share this with people that need it!

Timeline photos 29/04/2022

Overthinking is when you dwell or worry about the same thought repeatedly. People who overthink can be paralyzed by their worries and may struggle to make decisions or take action. Overthinking can be caused by — and can contribute to — depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders.

Timeline photos 28/04/2022

Your mental health can change over time and can be influenced by life situations like job stress, loss of a loved one or changes in physical health.

Timeline photos 28/04/2022

Mindsets are not just important for learning new skills. They can affect the way that we think about everything. For example, a growth mindset can help you recover from illness because you believe that you can do something about the illness.

Timeline photos 27/04/2022

Look to the future and not the past. Better things are yet to come. Don't dwell on the past.

Timeline photos 27/04/2022

Friends helps us deal with stress, make better lifestyle choices that keep us strong, and allow us to rebound from health issues and disease more quickly. Friendship is equally important to our mental health. One study even suggested spending time with positive friends actually changes our outlook for the better.

Timeline photos 26/04/2022

Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. Indeed, some studies show that personality traits such as optimism and pessimism can affect many areas of your health and well-being. The positive thinking that usually comes with optimism is a key part of effective stress management.

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Comment your answers below.

Timeline photos 25/04/2022

Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our actions and emotions. Therefore, it is important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions.

Timeline photos 25/04/2022

1. Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. Try saying affirmations upon waking up and getting into bed, for example.
2. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times.
3. Ask a trusted loved one to help.
4. Make your routine consistent.
5. Be patient.

Timeline photos 24/04/2022

The only person with power over our minds is us. You see, you can decide to assume the strength in mind and allow it to flow down the drain. If you allow that to happen, you will start believing that there are outside events that have massive power over our minds.

Timeline photos 24/04/2022

Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Timeline photos 23/04/2022

Quote of the day.

Videos (show all)

Ho’oponopono, I use this technique together with all my healing modalities . Ho’oponopono was created by Morrnah Simeon’...
Grounding yourself - Gina Abbs
being happy makes you healthier - this is Gina Abbs from WellBeing Sanctuary 🌼 #likeforlike#followforfollow#instalikes#l...
