

The adventures of a Hill Runner

Photos from HillRunner's post 09/02/2024

5th at the Winter Spine Challenger and only a few minutes slower than summer. It was a bit of a disappointing race as I wanted to do better than I did. I had been ill since Christmas so wasn't fully fit when I hit the start line. I almost packed it in at CP1 as I really struggled to get going, dropping at least 15 places from 4th by the time I reached CP1.

I decided to continue anyway and found a new lease of life through the night. I felt good and kept catching people and picking them off, it was really motivating.

The lack of reception on cam high road meant that I had no idea I was so close to 3rd and 4th place. As I topped out on ten end I saw them on the tracker and put my foot down, literally doing 7 minute miles in a bid to catch up. I crossed the line only a couple of minutes behind them - close but no cigar.

Hopefully I'll be back next January and make up for it!

Photos from HillRunner's post 17/12/2023

Back in the summer I managed to finish 2nd in the Montane Summer Spine Challenger.

I've been training super hard in preparation to take on the winter edition in January and I'm hoping to run a strong race 🙏


Out training on the icy wet trails again! Also nice to feel some pre-spine wintery weather.


I don't really do road races anymore but I have been trying to get into London for years now and I got a place in the ballot so I swapped my road shoes for my trail shoes for a change!

Having sprained my ankle in January (missing the Spine Challenger) and then having an operation on my ear literally weeks ago - I didn't have too many expectations as my training had been patchy at best.

I just went and enjoyed myself, ran my own race and tried to pace myself as best I could while trying to do the best I possibly could.

At mile 18 I was feeling good but I was unsure that I could keep up the sub 7 minute miles for another hour but I plodded on. By mile 24 everything was hurting but I found it easier to ignore the pain with the cheering from the crowd, it really was amazing and inspiring.

The last kilometer was hell on earth but I kept my legs going all the way to the finish line and I was so close to a sub 3hr time with 3:03.

My pacing was pretty constant throughout the race which I'm proud of. I ran a very disciplined race and I'm really happy... I just wish I'd got a sub 3!

Really excited about my races for the rest of the season now!
