Vlad Apex Body

Vlad Apex Body

I transform skinny guys into chiseled men🔱
Driven by faith🙏
Gained 46 pounds📈
Building a chiseled


‼️ 3 reasons why you are not building muscle...

1.You are not eating enough protein...

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggest that you should consume around 0.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.

2.Your are not training hard enough.

From my experience, to build a chiseled physique you have to be strong, as a natural lifter.
Forget what the bodybuilders are telling you to do...4x12 won't get you anywhere

3.Your recovery is not on point...
Muscles are torn down in the gym and they grow while your are sleeping, so make sure that you sleep AT LEAST 8 hours every night

From this tips with which one do you struggle the most?Drop in the comments your answer and I will give you a solution😀🔱
