Temenos tôn Limnôn

Temenos tôn Limnôn

Temenos tôn Limnôn, a proto-grove of the Minoan Brotherhood


Ύμνος εις Ἑκάτην.

Εἰνοδίην Ἑκάτην κλῄιζω, τριοδῖτιν, ἐραννήν,
οὐρανίην, χθονίαν τε, καὶ εἰναλίην κροκόπεπλον,
τυμβιδίην, ψυχαῖς νεκύων μέτα βακχεύουσαν,
Πέρσειαν, φιλέρημον, ἀγαλλομένην ἐλάφοισιν,
νυκτερίην, σκυλακῖτιν, ἀμαιμάκετον βασίλειαν,
ταυροπόλον, παντὸς κόσμου κληιδοῦχον ἄνασσαν,ἡγεμόνην, νύμφην, κουροτρόφον, οὐρεσιφοῖτιν, λισσόμενοις κούρην τελεταῖς ὁσίαισι παρεῖναι βουκόλῳ εὐμενέουσαν ἀεὶ κεχαρηότι θυμῷ.


What is the best way to celebrate NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY?

Burst out of the closet that confines you and shine the lamp of your personal wisdom on the shadow of fear and delusion.


Edmund Buczynski, Founder of the Minoan Brotherhood, a Mystery Tradition for q***r men. Circa 1974.


For Her Law is Love unto all Beings


There are no big surprises here for Mercury Rx in Cancer.

Revisit ways in which your emotions concentrate or dilute your Work.

Reconnect with Mercury himself, god of financial gain, commerce and eloquence for the Romans and of occult wisdom and power for Crowley and Harris.

You might be glad he’s an ally as you dive into repairing your connection to those deepest feelings and hidden passions that have been stagnating within.

Never fear, though, you’ll be renewing your connection with the virgin goddess of the Moon. Io Artemis!

—Phoibos P. P. X


Χαίρε Αφροδίτη!
