The Anxiety Detox Method: Learn How To Relieve Anxiety Naturally

The Anxiety Detox Method: Learn How To Relieve Anxiety Naturally

Hi! I'm Dr. Riley- a coach and doctor that empowers people to conquer anxiety and reclaim their lives.

Through my proprietary, evidence based system I honor your journey while supporting you through group and one-on-one transformational coaching.


It's not too late to still tackle those New Year's Resolutions that have taken a backseat. January 1 might feel like a lifetime ago, but in my practice I have found that the best resolutions are those that are made to last throughout the year.

Let's make 2021 the best one yet! Below are some tried and true decluttering tips that help get a handle on our personal space and anxiety triggers.

To avoid overwhelm, I find that it's best to start small and make it an ongoing project... especially helpful while we are staying home more these days.

Tips from my practice that I share with patients:

1. Start with 5 minutes at a time-

✅ Slowly build momentum with just five minutes a day.

2. Give one item away each day-

✅ DId you know the average American "room" in a home has close to 500 items! Giving away one item from your home each day throughout the year would remove 365 items every single year from your home.

3. Fill an entire trash bag.

✅ Get a trash bag and fill it as fast as you can with things you can donate to your favorite charity.

4. Donate clothes you never wear.

✅ To identify them, simply hang everything in the closet with hangers in the reverse direction. After wearing an item, face the hanger in the correct direction. Discard the clothes never touched after a few months.

5. Create a decluttering checklist.

✅ It’s a lot easier to declutter when there is a visual representation of where to get started.

6. View your home as a first-time visitor.

✅ We get comfortable in our own space so it’s easy to “forget” what a home looks like to a new visitor. Enter the home as if you’re visiting the home of a friend. Write down first impressions on how clean and organized the home is and make changes.

7. Take before and after photos of a small area.

✅ Choose one part of the home, like the kitchen counter, and take a photo of a small area. Quickly clean off the items in the photo and take an after photo. Once you see how your home could look, it becomes easier to start decluttering more of it.

8. Get help from a friend.

✅ Have a friend or family member go through your home and suggest a handful of big items to throw away or give to someone else. If you defend the item and want to keep it, your friend has to agree with your reason. If they don’t agree, it’s time to get rid of it.

9. Use the Four-Box Method.

✅ Get four boxes and label them: trash, give away, keep, or re-locate. Enter any room in your home and place each item into one of the following boxes. Don’t skip a single item, no matter how insignificant you may think it is. This may take days, weeks, or months, but it will help clarify how many items you really own and you’ll know exactly what to do with each item.

10. Try the 12-12-12 challenge.

✅Locate 12 items to throw away, 12 to donate, and 12 to be returned to their proper home

No matter which decluttering tip you choose to get started – whether it be one of these ten or one of countless others – the goal is to take your first step in decluttering your life with excitement behind it.

There is a big connection between anxiety and clutter in our home environment. My goal is to help as many people as possible live their best lives possible. Let us know in the comments tips that have worked for you!

Dr. Riley LAc., DACM, DiplOM
-California Board Certified Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental -Medicine
-Member: National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
-Functional Medicine Practitioner
-Certified Health, Life and Wellness Coach

*The above is not intended to be specific diagnostic or prescriptive medical advice. Please consult with your physician or a mental health professional if the above issues are out of your control.


There's 1 question that high-achieving patients always ask me...

“What’s the best way to get a handle on my anxiety?"

(For the quick answer, click below to take this shortcut to join our free Facebook™ Group 👇)

And as a busy professional, I understand the frustration.

Because I used to experience:

✅ Being stuck in overwhelm
✅ Just going through the motions of life
✅ Keeping it “together” for everyone else
✅ Gut issues, restless sleep and irritability
✅ Exhaustion from being on “overdrive” 24/7

Honestly, I was at the end of my rope.

Fast forward to one day, after nearly 10 years in medical school and starting two successful practices from scratch-- it all came to a head.

My body literally rebelled against me.

But there's a happy ending to this story...

After my health crisis I dusted myself off, got grounded and invested in the right coaches, mentors and therapists to go from chaos to clarity.

Putting myself first literally saved my life. I've done a total 180 and have never been in a better place physically and emotionally.

Now, I share nearly 20 years of growth, learning and experience, in a free Facebook™ Group for other busy professionals and high-achievers who are ready to:

⭐️ Claim their calm and improve relationships
⭐️ Regain and reclaim emotional freedom
⭐️ Get to the root of physical pain
⭐️ Balance out their bodily systems
⭐️ Unleash their natural gifts, powers and joy

With my one-of-a-kind method patients report they finally "feel seen”, feel like “themselves again" and are living life on their own terms- not as hostages to their emotions and pain.

We do this together with a unique system that honors your personal story.

So, the short and honest answer to the original question is...
there's no single magic “fix”.

But here’s the good news: I see you and I can help.

Have you been down a similar road and can relate?

If thats a "YES!", then welcome home.

To start your journey from crisis to clarity, click below to join our free Facebook™ group 👇:

We'll see ya on the other side!

-Dr. Riley LAc, DACM, Dipl.OM


There's 1 question that high-achieving patients always ask me...

“What’s the best way to get a handle on my anxiety?"

(For the quick answer, click below to take this shortcut to join our free Facebook™ Group 👇)

And as a busy professional, I understand the frustration.

Because I used to experience:

✅ Being stuck in overwhelm
✅ Just going through the motions of life
✅ Keeping it “together” for everyone else
✅ Gut issues, restless sleep and irritability
✅ Exhaustion from being on “overdrive” 24/7

It felt like I'd tried everything and nothing really worked.

Honestly, I was at the end of my rope.

Fast forward to one day, after nearly 10 years in medical school and starting two successful practices from scratch-- it all came to a head.

My body literally rebelled against me.

But there's a happy ending to this story...

After my health crisis I finally put myself first so I could use my experience and education to help others overcome the overwhelm too.

I dusted myself off, got grounded and invested in the right coaches, mentors and therapists.

Since then I've devoted my entire career to learning and implementing easy to follow, natural and scientific methods to reclaim our lives from the grip of chronic anxiety.

Putting myself first literally saved my life and I've done a total 180.

Nowadays, I couldn't be happier with where I'm at.

And I want that for you too...

I share nearly 20 years of growth, learning and experience, in a free Facebook™ Group for other busy professionals and high-achievers who are ready to:

⭐️ Claim their calm and improve relationships
⭐️ Regain and reclaim emotional freedom
⭐️ Get to the root of physical pain
⭐️ Balance out their bodily systems
⭐️ Unleash their natural gifts, powers and joy

My patients finally "feel seen”, feel like “themselves again" and are living life on their own terms- not as hostages to their emotions and pain.

So, the short and honest answer to the original question is...
there is no single magic “fix”.

But here’s the good news: I see you and I can help.

Just like the thousands of others I've empowered to finally claim their calm with a clear system for healing that puts YOU in the driver's seat.

Have you been down a similar road and can relate?

If thats a "YES!", then welcome home.

To start your journey, click below to join our free Facebook™ group 👇:

We'll see ya on the other side!

-Dr. Riley LAc, DACM, Dipl.OM


As a doctor, there's a question I get asked all the time...

"Is there one single solution to overcoming anxiety?"

And as a busy professional myself, I get the frustration.

See, I used to battle it most of my adult life and also experienced:

✅ Constant overwhelm
✅ Simply going through the motions of life
✅ “Together” on the outside but breaking down inside
✅ Gut issues, restless sleep and irritability
✅ Exhaustion from being on “overdrive” 24/7

The list goes on and on right?

To jump ahead, join our free Facebook™ group below 👇

Eventually, after nearly 10 years in medical school and then starting a busy practice from scratch my body literally rebelled against me.

I basically had what we call a "health crisis" and it's what it took for me to finally take a stand for my own life.

At last I said, “enough is enough.”

See, I'd watched this all play out before....

After witnessing chronic anxiety upend my own mother’s health, I saw the early warning signs right in front of me.

Then and there I made the choice to devote my practice to learning realistic, natural and evidence-based methods to "overcome the overwhelm."

I did this by investing in my own physical health, mental health and education.

Since then, my life has done a total 180 and I hardly recognize the person that I was years ago.

Thanks to Facebook™, I now have a platform to share my journey and what I've learned with the world.

Years ago I devoted my entire career to helping high-achieving women:

⭐️ Claim their calm
⭐️ Regain emotional freedom
⭐️ Reclaim their lives from burnout
⭐️ Get to the root of physical pain
⭐️ Balance out their body’s systems
⭐️ Unleash their natural gifts, powers and joy

To finally feel like “themselves” again and live life on their own terms.

So to answer the original question, there is no single magic “fix”.

It requires a holistic, natural method with a caring coach and community of others who are ready to learn and grow together.

And here's even better news...

To help share nearly 20 years of growth and learning I've created a free Facebook™ group for women ready to conquer stress and reclaim their lives.

It's time to live the best life possible…the one you deserve.

It's and honor and a privilege to help lead the way.

We look forward to seeing you in there.

Click there to join our free group 👇

-Dr. Riley


Did you know that anxiety is a hidden superpower just waiting to be shared with the world?

Does it feel like “overwhelm” has been getting in the way of unleashing the best version of yourself?

Tap here to join 👇

If so, that’s that “stuck” feeling so many of my patients describe to me before I work with them.

I have good news…

Feeling “at the end of your rope” is not your fault.

Because up until now, the coaching and tools needed to discover the natural gifts within haven’t been shared.

I know that anxiety can be turned into your hidden superpower.

I believe this because I’ve seen the shift.

I realize that’s a big claim.

But I’m speaking from personal experience here...

I’m Dr. Riley Smith LAc, DACM and for the past 15 years my practice has been devoted to treating women for:

✅ Anxiety
✅ Stress
✅ Burnout
✅ Overwhelm

As a private community, we learn and share solutions in my free Facebook™ Group: The Anxiety Detox Method.

See, I had battled anxiety most of my life until I finally invested in my own health.

I learned how to transform it into a tool that now helps me live life to the fullest.

Growing up, I also saw how anxiety affected my own mother’s health.

I’ve made it my life’s mission to help other busy women like her regain emotional freedom, clarity and abundance.

Together we break the chains of chronic stress by learning how to “flip the switch”...

and turn anxiety into a tool that helps create a happier, healthier and more well-rounded life.

Ready to learn more about The Anxiety Detox Method?

Are you ready to finally “claim your calm”, share solutions and grow together?

Click the link below to join our free Facebook™ Group 👇

Become a part of our community and begin a journey toward inner peace and healing with:

✅ Weekly Livestreams
✅ Value-packed information to get started today
✅ A community of others ready to take action and grow
✅ And much, much more…

We’ll see you inside!
-Dr. Riley

Dr. Riley Smith LAc., DACM, DiplOM
🌿 California Board Certified Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
🌿 Member: National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
🌿 Master Herbalist
🌿 Functional Medicine Practitioner
🌿 Certified Health and Wellness Coac


Did you know that anxiety is both a gift and a superpower just waiting to be shared with the world?

Does it feel like “overwhelm” has been getting in the way of unleashing the best version of yourself?

Tap here to join 👇

If so, that’s that “stuck” feeling so many of my patients describe to me before I work with them.

I have good news…
Feeling “at the end of your rope” is not your fault.

Because up until now, the coaching and tools needed to discover the natural gifts within haven’t been shared.

I strongly believe anxiety is a hidden superpower.

I believe this because I’ve seen the shift.

I realize that’s a big claim.

But I’m speaking from personal experience here...

I’m Dr. Riley Smith LAc, DACM and for the past 15 years my practice has been devoted to treating women for:

✅ Anxiety
✅ Stress
✅ Burnout

As a private community, we learn and share solutions in my free Facebook™ Group: The Anxiety Detox Method.

See, I had battled anxiety most of my life until I finally invested in my own health.

I learned how to transform it into a tool that now helps me live life to the fullest.

Growing up, I also saw how anxiety affected my own mother’s health.

I’ve made it my life’s mission to help other busy women like her regain emotional freedom, clarity and abundance.

Together we break the chains of chronic stress by learning how to “flip the switch”...

and turn anxiety into a tool that helps create a happier, healthier and more well-rounded life.

Ready to learn more about The Anxiety Detox Method?

Are you ready to finally “claim your calm”, share solutions and grow together?

Click the link below to join our free Facebook™ Group

Become a part of our community and begin a journey toward inner peace and healing with:

✅ Weekly Livestreams
✅ Value-packed information to get started today
✅ A community of others ready to take action and grow
✅ And much, much more…

We’ll see you inside!
-Dr. Riley


There are superpowers and gifts within just waiting to be shared with the world 🌍

Are you ready to discover yours? 👇

Does it feel like anxiety has been “getting in the way” of sharing them?

That’s that “stuck” feeling so many of my patients describe to me.

I have good news…

Feeling “at the end of your rope” is not your fault.

Because up until now, the tools to unwrap the natural gifts within haven’t been shared.

I believe anxiety is a hidden superpower.

And I realize that’s a big claim.

But I’m speaking from personal experience here...

I’m Dr. Riley Smith LAc, DACM and for the past 15 years my practice has been devoted to treating women for anxiety, stress and burnout.

As a private community, we learn and share solutions in my free Facebook™ Group: The Anxiety Detox Method.

See, I had battled anxiety most of my life until I finally learned how to transform it into a tool that now helps me live life to the fullest.

Growing up, I also saw how anxiety affected my own mother’s health.

I’ve made it my life’s mission to help other busy women like her regain emotional freedom, clarity and abundance.

Together we break the chains of chronic stress by learning how to “flip the switch”...

and turn anxiety into an tool that helps create a happier, healthier and more well-rounded life.

Ready to claim calm once and for all, share solutions and grow together?

Click the link below to join our free Facebook™ Group 👇

Become a part of our community and begin a journey toward inner peace and healing 🙏

We’ll see you inside!

-Dr. Riley


I’ve never believed in a one-size-fits-all method for treating are special, unique and you are seen.

The methods to reclaim your life from overwhelm should be as individual as you are.

Does that resonate with you?

We’d love to have you learn and grow with us.

Tap below to join 👇

For the past 15 years my goal has been to simplify health and stress management…

…to remove the mystery and make wellness accessible, approachable and fun 🎉

After helping thousands of patients reclaim their lives from the grip of anxiety, I can finally share these lessons with the power of a free Facebook™ Group: The Anxiety Detox Method

Expanding reach and building community (which is so important these days) are my passions.

See, you're not “over-the-counter”.

You are:

✅ unique
✅ special
✅ one-of-a-kind
✅ enough

You deserve to have a method to reclaim your life from anxiety that reflects your personality and respects your journey.

You deserve to have an approach that’s as unique as you are.

Welcome home.

Tap below to join us 👇

We'll see you inside!

Dr. Riley Smith LAc., DACM, DiplOM
🌿 California Board Certified Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
🌿 Member: National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
🌿 Master Herbalist
🌿 Functional Medicine Practitioner
🌿 Certified Health and Wellness Coach


There are superpowers and gifts within just waiting to be shared with the world 🌍

Does it feel like anxiety has been “getting in the way” of sharing them?

That’s that “stuck” feeling so many of my patients describe to me.

I have good news…

Feeling “at the end of your rope” is not your fault.

Because up until now, the tools to unwrap the natural gifts within haven’t been shared.

I believe anxiety is a hidden superpower.

Are you ready to discover yours?👇

Hey, I realize that’s a big claim.

But I’m speaking from personal experience here...

I’m Dr. Riley Smith LAc, DACM and for the past 15 years my practice has been devoted to treating women for anxiety, stress and burnout.

As a private community, we learn and share solutions in my free Facebook™ Group: The Anxiety Detox Method.

See, I had battled anxiety most of my life until I finally learned how to transform it into a tool that now helps me live life to the fullest.

Growing up, I also saw how anxiety affected my own mother’s health.

I’ve made it my life’s mission to help other busy women like her regain emotional freedom, clarity and abundance.

Together we break the chains of chronic stress by learning how to “flip the switch”...

and turn anxiety into an tool that helps create a happier, healthier and more well-rounded life.

Ready to claim calm once and for all, share solutions and grow together?

Click the link below to join our free Facebook™ Group 👇

Become a part of our community and begin a journey toward inner peace and healing 🙏

We’ll see you inside!

-Dr. Riley


Ready to transform anxiety into a personal superpower? 💥

Hey, I realize that’s a big claim.

But I’m speaking from personal experience here...

I’ve been there too and ❤️ sharing what I’ve learned with the world.

I’m Dr. Riley Smith LAc, DACM and for the past 15 years my practice has been devoted to treating women for anxiety, stress and burnout.

After helping thousands of patients over the years, my signature Detox 360 Protocol™ has helped women overcome overwhelm and go from surviving ➡️ to ➡️ thriving.

As a private community, we learn and share solutions in my free Facebook™ Group: The Anxiety Detox Method.

See, I had battled anxiety most of my life until I finally learned how to transform it into a tool that now helps me live life to the fullest.

Growing up, I also saw how anxiety affected my own mother’s health.

And now, I’ve made it my life’s mission to help other busy women like her regain emotional freedom, clarity and abundance.

I’ve devoted my entire practice to this sacred work ✨

Together we break the chains of chronic stress by learning how to “flip the switch”...

and turn anxiety into an tool that helps create a happier, healthier and more well-rounded life.

Ready to claim calm once and for all, share solutions and grow together?

Click the link below to join our free Facebook™ Group 👇

Become a part of our community and begin a journey toward inner peace and healing 🙏

We’ll see you inside!

-Dr. Riley


Ready to transform anxiety into a personal superpower? 💥

Hey, I realize that’s a big claim.

But I’m speaking from personal experience here...

I’ve been there too and ❤️ sharing what I’ve learned with the world.

I’m Dr. Riley Smith LAc, DACM and for the past 15 years my practice has been devoted to treating women for anxiety, stress and burnout.

After helping thousands of patients over the years, my signature Detox 360 Protocol™ has helped women overcome overwhelm and go from surviving ➡️ to ➡️ thriving.

As a private community, we learn and share solutions in my free Facebook™ Group: The Anxiety Detox Method.

See, I had battled anxiety most of my life until I finally learned how to transform it into a tool that now helps me live life to the fullest.

Growing up, I also saw how anxiety affected my own mother’s health.

And now, I’ve made it my life’s mission to help other busy women like her regain emotional freedom, clarity and abundance.

I’ve devoted my entire practice to this sacred work ✨

Together we break the chains of chronic stress by learning how to “flip the switch”...

and turn anxiety into an tool that helps create a happier, healthier and more well-rounded life.

Ready to claim calm once and for all, share solutions and grow together?

Click the link below to join our free Facebook™ Group 👇

Become a part of our community and begin a journey toward inner peace and healing 🙏

We’ll see you inside!

-Dr. Riley


Is "overcoming the overwhelm" really possible? I've made it my life's work to find out...

And after treating thousands of women throughout my career I have created a scientific plan to help you do exactly that-

Master your emotional response to stress and f-i-n-a-l-l-y overcome overwhelm.

I've created a free Facebook™ Group where we explore the different ways our hectic lives can stack the odds against us and share solutions that really work for achieving a stress-proof mind and lifestyle.

Tap the link below to request your invite:

I'll see you inside.

Dr. Riley Smith LAc., DACM, DiplOM

🌿 California Board Certified Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
🌿 Member: National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
🌿 Master Herbalist
🌿 Functional Medicine Practitioner
🌿 Certified Health and Wellness Coach


Knowledge is power. But what good is knowledge without the know-how?

The reality is, it’s basically useless. Holler if this sounds familiar:

✅ Shelves full of self-help books
✅ Yoga mat in the corner gathering dust
✅ Countless meditation downloads never listened to
✅ Friends and family oversharing what’s worked for them
✅ "It’s all in your head" and given things don’t want to take

Are you feelin' me here? I've been there too.

Here's the thing, we have access to more information than any other time in history. And while this is amazing, the downside is...

Way too much information.

Been feeling the information overload too?

For me, I’ve found that creating and sticking to a scientific plan made simple did the trick. And guess what--

Not only has it worked for me, but also for thousands of other patients I've treated over the past decade--

Just like K.G. from San Diego,

“After working with Riley, I was finally able to manage my anxiety. I was so nervous starting this program but upon joining Riley was so kind and made me feel “at home”. He went over everything in detail and walked me through how to get started. Once I got rolling I never looked back!”

K.G. got started by clicking here👇

Just like K.G. above, don't you also think your strategies to "overcome the overwhelm" should be as unique as you are?

Because there's no one size fits all and sometimes it takes a community and a coach to reach the other side.

In my free Facebook™ Group: Finding Center: Claiming Calm + Creating Balance in The Modern World, we explore the different ways our hectic lives can stack the odds against us and share solutions that really work!

And just like you, we never give up:

⭐️ Free resources to help you get started today
⭐️ Fellow warriors reclaiming their lives from anxiety
⭐️ Priority access to coaching programs and specials
⭐️ Livestreams sharing my exclusive tips, tricks and methods

….are just a few of the benefits of our group.

It’s time we draw a line in the sand and finally get unstuck.

Are you like most everyone else and up to your ears with random "solutions", dusty yoga mats and unused how-to books that still smell like they came right from the printer?

Does an organized system with the support of fellow cheerleaders celebrating your victories sound like something you've been looking for?

Well, you have a home here.

It’s my personal mission to help you overcome the overwhelm and replace it with a system of simple steps you can start today to help you live your best life.

Because just like you, I live in the real world too.

Welcome home.

Click link below to claim your calm👇

Dr. Riley Smith LAc., DACM, DiplOM

🌿 California Board Certified Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
🌿 Member: National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
🌿 Master Herbalist
🌿 Functional Medicine Practitioner
🌿 Certified Health and Wellness Coach


Did you know that nearly half of all Americans would rather skip the holidays all together?

Why? Well. Stress is the short answer.

After treating thousands of patients over the past 15 years for stress and anxiety this comes as no surprise. The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way!

My goal is to help as many people as possible to live their best lives. Being that we are (already!) at that time of year again, below is a list of my top 8 exclusive tools* I share with patients to stop holiday anxiety in its tracks:

1. 💥 Get organized: Constant thinking and fight or flight mode with no outlet means all that built up energy has nowhere to go. Giving our brains a project while using our hands is an awesome outlet to release some excess steam- and your messy closet will thank you!

2. ❤️ Hugs, hugs and more hugs: Not only does physical contact release oxytocin (yep that same neurotransmitter that’s on overdrive when we are crushin’ hard for someone) but the simple act of external pressure signals to our brains that we are safe. If there is no one handy, hug yourself! Weighted blankets are great investment too.

3. 🐶 Four legged friends: If you have a dog or cat, keep them nearby. Pet them if you can for oxytocin release. There’s a reason puppy and kitten videos are so popular!

4. 🍰 Cook and bake: Not only does this give your brain and hands an external project to work on but even oxytocin is released when our eyes see fruits and veggies that are brightly colored. The more you know…

5. 😴 Get your zzz’s: Being “on” all the time is too much for the body to handle. Napping is a fantastic way to let your body reset. A 20-30 minute power nap can do wonders. Even if you cant sleep, simply resting your eyes and laying down for a bit does the trick.

6. 👟 Walk it off: Movement is kryptonite for anxiety. A simple walk does a body good! Just a 1-15 minute stroll resets our nervous system and the extra oxygen intake has a calming effect.

7. 🤣 Shake, rattle and roll: Walking not your thing? Then shake it off! I mean, really shake. Shake out your arms and legs like you are trying to knock a creepy spider off. Roll your head around, twist your torso. Incorporate breathing in through your nose and deep belly exhales out your mouth.

8. 🎧 Finally, put your ears to work: Listening to your favorite music elevates your mood and interrupts the fight or flight track. Better yet, go to your car and belt it out like nobody’s watching.

Any and all of these can be incorporated into a daily practice or use one as 🚨“break glass in case of emergency” 🚨situation when the holiday stress seems like it’s just more than you can handle.

I hope these time-tested tips and tricks help you to claim your calm and find center this holiday season. Feeling overwhelmed this time of the year is normal but it doesn’t have to rob you of its joy.

Dr. Riley LAc., DACM, DiplOM

-California Board Certified Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental -Medicine
-Member: National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
-Functional Medicine Practitioner
-Certified Health, Life and Wellness Coach

*The above is not intended to be specific diagnostic or prescriptive medical advice. Please consult with your physician before engaging in any new activity or if symptoms arise.