Yvie M.

Yvie M.

Author, Speaker, & Lifestyle Synergist
Yvie has a B.S. in Leadership, an M.S.A in International Business.

Contact her for your next retreat, gathering, or team building event!


“Yvie has stated that this poetry book, in her opinion, is a collection of some of her best written poems! She believes it will resonate with the masses—because of everyone’s need to feel and to be loved by another! While simultaneously awaiting their validation in that love!!

As an author and a hearty reader of a collection of books. Yvie hopes that this series of poetry will become a point of reference that you can continually pick up to read--for affirmations of self-worth and for a constant healthy awareness of how love, being love and sharing love in its many forms can cradle us a lifetime!”


Link in bio!!

Book release Jan. 30th, 2022!



“Yvie has stated that this poetry book, in her opinion, is a collection of some of her best written poems! She believes it will resonate with the masses—because of everyone’s need to feel and to be loved by another! While simultaneously awaiting their validation in that love!!

As an author and a hearty reader of a collection of books. Yvie hopes that this series of poetry will become a point of reference that you can continually pick up to read--for affirmations of self-worth and for a constant healthy awareness of how love, being love and sharing love in its many forms can cradle us a lifetime!”


Book release Jan. 30th, 2022!



I’ve cried a million tears in less than a year...

This year we battled an unbelievable ice storm in Texas that left us without power and no means to food, water, or better shelter for over a week, as a family of 5—while Covid was still a threat.

We battled Covid pneumonia for almost two months time hitting my body, my 20 year old daughters body, and my dad. With my husband and 3 yr old having milder, but painful symptoms of Covid.

We are still picking up the pieces of our hearts from losing my little brother, my 2 uncles, my aunt and my mom in the last 2-3 years. To the news that we just lost our beautiful, baby nephew a few weeks ago.

***Keep us all in your God ordained prayers please—especially my little sister and her mister 💙***

Selah 🖤


However, I am currently in physical therapy for a fall that I had last year—and it got me to thinking.

If one fall (rolled my foot on a rock) could change my whole life structure for a few years—

WHAT could multiple & layered traumas do to ones whole self?

I don’t know the answer to that question for anyone else...but, it constantly leveled me!! (Kept me crying & looking for answers to heal) 🤷🏽‍♀️🥺

BUT as a family, we prayed through it ALL to KEEP ourselves present!!

I have recited Biblical scriptures and listened to healing Words to affirm my mental state—repeatedly!

I have cried a million tears in less than a year and my heart/nor mind is heavy!

I feel everything. I acknowledge what I feel and (as my little sister says) we are riding the waves of grief, as they come.

We talk as a family about what’s going on within us and we look to be there for each other as we continually pick up the pieces of our hearts .

Why share this?

Because “strength” in a battle—is found in numbers AND a strategy!!

I am writing this to say to whomever may need to hear this GET UP!!!

Get to your Word and let the Lord move into your worship/ your mind/ your core and your body!!

Draw from your wealth of wisdom found in wise places!! Find (seek out) loved ones that are willing to lovingly pray/stay and hold you thru—THEY are more precious than ANY cent to be found!!

My life is not worldly perfect & this year has felt like a constant battle for healing!

But I’m pressing on and I pray that we all press on—being there for each other in REAL WAYS as our God has instructed!!

Peace & blessings,
Yvie M.

P.S. I appreciate you taking the time to read, to discern and to truly be present!!



Poem excerpt
“From B to A”, By, Yvie M ©2020



“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”


Hey everyone!!

Thank you so much for your likes and follows!! 🤗

For some reason or another I keep getting spam messages and shares. Please disregard them as I am deleting the spam messages as they populate!

Thank you all again and I will be sharing another update here soon!

Appreciate you all!!

Have a blessed day!

-Yvie ☺️



Everyday we must decide where to invest ourselves—mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Come along this journey with me exploring this world that we live in via poetry and online content.

Hoping to inspire, encourage, enlighten and to embolden each of us to be ever-more present in our living and giving!

-Yvie ☺️

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‘Write to life’ photo & poetry series: By Author & Poet, Yvie M.