Health Wellness Nuggets

Health Wellness Nuggets

The information given are just little nuggets that can help with health awareness. This information


Love is healing. So, spend some time with others showing you care.


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Stay healthy while sharing your love.


Do you take any Ole vitamins or you do your research first. I did. I take food based vitamins and they have been very effective over the 21 years I have been on them. Make sure to include vitamin D because we are not getting enough from the sun.


Hello. Don't be in a rush when drying your feet. Get between those toes. Every once in a while do a deep cleaning under those nails and the base and sides of each toe. You may be surprised that your stinky feet is not so sting after doing so.


Hi everyone. If you have ever had to scrub dark discoloration from your toothbrush holder, you may scrub it less from now on. After brushing, rinse the toothbrush from the bristles to the bottom of the toothbrush for a few seconds, rubbing as you rinse. You will notice in the days to come, that the toothbrush holder stays clean longer and you spend less time cleaning the holder.


When you bathe and you are rinsing off the soap. If it feels silky smoothe, keep rinsing. The soap that remains will cause you to itch and affect you. So rinse until friction occurs. Moisten your skin after to get that silky softness you desire.


It is very healthy to give children chores. They learn discipline, self control and how to be great team players. I have seen the spoiled and the disciplined children. They are now adults and the disciplined ones are living on their own and the spoiled ones still depends on others for basic necessities. I am not talking about asking for assistance once in a while. I mean they still live at home with their parents like children. So, give children chores and let them begin to learn responsibilities. They will love you for it in the long run.


It is very important to touch. Physical touch like a hug is very therapeutic. Try it now!


Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Sometimes the things you do that makes you happy, are expensive. But there are ways around that cost, wherein you can do what you love without burning a hole in your pocket. So, look for ways to do what makes you happy but the inexpensive version. Say you love baking cakes but the ingredients is costly. Maybe for now, buying a 99 cent box of cake mix, get eggs and margarine, will fulfill that love until you can afford to make it from scratch.


Covenanted marriage is very healthy- God, one man and one woman.


You cannot remove body parts to change who you are. You can only do that to pretend to be someone you are not.


Hello. Did you know that hydrogen peroxide has a lot of uses? From cleaning your home to caring for your body. It is great to clean your sink and bathtub, and great for softening those rough heels. It is great for any kind of itch like from a mosquito. It is great to get rid of dark spots on your skin. Check it out. Just saying because It's been tried and proven true.


If you find yourself gaining weight regularly, do not go out and buy larger sizes. Buy maybe one size up but work towards the size you were in and then work to one size below that size. Otherwise, you will keep buying larger size clothes to feel comfortable and by the time you realize that you are overweight or obese, it would be too late. Your upper body weighs a lot and pretty soon you will have knee problems plus other health issues that are preventable. I have 3 sizes and when I find that I am going up and not down, I change my habits and routine. We are not made to be sedentary. Adam was in a garden to tend it- manual labor.


If you rinse a bloody cloth like from a nose bleed, in cold water, the blood comes out; but in warm, the blood leaves a stain. So get the water as cold as you can.


Good things and bad things can cause stress. So take care of yourself and make time to be stress free.


Hello. I thought that I had nail disease. But I spoke with a friend that worked with a dermatologist and right away she asked me if I wore gloves when I do household cleaning. I said no. She said the cleaning agents were damaging my nails and I should were gloves. I did. It's been many years now and my nails look awesome.


One day, I offered a gentleman a straw along with his water. He said no thank, I do not use straws; too much air and it gives me gas. I learned something about straws that night.


Welcome to my Health Wellness Nuggets page. Here, we will be learning together.
