

Just a small initiative to spread positivity. Help people with some motivational posts and videos.

We talk about mental health, self love, inspiration, positivity, self help and everything which can help us all in our life.


Everyone has a different meaning for success, so what is yours?

Once we achieve our goal (short/long term) we tend to dream more, crave for more and want more. This is human behaviour but I feel it's a trap and most of the times we get stuck and drain our energies.

I personally have been in this place until I was able to decide what success means to me: so many definitions but the one which makes peace to my soul is this one. I hope everyone in this world find peace and keep smiling.

Let me know your definition of success in the comments below, I promise I won't judge anyone! Have a fun Sunday guys❀️🌞


As we have enter 2021 here are some little things which will impact your day for better. If you win morning, you win the day.

PS- I am following this routine for past 15 days and my day starts with positivity and gratitude.

I hope this helps and share this with your loved ones😊
Have a great day everyone ❀️


There are times when we expect others to choose us over anything. But the thing is it's not going to happen. Yes! Some people do choose us like our parents but apart from that it's rare. In such situation we get upset and for once we forget that no matter anyone chooses you or not ALWAYS choose YOURSELF over others. Your mental health, your peace of mind, and your self respect. Forgive yourself and accept yourself the way you are because it's NEVER too LATE to choose YOURSELF. And remember keep smiling πŸ€—β€οΈ


Be the best version of yourself.


There are rough days/phases in our life where everything feels worthless, and we doubt our capability. Just remember it is just a bad day and not a bad life. No one else is like you, which makes you unique, and that is your POWER. I hope you're having a good day. Keep smilingπŸ˜„



Most of the time, we don't understand what exactly we feel. So keep track of your feelings. Figure out what are your values and principles in life and why you want to follow them. Communicate with your partners, friends about what is okay and what is not. Listen to them as well, and respect their boundaries as well. Learn to say NO. It's ok to say NO. Stop blaming yourself for people's mistakes. Stay away or at least maintain some distance from people who are bothering your mental health. In this whole process, you might feel selfish or rude, but it is not. After setting boundaries, your relationship with yourself, and people will be amazing. You will feel at peace and happier. Setting boundaries can take time, but it's worth it.


Boundaries: This word has helped me so much in these past 6-7 months. I am still practicing, and I want to talk about its importance. You need to set boundaries when:
β€’ You continuously explain yourself to people(which I did a LOT)
β€’ Afraid to say NO
β€’ You don't want to disappoint others.
β€’ Feel selfish when if you do what's best for you.
β€’ Sometimes you feel people manipulate your emotions just so you do what they want, and many.

It might sound simple, but it isn't. Because when you set new boundaries, you have to let go of the old way of being. Patience, self-acceptance, and understanding yourself is a part of setting boundaries.

PS- If you disagree with this, then it is okay. And if you do, then try and let me know your experience.



"Don't mix bad words with your bad mood. You'll have many opportunities to change a mood, but you'll never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke." This is one of my favourite quote. Your words form your reality. When you say something which will hurt the other person but it will also affect you. Deep down you will feel guilty for what you said and that feeling is disturbing. While the other person will be angry, hurt, disappointed but all of this will built over time and someday it might explode. Yes, I know sometimes we all deal with sh*tty people but try not to waste your energy and time on them. Practice to deal with such people in a positive way, so that you don't get affected by any means.

Tip - Reply with a smile so they get confuse!! ( Only applicable when dealing with sh*tty people)


There are other scientific reasons if you want to know then Google it πŸ˜›. I hope you all keep smiling and spread positivity with your smile.
Have a Good Day! πŸ€—


People often ask me why do you smile too much? I am like do I really need a reason to smile? Well I don't think so!πŸ€·πŸ˜‚
But I reply people with this quote!! It's free man and anything which is free make the most of it. Apart from this, it gives a sense of happiness, positivity, also makes you a bit stress-free.
PS- Video will be coming soon on this topic.
Have a good day and remember
