Elijah Lippert For City Council Easton, MN.

Elijah Lippert For City Council Easton, MN.

I'm Elijah Lippert. I'm running for City Council in Easton, MN. I'm humbly asking for support, and f


To all who it may concern. I have been very busy with work and 3 kids so haven't given park bathrooms a good cleaning yet. I am however planning to do a good deep clean this weekend. Also been stopping to flush toilets multiple times because people aren't flushing. It's a lot to keep up with but I take my council position seriously and my job in charge of parks and rec I will be doing a good clean this weekend.


"Our cow bertha wasn't feeling good so last night, my son went outside to spend time with her. I woke up this morning and found this."


Teachers are the best.


I'm now officially sworn in as a member of city council in Easton, and will be in charge of parks and rec.


After having a full day plus to let it sink in and think about , I'm extremely gracious, humbled, and blessed to start my term on city council in January And I will work hard for all the people of Easton during my time on council. Thank you all for your vote of confidence and I look forward to serving the people of Easton for four years and hopefully longer.


Thank you to everyone who came to my election party. And a huge thank you to everyone in Easton who voted for me and are putting their faith in me to be your next councilman. I'm super excited to represent the people of great city of Easton. Thank you all I'm truly humbled and honored.


Remember to get out and vote today! It's a huge day for the direction of our state and our country! Get out there and vote.


As we are just now 6 days away from election day I want to take the time to thank my family, friends, anyone who voted early that voted for me, anyone who has spread the word for me that I'm running etc. And the people that have taken time to talk to m when I've door knocked thank you all for the support and I'm very humbles by it all. Thank you. A


Receipt of Responses for LWV Voters' Guide

Dear Elijah Lippert,

Thank you for replying to our nonpartisan voters' guide for the 2022 election cycle. We appreciate your participation. Voters will benefit from hearing directly from you in your own words. Here is a copy of your submission:

Electoral Race: Easton City Council Member

[email protected]

29 5th ST PO Box 131
Easton, MN, 56025

Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)
I'm a young 30 year old man, husband, father, and leader. I'm raising my family in the great community of Easton. My wife, Dixie (3), Maverick (1), and myself love the town and community of Easton, and I want to be involved in local politics. I also think I have the experience, I've been a delegate for local Faribault County Conventions as well as both CD-1 and state conventions. I've also helped door knock for two different candidates. One for CD-1 and one for Minnesota House seat. Also my grandpa was a state senator for 30 years. I love my community and I think we need more young elected officials being active. Also I think change starts at the local politics level, the grassroots level etc.

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)
1.) I will always have an open door policy. If I win it'll be a we win. Meaning anybody in Easton, anybody who helped get me elected, etc. Will win and I will always take questions, phone calls etc. and address any concerns or needs of my community. 2.) I'd like to make auto pay an option for utilities rather then always using an envelope and stamp to mail it. 3.) Lead when the time calls and hen something needs to be addressed.

How will you work with your community to promote public safety in our neighborhoods? (500 characters)
Though I don't believe this necessarily falls on city council members I will always defend our cops, firefighters, first responders, etc. Though not every cop is perfect and some have made terrible mistakes in bigger cities, I typically stand with law enforcement and appreciate what they do. I will let them know I'm willing to promote/ speak on their behalf if they need something etc. I think having a steady law enforcement presence is how we keep our community safe.

Elijah Lippert For City Council Easton, MN. I'm Elijah Lippert. I'm running for City Council in Easton, MN. I'm humbly asking for support, and for prayers as I run. There will be a post with more points about who I am etc. Thank you in advance for your support.


If I'm Elected it'll be a We Victory.


A short video about who I am, why I'm running, etc.


Elijah Lippert For City Council Easton, MN
Grew up on 7-acre hobby farm 5 miles North of Easton 9 brothers and sisters Grandpa Charles Berg Sr. Was a state senator for 30 years. Love for politics since I was young. Want to be a young, involved voice on city council Congressional District 1 Convention delegate twice State convention delegate once, and seated alternate once Helped Door knock for Representative Bjorn Olson Live in Easton with my Lovely wife of 4 plus years and two lovely children Dixie (3) and Maverick (1) Works for dad and the family business Treasurer/ Secretary for CD- 1 Young Republicans Heavily involved in Faribault County BPOU Recommended to the state by BPOU
I already have some political experiences and want to continue to be involved. I firmly believe that grassroots politics and politics in general starts at a local level. I believe we need more young conservative minded people on our local councils, school boards, etc. I humbly ask for your support as well as your prayers as I run for City Council in Easton. Thank you all.
