

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from thebirthgroup, Pregnancy Care Center, .


This week it is with the theme of loneliness.

From a pregnancy / birth / or motherhood perspective i feel that the absence of connection can often fuel loneliness.

Disconnecting from our experiences, lives and people that are part of that is so easily done. When we disconnect out thoughts will often highlight and deepen the hole that is created.

Disconnection then turns the visious cycle of challenging thoughts > challenging emotion > thoughts > emotions… and on it goes.

Living within the stories and destructive pictures our mind sometimes creates can often cause one to feel alone in their experiences and alone in life.

Connection is my medicine, and it can be yours too.

Follow the link on our bio to join our online workshop in on monday night


Is it just me, or does anyone else long for the freedom & spontaneity pre babies?

This thought can lead me down a spiral of bitterness and resentment and i find myself in a mindset that is tired and snappy.

Welcome guilt.

But then when i have time away from them at work or the few times i allow myself to do something fun I find myself missing the cuddles and the cheeky chatter and the days we have together.

I realise that i am connecting to the wrong thing at the wrong time. When I am with them all i need to be is connected to them in that moment - without them i need to connect to my time away and see it as the free space i need and long for.

If i did that i am certain I would be able to disconnect from some guilt.

>Does this resonate with you?

>How do you find yourself in those moments?
>What guilt are you harbouring and how can connection support you?

Drop us a message or follow the link in bio to join one of our classes/one to one sessions. We are here to hold space for all these questions!


Connection is life.

It has become easy for some to unconsciously slip into disconnection. Through our busy modern lives, people have been conditioned to grin and bare it and get on. This acts as a distraction from exploring and embracing the way one feels towards pregnant life and, in turn birth and parenthood.

How can you find a way to deeply connect to pregnant life without fear?

Check out our blog (link in bio) on connection to explore what connection means to you right now.


Pregnancy is a truly special and unique time – a time of transition when your energies are directed to a new life and evolving into a new version of yourself.

Childbirth can seem like a daunting task that is holding you back from loving every moment of being pregnant.

This is why our founding midwife and life coach Vicky has created a hypnobirthing mindset transformation programme, that works on shifting the stress and fear for good.

Our program allows a more personalised approach to birth preparation, with a focus on your emotional well-being, thoughts and dreams for your birth. It also works on strengthening your bond to your birth partner so that you can navigate your experience with ease and confidence together.

Drop a DM anytime or book a FREE 30 min consultation with Vicky to see if you might want to work with us!


Partner with the people that are on this journey with you, your partner, friends, family and healthcare professionals. Let them in. Share the learning you are receiving from doing the inner work. Express your vulnerability and allow them to support you better. They will not know how to do this unless you let them in and show them.

The time is now.

Here are some of our favourite charities that you can reach for support -

Follow the link in our bio to book one of our classes and let's see if we can begin this journey together. We cant wait to meet you.


I didn't really appreciate how much of an emotional rollercoaster the postnatal period was until I had my first daughter.

Mainly due to a troublesome tongue tie I spent the first 3 months of motherhood in agony, constantly doubting my abilities and wondering if I would ever be happy in this new life.

Did I have postnatal depression? Who knows because I didn’t open up about how I truly felt to anyone like many women. Occasionally I would share a segment of my experience with a trusted few - but no one ever got the whole picture or whole story of the thoughts that cascaded within my mind.

And so, if we want to start breaking down the stigma of postnatal emotional & mental health, we just need to start opening up.

So if you are reading this at anypoint through your pregnancy or motherhood journey - I invite you to take a bold leap of faith and let someone in.

Open your heart a little bit more - maybe in one go or little by little. Just try. It is only when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable that the people around us really see us.

If you ever need a partner on your journey - we are here for you.


This week marks Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week. Dedicated to talking about mental illness during pregnancy or after having a baby.

Every day this week will be exploring how we use connection to help our mental health during this time.

Check out our stories & videos for our perspective on what maternal mental health means and how we will be focusing on sharing insights tips on improving your well-being this week.


Connection during this transitional phase in your life is everything, it runs through all stages of the experience and appears in many different forms.

This May, we will be exploring connection and what it might look and feel like.

Add us to your favorites if you would like to journey with us this month as we explore connection through pregnancy, birth, and parenthood.


Your intuition is a powerful tool when supporting yourself and your partner during pregnancy and birth.

We want it to become accessible for all during pregnancy!

Follow the link in our bio to book one of our classes.

We can't wait to start sharing what we've found to make pregnancy a beautiful experience for everyone involved.

Photos from thebirthgroup's post 28/04/2022

Share these tips with the person who is supporting you through your pregnancy and will be with you during the birth 💖

Which one resonates with you the most?


Pregnant women often share with me their worries about the unknown. They sometimes ask how they will make a decision on something they originally hadn’t planned for, like an emergency cesarean section.

This is where our intuition can support us in making decisions.

Tuning into an intuitive mindset creates space for deep peace. You are regulating your nervous system which would quieten down your critical fearful mind and allow the whisper of your intuitive knowing to be heard.

From this state you can effectively share what you need from a place of confidence and trust that you are the expert in you. You can enter into a mutual conversation and collaboration with the people who are supporting you rather than battle them.

Follow the link in our bio to book into one our of our classes or monthly online zoom workshops.


We've been led to believe that only the medical team can confirm the wellbeing of our growing baby through scans and checks of the heartbeat through the antenatal appointments.

Trust in your knowledge as a mother. Listen to what it is telling you. Allow this to be the compass you base the direction of your journey on, not just the insights of the people around you.

What do you know about your mind, body, and baby?

What do you feel your mind, body and baby is telling you?

Drop a comment below and tell us about a moment in your pregnancy you felt this intution. We always love hearing from you!



As a midwife I rely a lot on my intuition.

When I walk into a birthing room I quieten my mind and practice presence. This enables me to guide my clients through the birthing process.

A birth partner can do the same. In fact, they can do this better than any midwife or doctor because they have a bond and deep connection with the birthing woman.

What do you know about your partner that no one else knows?

What are you doing instinctively through the pregnancy to support her?

Your inner knowledge is more powerful than you may think.

Our DMs are always open if you have any questions about how you might start this inutative journey. Or drop a comment below and say hello!



What if I told you that every answer to every question you have about birth is within you?

When we get pregnant, we can become so consumed with finding out all the things we don't know about the experience ahead. Some believe the facts will make you more prepared, but the facts alone will not improve your ability to give birth to your baby.

Intuition is a deep sense of knowing without an analytical process. Pregnancy offers the opportunity for your rational mind and intuitive sense to start working together to enable you to make.

clear decisions,
have more trust in the process,
build your confidence and inner knowing of your abilities

All of this opens you up to greater possibility and expansiveness.

Follow the link in our bio to book one of our classes. We cant wait to meet you.


The subjects of tonight’s call at 8pm… it’s not to late to join.

Shower some valentines love on yourself tonight. Birth partners also welcome.

Link in bio to book.

Photos from thebirthgroup's post 13/02/2022

Breathing effectively is one of first coping strategies for birth …. Fact.

Ironically we are often unaware of how we are breathing and the impact it has on our body ….. and therefore our thoughts and emotions.

So if you would like to explore how you can become more conscious of your breath and learn a breathing technique to use everyday to support your well-being and of course birth ….. then 🤰🏻join me tomorrow night for our next conscious pregnancy session🤰🏽

The focus on Monday will be

✨Explore the thoughts and judgments you have about your pregnancy and the upcoming birth.
✨Gain insight on the impact this is having on you.
✨ Learn how you can adapt your thinking into one that supports the vision for your life and birth.
✨ Experience a breathing technique that will support your pregnancy and birth experience.
✨Connect with other like minded families.
✨Guided relaxation.

Link in bio to book your spot!


How many thoughts have you got ruminating in your head right now about something you are going through in pregnancy?

Maybe you are plagued by not so helpful thoughts about the birth that are keeping you up at night or stopping you from enjoying things?

This is soooo common. We all do it! We get obsessed about having something a particular way ….or go so far down the rabbit hole of what might happen we don’t even realise the MASSIVE impact this is having on our well-being.

So if you want to make some sense of these thoughts join me on Monday 14th 8-9:30pm on zoom for our next conscious pregnancy session with a focus on:
✨well-being coaching
✨exploring those rabbit hole thought patterns
✨ learning a breathing technique that will support your pregnancy and birth experience
✨connecting with other like minded families
✨guided relaxation

Link in bio to book your spot!


This is for anyone who like me has woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

Wren kept me up for two hours last night and P woke me this morning screaming 😫 oh and defo heading into winter full flow .

I am SO AWARE of my emotions in this moment. Pure victim mode… why me… why can’t I get one decent nights sleep… why is it so hard???

SO using my trusty morning mantra to CHOOSE to let it go.

Repeat repeat repeat until the emotion shifts…

Today will be a great day.

Big love 💕


What are you doing tonight? At 8pm?

Do you have a dream of how you want your birth to be. But... fear of the unknown or other people’s negative experiences are whirling around in your mind?

Do you feel like you want to get out of your head and sink more into your heart and body?

Do you find you can't seem to stop overthinking or wanting to control how things will play out?

Do you know you want to start doing things to get yourself in a better headspace, but you lack the motivation to start or get sucked into procrastination?

THEN JOIN ME TONIGHT in my Conscious Pregnancy session on Zoom
-Step into your dream vision or your birth
-create a compassionate space to connect deeper with yourself and your growing baby
- Release your doubts
- Embrace practices to support your vision.

All for just £30!!!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Link in bio to book!


What are you looking for in your antenatal preparation?

Honest explanations?
A different perspective?
Answers to your questions?
An insight into the reality of giving birth?

You are in luck because that is what we offer 🙌🏽

DON’T JUST JOIN AN ANTENATAL CLASS TO MAKE FRIENDS. There are so many ways now you can speed date mummy friends.

Choose a group that is going to meet your knowledge needs. Join a group that you can trust. Join a group that sees you as an individual and genuinely cares about your well-being.

Join THE BIRTH GROUP💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Click the link in our bio to check out our upcoming groups.



It feels sooo good to be back on the insta! I had to tap out for sometime because since September I really felt the need to retreat, hibernate, take stock and rest.

But I’m back!!!

Renewed energy 🤩🤩🤩🤩😔

Vitality ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Purpose 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

Got some new projects starting and looking forward to spreading the love and excitement with you all.


We remember together 🕯


This is just one of many times on our parenting journey that can shine a light on how we judge ourselves for our actions and experiences.

You do not have to punish yourself going down a different motherhood route.

You are not a bad mother or parent because you did not breastfeed.

The way you feed / fed your baby does not represent how much you love your child or how good a job you are doing.

Your body did not fail you. You have not failed.

🤍Let’s choose to use these feelings as a stimulus to shower love on ourselves and show ourselves the compassion we deserve.

Use the low times to stimulate healing and release shame by allowing the unspeakable to have a voice.

“Numb the dark and you numb the light” Brene Brown.

✨I try my best every day.
✨I love my children more than anything.
✨Perfection is not achievable or real.
✨I celebrate my imperfections.
✨I release caring what other people think of me.
✨I choose not to compare myself to others.
✨no one judges me for the decisions I make.
✨Failure is the route to growth.
✨I love myself for being brave and trying.

Photos from thebirthgroup's post 02/08/2021

My initiation to breastfeeding was so frigging hard.

Despite starting out ok Pia was not putting on weight and she had an extremely stubborn tongue tie which meant feeding was so painful and we introduced top ups on day 5.

In this time I hit rock bottom. This was not the dream of motherhood that I had envisioned. Every time I pumped I felt like a failure and that my body was not strong enough to support my baby. I felt very alone despite having incredible support from my partner & midwives. The nerve damage pain was excruciating after the feeds and just wanted to fling the damn ni**le shields out the window.

The top ups started to work their magic and her tongue tie started to heal, but 3 months in I was still using the shields and having painful feeds.

I remember sitting on my sofa and staring at my healthy baby thinking maybe this is as good as it gets. Maybe I just need to relinquish my quest for the pain free feed. Maybe this is just it is going to be.

I made my peace with my fate.

The very next day I woke with the courage to dedicate the day to loosing the shields. With total calm and no expectation it would work, I confidently put my baby to my naked ni**le, I couldn’t believe it when she latched on…. And stayed on!!! The milk started to flow and off she went for the next 10 mins before needing the shields again. I tried it again at each feed and by the end of the day she did her whole feed on naked b**b.

The next day I noticed the pain ease and my my optimism grow.

6 months later I found myself on this beach, sitting on the sand feeding a sleepy baby. This was the dream that I had envisioned. No one on that beach would know just what a tremendous journey we had been on and what we had overcome.

People would always say to me how well I had done to persevere. I did not see it like that. I have nothing against bottle feeding but I just didn’t see that as part of our life.

I am so grateful for this experience because it showed me my strength resilience and that persistence pays off. It taught me a huge lesson of self compassion which has flowed into the rest of my parenting journey.


It’s shocking that 20-45% of birth people view their birth experience as traumatic in some capacity. Even more worrying is that 1:10 birth partners experience PTSD from a birth experience (This maybe is the more worrying statistic as there is very limited support or awareness about this reality for birth partners).

I have found that listening to your body intelligence and tapping in to what it is showing you can be the medicine and reverse the automatic response our body has to stress anxiety and fear.

🧠 “Thoughts are the language or the brain and feelings are the language of the body” Dr Joe Dispenza

The thoughts based in survival like our problems and worries stimulate an emotional response in our body.

If we notice these emotions and practice using our breathing or other grounding techniques to bring laser focus to that emotional and feel into what it is showing us we can in stick reverse the survival response of fight flight and freeze more easily.

So here is the challenge,
when we notice ourselves being promoted or tipping into that oh so familiar freeze response,
🤚🏽take a couple of slow deep belly breaths,
🤚🏽notice what emotion is coming up,
🤚🏽label it “I am experiencing anger right now” …and …
🤚🏽choose to let it go.

💃🏽 If you can combine Thai with some sort of movement it will really help shift that negative energy that your body is holding on to 🕺🏻

Share your practice with your partner so they are also aware of your emotions and how they can support you to shift into a more restful mindset. It would be brilliant if they can take this practice on for themselves to!

The more you practice the easier it will be next time and the quicker it will pass.

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨The more you practice the easier it will be to use as a tool during your birth experience.


Giving back is so important to us. Recently Emily] ran our first FREE antenatal course for young parents in collaboration with MumsAid].

We are hoping to run the next one soon so if you are aged 21 or less and are expecting you first baby or if you know of someone that would benefit from our support then please send us a DM …..💜

Posted • MumsAid] Being pregnant comes with a lot of unknowns, especially for first time mums. Everything from labour and birth, to how to care for their new little ones.

MumsAid is working with The Birth Group () to offer antenatal classes for young mums via Zoom.

To find out more, DM us or contact Emily] to join

Photos from thebirthgroup's post 06/06/2021

This place was in my home.

This decision was very personal to me. I remember as a student midwife learning about the physiology of labour and thinking it’s a no brainer to birth at home. To be completely comfortable in your own surroundings, have whoever and whatever you want around you.

I had been lucky enough to have worked in a continuity midwifery team before becoming pregnant with P. Here I witnessed the power of women’s abilities AND the power of the environment we create to give birth in.

For both births I spent time raising the energy of my home and ensuring I had everything we needed. These were the most intense and incredible days of my life... I would do it again tomorrow.

I did not have access to stronger forms of pain relief but I was surrounded by my living partner, sister and wonder women midwifery colleagues.

This was a personal journey that was right for me but not for everyone.

One question I would ask is where will you feel most safe and relaxed?


I witnessed the most beautiful birth last night. This is what our room looked like.

Calm, serene, sensual and nurturing.

THIS WAS ON LABOUR WARD ✨✨✨not a home from home birth centre 😱

Fate brought us together and it turned out I had taught the couple Hypnobirthing 2 years before.

Until that point their labour had not been going as intended, anxiety of the unknown was creeping in....

BUT within 30 mins of creating this space ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾 she gave into trust and knowing and her labour started to intensify and we received her beautiful baby with love.

The spaces we give birth in are just 4 walls. We make the difference in the birth space and environment.

Queen Oprah says “you are responsible for the energy you bring into this room”.

We can create a dream labour space that feeds our natural instincts rather than hindering it.

I wonder how long it’s been since this room experienced such beautiful energy. Hoping it will vibrate through the whole labourward space.

Let’s choose to make this positive change in our medical birthing spaces together.


Last week I got myself in a right state.

I felt like nothing was going my way. The kids were aggy as and I was bloody miserable. There was so much washing cleaning work to do and they were just not playing ball.

One moment I sat there and noticed how pants I was feeling.

Why am I letting myself feel like this? I genuinely can choose to not give a f about all of these made up things that I feel so responsible for.

Do I care more about the washing than the needs of my girls? Surely not?!?

When they are older will they care that they had to wear yesterday’s legging because nothing was clean? Will they remember that we ate LOADS of pasta because that was the meal that was easy?

No probs not.

They will however remember me being ratty with them and not being present when they needed me.

These girls have been my biggest teachers. All they want to do or see life is is play. They are not being annoying not getting there shoes and coats on in 2 mins, they are on a magical imaginary adventure, always curious.

Life isn’t meant to be hard or something we struggle through.

The choice to play is ours.
