ClozeLoop University

ClozeLoop University

ClozeLoop University is an digital platform offering B2B sales courses with certification upon completion.

Get access to over 100 learner-designed classes with clear learning paths.

Timeline photos 14/05/2021

We understand that your team needs high-impact, low-friction frameworks that align with your workflow. Our hybrid training model provides the access, depth, and relevance necessary for fast adoption permanent sales transformation across every role.

Learn more about our programs >>>

Timeline photos 19/04/2021

Join ClozeLoop for another Fast Frameworks session on Wednesday, April 21st @ 10 AM Pacific.

You don't want to miss the 4 steps to generate more upsell/cross-sell revenue without changing your existing process!

Hilmon Sorey & Cory Bray will share the framework that gives your team the skills that help drive engagement, upsells, and renewals to turn your relationship managers into revenue optimizers!

Register here >>>

Timeline photos 25/03/2021

"Sales Enablement is not a position in a company. It's not a job title. It's not that person who does your new hire onboarding. It's an ecosystem that crosses all functional and hierarchical boundaries."

Learn more in our book "The Sales Enablement Playbook" or check out our ClozeLoop University online courses!


Join ClozeLoop’s Hilmon Sorey & Cory Bray on April 7th for a fast framework session, breaking down the 5 Reasons Why Your Team’s Deals Stall After Demo.

This isn’t just another “tips & tricks” webinar, Managing Directors of ClozeLoop and co-authors of 8 books on sales and sales management will be sharing the framework ClozeLoop clients use to convert 37% more demos to closed revenue.


In the spirit of BDR Appreciation week, we wanted to give you free access to our best-selling prospecting courses to give you a Q1 boost!

You’ll pick up tactics you can implement to:
• Convert more cold calls
• Get prospects to act on emails
• Ask questions that get prospects talking about pain

This is not another fleeting list of tips and tricks. These are proven tactics and frameworks used by the pros! You can knock this out in 30 minutes over lunch and put some new moves to work on the same day.

Visit to enroll today!

5 Key Reasons For B2B Sales Training 10/02/2021

5 Reasons You Need Sales Training...

Ready to get started? Check out our The Painless Prospecting Bundle Training & start having your sales calls in the zone!

Get the course here:

5 Key Reasons For B2B Sales Training To learn more about these 5 indications that sales training might be needed - Intro0:17 - Not enough velocity...

Timeline photos 01/02/2021

For a limited time, sign up for our Pipeline Review Course for !

You will learn a simple and effective meeting structure to drive revenue forecast accuracy, improve knowledge share across the team, improve seller accountability, and drive a team culture.

Get started today! Sign up at

Timeline photos 28/01/2021

Learn how to focus your pipeline review on key wins; key metrics, key deals, and the upcoming week to create a repeatable process to accurately forecast what your team is going to produce.

Enroll in our Pipeline Review Course! Sign up here:

Timeline photos 26/01/2021

Cold calling is great for testing your messages, it's great for reaching a ton of people very quickly, and there is not a more cost-effective means of getting meetings on the calendar.

Learn how to make these calls effectively without sounding like every other salesperson.

Get the Cold Calling Course! Sign up here:

Timeline photos 20/01/2021

34 - Your Quantity is Too Low

Fierce debates rage around if prospectors should optimize for quantity or quality.

Our stance on the quantity vs. quality debate is simple: optimize for quantity, given that each activity is above a certain level of quality.

Not really into books? Try our Cold Calls Course (free for a limited time)

Timeline photos 13/01/2021

FAIL #43 - You Aren't Concise, Specific, and Accurate

Poor communication leads to frustrating working relationships and can also lead to a lack of trust, which will ultimately negatively impact a cold caller’s performance.

Head over to to order your copy!

Timeline photos 12/01/2021

Like a quilt, conversations should have continuity. Stitching one to the next creating a body of work.

Timeline photos 07/01/2021

The MAStery Framework consists of three pillars: Mindset, Activity, and Skillset. in anything we attempt to do is a direct function of these three things.

Timeline photos 06/01/2021

11: Your Elevator Pitch Isn't Compelling

A compelling elevator pitch motivates the prospect to want to learn more. If you're not addressing your prospect's pain points, the won't be eager to engage in a conversation with you. Are you staying relevant to their needs?

Hilmon Sorey & Cory Bray are spilling more of their secrets. Their newest book 46 Reasons Why Your Cold Calls Fail is available now!

Head over to to order your copy!

Timeline photos 05/01/2021

Our job as is to minimize threats and maximize rewards. We can do this successfully by being mindful of each individual’s status that we manage.

Visit to learn how to level up as an account executive and/or sales manager.

Timeline photos 05/01/2021

In sales, we don’t get timeouts, an offseason, training camp, or time between games. We don’t get a ton of time to practice until we get it right. Effective sales coaching can impact revenue more significantly than any other sales management activity.

Visit and start on your 2021 professional development resolution!

Timeline photos 01/01/2021

Happy New Year! Here's to a successful and rewarding 2021!

Timeline photos 30/12/2020

FAIL #27 Prospects No-Show Your Next Meeting

Many cold callers get paid not based upon the number of meetings scheduled, but rather the number of meetings held. That means prospects have to actually show up. Tricks like getting commitment and asking a prospect to accept an invite while on the call help a bit, but ultimately no one wants to chase and chastise a prospect into showing up for a meeting.

Learn how to get prospects to show up because they have a compelling reason to do so. Order your copy of 46 Reasons Why Your Cold Calls Fail at


Timeline photos 28/12/2020

Effective sales coaching can impact revenue more significantly than any other sales management activity, but there’s too little time. Managers are always battling a fire or stretching to another target.

Want to learn more? Order your copy of our new book The Five Secrets of a Sales C.O.A.C.H. at

Timeline photos 24/12/2020

15 You Don't Understand Resistance

For most sellers "handling objections" is something they spend a lot of time in preparation. In reality, it doesn't do much good.

The salesperson ends up spending their day trying to convince, cajole, or confuse a prospect into taking the next step. It doesn't serve the rest of the process and it's a poor way to make a living. Learn the easy way to effectively, honestly, and consistently manage the resistance you get from prospects. You'll never search for another objection handling response again.

Hilmon Sorey & Cory Bray are spilling more of their secrets. Their newest book 46 Reasons Why Your Cold Calls Fail is available now!

Head over to to order your copy!

Timeline photos 17/12/2020

FAIL #3 You Don't Build and Measure Rapport

If you're "smiling and dialing", talking about working from home, referencing some personal factoid from a prospect's social profile and you think you're establishing rapport... you are mistaken.

Hilmon Sorey & Cory Bray are spilling more of their secrets. Their newest book 46 Reasons Why Your Cold Calls Fail is available now!

Head over to to order your copy!

Timeline photos 15/12/2020

Scientists have observed that when we perceived a drop in our Status, our brain networks light up in the same way as if we have experienced actual physical pain! Conversely, as our perception of status increases, we feel safe.

So, as managers, we have to keep in mind that status is a driver for our sales reps. When we as coaches damage it, we lose trust and impact.

Timeline photos 15/12/2020

You want to tee up your folks for success. Right? Of course.

You have to manage them effectively - and with some synergy - or you won't have impactful data points. However, you want to avoid micro-managing that will exhaust you and build resentment on both sides.

By creating Certainty around expectations, you can provide AUTONOMY by allowing salespeople to take on more responsibility and to experiment with new ideas. But remember - experimentation is a scientific process. We do it with tools, messaging, content - everything.

Experimentation needs evaluation and measurement. We maximize the opportunity for the reward with this driver by ensuring that the system exists, training has been provided, competency validated, and then we can delegate and encourage Autonomy within the system.

Timeline photos 14/12/2020

Did you know? Ambiguity of any kind is perceived as a threat to human beings. We are always trying to predict what is going to happen next. It’s a survival mechanism from when we lived in caves, but that instinct doesn’t go away because we have grocery stores and paychecks.

As managers, when we provide clear expectations we actually allay fear and build confidence for our team.

Timeline photos 09/12/2020

Likeness is not likability.

Likeness is the fourth component of the S.C.A.L.E. and represents the ability to demonstrate relevance.

A mechanism that keeps us safe is the natural tendency to cast things that are new as a threat. If we're not offered some indication of likeness to us, then we tend to move away from it.

When your team, it's not just about explaining a concept but creating the hooks that make the individual see themselves. Make it relevant.

Are you ready to your ?

Timeline photos 08/12/2020

We did it again. . . Pre-Order our newest book "46 Reasons Why Your Cold Calls Fail" now!

Sales veterans, Cory Bray and Hilmon Sorey, tackle the dreaded cold call from the vantage point of having made and listened to hundreds of thousands over the years.

Everyone in sales has read a book on cold calling at some point in their lives. Anyone in a B2B role knows "how" to do it. What most people don't know are the secrets to how to do it effectively.

If you're banging your head against the wall with the latest guru's webinar advice, or tips and tricks online. It's time to take the professional approach and learn what the fastest growing companies in the world already know - it's NOT just a numbers game.

Order yours today! Books ship on December 15th!

Timeline photos 04/12/2020


S → Status → Status is our perception of where we stand in relation to our peers.
C → Certainty → Ambiguity of any kind is also perceived as a threat to human beings.
A → Autonomy → You want to tee up your folks for success.
L → Likeness → Likeness is not likability; it represents the ability to demonstrate relevance.
E → Equity → Equitable exchange means that each side is receiving something.

Timeline photos 02/12/2020

Human interaction is always subject to the interpretation of the individuals involved. Our framework S.C.A.L.E. allows for your team to communicate effectively when discussing complex conversations with a common language.

Timeline photos 01/12/2020

Sales is neither rocket science nor brain surgery. But it’s not easy, and it is, in fact, science.