Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure

Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure

Would you like to be able to recognise edible plants and wild vegetables in natural forest environme

The Finnish natural environment has more to offer than walks in the forest and swims in the lakes. Thick forests, winding countryside paths, home gardens, lake shores, but also green areas in and around cities can offer delicious and healthy edible wild plants and vegetables. COURSES CONTENT:

We propose beginner and more advanced courses to help people build confidence and competence easily, and


Winter is ending, snow is melting and spring is arriving 😀 And this means that soon, delicious, tender, wild edible plants will sprout!

Severine and Lilie will hold wild food foraging courses, as soon as the plants are coming out, on Fridays and Saturdays in May and June 2022. We will keep you updated on the exact beginning of the courses but we can already give you preliminary dates:


Which dates would you be interested in joining?

Lilie & Severine

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 04/06/2021

Does you know this beautiful flower ? And her uses ? Right now, ice-cream, liqueur and marmelade are in process 😌

• Flowers can be made into donuts with a sweet dough.

But the main use is to recover their scent by infusing them in:

• Milk, like vanilla, to prepare creams.

• Still like vanilla to flavor sugar.

• The flowers macerated in alcohol, give a superb liquor; take an unscented alcohol to fully enjoy the scent of lilac.

• They can also be macerated in wine to make a liqueur.

• Simply infused in water, they make a syrup.

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 28/05/2021

Last saturday's course in Kaukajärvi, Tampere. Plants were abundant, growing fast, and foragers were happy! Came little friends along the way, here is a little frog :) Thank you to all the participants!! 🌳🐌🐞🌱🌿☘️🍃🥗🍽

Viime lauantaina kurssi Kaukajärvellä, Tampereella. Kasveja oli runsaasti, ja aikuiset sekä lapset olivat onnellisia! Tuli pientä ystävää matkan varrella, täällä on pikku sammakko :) Kiitos kaikille osallistujille!! 🌳🐌🐞🌱🌿☘️🍃🥗🍽


Natural herbal tea: dandelion flowers, meadowsweet leaves, yarrow leaves, ground ivy. This is one combination, but you can be creative and make up your own herbal tea recipes. This one taste a bit sweet due to the natural sweetness of the dandelion flowers, and a bit minty thanks to the ground ivy 🌻🏵️🌱🌿🍵☕

Luonnollinen yrttitee: voikukan kukka, mesiangervon lehti, siankärsämö, maahumala. Tämä on yksi yhdistelmä, m***a voit olla luova ja valmistaa oma yrttitee-reseptejä. Tuo maistuu hieman makealta voikukankukkien luonnollisen makeuden ja hieman mintuttiselta maahumala takia 🌻🏵️🌱🌿🍵☕


We organize at your request family foraging in your neighborhood from 3 families, ask us.
we also organize family foraging on fixed dates.

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 25/05/2021

Dandelion: the super plant where everything is edible: leaves (here cooked), buds and flowers, and roots (here fried with thyme). Leaves tastes like like a green vegetable, buds have a refined silky textures, flowers are delicate, roots are crunchy and almost have a meaty flavour. Magical plant, and highly available and free!! 🌿🍃🌱🥗🍽️

Voikukka: super-kasvi, kaikki on syöttävä: lehdet (tässä paistettu), nuput ja kukat, ja juuret (tässä paistettu timjamin kanssa). Mahtava kasvi, runsasti saatavilla ja ilmainen!! 🌿🍃🌱🥗🍽️



Foraging with Children

Giving children a memorable experience helps them connect with plants.
As the leader, you set the example by your attitude toward plants and especially by eating them.
Children need to know that some things are poisonous, but certainly not everything. Before allowing them to eat something, help them get to know it and to look around to see what other plants might look like it.

Working with children is often not very different from working with adults. Attuning to plants involves using the senses, beginning with observation and looking for any distinctive features.

Start by helping children realize they are not just green things. Each one has a feature that makes them unique, just like each one of them is unique.
Scavenger hunts that include finding plants with specific features, such as flower colors, leaf shapes, or types of fruits can help children become familiar with plant characteristics.

Other activities that can help children attune to plants include:
Seed dispersal—to become familiar with different types of fruits
Leaf rubbings—to distinguish between leaf shapes and leaf veins
Sensory activities—using the senses of smell, touch, and taste when appropriate


We Inform the children that there are a lot of plants that might look like the ones they know, but they may not be edible. Let them know that unless they are with an adult who can positively identify the plant, it’s best not to eat anything growing wild. Also, we caution them about where to pick and not to pick. They may be able to identify the plant but not realize they can’t just pick anywhere.

Thank you photo Gareth Williams - Sept 2011 - Juvenile Hunter Gatherers and extrait Vickie Shufer. « The Everything Guide to Foraging."


Happy foraging😊: yarrow (younger and older), ladies' mantle, lesser celandine (!! can only be eaten young in early spring, and without the flower! The plant is toxic when older. Here is the flower so you can recognise the plant), ground ivy, nettle 🌿🌱🍃🥗🍽️

Iloinen kerääminen 😊: siankärsämö (nuorempi ja vanhempi), poimulehti, mukalaleinikki (!! Vain syötävä nuorena ja ilman kukkaa, kevään alussa. Vanhempi kasvi on myrkyllinen. Tässä kuvassa on kukat jotta te tunnitsette kasvia), maahumala, nokkonen 🌿🌱🍃🥗🍽️

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 22/05/2021

Foraging alchemilla🌱🌿🥗

Poimulehden kerääminen 🌿🌱🥗

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 21/05/2021

Colourful spring salads composed of a variety of wild greens (dandelion, yarrow, meadowsweet, ground ivy, birch catkin, pine cone buds, pansy), potatoes, eggs, olives, shallot, and French vinaigrette dressing 🌿🌱🌲🌿🌼🏵️🌸🥗🍽️

Värikkäitä kevätsalaatteja, jossa on erilaisia luonnonkasveja (voikukka, siankärsämö, mesiangervo, koivun urpu, kuusen kävyn nuppu, orvokki), perunoita, kananmunia, oliveija, salottisipulia, ranskalainen vinaigrette-kastike 🌿🌱🌲🌿🌼🏵️🌸🥗🍽️

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 19/05/2021

Quiche prepared with nettles, dandelions, and yarrow, served with a few fresh leaves of dandelion and yarrow 🌿🥗🥮🍕🍽️

Nokkosilla, voikukilla, siankärsämöllä valmistettu piirakka, tarjoiltu muutamaan tuoreen voikukka- ja siankärsämölehtien kanssa🌿🥗🥮🍕🍽️


Fireweed and gyromite sauce

Maitohorsma ja korvasienikastiketta

Kiitos kuvasta Merituuli Hemilä
Thank you for the picture Merituuli Hemilä

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 17/05/2021

Kesä tuli yhtäkkiä Suomessa, ja nyt on täydellinen aika mennä keräämään villiruokaa! Metsät ja polut ovat peitetty vuohenputkien, nokkosien, voikukkien, maahumalan ja monien muiden herkullisten syötäviä villikasveja! Ilo Ilo!! 😃🌱🌿☘️🍃🍽🥣

Summer came suddenly in Finland, now is the perfect time to go and forage wild food! The woods and paths are covered with tender ground elder, nettles, dandelions, ground ivy, and many other delicious wild edible plants!! Joy Joy!! 😃🌱🌿☘️🍃🍽🥣

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 16/05/2021

Welcome to families and everyone, picking is for all ages 😁In photo a young man who feasts on a slice of egopod in our last foraging adventure event. Children are free of charge if accompanied by an adult.

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 16/05/2021

Morels are edible wild mushrooms prized for these flavor, texture and shape make these star wild mushrooms the star , i explained how to preserve these favored fungi by drying them, so you can enjoy at any time. 3 methods.
Dry morels at home is easy and can be stored in glass containers at room temperature for one year. Once dried, you simply re-hydrate them to use in recipes like sautéed morels, sauce with cream, cheese to make own morel-cheese, soup or vegetarian broth.

Method 1: Air-Dry Morels
For this method, you don't need any equipment. The morels are strung together and then hung to air dry. You will need a large darning needle and cotton quilting thread.Thread the needle and string cleaned morels lengthwise, knotting the thread/floss at each end of each morel mushroom to keep them in place; leave at least 1/2 inch between each morel so plenty of air can circulate around each mushroom. Hang the strings of morels in a cool, dry place until they are completely dry and brittle, at least 2 days and up to a week.

Method 2: Oven-Dry Morels
If you don't mind keeping your oven on a very low setting for several hours. Remove the racks from the oven and use quilting thread, coat button thread to tie morels by the stem to the oven racks so the morels are hanging down from the racks. Whether hanging them from the oven racks, you need to heat the oven to 50 • to 60 • and let morels sit until they are completely dry and brittle—about 8 hours.

Method 3: Use a Food Dehydrator
Lay them in a single layer on the racks. Set the dehydrator to 40• and dry for about 10 hours.

Rehydrate Dried Morels
Dried morels are easy to rehydrate. Simply put the amount you want to use in a bowl and cover with boil water. Let sit until the morels are soft and pliable, about 20 minutes. Reserve the soaking liquid to use in the dish you're cooking, or use as a jump-start to making vegetarian broth if you like.


Today, Mother Nature was generous and was magnificent, we did our shopping in nature, lots of choice and flavor. The plate’s of the day 100 wild: pan-fried dandelion buds, achilles millefolium, plantain, egopod, birch kitten, young pine cone, land ivy, rumex and nettles. there are still places available for next week during the beginners courses. Welcome 😎🤞🐿

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 14/05/2021

Today mother nature was generous to us 🥰🥳😌, Morchella ( Morel)
Maybe we will also be tomorrow at the foraging course 🤞. Welcome to this time of sharing with us.

Morels mushrooms are wild mushrooms that come in any color from cream to gray to brown to almost black, highly prized and easily recognised, the morel is one of favourite edible mushroom. It has a strong, nutty flavour and finest, earthy smell and grows in a variety of habitats, including well-drained woodland. But beware, it is poisonous when raw, must always be cooked before consumption or dry. This simple sautée morel mushroom recipe is made with only three ingredient : fresh morels, butter ( not oil!) , and sea salt, Serve them with anything you want, the best for me, is just enjoy this delicacy on its own. Can be eat also in Risotto, in sauce cream...I dry some for Christmas sauce.

The species has been found to have medicinal properties, including anti-tumour and antiviral effects, immune-regularity properties and fatigue resistance. Morels have been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat indigestion, excessive phlegm and shortness of breath. In wider Asia, they are used to produce enzymes which act as a food preservative.

Photos from Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure's post 13/05/2021

Extraordinary Nettle, one of the most super food of the saison, in picture a nettle juice, thank you Phillipe Gason for this picture, nettle can be use in soup, smoothie, pesto, risotto, bread, tarte...learn to recognize Nettle, cook them in course beginners 1 and the most important point know how to pick them at the right time, before they lose some of their flavor and property.

Nettle Contains Many Nutrients including :

Vitamins: Vitamins A, C, K and B vitamins
Minerals: Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium
All essentiel amino acids

In addition of super food, nettle in plant medicine treat :
Reduce Inflammation, Help in Prostate Symptoms, Fever, enuresis, lower Blood Pressure, Aid Blood Sugar Control, anemia.

Nokkosvohvelit sinileima Emmentalilla | Kuusamon Juusto 11/05/2021

Nokkosvohvelit sinileima Emmentalilla | Kuusamon Juusto Keväisin maasta nousee monia herkullisia kasveja, jotka antavat perinteisiin ruokiin mukavaa vaihtelua. Nokkonen maustaa vohvelit sinileima Emmentalin kanssa kevään herkullisimmaksi yhdistelmäksi.


An example of an exquisite, nutritious and vegan meal prepared with wild food picked up in the morning, and love 😁
