Adam R Long

Adam R Long

This page is about helping people along the way! Sometimes in life we don't know which way to go until someone comes along and helps us.

It is at this point we can take the advise or leave it
Luke 10:25-37


So today I had to deal with one of the most painful experiences I have ever had…and I’ve birthed 3 children naturally 😅

I started out with slight discomfort in my side and ignored it. Over the course of a half hour it got steadily worse until it took my breath away. It felt as if my right o***y had exploded and the pain was almost unbearable.

For the next 30 minutes I couldn’t even stand up straight and could barely communicate to my older daughter to call my husband to come home from work it was so bad.

During the height of the pain, I asked my daughter to bring my Suthe CBD spray. I took double the dose and thankfully after 15ish minutes the pain subsided and I could breathe again.

It steadily continued to subside until it was just a dull ache.

After talking with medical staff, we concluded it was an ovarian cyst that had ruptured.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that the CBD spray helped with the pain and made it happen FAST.

I already use the CBD along with a few other of our products for PMDD symptoms and will never go anywhere without it, especially since it’s such an easy thing to keep in my bag.

If you typically take an aspirin or similar for pain relief, I highly recommend getting with whomever invited you to this group and trying the Suthe.


Happy Fathers Day!


My friend, Holly! She fell in love with our products as a customer and decided to bring that gift to her friends and she joined Tranont! Here's her testimony about the products!
These pictures share a story……
A literal transformation from the inside out.❤️

➡️ The woman on the right was EXHAUSTED.
She was burning the candle on both ends.
She was working way too many hours for little pay.
She’d leave her 9-3, go to soccer games and volleyball practices, and then came home to work in her office.

She’d spend her weekends working, while her kids and husband were out and gone w/o her.
She could never turn her brain off long enough to actually get decent sleep.
She had lost her joy.
She had lost her passion.
She felt like a robot just making it through each day.

➡️ The woman on the left finally takes care of HERSELF.
She gets a full night of sleep every night.
She wakes up rested and happy.
She spends time going on walks w/ her family around the neighborhood.
She enjoys time out in the backyard swinging, or playing w/ her puppy.
She plays pool at night and enjoys bonfires w/ her family.

She hasn’t had coffee in 2 months,
But still has energy all day and doesn’t need a nap by lunchtime anymore.
She’s less stressed.
She is truly HAPPY.

It’s not some fad that’ll fade.
It’s not the latest way to make money.

It’s truly CHANGING LIVES - my own included.❤️


😂😂😂😂 So true!!

Photos from Adam R Long's post 21/05/2023

Ticks?! Yes - Gross. But Lyme Disease is no joke. Have any tips on repelling ticks for humans and animals - please share

Photos from Adam R Long's post 18/05/2023

Anita’s testimony!!

A picture is worth a 1000 words!

This is ONLY after 38 days using Tranont’s all in one serum, Rejuvenate morning and night and 1 shot of Glow liquid Collagen daily!

I'm SO SO happy and impressed with these products! 😁❤️

I think the pictures Don't even do it's full justice!
I keep looking at my skin and it's so noticeably Plumper, Tighter, hydrated, brighter, feels so smooth like silk!

My laugh lines are plumped up, my undereye also doesn't feel and look so hallow but more plump, dark undereyes going away, my droopie eyelids and loose eyelid skin is getting tighter and more lifted. I absolutely hated my eyelids before and was seriously considering more drastic treatment!

So THANK YOU! THANK YOU Glow and Rejuvenate! Hello all natural Botox and face lift!

“The road to good health is paved with good intestines” 03/05/2023

“The road to good health is paved with good intestines” Hippocrates had it right in 460 BCE when he thought that ALL DISEASE BEGINS IN THE GUT. So I was driving to the office when I passed a sign on a business that read “the road to good health is paved with good intestines”. This had me thinking how very true that statement is and how little we disc...


Stop doubting yourself. Work hard and make it happen


Collagen Testimony-

have been dealing with alot of dark spots and dry skin in the back of my legs for quite some time now.😧

My wife introduce me to advanced type 1 collagen formula. It rebuilds and rejuvenating hair, skin, and nails.💪

Glow uses type 1 collagen to support healthy bones, muscles, organs, skin, and more. As we age, our ability to produce collagen begins to wane. Glow helps your body maintain its collagen levels and enjoy all the benefits that come with it.😊


What do brazil nuts and prostrate cancer have in common?

Well I learned this week that brazil nuts carry a trace mineral called Selenium.

Selenium if your deficient in can cause some real problems.
Selenium helps 🥷 fight
1.cancer in the lungs 🫁
2cancer in the prostrate
3. Helps fight dementia 🧠
4 helps with cardiovascular and fights against strokes
5. It also detoxification of mercury.

It is known as a free radical and the nuts are normally free from sulfer.

The great part is you only need 50-70 micro grams to keep your levels where you need them. That normally equals 1 🥜 or maybe half a nut 🥜 a day.

⚠️there is a danger of having to much selenium SO be careful⚠️

Thank you for reading and learning with me. Have a great day!

How I learned about selenium if your interested.

🎥I have a YouTube channel that I have started teaching people what I have learned.

Dr. Oz teaches about Gut Health


Get in the game!
I’m in digital marketing. Let me know if you need help and I can point you in the right direction.


My friend Rees has struggled with hormonal acne since she was 12 years old and nothing ever worked!

3 months ago she started using my one step skin care product and now her skin looks amazing ❤️🥹

Check it out for yourself. Do you want to get rid of wrinkles, acne, and saggy skin. Message me! 


Are you a “Do” goal setter, or are you a “Who” goal setter?

I know you have questions to what I’m talking about. I will be posting on IG what I’m talking about tomorrow 10/21


If you live each day as if it was your last.
Someday you will most certainly be right!

Steve Jobs


Liquid Collagen is amazing!! It is medical grade type 1&3 with Hydolized Peptides and helps with a number of things. If you want better HAIR, SKIN, and NAILS this is the answer.
For the men out there if you have lingering problems with joints and muscle repair. Collagen is the ANSWER! I am 45 and it has helped me a ton.


Videos (show all)

When your in a truck from sun rise to sun set this is what it looks like most of the time. #truckerlife
