Life Coach.

Life Coach.

Helping people navigate through toxic situations. We all need somone who will listen and CARE.




Feeling good is a choice.


Just be your lovely self and know that you are lovely


Having trouble breaking free from past regret.
Do you feel stuck, bogged down and feel like giving up? Don't!
Book a free session with me at [email protected] and let's get
you moving forward again! You can do it but we all need help!


My baby boy, Cognac!
Sometimes I need a good stiff drink of Cognac, as he can be quite demanding little boy but I wouldn't be without him!😉


I drink my coffee in a cute little café on the other side of the bridge, across from the little church.


My mom did not sleep. She felt exhausted. She was irritable, grumpy, and bitter. She was always sick until one day, suddenly, she changed.
One day my dad said to her:
- I've been looking for a job for three months and I haven't found anything, I'm going to have a few beers with friends.
My mom replied:
- It's okay.
My brother said to her:
- Mom, I'm doing poorly in all subjects at the University.
My mom replied:
- Okay, you will recover, and if you don't, well, you repeat the semester, but you pay the tuition.
My sister said to her:
- Mom, I smashed the car.
My mom replied:
- Okay daughter, take it to the car shop & find out how to pay and while they fix it, get around by bus or subway.
Her daughter-in-law said to her:
- Mother-in-law, I came to spend a few months with you.
My mom replied:
- Okay, settle in the living room couch and look for some blankets in the closet.
All of us gathered worried to see these reactions coming from Mom.
We suspected that she had gone to the doctor and that she was prescribed some pills called "I don't give a damn”... Perhaps she was overdosing on these!
We then proposed to do an "intervention" with w/my mother to remove her from any possible addiction she had to some anti-tantrum medication.
But then ... she gathered us around her and my mom explained:
"It took me a long time to realize that each person is responsible for their life. It took me years to discover that my anguish, anxiety, depression, courage, insomnia & my stress, do not solve your problems but aggravate mine.
I am not responsible for the actions of anyone & it’s not my job to provide happiness but I am responsible for the reactions I express to that.
Therefore, I came to the conclusion that my duty to myself is to remain calm and let each one of you solve what corresponds to you.

I can only control myself, you have all the necessary resources to solve your own problems despite how hard they may be. My job is to pray for you, love on you, and encourage you but it’s up to YOU to solve them & find your happiness.
I can only give you my advice if you ask me & it depends on you to follow it or not. There are consequences, good or bad, to your decisions and YOU have to live them.
So from now on, I cease to be the receptacle of your responsibilities, the sack of your guilt, the laundress of your remorse, the advocate of your faults, the wall of your lamentations, the depositary of your duties, who should solve your problems or spare a tire every time to fulfill your responsibilities.
From now on, I declare all independent and self-sufficient adults.
Everyone at my mom's house was speechless.
From that day on, the family began to function better because everyone in the house knew exactly what it was that they needed to do. We want everyone to be happy.
But, the sooner we take that responsibility off of our shoulders & onto each loved one, the better we are preparing them to be responsible.
We are not here on earth to be everything to everyone. Stop putting that pressure on yourself.
Much Love,
Credits goes to the respective owner~
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The narcissist wants you to struggle.
To see you suffer and know it's caused by them
feeds them, fuels them.
Become emotionally tank proof.
It's the only way out of their abyss.


If you are in a bad working relationship with a narcissist
everything suffers in and around you!
Narcissists are ruthlessly driven to plough anyone and anything
out of their way.
How do you keep them from destroying you? (because that's always their goal!)
1. You need to be emotionally and mentally armored like a tank.
2. Book a free session with me to find out how!


It's NEVER too late!
It's never too late to improve your emotional and mental
Book a free session and then- the first step has been taken!
The only way is up!
[email protected]


It's NEVER too late!
It's never too late to improve your emotional and mental
Book a free session and the first step has been taken!


I love December 31st! I love December!
I'm having a glass of champagne with a couple of splashes
of port and with that said:
Thank you all so very much for being your lovely selves.
Keep balanced because balance results in stability and, in all its forms=it's a good thing.


Forgive them anyway=we've all been there


Patience, love, and encouragement=The Word daily

When you have an opportunity to encourage someone, do it. You never know what a person is going through - that’s true whether they live in a mansion or a mud hut. Here’s an important principle to keep in mind: people tend to become what the most important people in their lives think of them! So, think the best, believe the best, and express the best towards them. You say, ‘But they need to stop making the same stupid mistakes!’ Change happens by inches, not miles. Even when it seems simple, it’s rarely easy. The only way we can break old habits is to form new ones, and that takes time and practice - lots of it. You can’t tell people something once and expect them to get it; they need to hear it over and over before they can make the adjustment. And how you tell them can determine whether they freeze in fear or soar above the obstacles. Be persistent. Never give up trying to help them improve. Acknowledge every step of progress they make. The way to get lasting results is through patience, love, and encouragement.


‘I will be with you.’ Joshua 1:5
Because we are keenly aware of our limitations, we tend to limit our pursuits to our comfort zone. And that can lead to a life of mediocrity and unfulfilled dreams. Your efforts don’t rest solely on your shoulders, but on God’s. Yes, you have a part to play. But when you have done your best, you must trust God to do the rest. On the threshold of the promised land, God said to Joshua, ‘As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage 
’ (Joshua 1:5-6). Your ability is limited, but God’s ability is unlimited. You may experience failure on your way to success, but God’s guarantee is, ‘I will not fail you.’ The fear of failure is often based on the erroneous belief that success rests solely on our abilities. And because we’re aware of our inadequacies, we stay in our comfort zone instead of tackling the giants in the promised land. This can lead to a life of frustration over ‘what could have been’. When you know that what you want lines up with God’s will, be bold and know that you will eventually succeed. ‘Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him’ (1 John 5:14-15 NKJV). When your confidence is ‘in Him’, your success is assured. When you know that what you want is what God wants, you can move forward in strength.

The WORD for Today.

Afforable Coaching that fits in with your budget!

Sophie & Renata offer their coaching services, to sort your wardrobe & get the best look for YOU or to help you gain the confidence you deserve to feel! Affordable coaching that fits in with your budget!
