Author D.R. Hamilton

Author D.R. Hamilton

Author of Angel Spirit of Retribution book available online see my website My intent is to draw others into my delight in life.

I like my ‘different-ness’, and see in my inner mirror a curious creative Bohemian. Figuratively, my soul adventures with the likes of Cussler, Steel, Twain, Dickens, Shakespeare, and the Bronte Sisters, so I write. My heart dances in color with Monet and Da Vinci, so I paint. I incorporate into my fiction, my heritage, law enforcement, archeology, mystical beings, love for cats, life and my garde


Hopefully winter's last attempt at keeping me editing Mysterious Visions of The Mind's Eye.

Photos from Author D.R. Hamilton's post 15/02/2022

Well not only is Diane editing her second book Mysterious Visions of The Mind's Eye but she has undertaken renovating the house too. What can a cat do but supervise? It is very tiring and I am trying to think of what her next move will be. Oh well never a dull moment.
Enjoy your day, I am.

A Tale To Tell – D.R.Hamilton 22/01/2022

I have been keeping a low profile in recent months and no I have not gone to the paranormal world. As previously alluded to, I am doing an in-depth edit of my next novel, Mysterious Visions of The Mind’s Eye. It is time-consuming and requires my total attention and since I am as old as dirt…… well, let’s not go there.

My website has undergone some modifications. I would welcome your insightful comments on the various topics under NETWORKING WITH AUTHOR D.R. HAMILTON and the diverse readings under READINGS BY AUTHOR D.R. HAMILTON.

A Tale To Tell – D.R.Hamilton I like my ‘different-ness’, and see in my inner mirror a curious creative Bohemian. Figuratively, my soul adventures with the likes of Cussler, Steel, Twain, Dickens, Shakespeare and the Bronte Sisters, so I write. My heart dances in color with Monet and Da Vinci, so I paint. My intent is to dra...


I am still here hammering at the editorial stage of Mysterious Visions of the Mind’s Eye. Life has been getting in the way during the last months and undoubtedly will still trip me up in 2022. However, I will not give up and will keep editing my second book, anticipating to release it this year if the stars fall into a rational alignment but what is normal these days.


It's that time of year when trees show their inner beauty. My little tree known as Twiggy is very young but has a prolific autumn blaze panache. She will be going undercover soon to protect her from the snow-blowing mechanical monster and the little nippers known as rabbits.

Photos from Author D.R. Hamilton's post 03/09/2021

This morning the smell of fall is in the air. Looks like the dog days of summer are a thing of the past.


I have been keeping a low profile recently because I’m doing a second edit of Mysterious Visions of The Mind’s Eye. Summer and household tasks have also encroached upon my time but I have taken a momentary break to do another short excerpt from Angel Spirit of Retribution.

Please check it out on my website under “READINGS BY D.R. HAMILTON” located on the first page under the book cover Angel Spirit of Retribution.



ANGEL SPIRIT OF RETRIBUTION has received another excellent review and a five-star rating.

Reviewed by Laura Lyndhurst author of Fairytales Don't Come True

If attention to detail in a story of some length is what you like, then this book is for you. The author has clearly had personal experience of much of what is contained in these pages, or has done a great deal of research into them, or both.

The protagonist, Angel, has been gifted with special powers which he doesn’t completely understand, along with a feline-formed spirit guide named PACHACUTI. He is led into the company of an elite band of special forces, engaged in the task of bringing down an international crime organisation which is itself engaged in drug dealing, money laundering and the theft of important artefacts, to name but a few of its operations. Along with his Harley motorcycle, ‘Wings’ and his van, ‘The Gibby Mobile’, Angel is absorbed into the work of the forces of good, eventually finding love and his true identity on a journey which takes him from Canada to Peru via the USA. Ancient artefacts and paintings, good guys, bad guys and the mystically-gifted Angel, this story has a great deal going through it, and the author is to be commended for her work on a story of which she is clearly, and justifiably, proud.

For me personally it could have been somewhat shorter, as some of the details slowed it down in places. Given what’s at stake in the mission of the forces of law and order, I don’t need to know what they had for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the way. I won’t quibble about that, however, and recommend this book.


Fairytales Don't Come True (Criminal Conversation, #1) This is the author’s first novel the plot is well thought out and the story comes to life as her words take you into their telling of the story. The characters of Mags and Dora are well defined and brought to life as they engage in their tête- a-tête and engaging.

I will keep my comments short; I am not one to reveal too much of the story, that, I leave to the reader to enjoy. Now it is up to all you readers to join Mags as she captivates her friends' attention by narrating her life story. I recommend the book.

Her new books You Know What You Did; Degenerate, Regenerate (Criminal Conversation, #2); All That We Are Heir To (Criminal Conversation, #3) have been well received and obtained a number of 5-star reviews.

Well done Laura, what more can I say about this diversified author as she is also producing a number of 5-star reviews on her poems, October Poems; Thanksgiving Poems & Prose Pieces

I am looking forward to the opportunity of reading her new offerings.


It is taking longer than I thought to review the book a final time prior to its beta read. Summer is getting in the way. I love being outside fiddling in the garden so writing seems to take a back seat.

I will post further developments on my website

May your day be full of sunshine and happiness.


Thanks to Jon the mastermind reader producing another exceptional illustration for the front and back cover of Mysterious Visions of The Mind's Eye. Not an easy task since he had to delve into my convoluted mind to extract my thoughts on what I wanted. Now it is up to me to get in gear, review for a final time book content, and decide on who and when to publish.

I will post further developments on my website

May your day be full of sunshine and happiness.


Good morning
Enjoying my coffee as I stroll through my garden. The poppies have opened and made me smile because they were a long-ago gift from my father. How mysterious as they seem to bloom the day before or on Father's Day. Thanks, Dad you are forever part not only of myself but of my garden.


ANGEL SPIRIT OF RETRIBUTION has received another excellent review and a five-star rating.


Looks like I have finished the final tweaking of Mysterious Visions of The Mind's Eye. Now the heavy lifting begins, getting the manuscript ready for publishing. Oh, what fun 🙄🙄


Mysterious Visions of The Mind’s Eye has been edited and some minor tweaks remain to be done. Now the heavy work begins ‘getting it ready to be published’ at least the front of the book cover is completed.

See for more information. It would be greatly appreciated if you would take the opportunity to listen to READINGS BY D.R. HAMILTON.


A heartfelt thanks to those who have bought and read my book Angel Spirit of Retribution. As a first-time author, I must admit having to deal with many challenges with COVID thrown in for good measure. I am not one to give up easily and hope to have Mysterious Visions of the Mind's Eye in print sometime in 2021. A third book is in the offing and should be ready for beta reading in 2021.

Also thanks to my patrons, family, and friends who have supported and encouraged my efforts in writing tales that need to be told.

Visit my website for more news.

Belly rubs to the little furball whose alter ego appears in my stories and tends to model with my books. He is now requesting part of the royalties I receive.

Stay safe and warm.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays it is time to pull out the magic of perseverance in dealing with challenging times. We are a resilient lot and we will overcome. Stay safe and warm.


Hello everyone

Gibbs would like you to check out READINGS BY D.R. HAMILTON on


As you can see I am trying to figure out why I can hear Diane's voice coming from the laptop but I can't see her. I guess she has become ethereal like the Siamese cat in her stories.😂😂

Have a great weekend everyone but please keep safe.


This story begins with a boy child born on Christmas Day. Unbeknownst to Angel, he is to become a very special human. Follow his story from his early years as he encounters difficult challenges and begins to understand his extraordinary gifts. Although the book has an ending the story continues.

Visit my website

A Tale To Tell – D.R.Hamilton 18/11/2020

My website Newsletter has now gone out to those who have subscribed by entering their email address on

A Tale To Tell – D.R.Hamilton An innocent born with a purpose replete with an inner being and special powers. It is a very different sort of beginning, compounded by the fact that he is unaware that he is an angel and 'chosen'. Think 'Columbo' and 'The Twilight Zone' with sprinkling of 'Touched by an Angel', and King Tutt's tomb... 31/10/2020

Enjoy the day stay safe.






The website's NEWSLETTER is in its final stage of the design and will be sent out once the new features to the area CHAT WITH D.R. HAMILTON are completed. If you wish to receive the newsletter please enter your email under NEWSLETTER on the HOME page. Stay tuned for further developments.


Took courage into my hands and became a tweeter on Twitter

Will see how it goes and who knows I may need to be rescued.

Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.



This is only my belief as an author. We as authors often have no choice but to go with the flow in telling our stories and do the best we can with what is given to us. We may get frustrated, angry, or even pi**ed off at our fruitless writing attempts but perhaps we are fortunate because we can get lost in the stories we tell. If we are lucky possibly somebody will pick up our books and kindly think, ‘Thanks author for allowing me to join you on your journey or adventure and leave my everyday trials and tribulations behind, even for just a little while’

Like the beautiful Hibiscus in this picture, an author thrives when nurtured.


A week of ups and downs but I managed to keep my sanity. At least I think I have, my friends and family may not think so. However, that is another tale to be told.

Mysterious Visions of The Mind's Eye is still suffering from a beta read and the editor's sharp pen (I lied I should have said the red of the correction facility on her laptop). It was not that bad but I thought I would needle her.

Angel the character in Angel Spirit of Retribution is still watching over his story hoping more activity will ensue as he fights the long hard road of marketing.
Let us hope next week .....Oh well, I will leave that for next week.

Photos from Author D.R. Hamilton's post 09/08/2020

Now that the gardens have been tended to before the rains come, it is time to write before I fall asleep.



It is early morning all the home tasks are done and it is time to join my fictional characters on their daily trek through the Amazon Valley. The path is long a winding and the challenges are many. However, determination and perseverance will prevail. At least that is what I've been told.

Onward and upward goes the author to achieve the ultimate goals set out before her on that day. The editorial corrections to be done and the next adventure progressing at a snail's pace.

The stories go on and must be told.


Finally, high temperatures are taking a break and the rain has come.

Finished beta read of my second book Mysterious Visions of The Mind's Eye. Now in the hands of my editor for review and beta read.

Worked on a preliminary design of the newsletter which will be available through my website when you sign up for the Newsletter.

Holiday Monday after working in the garden will continue working on the third book.


I received this question from on my page

In "Angel Spirit of Retribution... I am CURIOUS...the "Gibby Mobile"? Ok ..where did the name come from? Any special significance? In an action thriller... and in a sense, this part of the book at least is an action thriller. I would have expected a name like "Apache" helicopter or "Cobra". tell, please...

"The Gibby Mobile" is my own ever so faithful RV which is named after my loving fur person Gibbs.

I am not a violent person by nature but I do acknowledge the maelstrom of malevolence which the world and humanity have been encountering seemingly forever. It is my way of adding a little light-heartedness to high-intensity situations. The Gibby Mobile although a highly sophisticated vehicle after having been refurbished as GM1 is still Angel's ever-faithful RV and could in all honesty only be rivaled by Angel's trusty motorcycle Wings.

I hope this answer gives you a better sense of how my way of telling stories keeps things in perspective and maybe is true to life itself. I may be a dreamer in some ways but in my opinion, the majority of humankind is not evil in fact they are kind and loving. Unfortunately, one bad apple ruins it for the barrel. Eutopia will not happen in my lifetime but I believe someday common sense will win setting everything right.


Thank you to all who have put a 'like' on my Author

Who Did What in Every Agatha Christie Murder Novel 04/07/2020

I have enjoyed the Agatha Christie Murder Novels. I could not help but enjoy the little grey cells of Hercule Poirot. Miss Marple was able to get her man or woman by being nosy. Vive la differance.

Who Did What in Every Agatha Christie Murder Novel All of the author’s deadly plots, plotted. (Spoilers if you look closely.)


This was my first attempt at writing a blog dealing with my books for .
D.R. Hamilton's Blog: A TALE TO TELL - New Blogger - May 20, 2020 14:34
My first attempt at using the blog on Goodreads.

The love of writing and telling stories are my main goals. Currently, the second book is almost finished editing and the third book is well underway. The first book is currently available online in paperback, hardcover, and e-book format. Sadly the pandemic hit just as I was about to visit local bookstores.


Hello D.R. this is Angel from your story ‘Angel Spirit of Retribution’ I am well aware that I am a creation of your imagination. I am curious, how is it that I came to be, and why you decided to tell my story?

Hello, Angel it sure took you long enough to contact me. Yes, you are a creation of my imagination, which some may see as …... well “different”. There is a story behind your coming to life ………. to be continued.
